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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Not wanting help (Hetalia ; Including young Hong Kong and England )


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I'm going to do it! This first fic will be a hetalia one, because that's what I normally write! This is my first time with sneezes, so they might not be that well done. I think it's a little short as well, and not as many sneezes as I wanted. I'm so sorry!!


That's how the day had started, well for Leon that's how it started. He felt drained, his eyes barely able to stay opened and his chest had began hurting just by coughing. He rolled over to his side staring at the wall. Why did he have to be stuck in England? It's not like there was a huge reason, he didn't want to be owned by this guy. The food sucked, nothing like when he was with China. Then the sudden urge to sneeze over took his body again, he sat up to hopefully make it a bit better,

"H'skkysh", he in-hailed sharply before it happened once again,"ha'shisk" that last one was sharp, and pretty painful. He didn't shown any signs of pain of course, he kept his same old blank expression.

"Maybe I should go grab something?" he mumbles to himself, unsure if he even had the strength to stand on his own two legs, let alone walk off to the bathroom. He groans and looks around, his room was still small, had a few simple things nothing much to it. For a child, he seemed to be rather, well, boring.

"Choo-AA'chtoo!" Suddenly two sneezes escape his body, and alongside that his nose starts running. He has to think fast, but in the end what he ends up doing it just wiping the snot on his sleeve. Not the cleanest thing to do; it's just that he didn't have the energy to find the tissues. Though if it means anything, he'd do anything to get Arthur to need to clean up more of his messes.

He must have fallen asleep because the next thing he knows there is a figure standing above him, just staring at him. Leon would have set that in a bit more if he hadn't need to jerk into a sitting position and sneeze his nose off,

"A-!" He makes the starting sound, or at least something a bit like it.


He does his best to next the confused expression starting to push itself onto his face be shown.

Luckily before it can take it's final form on his face, he starts coughing. A painful cough, hurting his chest and head more than it should. Wait, had the dull ache been there when he had woken up? Possibly, he hadn't quite remembered.

"Quite the situation you got yourself into,"

Leon looked up at the man who was speaking, his green eyes not full of his anger but more on the worried side (Wonder how, his voice sounded as it could make million children cry. Not Leon, though, he never cried).

Leon took a breath to speak just as his body suddenly drew in a deep breath and he let out a loud bout of," hssksktch-kshkit"

His eyes had started to water as well, or was he crying?

Leon was unsure, though really he didn't care. Maybe the pain was the way his body was finally telling him that he could curl up and just wait for England to take it's final move.

No matter how hard he closed his eyes or anything, Arthur hadn't moved from his spot. He wasn't planning on taking over the small kid lying on the bed. No, he wanted to help him.

"H'skksht!! skshtt! Kshykst!" Sneezes started to escape the great and strong Leon, or now the dying and helpless Leon. He took in another sharp breath before it all started once again,

"Shhkisht!! Shiysshsk!" The last sneeze had been painful, even to the point of bringing Leon to tears.

"Hey there lad, you'll be okay, relax a bit,"Leon could hear Arthur's voice, he didn't want to respond. He sure as hell didn't want to listen to the man, he didn't he looked at the floor and sniffed.

Finally he gave in, with one last sniff, a few more "choo" sounds he leans back onto his pillows and looked up at Arthur. He still didn't really enjoy the man, but he wanted to survive to be at least 15, in human years that is.

((If anyone wants me to I will continue it! With more sneezing talking, and possibly cuddles!))

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First fic, huh? Very well written. I would like to read more when you get the chance. :)

Welcome new comer. :hug:

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I had managed to make this one worst than the last!! I'm very sorry, I wanted it written as soon as possible because I went and got myself in a musical. Plus I'm about to have homework to do, along with 'School newspaper writer'

Anyways, I really hope you enjoy!! (Thank you guys for reading my work!! It really means a lot!)

Leon must have fallen asleep, not for a long time that is; because he was woken up when something was being shoved in his mouth. He squints his eyes and looks at Arthur, did he go and get a thermometer? Seem like it,

"Sorry for waking you; but I just wanted to see if you had a fever." The small object beeps and Arthur moves and then pulls it out of the younger boy's mouth.

"Ack'shoo!!" At this time Leon just wanted Arthur to read the device then exit the room without another word, just let him die quietly in his room. That is besides the sneezes that seem to be attacking him.

