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Overworked- Noragami Yato fic


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please someone tell me what SwH means...

hiiii guys!! i bought a new laptop today so im finally back!!!

and since Akahana was such a sweetie and kept posting on my drabbles thread and cheering me up even when i couldnt post, i decided to write her a 3 part noragami fic :3 yaaaaaaaaaaay :D

of course, if anyone else enjoys it as well, then i'll be a very happy Animania! so please read it and tell me if you enjoy it :D

Part 1- Discovery

“Another fine job by me, the great Yatogami!” Yato bragged, turning over the three 5 yen coins he’d earned that day in his hand, Hiyori watched his foolishly grinning face out of the corner of her eye as she walked along beside him. “I worked hard today!”

The low orange sun was just starting to set behind the houses just up ahead and the streets were starting to turn dark, but the street lights weren’t yet lit, pale white snow crunched beneath their feet as they walked, Hiyori shivered slightly and rubbed her hands together from inside her gloves. It was already late into winter, and she and Yukine were both wrapped up in the thickest coats and scarves they could find, but Yato was still wearing his usual black jersey as though he hadn’t even noticed the snow. Of course, Hiyori hadn’t offered to lend him one, but, surely god’s didn’t feel the cold like humans did.

“Business is really picking up these days, we’ve been getting tones of jobs come through recently,” Yukine turned and waved back over his shoulder at the elderly couple that they had spent the afternoon helping out, he felt slightly sad that they wouldn’t remember him once they’d walked out of sight, but he remembered what Yato had told him and tried not to think about it.

“Isn’t that great, Yato. People are finally starting to appreciate everything you do.” Hiyori smiled shyly, the blushing minor god nodded happily and hugged her tightly as they were walking, it came as quite a shock to her when she noticed his red cheek felt bitingly cold against her warm one. Trying to dismiss the nervous feeling she felt bubbling up in her chest, she looked up at him through her fringe, trying not to let him see her staring. Sure enough, his usually pale face was flushed. And was it just the shadows cast by the setting sun or did his eyes look dark underneath.

“It’s all thanks to the shrine Hiyori gave me, it must have some mystical power that brings me luck!” Yato continued to chatter away without a care oblivious to the girl‘s thoughts, and Hiyori quickly forgot about what she’d seen, almost.

“Well, just make sure you don’t overwork yourself, make sure you get lots of rest,” she mumbled, nervously playing with the loose threads on her gloves to hide her blush, Yato looked around to her with a slightly confused look on his face, then he gave her a childish smile, “right, I’m going this way now, see you guys tomorrow.”

“Yeah, I will. See you later, Hiyori!” Yato grinned happily and waved high over his head until the girl had disappeared down the road out of sight, then he turned to Yukine with a slightly more serious expression on his face. Once he’d stopped smiling, his expression suddenly seemed much more tired than usual.

“Yukine, you’re done for today, *cough cough* go back to Kofuku’s now.”

“What about you Yato?” The blonde haired boy shot a quizzical look at his ‘master’ although honestly he had been expecting the minor god to say something like that. Beneath his dark eyes, Yato gave a tired smile.

“Just a couple more jobs I have scheduled.”

Without saying another word, Yato disappeared.

“Good afternoon, Kofuku,” Hiyori bowed politely as she came inside and looked around, Yukine was sat at the table working on some old middle school textbooks she had given him, when he saw her come in, he looked up at her with a look of sheer terror plastered across is face.

“Er…Hiyori…w-w-what are you doing here so early? Don’t you have school?” He gabbled nervously, waving his hands frantically in the air. Hiyori laughed.

“Our afternoon lesson was cancelled,” She answered, taking off her shoes and putting them in a cupboard, then she stood up and looked around the room as though she was confused. “Huh…Where’s Yato?”

“Ahh…I…I…erm…” The blonde jumped up from the table so fast that he accidentally scattered his books onto the floor, Kofuku turned around from making a cup of tea for her guest when she heard the noise and then smiled as Yukine scrabbled around trying to tidy up after himself.

“Ahhh…Yatty? He stayed out late working last night and he hasn’t come back yet.” She said casually to herself, making Yukine’s face drop, “Actually, he’s been pulling all nighter’s every day this week. Good for Yato, he’s finally got lots of jobs coming in.”

“Idiot!” Across the room, Yukine dropped his books for a second time in an attempt to silence the god of misfortune, but it was too late, “Yato specifically said not to mention that, remember?!”

“Oh…really?” She put her finger to her lips as though she was deep in thought, then after a minute she shook her pink head and smiled, “I guess I forgot.”

