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coughs and sniffles- vocaloid again hehe


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im sorry for writing too much

these are some of the backlogged fics ive written while ive been cut off from the online world xD forgive me

its more Kaito xD

and another 3 parter, because i love three parters

The kitchen in the Vocaloid mansion had a cheerful, busy air as the group of singers gathered for a late breakfast. Miku, Rin, Len, Gakupo, Meiko and Gumi were all sat around the large dining table, munching on their respective character foods and chatting excitedly, when a loud crashing sound coming from upstairs startled them. In unison, they all turned towards the door as they heard a set of loud hurried footsteps clattering down the stairs, and then a dishevelled, blue haired boy burst in, running so fast that he tripped over the door frame and almost fell over, waving his arms wildly as he stumbled around, trying to balance himself.

“Ahhhh! I’m late I’m late! I was so excited about today’s recording that I stayed up all night to rehearse, but then I fell asleep in the morning!” He wailed with tears in his eyes, grabbing the piece of toast that Miku held out to him, since she had anticipated this situation, and hurriedly trying to tug on his jacket,

“I thought I heard someone singing late last night, that was you, Kaito?” Len looked up over his bananas with a slightly bored expression, but quickly found himself smirking at the panicked blue haired Vocaloid, who was trying to smooth down his untidy hair in the mirror and put on his shoes at the same time.

“Ahhhh I’m gonna be late! Master’s gonna hate me!!” Kaito cried, ignoring the other boy’s question as he rushed around, looking for his favourite blue scarf, “What if I get taken off the project! What if I…hah…Ha-tchu! Ha-tchu!” Amidst his frantic flailing and wailing, a slight tickle blossomed up in the back of Kaito’s nose and he quickly succumbed to a couple of soft sneezes, stopping in his tracks and cupping his hands over his face, snapping forward slightly at the waist. When he stood back up again, his eyes were half lidded and he seemed much calmer.

“Bless you!” Everyone chorused without looking up from their food, but only Miku turned around, reaching up and putting her hand on the blue haired boys shoulder as he wrapped his warm scarf around his neck. “are you getting a cold?” She asked tenderly.

“No, I’m fine, Master’s probably cursing my lateness,” he grinned sweetly, heading towards the door, “see you later.”

“Pick up some more leeks on the way home!” She called after him, igniting the interest of the other Vocaloids at the table.

“And some sake!”

“That new video game I’ve been wanting!”

“I need some more perfume, you know the brand!”

“Ok, ok,” he groaned, throwing shut the front door and locking it behind him, then he stopped, his slender nose twitching as he looked up at the bright morning sun.

“Huh-Tchu!” he sighed, “should probably get some tihh…tissues too. Ktshuu!”

Kaito got to the studio almost half an hour late and was reamed out by Master, but other than that the recording went well. Whatever it was that was irritating Kaito’s nose was still working its magic, so a couple of sneezes interrupted him from time to time, but it was nothing that he couldn’t handle. By the time they had finished recording, he had sang so much that his throat was starting to feel itchy. He took a few sips from a bottle of water to try and ease it, but it didn’t seem to help. Since he had recording again the next day, Kaito vowed to rest his voice for the rest of the day. While they had been rehearsing, Master had told Kaito some exciting news. He had been booked to sing at a concert the following evening. The blue haired boy was thrilled, and chattered excitedly to Master about it in their break time. The venue was an hour away by train, but that didn’t bother him.

He set off walking into town with a spring in his step, but the warm orange sun and blue sky from that morning had faded, and a wintery chill filled the air. With only his usual light jacket to keep him warm, Kaito soon began to shiver as he walked. The cold breeze made his nose start to run, and he tried to sniffle it back, but the thick gurgling sound that came out made him shudder.

“I could really do with dose tissues,” he remarked wryly to himself as he headed into the shopping district, shoving his hands deep into his pockets to keep them warm, the cold wind whipped around him, battering his cheeks, it was a piercing cold, and walking in it was giving him a headache.

