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How Nitori and Rin became friends. A Free! request


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I actually cut this a little bit shorter than i meant to, but i was excited to post it xD It's Rin and Nitori from Free! I've been meaning to get round to this for a while, but i kept forgetting, so im glad i finally managed to get it done xD

why is it that all my story ideas are insanely long hahaha xD


It was at the start of his first year at Samezuka high school when Rin found himself sharing yet another new dorm with yet another new stranger. He'd been to boarding schools before, so this was nothing new to him, he was used to it, even if he didnt like it, since he'd always been one to prefer his own space. However, this year, things were slightly different.

His new room mate was Nitori Aiichiro, who Rin considered to be the most annoying, clingy, creepy person in the whole of Samezuka, not to mention the swim club. Nitori had idolised Rin since elementary school when Rin had rescued him from a group of bullies, and since they'd been 'reunited' at the same high school he'd followed him around campus like a little lost puppy. He was in his his classes, he was in his club, he was in his dorm, Rin couldn't get away from him.

And then, not surprisingly due to all the stress, a couple of weeks later Rin came down with a bad cold.

'bebebebeep bebebebeep bebebebeep'

Nitori's eyes sprang open the second he heard Rin's alarm start to go off at 6:30 am, he sat up, yawning and stretching, and looked down over the railing of his top bunk bed. How unusual, normally Rin was the type to turn his alarm straight off, but it was still rining away to itself. They had only been sharing a room for a couple of weeks now, but Nitori already knew most of Rin's household habits, from his food preferences and his sleeping patterns to his bathroom routines.

"Matsuoka," the overly energetic gray haired boy leapt down out of the top bunk bed and stretched his arms high above his head, the cheerful alarm clock was still ringing away on the side table, and Rin was yet to even stir, "It's time to wake up, didn't you say you wanted to get some early morning practice in at 7? I'm going to come with you, so come on and get up!"

"Hnnnn...Nghhhh...Whhha...?" Rin's bleary red eyes half opened when he thought he heard an annoyingly high pitched voice calling his name, he tried to look around for the source of the noise, but his brain and his body felt heavy as though he had been swimming through setting tar all night and he wanted nothing more than to roll over and go back to sleep. In fact, scratch the rolling over, he couldnt even manage that. He closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep, but then his body started to shake violently. Rin jumped, wondering if there was an earthquake.

"Matsuoka, Matsuoka! Come on, it's morning time, get up!" Nitori whined, shaking Rin's shoulder with all his strength, until the red head slowly started to sit up, bearing his shark like teeth in an irritable fashion.

"Hnngh...Whaddyawan...Twitori?" He mumbled tiredly, trying and failing to rub the sleepy blurriness from his eyes, Nitori pouted.

"Matsuoka, Please don't call me by that name!" He wailed, but Rin didn't take any notice as he started to stretch his arms and yawn, his limbs felt heavy and sore, like it was difficult to move them, and he groaned loudly while he did so. Then he flopped back down onto his pillow with a sigh.

"Nnhhh, why now," he moaned, a slightly stuffy quality to his voice, then he quickly lifted his head and touched the knuckle of his index finger to his long well shaped nose, "Ughh..d-dohh...don't have time...f-forr...t-thi...hihh...hiiiih...HiiNgtchu! HeeKtcheww! *snff* for this."

"M-Matsuoka..." Nitori eventually managed, looking slightly taken aback by what just happened."

"*snff* What is it, Twitori?"

"A-are you ok?"

Rin gave an irritated huff and furrowed his brow slightly, but he at least turned onto his side to face Nitori while they talked.

"No, what do you think, stupid." He started, with a slight hint of irritation in his voice, but when he saw Nitori's face start to crumple up as though he was oging to cry he gave a long loud sigh and continued, "*snff* Ugh...I'll be fine, it's just a cold. I've felt it comming on for a couple of days now, but i hoped it wouldn't come to anything." Despite having just gotten a full 8 hours of sleep, Rin was still feeling desperately tired, and even as he spoke he sank more and more into his pillow and pulled the blankets higher until they were resting just under his nose. Nitori was slightly concerned that he might fall asleep while he was talking.

"I guess... i'll...heh...ehhh... *snff* s-sleep a bit l-longer now, a-an...ahh...ahhh... HeeGktchuuu! *snff* and practice this afternoon," he groaned, burying his nose into his blanket and sniffling loudly, with his eyes already feeling as heavy as they were, it didnt take long for him to start to drift off again.

"You can't do that! Matsuoka!" Nitori yelled, startling Rin into a state of complete awakeness, the one place that he didnt want to be at that exact moment.

"What are you talking about Twitori?" He moaned, actually getting quite angry this time, "you want me to go and practice while i'm sick? You make it sound like you actually want my cold to get worse! What if I sneeze while i'm doing butterfly and accidentally punch you in the head."

