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You're Sick, Senpai (OHSHC - Kyoya)


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Hey-o! It's me again, and I have yet another Ouran oneshot for youuu!

Once again, if you want me to continue this I can, but it will probably be awhile before I can get back to it. Sorry 'bout that. Anyways, tell me what you think, and...yeah :D


It began with a sore throat, as all great stories do.

Oh, but not just any sore throat.

One that progressed into a sharp, painful obstruction that insisted upon debilitating itself further and further with every word and swallow, accompanied with a hoarse, lung-crushing, irritatingly incessant cough, an increasingly violent pounding in the head, an aggravatingly unclearable blockage in the nose, and worst of all, the sneezing.

The annoying, embarrassing, infuriating, undesirable, uncontrollable, nostril-reddening, always-seemed-to-come-in-three-or-more sneezing.

To sum it all up: It sucked.

Kyoya Ootori was the third son of a family well-known in the medical business. It was an important family, one that had several important connections with several other important families. Naturally an Ootori, being of such high medical reverence, rarely fell ill. However, if that particular Ootori happened to be the third son in the family, meaning he wouldn’t have a chance at obtaining ownership of a high-standard Ootori medical company upon graduation unless he was able to surpass both of his brothers’ astounding accomplishments, a feat nearly impossible but plausible providing that said son worked tirelessly day and night in order to achieve such standards...it wasn’t difficult to see how such a thing was possible.

Possible, but not in any way desirable.

And if that particular Ootori wished to exhibit worthiness in his father’s eyes, he would need to remain productive. And if he wished to remain productive, he couldn’t let any obstacle stand in his way.

Even if this particular obstacle was perhaps one of the more crippling ones.

The Shadow king sat at his computer, sipping slowly at his tea whilst trying to ignore the antics of his fellow Host Club members. Loud and obnoxious as they were, he couldn’t let himself be distracted now.

Speaking of distractions…


He searched his pockets and quickly retrieved a royal blue handkerchief, promptly burying his nose in it to contain the oncoming sneezes.

H’tchx! H’tchi! Kts-uh!

They were politely restrained, partially out of courtesy but mostly so as not to attract any unwanted attention.

“Bless you, Kyoya!” The room chorused.

But of course, he did anyway.

Kyoya quickly stuffed the handkerchief back into his pocket when Haruhi came and sat down next to him.

“Hey Kyoya-senpai, what’s up?”

“Busy as always, thank you for asking,” he grunted. “What do you want, Haruhi?”

The commoner shrugged. “I just thought we could talk.”

“About what?”

“About anything.”

Kyoya sighed. “Well, unless this conversation can serve as a valuable use of my time, I would quite appreciate it if you…” He trailed off.

Haruhi raised an eyebrow, puzzled.


The Ootori fumbled urgently for his handkerchief. “P’uhh...huh...P-Pardon...hehh...H’tch! H’tch! H’tchi!...Heh’tchx!”

He sniffled. “A thousand pardons.”

Haruhi eyed the handkerchief, which was still held tightly in Kyoya’s grasp. She noticed that he hadn’t bothered to put it away this time.

“Bless you, senpai.” She paused. “Are you okay?”

Kyoya pushed up his glasses. “But of course. Why do you ask?”

“I mean, you’re sneezing an awful lot.”

“It’s dusty in here, most likely due to your incompetent sweeping. Do try to be more efficient, would you?”

Haruhi grumbled under her breath.

“Of course…”

The Shadow King muffled a few coughs into his balled-up handkerchief, trying to be inconspicuous about it.

“What about that?” Haruhi questioned.

“What about what?”

“You were just coughing.”

“Don’t be silly, Haruhi. I was simply testing the capabilities of my handkerchief.”

“That doesn’t even make any sense!”

“Doesn’t it?”

“Does it...wha - I...n-no!”

Kyoya smirked at his little victory before returning to his work.

It was only a few minutes before the Shadow King had to, once again, ‘test the capabilities’ of his handkerchief. He scrunched up his nose in irritation, wrinkling it a bit, trying to resist the urge to sneeze, but the sneeze refused to let itself be constrained.

Heh...H’tch! H’tchx! Kts-uh! H’kts-uh! H’tchx! ‘Tchx!

Haruhi shook her head in disapproval. “Senpai…”

Kyoya wiped his nose with the handkerchief. “You ndeed to imbprove your work ethig, Haruhi, or we’ll have to idcrease your debd.”

Haruhi sighed in exasperation.

“Kyoya, I can’t even understand you!”

“So you adbit your sdupidity.”


“Thed your sdill id dedial?”

“I’m not the one who’s in denial here.”

Kyoya narrowed his eyes at her. “Whad exacgtly are you imbplyig?”

She stated the blatantly obvious.

“You’re sick, senpai.”

As if to prove her point, Kyoya pitched into his (now clearly overused) handkerchief once again. He attempted to stifle it, to make it as quiet and polite as possible, but the sneeze was too powerful and ripped through him like a tidal wave, wracking his whole body with the force.


Haruhi jumped a little, startled by the ferocity. She was about to bless him, but he wasn’t finished.


The Shadow King leaned his head back against the chair, closing his eyes.

“You’re sick, senpai.” Haruhi repeated.

“I’mb jus’ fide, thadk you.” Kyoya mumbled tiredly.

The commoner frowned at him in concern before reaching over and placing a cool hand along his cheek. “You have a fever.”

“The heat is simbply ond too high.”

“Then why are you shivering?”

“I’mb ndot. You probably ndeed to order sobe ndew codtagct ledses, Haruhi.”

As he coughed desperately into his handkerchief, Haruhi put her hands up in defeat.

“Fine. I give up. You win, senpai.”

