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The Yearly Supernatural Flu (RPF SPN)


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Disclaimer: I do not own Jensen Ackles. (sigh)

Plot: I wanted to prompt someone into doing this but decided to do one myself. Based loosely around the San Francisco convention where Jensen had the flu but pushed through it cause he's awesome. The rest is pure fantasy. Just a short one shot.



Jensen's Sick

Sweat ran down his chest under his shirt and he wondered how he could feel simultaneously freezing and boiling at the same time.

Jared was talking to a fan, answering a question. He’d kind of tuned out for a second.



“He’s with us,” Jared laughed, looking back out to the crowd.

“Sorry,” Jensen shook his head.

“He said he’s heavily medicated.”

Fans cooed. Jensen waved a dismissive hand. He really felt like shit, and it was really hot up there, but the fans had spent a lot of money and wasted a lot of time to be there, mainly to see him and Jared, so he had to suck it up. Working till 2am the previous night hadn’t helped though.

“Jensen loved soulless Sam,” Jared teased, getting back on topic.

“Urgh,” Jensen whined, “It wasn’t so much that I didn’t like soulless Sam, it’s that, I couldn’t play Dean like... as I’ve played Dean this whole time so... It kinda threw me o-off... Heh’schkew!”

The fans chorused their bless you’s.

Jensen ran a hand down his face, sniffing back the urge to sneeze again.

Jared stepped back from the mic, “You good, man?”

Jensen nodded, “Yeah... Just dizzy.”

Sweat was running down his face, that he’d previously told the fans to ignore, it didn’t make Jared worry any less though. He was sweating almost as much as he was.

“Clif,” Jared called, Clif standing just off from the stage. Jared motioned drinking with his hand and Clif disappeared to get a bottle.

“Yeah, look, I liked soulless Sam, as an actor, because you get to do something a bit different... Outside your comfort zone, you know.”


“... So that was fun.”


“Plus, it’s always fun to play the bad guy.”


Jensen was turned away from the mic, away from the crowd, cupping his hands around his face.

“He’s allergic to soulless Sam, maybe we should stop talking about it,” Jared laughed, trying desperately to get the attention off Jensen’s ailment.

“Sorry, guys, we literally have not slept, so... I’m a little worse for wear,” his voice was starting to give into the gravelly tone.

“Jensen,” Clif called from beside the stage.

Jensen retreated to the edge and let Jared distract the fans a little longer. Clif handed him a towel and a glass of water. He wiped away his sweat, sniffing.

“You gonna be okay? You look like you’re about to keel over,” Clif whispered, as Jensen leaned over to take the glass.

“Sure, man,” he sipped the water, coughed a little when it caught in his throat, “Thanks.”

Clif sighed. It was his job to look out for those boys but he wasn’t their mother.

“What are we talking about?” Jensen said, popping back up to the mic.

The girl in the third row started her long winded question again. Jensen was trying to focus. He was, but...

“Woah, dude,” Jared side stepped, closer to his friend, grabbing him round the shoulders and righting him. Jensen had actually been on his way to the ground.

“Clif, you wanna get us a chair or something,” Jared called out, “Dude, you’re on fire,” Jared whispered to Jensen, feeling the heat coming off him in waves.

The fans were freaking out, and they’d gotten much louder and were shouting things out, and it was making Jensen’s head pound.

Clif lead Jensen off the stage and into a back room somewhere. Jensen was actually staggering as he walked.

“I think we’re gonna have to finish up there guys. Thanks ya’ll for comin’ out and seeing us. I think Jensen’s just gonna take a quick nap,” he laughed, “Thank you,” he blew kissing and quickly dashed off to follow his barely conscious co-star.

Jensen was curled onto his side, on the couch in the green room, shivering uncontrollably.

“What were you thinking, man?” Jared said, staring down at him.

Jensen shrugged, sneezed and blew his nose, “Gotta do it for the fans.”

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Aww... sooo adorable! I just wanna hug Jensen! :wub: The original footage from San Francisco con was amazing and so was this oneshot! Thanks for sharing! :)

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Oh geez, caps lock. :P This was absolutely marvelous!

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Wait wait wait just a one-shot no no it's Jensen though this was so amazing! You wrote them really well and this is awesome and omg I need more :P

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Oh, this is AWESOME! My favorite favorite RPF is when they're sick/allergic and on stage at a convention... because they've got all of this adoring attention on them, and we can all visualize it so well because the panels are all up online! You wrote savior!Jared so well here -- very in character -- and the situation itself was just so amazing. Love love love it.