“Hyuhh…HaaaaHa-tchu!” Another itchy sneeze escaped him, making him double over into his cupped hands as he was walking, he rubbed gently at the underside of his nose with his index finger and wondered what it was that was making him sneeze so much. He did have quite a sensitive nose and knew that he could be sneezy in general, but it was starting to get ridiculous. Kaito pinched the bridge of his nose as another tickle invaded his sinuses, and it backed off.

The walk to the shop was only 10 minutes from the recording studio, but by the time Kaito got there his nose had become quite stuffed up due to the wind. Stepping in out of the cold, he gave a quick shudder like a dog trying to shake the coldness out of him and rubbed his hands together, then he pressed his index finger up against his red nostrils as he started to walk. This was slowly becoming his trademark position, as his nose seemed to be getting ticklier by the minute, and it seemed like a bad idea to sneeze while his nose was so clogged. Without wasting any time, he rushed to the cold and flu isle and grabbed a few packets of pocket tissues. Feeling that familiar uncomfortable spike in the back of his nose, he fumbled about opening one of the packets with his trembling hands, and just about managed to bury his nose in the soft material when-

“HehhnGtchu! HuuNgtchu!” He exploded forward with two congested sneezes, emptying his stuffed up nose. Gently wiping around the creases of his red nose, he gave a quiet, experimental sniff and grinned, feelings though he could breathe much better now, before he set off looking for the rest of his shopping.

Deciding to walk back to the Vocaloid mansion instead of taking the bus had been a bad idea, Kaito had only just set off back when the gray sky opened and a torrential rain storm began. The blue haired Vocaloid boy trudged through the soggy streets with his clothes soaked and see through and his hair plastered to his head, trickles of cold water ran down his neck and made him shiver. After a long 20 minute walk he stumbled in through the manor front door and sighed. He stood vacantly in the marble entrance hall, slightly hunched over, whether with the weight of the shopping in his hands or exhaustion, shivering slightly, a small pool of rain water collecting at his feet.

“Tchu!” He closed his eyes and opened his mouth wide like he was yawning in a silent build up, then he let a tired sneeze escape freely into the air, since his hands were occupied with his shopping bags. When he felt another sneeze coming on, he gently put the bags down on the floor and cupped his hands over his nose and mouth.


“Bless you!” The Vocaloids chorused, looking concerned as they all hurried into the room after hearing Kaito sneeze. Miku wandered over to him and tried to put her hand on his forehead to check for a fever, but he quickly dodged round her, straightening up and grinning foolishly as he picked up the shopping bags again.

“Hey guys! Recording went great today! Master got me a concert for tomorrow, so I’m going to be late home! Rin, they’d sold out of perfume.” He chattered idly, carrying the bags into the kitchen and tipping the contents out onto the table. “Can you believe this rain, it was so sunny this morning. I should have took an umbrellahh…hahh…haaTchu!”

“Kaito!” Miku grabbed his arm and stopped him as another sneeze wracked his tiny shivering body, his skin felt slightly warm.

“What?” He asked, sniffling slightly and touching his index finger to his nose, but still smiling just as widely. Miku stared at him for a moment, then seemed to lose her fire, “What’s up?”

“…Nothing…” She trailed off, letting go of his arm. Kaito put the last of the shopping away and smiled.

“Right, gotta go practice for tomorrow! Practice! Hahh…Haatchu!” He bent forward with another loud sneeze into his cupped hands, then he wrapped his thin arms around his chest and clutched his wet jacket, shivering slightly, “on second thought, I think I’ll dry off first, I’m pretty cold.” He laughed.

