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Hunger Games: Catching Fire -- Peeta


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The first night in the arena came. After arguing with Finnick for night watch, he gave in so I was on watch. I looked around me and I hear what seems like a sneeze.

"Peeta?" I say

"huh-mmph, huh-mmph, huh-mmph," he was stifling.

"oh, hey Katniss."

"are you sick? You feel a little warm." I say as I place my hand in different places of his face. Sometimes I don't realize how much I actually care about him. He's so sweet and kind-hearted, god I hope he makes it through the Quarter Quell. A cold could very well ruin those chances.

"Well I don't know, I had been sneezing quite a bit throughout our stay in the Capitol, I just tried to keep it mostly to myself. ..huhshoo ..heETCHOO! But it's gotten worse since we got into the arena.," Peeta says . It's hard to understand him because he's congested but is trying to stay quiet to allow Mags and Finnick their rest.

"oh , wow, Peeta. " I say

"Does it worry you that I might possibly be sick?" He asks.

"Well, not necessarily ," I was interrupted by a fit of sneezes.

"CHOO,...ETCHOO...heh..ehhh..huheSHOO! Ugh, sorry go on." He says

"Bless you," I say playing with the hair on the back of his head. I still gotta play with the whole husband-and-wife thingy. "It's just that you being sick reminds me of when you were dying in the cave back during the other games."

"Hey, Lovebirds, do you mind keeping it down? Some people here are actually trying to sleep while remaining hidden," we hear Finnick say through some bushes.

"CHOO.HEYASHOO....ETCHOO...heh...HECHOO" The sound of him sneezing makes me want to just curl up next to him fall asleep so I don't need to worry anymore. I can't lose him, he needs to survive.

"well that's new," finnick remarks,"Well as long as I'm up I'll take over night watch"

i nod to him knowing I'm gonna need the rest to fight if Peeta is not at his best. I curl up on his chest where I can hear the steady beat of his heart.

"Katniss" he says.


"I'm gonna be ok, you don't have to worry. And you know that nothing is going to happen to you even if I'm not at my best. I'd give my life for you." He stops for a second and his breath hitches. "ETCHOO..HAH-ETCHOO..CHOO,...ETCHOO!"

I move off his chest allowing his head and shoulders to jerk up with each sneeze. But then I look around because I thought I heard footsteps.

"wait, Peeta you need to be quiet," I make eye contact with Finnick as he raises his trident. We both heard the rustling in the bushes.

"Ka..HU-CHOO..Katniss I don't.....ETCHOO...I don't think I can. TSHOO...CHOO...ATCHOO!" Now was honestly the worst time for a sneezing fit.

I cradle his face in my hands, putting my hands on his cheeks. "Peeta, please, we might get caught." And I kiss his forehead.

i move away from him preparing my bow, but leaving it unloaded with my other hand on his chest.

"Huh-mmph...mmCHOO...mmtchoo.." He's trying as hard as he can. The rustling grows closer and we get a brief view of our attacker. One girl, district 6.

Finnick and I take off. It was too easy. She had no chance. I shot an arrow into her back and she fell down. It was stupid of her to go alone. Finnick quickly caught up to her and finished her off. It made me think about how these games just take away everyone's innocence.

But not Peetas, Peeta WILL make it out. Which reminds me, I need to go check on him now that all threats are gone.

"Peeta, it's ok , we got her." I say. he is sitting against a tree. Knife in hand.

"great," he says obviously relieved. "ESHOO!"

"Come on," I say, "Let's rest." I curl back up on his chest as we drift off. His sneezing wakes me up every so often, but it keeps my senses alert.

"ETCHOO!" He sneezes, but then sniffs and says, "Always."


HEY guys,

sorry for for bad quality, it's my first fan fiction and I'm not a strong writer so....yeah, that's that! Lemme know what you guys think! I d be happy to continue if I don't get writers block and you guys liked it! :):)

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I definitely do want to post a part 2 but I can't decide if I want to finish where I left off and like go somewhat off the original story, or if I should just skip to like a part where they're like on the train or something...what do you guys think?

