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Secrets (OHSHC - Twins)


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Hey-o! N_T again! And I've got the second fetish!Kaoru oneshot for you!

I really really really like this one, and I hope you do, too! Just a fair warning for twincest and all that, but nothing 18+. Also I should probably let you know, I was feeling particularly naughty when I wrote this one, so as a result, it may come off as a bit more...bold.

Anyway, tell me what you think~


Kaoru had to grasp onto the edge of the table to keep from falling out of his chair; he was laughing so hard. “And then the crabs chased him all the way to the shore! Now, who was that again?”

Hikaru raised his hand shyly. “It was me.”

The girls giggled. “Aww!”

The Ouran Host Club, consisting of handsome young men who had way too much time on their hands, was currently entertaining beautiful young ladies who also had way too much time on their hands. This elegant playground for the super rich and beautiful was now in business, as it was every other afternoon. Hikaru and Kaoru, the Hitachiin twins, were famous for their brotherly love package, one that was highly requested among the guests for its sense of brotherly affection and taboo.

Hikaru laughed in embarrassment. “I’ve been afraid of crabs ever since!”

Kaoru gave a sympathetic smile. “It’s okay, Hikaru. I’m afraid of spiders, you know.”

His elder twin pulled him in close.

“But that’s why you have me around,” he whispered. “To protect you from all those naughty spiders.”

This time, it was the girls who fell out of their chairs.


Hikaru smiled. “I love how we can be so open with each other, Kaoru.”

The younger twin stopped dead in his laughter. Hikaru continued, “How there are no secrets between us. You know, how neither of us has anything we need to hide.”

Kaoru forced a smile. “Oh. Right. Hikaru, we didn’t discuss this in the creative meeting…” He mumbled nervously under his breath.

I’m improvising!” Hikaru grunted in response. “Just go with it.” The boisterous redhead put on a charming smile.

One of the girls clasped her hands together. “I think it’s adorable how you two are so close!”

Another girl nodded excitedly. “I agree. The way you two just know everything about each other is so cute!”

Kaoru bit his lip, fumbling with the teacup on the table. “Yep. That’s right. Everything. No secrets. Hey Hikaru, do you know if it’s time for customer switching yet?” He asked abruptly.

The other twin held up a finger. “One sec…” His head reared back slightly, his eyes glistening with tears that would never dare to spill. Each of his nostrils seemed to simultaneously pulsate faster and faster with every quickening breath. As he drew in a sharp inhale, Kaoru felt his face heat up with an undeniable blush (though he wished he could deny it). Hikaru pressed a finger underneath his nose, quickly pivoting away from the table before the inevitable came.


Kaoru averted his eyes and his the lower part of his face with his hand. “Bless you…” He muttered quietly. Hikaru looked over his shoulder, about to thank his brother and resume their conversation, when he saw the look on Kaoru’s face.

“Kaoru? Is everything okay?”

Instead of answering, Kaoru sunk deeper into the palm of his hand, his cheeks growing even hotter.

“Kaoru.” Hikaru pulled Kaoru’s hand away from his face and looked him straight in the eye, taken aback by the blush that tinted his cheeks. “What’s up, bro?”

Kaoru turned away. He couldn’t bear to meet his brother face-to-face.

“Come on!” Hikary nearly shouted, but softened when Kaoru shrunk away even more. “You can tell me. I won’t think any less of you, I promise.”

The younger twin muttered something almost inaudible. Hikaru put a hand on his shoulder. “Speak up a little, I can’t hear you.”

Kaoru gave a small nod. “Okay,” he squeaked, twiddling with his thumbs. “I think that...when...when you did that - thing - a minute ago...it was...it was kinda sorta...hot.”

He buried his face in his hands.

Hikaru raised an eyebrow, trying to understand. “What thing?”

“Y-You know...the thing.”