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Oh man, that was fantastic! Plus you gave me an idea for a prompt that I just submited to TarotGal sneeze meme... I just couldn't stop myself thinking.... and what if this wonderfull illness starts to go thru the Supernatural actors one after another? And what if each chapter was about a different actor sucumbing to the disease and written by a dif. person everytime? Would anyone be interested to play this little merry go round contagion game?

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Wow! Okay... I cannot believe the feedback on this one! You guys rock my world... So by popular demand... I may have written another part... Maybe... Wait and see...

PS I love you.

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Wow! Okay... I cannot believe the feedback on this one! You guys rock my world... So by popular demand... I may have written another part... Maybe... Wait and see...

PS I love you.

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! Can't wait to read more from you!

P.S Love you too! :hug:

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Leading in to the videos we've all seen from the San Francisco convention, maybe now you can watch them again imagining this little moment beforehand. :)

Part 2, lovely people.

Jensen had cancelled one of the signing sessions, only on the stern recommendation of Jared, given the fact he couldn't even stand up long enough to finish the breakfast panel.

He slept for an hour in the green room, completely dead to the world, despite the comings and goings of the rowdy SPN family.

"Hey, man. Wake up," Jared sat on the edge of the lounge, a big hand on Jensen's shoulder, cringing with the realisation that the fever wasn't going anywhere.

Jensen blinked bloodshot eyes at him. It took him a few seconds to remember where he was.

"Yeah," was the short, clipped answer, husky and painful sounding.

"You want me to do the panel alone? I can get Speight or Benedict or help me out?"

Jensen stared at him for a moment, seemingly processing the question.

"... no. No, I'm good. Let's do it."

"Are you sure? You're not gonna pass out on me?"

"I didn't pass out," he whinged, not making a move to get up, "I lost my balance for a second."

"Dude, you were standing still."

"Shut up. 'M fine."

"Alright," Jared said, creasing his brow.

Jensen curled on himself, coughing into a fist.

"What time is it?" He asked, rubbing a hand across his face.

"We got a half hour break before the panel."

"Het'schu!" He sniffled, "Wake me up in 20."

Jensen pretended to be asleep. He curled himself into a tiny ball as he could manage on the small couch, facing the back, making it look like a piece of doll furniture. He sniffled and rubbed his nose with the back of his hand. He heard Speight come in and start talking to Jared.

"Dude, is he okay?"


"He gonna do the panel or should Clif take him back to the hotel?"

"Nah, he reckons he can do it. Just give him a few more minutes to sleep it off. We worked all night and flew straight here. I don't think he slept on the plane. There was a lot of sneezing coming from 2 rows back."

"He probably infected half of San Francisco," Richard laughed.

"Hey, Mitch's the one that gave it to him."


"Did he just sleep sneeze?"

Jensen could hear the smirk on his face.

The door opened and closed again.

"Is he dead yet?" Misha's voice.

"Workin' on it," Jared said.

"He still asleep?"

"Trying to be," Jensen growled, giving up and sitting up, leaning forward and scrubbing his face with his hands.

"Sorry, man," Jared.

"You look like shit, dude. Have you seen yourself?" Richard.

Jensen glared at him before the sneeze face took over.

"Heh'stchew! Huh'tchu! Hehchu! Chu! Oh my god... het'shoo!"

Jared handed him a handful of tissues, that he quickly shoved against his face, blowing hard.

"Geez," Misha cringed, placing the back of his hand against Jensen's temple, "You're running a pretty good fever there."

"Would everyone please relax and stop looking at me like I've got AIDS or something? It's the flu, I'll get over it. This is easier than filming."

"Okay, let's get some lunch, guys. You want anything, Jackles?" Jared said, shepherding the guys from the room.

Jensen shook his head. "More Tylenol."

"Get some rest, man." Jared smiled as he left the room with Misha and Richard, giving Jensen a much needed break from them.

He flopped back against the couch and rubbed his sinuses. He was sore, and dizzy and freaking cold. He sighed out loud, coughing against his fist.

"Hey, typhoid Mary," Clif said, standing in front of him. "Big J said you needed more drugs."

"You're a life saver," Jensen said, reaching for the offered Tylenol and water.

"This thing didn't bring me down this hard when I had it. You have to stop working so hard."