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I definitely do want to post a part 2 but I can't decide if I want to finish where I left off and like go somewhat off the original story, or if I should just skip to like a part where they're like on the train or something...what do you guys think?

Either would be good, but I vote skip to where they're on the train :D

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Okay well I have no idea how to continue from where I was so..if you guys dont mind Im gonna start like a new story..about Peeta..haha hope you guys like it. Basically they're on the train before the Quarter Quell and Peeta's sick. It's really cheesy..haha but as I've said before Im not a good writer :)


Katniss POV

"hih-eshhh....eCHOO..." I can hear Peeta in his room from the dining car. He's really suffering. Just before we got reaped for the Quarter Quell, he caught this terrible cold that's not allowing him any sleep and he won't lie with me when I have nightmares. I get really spooked at night when he's not there, almost as if he's the only remedy for keeping the dreams away.

I hear the doors open.

"ETCHOO...HEYESHOO...CHOO! Ugh, excuse me, good morning, Katniss." I can't stand the fact that he's sick, it just reminds me of the promise Haymitch and I made and how I'm failing Peeta right now. So I give him a quick smile as a response and snap out of it.

"Do you want some food?" I ask offering him a bowl of bread.

"No thanks, not really hungry. My head hurts, but I couldn't stand being locked in my room all day." He pauses and his breath starts hitching. "heh....uhh...ETCHOO...TSHOO!"

"Peeta, you're getting worse, I can tell. Come on, I'll keep you company back in your room."

I lead the way back to the car with our bedrooms. We walk into his room and there's a chair in the corner, a wide bed in the middle of the room and a nightstand next to it. Next to the stand is the light. I make sure the light remains off so that Peeta can get his rest and then I shut the tiny windows near the ceiling of the train. Then I nudge him to toward the bed and order him to lie down. He's not a puppy, I know, but even with Peeta I can't get over my stubborn, bossy personality.

He obeys almost immediately.

"I'm going to sit in the chair over there, maybe read one of these books on the nightstand." He doesn't exactly reply because right after I finish talking I see his body jerk forward an odd amount of times.

"TSHOOO.....heh..ETCHOO...ETCHOO..CHOO...heh-ETCHOO!" He rubs his nose and turns on his side so that his face is away from me. I feel..almost guilt for allowing him to get sick. I know there was probably nothing I could have done to prevent it, but it feels like after all the pain he suffered in the games, he deserved better than to come home for a few months, get sick, and leave again. It sucks.

"Peeta..." I quietly whisper to myself. Then I do something I never would've imagined. I climbed into bed with him on the back side. We're perfectly positioned so that his head is just about at my chest area but a few inches in front of it. I rest my head on my hand while I rest my elbow on a pillow. This gives me a view of his beautiful eyes. They're not closed though.

"Katniss, I don't want you...ETCHOO...I don't want you to get sick." He says.

"I don't care."


"Listen to me," I say cutting him off, "I don't care about getting sick. I care about you. The you who used to always keep my nightmares away but now will barely come near me. It sucks. I NEED you....I NEED to be here with you." Then I grab his hand and kiss his temple. I think one of my clumps of hair falls onto his nose because he breaks out into a sneezing fit.

"hehhh...hehh...ASHOO...ESHOOO...heh-ETSHHHOOO...ehhh..hahh...CHOO..CHOO...ETCHOO!" Then he turns and lies on his back. He looks up at me. "Sorry." He says.

"Don't be embarrassed." I reply a little more forcefully than intended but it's hard for me to be gentle. I then kiss his lips. We hold it for around 3 seconds before he pulls away.

"CHOO..Kat...ETCHOO...Katniss I'm sick!" He yells.

"And I repeat, I DONT CARE!" And in that moment I realized maybe I do care for him, love him maybe even. But it doesnt matter. Either one or both of us are gonna be dead in a matter of days so why should I keep it from him. He of all people should know my love wasnt just for the cameras. I guess I could just give him subtle hints until he realizes. He may never know, but at least I tried to tell him.

"ETCHOO" He sneezes and I give him a quick peck on the lips before scooting and resting my head on his chest to take a nap that's nightmare free.

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