“Wait…so Yato’s…”

“Yukine…I’m back.” Before she had even been able to find the right words to voice the thoughts rampaging through her mind, Hiyori was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and a tired voice calling in. As though she was behind moved by some supernatural force she spun round so quickly that she almost fell over, and standing in the doorway before her was the pale, shivering form of the very person she was looking for.

“Yato!” Both she and Yukine exclaimed in perfect unison, though the minor god didn’t seem to even notice they were there, he slowly closed the front door and then leaned himself against it, rubbing at his arms through his jersey as though he was trying to warm himself up. Hiyori couldn’t decide if he looked pale or flushed, his eyes were dark and it looked as though he could barely keep them open, his eyelids were half closed as though he was about to fall asleep on the spot. A perfect silence filled the small room as he stood leaning against the door breathing heavily and shivering weakly, then his head slowly started to tilt back, his eyes grew even more unfocused than they had been and his red nose started to twitch irritably. He hovered like this for what seemed like forever, then with only a huge intake of breath for warning he snapped forward into his hands.

“HaaGktchu! HaaKchoo! NnnGktchuu! HaaachuuHaaaKshooHuuNgtchuu!” Over and over again he straightened up and then snapped forward into his cupped hands, half clutching his chest as though he was in pain and leaning against the door so heavily to stop himself from falling over that it was starting to bend. The others all stood frozen and staring at him as this went on, then at last with a few shaky, ticklish breaths as though he was trying to hold the rest back, he started to straighten up again, rubbing at the underside of his nose tiredly with his index finger. Yukine was the first to react.

“Jeez Yato!! What happened to you? ” He cried loudly, running over to the minor god who looked like he could barely support his own weight any more, when the shinki tried to offer him his shoulder, Yato shrugged him away and walked into the room on his own. “Are you sick? I knew there was something wrong with you yesterday.”

“It’s fine, I just caught a cold.” He tried to smile reassuringly at his shinki, but ended up breaking out into a harsh coughing fit, his voice too seemed dry and raspy. Yukine brushed a few specks of snow off the young god’s shoulder “I’m gonna go nap before Hiyori gets here…ahh!” He bolted upright when he saw the half ayakashi girl standing in the living room before him, though it really should have been impossible to miss her, and his eyes grew wide. A heavy silence filled the air in the small room as Yato stared at her in shock and she started angrily back, then the tense silence was broken when Yato screwed up his face and let out a quiet ‘HeKchew!’ into his sleeve.

“Yatoooooooo!” The jersey god yelped quietly when he heard his name being called in such an ominous manner, and he looked away, avoiding Hiyori’s eyes, “What is this I hear about you pulling all nighters?” The half concerned, half enraged expression on Hiyori’s face made even Yukine wince slightly, and he was grateful not to be on the receiving end of her anger.

“It’s not a big deal,” He shrugged, trying to sound like his usual self although his voice quivered occasionally as though he was holding back another sneeze, “I’ve been getting lots of job requests coming in and I don’t want to turn any of them down. I can handle it.”

“Well clearly you’re not handling it.” She was seconds away from launching into a full on lecture, but she paused for a moment when Yato’s eyes grew unfocused and started to tear up. Feeling some of her anger disperse, she dug around in her pocket for a packet of tissues and offered them out to him, Yato snatched them out of her hand gratefully and crushed one over his face just in time as another sneeze overtook him. The hand she touched was ice cold.

“Bless you. Stupid stupid stupid Yato! You’re freezing! Of course you’re going to catch a cold if you’re working outside in the snow all the time and you’re not sleeping! And I just told you yesterday to take good care of yourself because I thought you looked tired!

“Now now, Hiyori.” Seeing her slowly getting more and more worked up, Yukine tried desperately to calm her down, especially since if the sickly god tried to shrink back out of her way any further he’d probably fall over, but she wasn’t listening.

“Come on!” She reached out and grabbed his wrist before he had the chance to say no, Yato flinched and started to yelp out in surprise, but it just got lost in another sneeze, “you need to warm up and get some sleep before you collapse.” Yato knew she was right, and if it was half curiosity that fuelled him, he still followed after her up the stairs, hoping that he really would get the chance for a good rest, but still he didn’t turn his phone off.

Once they were upstairs, Hiyori quickly folded back the covers of Yato’s futon and coaxed him over.

“Ideally it would be better if you could sleep in a real bed. It’s always nice to get comfortable and warm when you’re sick, and it’d probably help you relax,” Yato wondered for a moment what it must be like to sleep in a real bed, but that was all he allowed himself. He wandered over to the futon like he was in a daze and collapsed down onto the soft sheets, a deep moan of relief escaped his throat. “Oh well, it can’t be helped, I’ll put lots of blankets on so at least you’ll be warm.”