“Hehh…EhhhhKshu!” The warm steam from the bath tickled his nose. Desperate to get in and warm up his frozen body, Kaito climbed in before the water had finished running, sinking down into the hot water right up to his shoulders. It felt like heaven on his tired limbs, soothing the cold induced headache he had developed, he turned off the tap and relaxed, giving a deep comfortable sigh. It felt so good that Kaito found himself growing incredibly sleepy, but, wanting to rest and indulge himself a bit longer before he got out, he told himself that he could keep himself from falling asleep.

Kaito wasn’t sure how much later it was, but he started to wake up feeling unusually cold and uncomfortable. He started to move, but felt something swishing around his arms and legs. He slowly started to open his eyes and stretch out his limbs, since he was sitting slightly bent up.

“Huhh…wh…where ab I? HuuGtchuu!” He sniffled deeply, his head feeling thick and full of congestion, his limbs cold and achy. Realising he was still in the bath, Kaito quickly got up and started to dry himself off, it was completely dark now outside the window, so much have been sleeping there for hours, the bath water had turned ice cold long ago. He must have been more tired than he’d thought. Feeling cold, stiff and shivery, Kaito put on his comfiest pyjamas and collapsed into bed. He tucked himself in under the thick blankets and nestled up on his fluffy pillow, curling up into a ball and shivering slightly, even after he had laid there for a while, he couldn’t shake the chill that had settled in his bones. His forehead felt hot and achy, but by this point, he was too tired to care. One last little ’Ktshu’ escaped him before he dozed off to sleep.

again, im sorry xD bai bai

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Oh man, please stop apologizing, I adored that

Adored it with every fiber of my being. >//u//< You made him utterly precious.

Favorite line: "This was slowly becoming his trademark position." I don't know, that just seemed particularly clever. XD

(When I read Vocaloid fanfics, I always find myself trying to imagine them speaking in casual versions of their actual voices

Which is, well, difficult. ._.)

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Oh man, please stop apologizing, I adored that

Adored it with every fiber of my being. >//u//< You made him utterly precious.

Favorite line: "This was slowly becoming his trademark position." I don't know, that just seemed particularly clever. XD

(When I read Vocaloid fanfics, I always find myself trying to imagine them speaking in casual versions of their actual voices

Which is, well, difficult. ._.)

i know what you mean about their voices, its hard isnt it xD sometimes i accidentally hear them singing their lines in my head XD

on a separate note, since i know literally no one who is into vocaloid if you ever want to pm me and fangirl over them then im here :D

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Oh man, please stop apologizing, I adored that

Adored it with every fiber of my being. >//u//< You made him utterly precious.

Favorite line: "This was slowly becoming his trademark position." I don't know, that just seemed particularly clever. XD

(When I read Vocaloid fanfics, I always find myself trying to imagine them speaking in casual versions of their actual voices

Which is, well, difficult. ._.)

i know what you mean about their voices, its hard isnt it xD sometimes i accidentally hear them singing their lines in my head XD

on a separate note, since i know literally no one who is into vocaloid if you ever want to pm me and fangirl over them then im here biggrin.png

Or as a really, really awkward Talkloid. XD

Okay, yay! c: I'm unfortunately not of high enough status yet to PM, but would you like me to friend you nonetheless? ^^;

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Please do! Also, I don't suppose you (or anyone else for that matter) is interested in seeing my not as good as it sounds vocaloid sneeze pose I tried to make on mmd that I downloaded today and am thoroughly sucking at (I can't figure out how to download the new version xD)

Any interests?

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Alright wait, I'm an idiot, you're gonna have to send me a friend request because I can't go to your profile. XD

Omg yes I would like to see that. ouo Maybe we could trade. I made one of England from Hetalia ages ago when I was playing with MMD. ^^;

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ok part 2!

The next morning, Kaito woke up to a burning tickling sensation in his nose.

“Huh…whu…Nnnghh…”He rolled over, groping for the tissues he had left on the night table with one hand, the index finger of his other hand pressed firmly beneath his nose. As soon as he found the tissues he plucked one out of the box and pressed it over his nose, sitting up quickly on the bed and letting a loud, congested fit of sneezes escape.