"Yeah, like that's an option."

Clif furrowed his brow.

"Hey, at least I can sit down this time. And Jared's got enough energy for the both of us."

"Ain't that the truth."

Jensen would get through the panel. Enough painkillers and flu medicine would stop him passing out on stage. And at least he wasn't alone. Jared would make up for his lack of energy and fevered ramblings, because that was what they did for each other. They had each others backs.

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I'm always up for a little contagion :D You gotta make that a serial...or ya know... there's always my suggestion above ;)

OH and have you been in a convention before? Your Misha and Richard sounds very real!

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So so this part means that there's gonna be a part three, too, riiiggghhtt? I love how they're all so concerned for him, poor Jensen.

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I'm, sadly, going to put this one to bed. :( I feel I've gone as far as I can, because I still want it to feel it was real, and we've all seen Jensen at the San Fran J2 panel anyway.

I never expected to get this response, and I love you all to death.

I'm always up for a little contagion biggrin.png You gotta make that a serial...or ya know... there's always my suggestion above wink.png

OH and have you been in a convention before? Your Misha and Richard sounds very real!

I'm actually in Australia and have never met them! I just watch a lot of youtube :P

BUT, maybe, I can do another part... Before the con perhaps?... There was a little hint to it in the last part... So, if you're all very good... I might give you...

The plane ride.

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So, if you're all very good... I might give you...

The plane ride.

I'm good, I swear I am! I have an angel as my avatar :D Can't be better than that, right? ;-)

Edited by NorthernLady
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Oh my God, I didn't know you continued this! Loooove it! (And I just finally downloaded the 2011 SF panel, so it made this even cuter!!!!)

Also, would not be opposed to the plane ride......can I just tell you that sick on a plane/car/anything in close quarters is like my favorite thing? :D

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Ooh just read this, love it! I always wanted to know what when on bts at the San Fran con! Please do continue!!

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You guys asked for it! Do you realise you've created a monster? Lol Enjoy...


Night shoots were hard enough. They were even worse when he kept coughing or sneezing in the middle of a take. Or when they had to towel away his sweat and put concealer under his eyes. Luckily he wasn't alone, Jim Beaver was feeling just as bad as he was, as well as half the crew. Mitch was on the upswing, and Jensen couldn't help but despise him just a little for passing this bug onto him.

The night was long, and draining. He'd been chugging coffee like no one's business, and popping eucalyptus drops like candy to get rid of the nasal quality in his voice. He wondered why they couldn't just write it in when one of them got sick. At least it wouldn't be so hard to hide. Also he'd started to get a little silly from the medication and if he wasn't so tired maybe he wouldn't have had the giggles.

But eventually, despite all these things, they got through it and wrapped for the night. Which was good because the sun looked like it was about ready to come up. The boys quickly got their makeup removed and changed out of Sam and Dean's clothes.

In the privacy of his trailer, he let his shoulders sag and blew his nose freely into a wad of tissues.

"Uh, god..." he sighed, and coughed hard against his fist, a wet phlegmy cough that hurt more than it helped.

He pressed a hand to his sternum and squared his shoulders again before leaving the trailer and sauntering over to the car, that Clif had helpfully brought a bit closer than usual.

He groaned as he got in and immediately sunk down into the seat, leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

"You alright?" Jared asked, playfully, tapping his shoulder.

"Mm," he groaned.

"Feel like shit?"

"Mm," he groaned in the affirmative once again.

"Jensen, you doing the con? Cause we gotta get to the airport so... decide," Clif said, looking in the rear view.

Jensen straightened up immediately, "Why the hell would I cancel?"

"Because you look terrible and you sound like hell."

"Thanks. Thanks for that. Just drive, would ya? I'm fine."

"Alright, alright... grumpy."

Jared watched him lean his head against the window and close his eyes. He wasn't sleeping though. He could tell by the way he shifted in his seat every few minutes, and cleared his throat. If he was asleep he would have been still. Jensen didn't really stir in his sleep, and don't ask how he knew that.

Jared couldn't sleep. He was still jacked from his last cup of Joe, and too worried about Jensen. Jensen got sick quite a bit because of the weather in Vancouver, the long hours they worked, and the close proximity of everyone else they worked with - sick or otherwise. Something always seemed to work it's way through the set. But Jensen often had it the worst.

A deep intake of breath made him glance in his best friends direction.

"Heh'stchew!" Jensen sneezed into one hand he'd wrapped around his face.