Kyoya shrugged and pushed up his glasses. “Alright.” He continued to organize his files, satisfied that at least one distraction had been resolved. However, it seemed another distraction would soon occupy his attention entirely, for the Ootori was finding it increasingly difficult to keep his heavy eyelids from drooping forward. Heavier and heavier they became, until finally his head lay slumped on top of the keyboard.

Haruhi couldn’t keep herself from giving a small smile. “You know, Kyoya-senpai...you’re not gonna be very efficient in your work if you’re too preoccupied hiding the obvious truth.”

At the sound of her voice, Kyoya jerked his head upward and quickly straightened his glasses, having not realized he’d nearly fallen asleep.

“But what do I know? I’m just a stupid commoner, right?” She winked, before rejoining the other hosts.

Kyoya gave a little grin of his own.

Perhaps you are right, Haruhi, he thought to himself. In more ways than one.

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G'AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: *melts*

I just loved Haruhi and Kyoya's relationship throughout the show, and you illustrate it perfectly here. And this is exactly what I think would happen if Kyoya got sick, so great job there too. Just, all around everything in this is perfect and I am sososo excited for the next one-shot. :)

Edited by VividBubbles!
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Aww, this was adorable! I love how entirely ridiculous Kyoya is being without realizing just how much he's reaching here. And Haruhi is very patient here. Nice story, thank you for posting. :D

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Ahhh nice. I found this fic really interesting as Kyoya's interactions with the other hosts are what I found the most engaging. Though with a title like "The Shadow King", I guess you'd have to be adept at hiding many things. He really was grasping at straws this time XD. Great one shot.

Edited by PyroKitsune
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"That doesn't even make sense!"

"Doesn't it?"

I can just hear this exchange so clearly. Hilarious; the whole thing's awesomely written. cx

The way you phoneticized Kyoya's congestion was also particularly realistic and effective, so kudos on that. ouo

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This is so great!! I haven't watched OHSHC in forever, but I might have to start again... And also, that beginning:

It began with a sore throat, as all great stories do.

Oh, but not just any sore throat.

I just love the way you phrased that. :rofl:

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Absolutely It's true Mommy can be Stubbon If he was sick this is exactly how he would act..BUT HE BETTER STAY AWAY FROM MY HARUHI~~~!!!! *Whines waves arms feircly* -Tamaki

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G'AWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! heart.gifheart.gifheart.gif *melts*

I just loved Haruhi and Kyoya's relationship throughout the show, and you illustrate it perfectly here. And this is exactly what I think would happen if Kyoya got sick, so great job there too. Just, all around everything in this is perfect and I am sososo excited for the next one-shot. smile.png

Well...awesome-sauce! Thank you so much, VB! Kyoya is a really fun character to write for, especially when there's denial involved heheh. Wouldn't it be awesome if there was an episode of Ouran made like this? I would die. Literally. Just...die. :D

Heeheehee! The loveliness that is Kyoya.

Oh Kyoya...so lovely, yet so stubborn. :P

Aww, this was adorable! I love how entirely ridiculous Kyoya is being without realizing just how much he's reaching here. And Haruhi is very patient here. Nice story, thank you for posting. biggrin.png

Haha, thank you~ I guess Haruhi does have to be pretty patient to have to deal with these guys every day. Seriously, if I was her, I just might pull out all my hair with the frustration xD

Ahhh nice. I found this fic really interesting as Kyoya's interactions with the other hosts are what I found the most engaging. Though with a title like "The Shadow King", I guess you'd have to be adept at hiding many things. He really was grasping at straws this time XD. Great one shot.

Thanks, Pyro!! Kyoya...there are just so many feels with this guy! I mean, he tries so hard to show no emotion or any signs of hardship, yet he still goes through everything he goes through! It's touching, really. <3

"That doesn't even make sense!"

"Doesn't it?"

I can just hear this exchange so clearly. Hilarious; the whole thing's awesomely written. cx

The way you phoneticized Kyoya's congestion was also particularly realistic and effective, so kudos on that. ouo

Eehee, thank you thank you! I think Kyoya would be adorable talking in a wittle congested voice :3

This is so great!! I haven't watched OHSHC in forever, but I might have to start again... And also, that beginning:

It began with a sore throat, as all great stories do.

Oh, but not just any sore throat.

I just love the way you phrased that. lol.gif

:lol: Thank you! I was feeling creative, haha. I love Ouran~

Ah hah! I never expected a Kyoya fic, but it was so cute and spot on. I loved it. biggrin.png

Thank you so much! I've got oneshots for everyone, even Honey!

Absolutely It's true Mommy can be Stubbon If he was sick this is exactly how he would act..BUT HE BETTER STAY AWAY FROM MY HARUHI~~~!!!! *Whines waves arms feircly* -Tamaki

At least I don't possess the audacity to express my suffering due to disease in the maturity of a three-year-old. -Kyoya

(Translation: At least I don't act like a baby when I'm sick...unlike some people. xD)

Thanks guys, for all the wonderful comments! If you want to read more of my Ouran oneshots, there's links in my drabble thread :D

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"That doesn't even make sense!"

"Doesn't it?"

I can just hear this exchange so clearly. Hilarious; the whole thing's awesomely written. cx

The way you phoneticized Kyoya's congestion was also particularly realistic and effective, so kudos on that. ouo

Eehee, thank you thank you! I think Kyoya would be adorable talking in a wittle congested voice :3

It would be absolutely precious. ;u; For some reason (irony is probably that reason,) it's always the cutest when the character with the largest and most sophisticated vocabulary sounds all stuffed up. XD

I've been brainstorming sick!twins for the past couple of days but so far my ideas aren't quite coherent enough to become a fic. XD

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Wait a second, oh gosh you wrote sick!twins, I didn't notice that before. O_O *rushes off to read it XD*

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