"Ah! No, I didn't mean it like that! Matsuoka!" Nitori whined, realising all to late that what he'd said had come out all wrong, "I mean, you shouldn't swim at all today!" Before he'd even given Rin a chance to complain, move away or anything, he reached forward and put his small hand on the red head's forehead, nodding seriously, "that fever's not going to go away in one day, you need to stay warm and get lots of rest and not do anything to strenuous for a least a few days..." As he listened to Nitori ramble on, Rin couldn't help but smile, he was acting like his mother, or even worse, his sister Gou, who always worried herself crazy when Rin got sick. It was kind of funny, but at the same time it made his chest sort of ache, he'd lived in dorms for most of his school life and had pretty much kept himself to himself, when he'd gotten sick in the past he'd still had to keep carrying on as usual with no one to take care of him. Honestly, a small part of him felt a little bit lonely when he thought of it like that, just a little bit.

"Don't be stupid," He retorted with an arrogant smirk, cutting Nitori off mid ramble, "There's an i-important p-pra...practice on Monday, all swim club members h-have t-t tuuhh...to attend. Monday's only t-two days away, s-so...suhh...so...I...Ahh...ahh..."

"Bless you."

"Hahh...HaaKtchuuu! HnnGktchuu! *snff* Thanks, so I'm gonna hafta swim then."

Nitori looked a little disappointed and turned away from Rin as though he was somehow worried that he'd offended him, then suddenly his face lit up as though he'd suddenly had a brilliant idea. Rin resisted the urge to groan and instead scrubbed at his itchy nose with the back of his hand.

"That's ok! Then we'll just have to make you feel better by Monday!" He grinned happily and started to rush around the small dorm room excitedly as though he was looking for something, Rin watched him through slightly watery, fluttering eyes as he slowly succumbed to another sneeze, "Right, I need to go and get some things, we'll need cold medicine and fever packs and soup and...what else..."


"And tissues, of course," Nitori smiled good naturedly as Rin scowled at him and tried to hide both his embarassed face and his dripping nose behind his sleeve, the furious red blush on his cheeks made his fever look even worse. "Anything else you want, Matsuoka?"

Rin looked away for a moment whether out of reluctance to answer or if he was just thinking about it, then he replied 'cough drops' and then buried himself back down in the blankets.

"Right, i'll be back soon, Matsuoka," Nitori called out as he grabbed his keys and headed out of the dorm, Rin was left alone in the eerily quiet room alone, wondering how long it had been since he had last heard total silence. He didnt have time to worry about it for long though, as a familiar tickling sensation started to flutter around in the back of his nose, leading him into a desperately slow torturous build up.

"Heh...ehh...*snff* Ughh...this...is...heh...ridiculous...Hehh...HeeKshooo! Ughh!" A little shiver ran through him, making all of the muscles in his body spasm and twitch all at once. His skin felt hot as though it was burning and his head felt feverish, yet inside he felt bitterly cold to the point that he was shivering badly even beneath his warm winter blankets and the fleecy tracksuit he used as pyjamas. He sniffled thickly, since there was really nothing else he could do to make himself feel better, then he rolled over so that he was facing the wall and quickly drifted off into a deep sleep.

end of part 1 xD

much more to come :D

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Ahhhhhh the cute~

I haven't watched Free (though I have watched a fair amount of 50% off ^^;) but I enjoyed this thoroughly anyway. I googled the characters' names beforehand just to make sure I'd know who to picture. ^^;

Favorite line: "What if I sneeze while I'm doing butterfly and accidentally punch you in the head?" That is brilliant. XD

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OH MY GOD YES PLEASE THIS IS MY OTP <3 This looks great so far I'm looking forward to the rest babe!! You're just on a role recently aren't you?

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This is so great! Nitorin is my OTP right now so this is heaven on earth!

I haven't watched Free (though I have watched a fair amount of 50% off ^^;)

I feel a strange need to admit that that is how I started in the Free! Fandom! Lol

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This is so great! Nitorin is my OTP right now so this is heaven on earth!

I haven't watched Free (though I have watched a fair amount of 50% off ^^wink.png

I feel a strange need to admit that that is how I started in the Free! Fandom! Lol

Ah, good, I'm not the only one! XD I'll probably get around to the actual thing eventually. ^^; I have a lot of anime missions right now.

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Ahh, more Free fic from you! This is cute! I like seeing Rin be adorably grumpy, and Nitori be overbearing and kind of annoying but also helpful/nice...it's a good dynamic. I'm not sure Rin would have ever outright insulted Nitori like he does here, but maybe the fact that he's not feeling well makes him more prone to that. Anyway, this is very cute, and I'm looking forward to seeing how things develop. :D

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Ahh, more Free fic from you! This is cute! I like seeing Rin be adorably grumpy, and Nitori be overbearing and kind of annoying but also helpful/nice...it's a good dynamic. I'm not sure Rin would have ever outright insulted Nitori like he does here, but maybe the fact that he's not feeling well makes him more prone to that. Anyway, this is very cute, and I'm looking forward to seeing how things develop. biggrin.png

im glad you liked it :3

i thought maybe Rin might insult nitori a bit in the beginning before they really got to know each other and became friends cos he can be a bit of a meanie in season 1 and nitori is a bit annoying but i dont think he's gonna do it any more because they're friendlier now :3

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Oh my.

Why is he so hot?


Thank you for this story.

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