"Tsktsk, should have thought something was off when you fell asleep during that movie yesterday evening."

'Yeah, I'm so sick. Go complain to your mother.' Thought Leon to himself, he was getting tired of Arthur taking away his sleeping time.

"Aaa...ah..ahh..." Leon quickly moved his arm to sneeze in his elbow,"Shoo!"

After just another loud and painful sneeze all Leon could think was,'Ow.' It could have ended up worse, he could have gotten the insides of his nose every where. Or he could have gotten a worse illness, such as a stomach bug. Oh, that would have been way worse than a simple cold.

"H'shhsk! Shyshk!! Shshk!" Another fit of the sneezes, well, that's just great. Maybe they will never go away and he'll have to life his life sneezing at every corner.

When another form of life moved to touch his face, he nearly jumped out of bed. When he did look to see what was going on, Arthur had a handkerchief and was wiping his face, right under his eyes.

'Were my eyes watering?'

"Yes, lad, seems that your little fit brought tears to your eyes." Arthur then pulled away, but Leon just stared up with confusion,

Had he just thought to himself out loud? Or..Can Arthur read minds? Either way, it was strange.

"Hmm.." The British man thought to himself, then out of the blue he started to push Leon over a bit. Then Leon noticed he wanted him to scoot over.

"A..Ah..Aa.." A sneeze had started to try to make it's way out of his body, yet it never managed to make itself fully form so Leon was kind of stuck there with a dumb expression played on his face.

Luckily he managed to wipe it off before Arthur saw, at least he hoped something like that happened.

"Your bed is quite small.." Mumbled Arthur to himself, which had made Leon look up and notice that Arthur had sat under his covers. With a loud sigh, Leon gave in and he moves his head so he was Leaning a bit on Arthur's side, he did enjoy the warmth so he got something good out of the Leon must had fallen asleep, not for a long time that is; because he was woken up when something was being shoved in his mouth. He squints his eyes and looks at Arthur, did he go and get a thermomader? Seem like it,

"Sorry for waking you; but I just wanted to see if you had a fever." The small object beeps and Arthur moves and then pulls it out of the younger boy's mouth.

"Ack'shoo!!" At this time Leon just wanted Arthur to read the device then exit the room without another word, just let him die quietly in his room. That is besides the sneezes that seem to be attacking him.

"Tsktsk, should have thought something was off when you fell asleep during that movie yesterday evening."

'Yeah, I'm so sick. Go complain to your mother.' Thought Leon to himself, he was getting tired of Arthur taking away his sleeping time.

"Aaa...ah..ahh..." Leon quickly moved his arm to sneeze in his elbow,"Shoo!"

After jus another loud and painful sneeze all Leon could think was,'Ow.' It could have ended up worse, he could have gotten the insides of his nose every where. Or he could have gotten a worse illness, such as a stomach bug. Oh, that would have been way worse than a simple cold.

"H'shhsk! Shyshk!! Shshk!" Another fit of the sneezes, well, tjat's just great. Maybe they will never go away and he'll have to life his life sneezing at every corner.

When another form of life moved to touch his face, he nearly jumped out of bed. When he did look to see what was going on, Arthur had a hankercheif and was wiping his face, right under his eyes.

'Were my eyes watering?'

"Yes, lad, seems that your little fit brought tears to your eyes." Arthur then pulled away, but Leon just stared up with confusion,

Had he just thought to himself out loud? Or..Can Arthur read minds? Either way, it was strange.

"Hmm.." The British man thought to himself, then out of the blue he started to push Leon over a bit. Then Leon noticed he wanted him to scoot over.

"A..Ah..Aa.." A sneeze had started to try to make it's way out of his body, yet it never managed to make itself fully form so Leon was kind of stuck there with a dumb expression played on hsi face.

Luckily he managed to wipe it off before Arthur saw, at least he hoped something like that happened.

"Your bed is quite small.." Mumbled Arthur to himself, which had made Leon look up and notice that Arthur had sat under his covers. With a loud sigh, Leon gave in and he moves his head so he was Leaning a bit on Arthur's side, he did enjoy the warmth so he got something good out of the embarrasment. The main thing is, he knew it'd be over soon enough..

Well, it'd possibly be over soon enough.

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