"Bless you," Clif and Jared said in unison.

Jensen sniffed back thickly. It was kinda gross.

They arrived at the airport and didn't have to wait too long to board. Jensen wasn't looking forward to it. He hated being that guy. The guy that coughed and sneezed into the air shared by hundreds of people, in a completely confined area, in ridiculously close quarters to complete strangers.

Jensen and Jared and Clif usually didn't get seats next to each other, and it didn't usually bother him, but this time he would have liked to have been poisoning their air instead of the sweet looking girl to his right.

He sat on the aisle, the girl sandwiched in between him and Clif. She didn't seem to recognise him, which he was grateful for. Small mercies.

Jared was two rows ahead, in the opposing aisle seat.

Jensen stretched out a leg into the aisle and lay his head back.

He just wanted to sleep. That was all he wanted. Two hours of good solid sleep before landing, getting to the hotel, showering, changing, and getting to the convention in time for the breakfast panel.

But, alas, that was not going to happen. Not to Jensen, not today.

He pulled a tissue out of his pocket as his breath hitched.

“heh’stchu!” he sneezed into it, trying to keep it as quiet as he could while the stewardess finished her safety brief.

“Bless you,” muttered the girl.

“Thagks,” he said against the tissue, that was still shoved against his face.

His breaths got shorter and shallower as he felt the building of another, but it never eventuated and so the tickle persisted with no relief.

He wiped his nose and balled the tissue up in his hand, looking over to see Clif already out like a light, leaning against the window.

The stewardess wandered past, and he tucked his leg back under the seat in front of him.

The change in pressure as the plane began to climb almost made him cry. His right ear screamed and, briefly, his nose had stopped running because all the congestion was being pushed painfully against the sinus’ walls. He tilted his head to the right and slammed his eyes shut. Once the plane leveled out his nose started running again immediately, and he sniffed back thickly.

“Are you okay?”

He realised then that his eyes were still closed, and not lightly closed either. He relaxed as he opened them and looked at the girl, “Yeah, thanks,” short and sweet, leave it at that.

She smiled and looked out the window, trying to see past Clif’s big head.

Jensen tried to see Jared. He could see his legs stretching out in front of him from his seat in the front row. He couldn’t tell if he was asleep or not. Probably, he’d be bone tired too.

Jensen closed his eyes again and lay his head back.

“Huh’stkew! Het’tchuu! Huh... He’SCHOO!” he rushed the tissue to his face, trying to quiet them, “heh’tkew! Huh’schoo! God... Heh’skew!”

The fasten seatbelt sign turned off and Jensen almost leapt out of his seat, trying to get somewhere that wasn’t directly in people’s personal space. He didn’t glance at the girl, he knew she was giving him a worrying look.

He stood in the space between the toilet and the little kitchenette, snuffling into the tissues.

“Hey, dude, was that you?” Jared was standing next to him now, with a hand on his shoulder, and there was in no way enough room for two people that size in that tiny area.

Jensen nodded, holding the sodden tissue against his face.

“Hut’schuu! Kay, dow I’b done...”

“Bless ya, man. You alright?”

“Doe, I feel like shit and I’b so tired, ban. I just wadda sleeeep.”

“You had any drugs?”

He nodded, “Cglif’s got be on da good stuff.”

Jared grinned, “You spacing out?”

“Little bit, yeah...”

“Go and sit down. Try to sleep.”

“Why aren’t you sleeping?”

“Too jacked. Too much coffee.”

Jensen nodded again.

“Let the drugs work, man. You’ll crash in no time.”

He nodded, and stumbled back to his seat, reassuring the girl with a quick smile.

The drugs should have put him to sleep soon...

But, this was not Jensen Ackles’ day.


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OH OH OH OH! *grins widely*

Poor Jensen, I hope the flight is okay and the dear gets some rest. :)

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Oh, my God....I love this sooo much, and RPF is not usually my thing. Maybe things change when it's Jensen and/or Jared + your terrific writing.... :heart:

I was trying to think of something smart to say, but well, Mind. Blown. Here are my favorite parts!

He wondered why they couldn't just write it in when one of them got sick.

I know, right?! God, I wish the SPN writers would just read this line and take it as gospel (then they'd have at least one sick episode for both of them every single year, right? :heart:)

He hated being that guy.

Oh, this is perfect. It is the line to use when talking about being sick in an airplane. *melts*

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