The older twin pondered this for a moment before it finally clicked. “Wait, you mean…” He plucked a hair from his brow and grazed his fingertips with his tongue, pinching and sliding up on the hair with his wettened fingertips until it stood straight. The hair was slid carefully into his right nostril. Hikaru wiggled it around a bit until he felt that tickle, that tingle, whatever feeling that prickly sensation was that always signaled an oncoming...an oncoming…


Hikaru sniffled lightly. “That?”

Kaoru squirmed, his whole body seeming to tense up at the outburst alone, but nodded nonetheless.

“Oh.” Hikaru shrugged. “Well, I don’t mind, Kaoru. I don’t think it’s weird at all. In fact…”

Kaoru slowly looked up at his twin.

“...I’ll let you induce me if you want.”

Stunned, Kaoru was about to reject his offer, but he could see that Hikaru was serious. After a moment’s pause, he scooted closer.


Kaoru hesitated.

“Would you...would you mind taking your shirt off, maybe?”

In an instant, the shirt was on the ground, revealing a sleek, smooth, sexy set of abs. Hikaru swept back his bangs and leaned in.

“Ready when you are.”

Supplied with a bobby pin generously offered to him by one of the giggling girls, Kaoru wrapped his arm around Hikaru and pulled him in closer. The elder redhead shuddered when the pin made its entrance and gradually slid deeper into his nostril.

“Whoa, Kaoru…” He whispered. “You’re good at this.”

Short, shallow breaths overtook his whole body, causing him to tense with every inhale and relax each time they escaped. Hikaru brought his hand up to cover, but Kaoru turned his brother’s head so it would face him.

“I want to feel your sneeze.” He breathed.

That’s when it happened. The growing tickle in Hikaru’s nose flared up into a blossoming release. “Hn...huhh...hih’Ktshu!”

Kaoru closed his eyes as he felt the mist lightly gather on his face and chest, and he knew then that he didn’t want it to stop.

“How was that?” Hikaru asked.

Kaoru opened his eyes. “Beautiful.”

Hikaru enveloped his twin in his arms, leaning in close.

“You wanna know a secret?” He murmured into his ear.


Hikaru squeezed him tighter.

“I liked it, too.”

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Truthfully, fics about inducing have never been my cup of tea. But the way you painted this picture of the twins, seperated only by Kaoru's little secret that he's probably kept forever, was just adorable and a little bit hilarious. I could practically feel Kaoru's embarrassment when he told Hikaru. Amazing job, N_T, and I can't wait to read your next one-shot! :)

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Ah, when one character has the fetish is always my favourite!! Your writing is so descriptive too!

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AWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! heart.gifheart.gifheart.gifheart.gif Beautiful!

Thank you so much, fang!!!! :hug:

Truthfully, fics about inducing have never been my cup of tea. But the way you painted this picture of the twins, seperated only by Kaoru's little secret that he's probably kept forever, was just adorable and a little bit hilarious. I could practically feel Kaoru's embarrassment when he told Hikaru. Amazing job, N_T, and I can't wait to read your next one-shot! smile.png

Funny story, actually. I used to hate inducing fics. Yet, here I am...writing an inducing fic! xD I guess a lot of it depends on the situation and how it's written, but for some reason the idea of the Hitachiin brothers inducing each other is kinda hot to me~ Whatevs, we all have our tastes. I'm glad you liked it, tho!

Ah, when one character has the fetish is always my favourite!! Your writing is so descriptive too!

Thanks, InuCiel!! I don't know if you've read it yet or not, but I have another fetish!Kaoru one lurking around here. If you read and commented already, I forgot xD but anyway thanks

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Truthfully, fics about inducing have never been my cup of tea. But the way you painted this picture of the twins, seperated only by Kaoru's little secret that he's probably kept forever, was just adorable and a little bit hilarious. I could practically feel Kaoru's embarrassment when he told Hikaru. Amazing job, N_T, and I can't wait to read your next one-shot! smile.png

I don't think I could have said this better myself. It's the specific situation and the way you wrote it that made this so perfect - it was tense and sweet and sexy, all at the same time. cx

"How was that?"


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