“Huhh…HuuNgtchu! HGktchu… ahh…hahh…hahhh…” he sniffled gently to try and coax another sneeze, but the tickle backed down and he just sighed irritably, rubbing gently at his pink nose through the tissue. As he slowly started to come round, Kaito became very much aware of a tight, sore feeling in his throat when he swallowed, when he tried to talk, his voice came out dry and hoarse. His head felt warm, and he had a bad headache, it felt as though his brain was being repeatedly hit with a hammer. His body felt cold despite his fever and he was shivering uncontrollably, while his nose dripped thickly with congestion. Kaito pressed the tissue against his nose and snorted thickly.

“Nngh…don’t tell be…”

“Kaitoooo, Kaitoooo! Get up or you’ll be late for recording.” Miku called up from the bottom of the stairs, then she sat down on the comfortable sofa and threw herself into writing song lyrics, only about ten minutes later when she heard a set of slow heavy footsteps come banging down the stairs did she look up from them.

“*snff* borig biku…” The blue haired Vocaloid appeared in the doorway, snuffling thickly and rubbing at his nose with a crumpled up tissue, he was wearing his usual clothes, but his scarf was pulled up higher around his mouth and tied up much tighter, his eyes were dark and heavy, and there were thick black bags lining them. His cheeks were flushed with fever but the rest of his skin looked pale, his nose was a bright neon shade of pink and was twitching almost constantly. It looked so tickly and irritated that Miku started to feel like she needed to sneeze in sympathy.

“Oh, Kaito! You look awful! I knew you were getting a cold!” She cried, jumping up out of her seat and running over to feel his forehead. It was hot and slightly clammy with sweat, Kaito was so startled by her cry that it took him a moment to figure out what was going on, when he came to his senses, he gently brushed her hands away.

“Id’s fide…I dodt habe a cold, *snff* I habe a codcerdt todite…HeeNgktchuu!” He quickly ducked away from the twin tailed Vocaloid and buried his nose into the tissue, letting out another deep, irritated sounding sneeze. Miku looked concerned, but she recognised Kaito’s feelings about his concert, since in a way they were all the same, the Vocaloid’s lived for singing, it was why they were created.

“Ok, Kai, at least until you get home, you’re not sick, but at least take some medicine before you go, just in case. I’ll make you some breakfast, so wait a minute, yeah?” She smiled, turning away and heading off towards the kitchen, but before she’d even made it to the door she head Kaito shuffling behind her.

“*snff* sorry Biku…I’b godda be ladte…godda go…” he gave a weak sounding cough and headed towards the door at a sort of half sprint, slamming the front door behind him before Miku even had the chance to turn around and scold him.

“Good lord, Kaito!” Master exclaimed loudly as Kaito came into the studio, gently pinching at his pink nose to hold back a sneeze long enough to say his greetings, “you sound terrible!”

He stood up in shock and was about to walk over to him, but Kaito motioned for him to stay where he was, and slowly, he walked over and sat heavily down in the chair opposite him.

“*snff* I dow…I’b gettig dat a lodt today, Baster…HuhhNgktchu!” Master watched the blue haired boy with unmasked concern as he dug a clean tissue out of his pocket and blew his nose, then he looked up at the older man and laughed. “I’b glad dat we’re dodt filbig a busic video today.”

Master reached out and ruffled the young boys hair, making him smile and lean into the cool touch, he noticed that Kaito’s head felt hot and feverish, but from previous experience of working with him, Master knew that Kaito wasn’t the type to cancel his work because he caught a cold. The best thing that he could do was finish up the recording as quickly as possible and see that he got home and to bed as soon as possible.

“*snff* sorry aboudt dis, Baster…Hgkntchu!” *snf* I’ll try dot to sdeeze while I’b siging.”

Master smiled gently at his favourite Vocaloid, gently patting his shoulder.

