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Sneeze Fetish Forum

The Yearly Supernatural Flu (RPF SPN)


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Wonderful update! I love the contagion aspect of plane rides ;) Also the way you described the pressure change and how it affected his sinuses, love little details like that. Well done! More? Please! :)

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Yes yes yes :) I also love the risk of contagion inherent to plainerides (in fics anyway :P) I don't remember if you said you were gonna hint a someone else getting the bug or not... but here's hoping :D

I know, right?! God, I wish the SPN writers would just read this line and take it as gospel (then they'd have at least one sick episode for both of them every single year, right? )


Edited by NorthernLady
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  • 1 month later...

I apologise for taking so long. I got really disconnected from the story, and I have started another SPN fic, because who doesn't love a sick Winchester? Lol

This is the end of this one, guys. But... am I the only one that found Jensen to look a bit tired and run down at Dallas Con this weekend? Maybe there'll be more Jensen sick fic after all. But this one is done :)

Thanks for loving it so much :P


Jensen may have had a quick sleep, he checked his watch and only 10 minutes had past. He ran a hand down his face. He felt like he’d swallowed a cheese grater.

He sneezed into the crook of his elbow. He didn’t get a “bless you” this time, not that he minded.

His throat was raw from the dry air of the cabin, and he coughed against his sleeve.

He leaned forward, hand clasping the headrest of the seat in front of him in desperation as he coughed until he was blue in the face and thought he might throw up.

Two small, cold hands wrapped around his arm, and another was on his shoulder.

“You alright, buddy?”

He took a shuddering breath in and squeezed his eyes shut.

“You need anything?”

God, this man across the aisle looked like Jeffrey Dean.

“Could you grab my bag?” Jensen asked, gruffly, gesturing above his head.

The gentleman sprung up and started looting through the overhead compartment.

“This black one?” he pulled it out slightly and waited for Jensen to nod.

Jensen took it in weak hands and pulled a small bottle of cough syrup out from the side pocket.

He felt like a damn invalid when the girl took it from his trembling hands to open it for him.

He took a big swig and leaned back, letting her take it from him again.

She tucked it back in his bag and the kind stranger returned it to the overhead locker.

“Thanks,” he croaked.

“Don’t mention it,” the man smiled.

This is why he loved Canada.

It was, however, beyond humiliating.

The stewardess kneeled down beside him, placing a hand on his thigh and another on his shoulder.

“Can I get you something, Mr Ackles?”

“Water, thank you.”

“Sure,” she smiled.

So now, not only, had he ended up drawing attention to himself, the stewardess had called him by name and there was a definite increase in heads turned in his direction.

He could see Jared’s head lolled to one side, sleeping, clearly. He glanced at Clif and he was still out. The stewardess returned with his water and he nodded gratefully at her. Clif had given him a heavy does of codeine about, he glanced at his watch, three hours ago. He was in that awful stage of pills wearing off and still not being able to take more. He was delirious with lack of sleep, and just feeling really, really crappy.

He gulped his water down and crumpled the empty cup into the seat pocket in front of him. He stood and swayed uneasily, the JD look-a-like putting a hand out in case he keeled over, which, let’s be real, was a distinct possibility. Still, he ignored it and walked, stumbled really, down the aisle to gain some solace in the bathroom.

He squeezed himself through the tiny door. Why did he come in here? This was much much worse. He gagged as he choked on the smell of urine that flooded his nostrils, he would have left straight away but a cough bubbled up from his lungs and he leaned over the sink, spitting a string of mucus into the small porcelain bowl. It looked kind of greenish, that wasn’t good.

His head pounded and his stomach muscles ached from the amount of coughing and sneezing he’d been doing. He was sure he still had a fever. He’d had it checked a few time during filming and, honestly, 101 wasn’t too high to take a break.

He grabbed a handful of napkins and stuffed them into his pocket, bunching one up in his hand for the looming sneeze that was no doubt about to happen.

Het’schew! He crumpled forward and hit his head on the wall.

“Son of a bitch...” hearing his voice shocked him. He hadn’t used it enough in the past few hours to know it sounded that bad. He was a wreck.

He slid the door open, palming his aching forehead.

“Dude, what happened in there?”

Jared was standing in front of him, arms folded.

“Nothing,” Jensen shrugged, tilting dangerously far backwards, “Woah.”

Jared grabbed his arm, kept him upright.

“You can barely stand, man.”

“I’m good. Just friggen tired,” he ran a hand down his face. “I wake you up? Sorry...”

“Nah, I was awake.”


“Sit down before you fall down.”

Jensen tried to ignore the fact that he had a massive audience while this exchange went down. Jared ushered him to sit in his chair in the first row and crouched down in front of him. Jensen could have laughed at Jared’s goofy long legs all bent up like that.

“What’s so funny?”

“What?” he said, not realising he’d been smiling like an idiot.

“You... Never mind. Do you need anything? You wanna throw up?”

Jensen shook his head.

Jensen could hear Jared asking the woman next to him to kindly move into Jensen’s old seat so he could sit with him. He only heard bits of it as he slipped back and forth from reality. When he opened his eyes again Jared was sitting next to him.

“God, this sucks,” Jensen groaned, ignoring the tissues that were shoved into every pocket and sneezing into his hands.

“God bless you. Now go to sleep.”


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  • 3 months later...

I'm kind of sad I didn't drag this one out longer. Jensen all sick and feverish and helpless is just... irresistible.

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  • 3 years later...

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