“Don’t worry about it, silly Kaito, just sing your best. I’ll just get the microphone, is there anything I can get you that would help you feel better?”

Kaito started dazedly off into the distance for a moment, then he turned back and looked up at Master with a tired smile.

“Mmm, tea please.”

Recording somehow didn’t go quite as planned. With a few sips of tea Kaito managed to temporarily rid himself of his hoarse voice enough for him to sing, but he could barely make it through 10 words of song between each sneeze. Master said that it must have been the vibrations from singing that were tickling his nose, but that didn’t make him feel any better. Kaito had been getting incredibly frustrated about halfway through the song, they had been recording for about an hour by this point, and had already done the top side of about 50 takes, but still Kaito couldn’t hold his nose under control for long enough to finish the song, Master had decided that it would be easier on him to record as much as he could in one go and then piece the little snippets of song together at the end, so that was how they had started doing things, but it still took on average three takes before he could even make it through one line without sneezing in the middle.

“NuehhhGktchu! Kgtchu!” Kaito broke of from singing to sneeze into a fresh new tissue, he looked practically on the verge of frustrated tears. Master stopped the music and the recorder, then he gently put his arm around the Vocaloid’s shoulders.

“Don’t worry about it, Kaito, you’re doing very well,” he cooed, trying to calm him down, since crying would only make his nose run more. Kaito sniffled thickly and cuddled into Master’s chest, “we still have plenty of time left, do you want to take a nap?”

“Do…idt’s fide…Bastehh…hehh…HeeGtchuu! MasterrrKtshu!” He turned away at the last minute, sneezing into his cupped hands, then he sat back with his eyes closed, pinching the bridge of his nose, “one more time.”

Reluctantly, Master kick started the music again and Kaito started to sing, amazingly his voice still sounded as clear and smooth as always. Almost immediately, as usual, the perpetually tickly feeling in his nose started to flutter around in the back of his sinuses, almost making his breath hitch, somehow he managed to keep it from showing in his voice, but he was getting sneezy already, there was no way he was going to make it more than a couple of lines. His fingers gripped so tightly to the microphone that his knuckles turned white as he tried to resist the urge, his eyes welled up with irritated tears and his cheek muscles twitched. Master watched the young boy’s face contort into sneezy expressions, his pink nose wriggling madly, and almost laughed, he was singing such a serious song, and yet he was wiggling about in his seat, desperately trying not to sneeze, it really was a good thing that they weren’t making a music video.

"HnnnGktchuuu! HaaaaaTchuu!" Unable to hold it any longer, Kaito snapped forward, just barely able to throw up his hands to cover his mouth, Master gave a silent sigh. "*Snff, sorry Master, it happened again."

They finished recording not a moment too soon, and Kaito hurriedly threw on his coat and headed for the door. Master had seemed pleased that he could finally go home and rest, but when Kaito reminded him that he was headed out to his concert venue, his face had dropped.

“Oh Kaito! I'd forgot all about that,” he exclaimed, looking somewhat disappointed, “you’re going to have to cancel, you can’t perform in this state.”

Kaito simply shrugged and dabbed at his raw nose with a crumpled up tissue.

“It’s fine, I haven’t had a concert in ages, and I want to do it,” he gave a tired half smile as he ran for the door, not giving Master the opportunity to chide him, “see you later, Master.”

(i lied, its gonna be four parts xD)

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*squeals happily and rolls around* Kaito Kaito Kaito!

I just wanna hug him and pet him and kiss him and...oh dear look what you've made me say. blushsmiley.gif


Edited by fang815
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Gwahhh! ...Auughh. ..Augh. The cute. TT_TT I love love love this. He's so precious, and his master is so sweet and considerate. ;_;

And the whole opening section describing the sorry state he woke up in, I just want to hold him and never let goooo~

I'm imagining him trying to sing Crescent Moon, since that's one of the few Kaito songs that I know most of the lyrics to. ^^;

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