Yato made an incoherent noise that seemed to be a reply, but Hiyori couldn’t tell what he was trying to say. As she fumbled around with the blankets, she heard him sneeze a few times into the pillow.

Once she was done with that she rolled him over and lifted up his fringe to check his fever, but found a cold fever patch stuck to his forehead already, it felt slightly warm to touch, so either it had long since gone out of effect, or his fever was really terrible. Hiyori smiled, the poor thing must have been feeling really terrible to put one on himself. She slowly peeled it off and replaced it with a cold cloth, then she went back down to the kitchen to make him some food.

The next thing Yato knew was that he was alone. His consciousness had been drifting in and out, he wasn’t sure if he’d been sleeping for 10 seconds or 10 hours. Judging by the dull ache still present in his eyes that screamed sleep deprivation, it was the former. A hot feverish ache filled his entire body as though he was on fire, but at the same time an icy chill stabbed at his skin. He shivered and tried to pull up the blankets under his chin. His tired muscles were singing in relief now he was finally starting to relax, finally taking the weight off his feet after days of working through the night felt like heaven, if a god could say that. Just as he was considering rolling over and giving himself up to a much needed sleep, a ticklish buzzing in his pocket jolted him awake and a familiar ringing tone filled his ears. Yato pulled himself up and dug out the ringing phone, flipping it open and putting it to his ear.

“Yatogami delivery service,” was his tired greeting, nothing like his usual energetic sales pitch tone, and he punctuated the statement with a series of sharp coughs, “how can…I…heh…I heh…help…y-yuhh…Huhh…HuuGktchuu!”

The unfamiliar voice on the phone laughed and blessed him kindly, Yato gave an embarrassed laugh and apologised.

“Uhhuh…Uhhuh…oh, h-hold on a sehh…Kkshuu!v *snff*” he sighed with frustration and dabbed at his now running nose with the tissues Hiyori had given him, they were supposed to be scented, but his nose was so blocked he couldn’t tell, “Uhhuh…Mmm…ok, I’ll be there soon.”

After hanging up the phone, Yato gave another tired sigh and blew his nose for some much needed relief, Hiyori slowly pushed open the door, balancing a bowl of soup on a tray in both hands and, having caught the tail end of the phone conversation, raised her eyebrows and asked “what was that all about?”

Seeming as though he’d perked up a little from the 5 minute nap he’d had, Yato took the soup from her and drank it down quickly, as though he’d been started, then he wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve and threw back the covers.

“Another job. Guess I’d better get off,” he forced a smile and then looked eagerly at Hiyori, he seemed to want her to praise him, but she could only stare at him wide eyed in horror.

“Yato, you can’t work when you have a cold! Are you crazy, why didn’t you turn it down?”

The minor god looked strangely disappointed as though he’d not quite gotten the reaction he’d been expecting, then he shrugged defensively and frowned.

“No way, I spent such a long time trying to get jobs, w-why would I go tu-turning them down n-nowww…Hahh-Tschuu!” He frowned, dabbing at his nose roughly with the back of his hand, “I’ll be heading off now, see you later, Hiyori.”

Before Hiyori had even had the chance to argue with him, Yato warped out of the room and disappeared.


please look forward to part 2- Exhaustion

hahaha i feel all awkward again cos its been so long since i posted xD i hope you guys will like tand feed my overactive need for constant affirmation that i am a good writer...

i'm an aspiring writer who hates her own work...xD how does that make sense

bai bai, part 2 as soon as i write it!!!!!!

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please someone tell me what SwH means...

It means sneezing while hiding. Also, good job with the start of this story. :)
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please someone tell me what SwH means...

It means sneezing while hiding. Also, good job with the start of this story. smile.png

ohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! that makes 1000 years worth of sense!!!

ive been wondering that for weeks xD

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OH MY GOD ANI THIS IS SOOOOOO SWEET!!! I've been camping for 10 days and I have no idea how long this as been up I'm so sorry I didn't see this sooner!!

Now onto the gushing

HOLY SHIT I DON'T THINK YOU UNDERSTAND HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME!!! Aside from the fact that you even went out of your way to write me a fic, this is exactly the feeling I love to get when reading fanfictions. Some expansion on the characters' personalities and relationships outside what is given to us in the anime. This is completely pulling at my heartstrings and I almost cried when Yato accepted another job I just want Hiyori to be like "FUCK NO" and drag him back and love and cuddle him back to health and Yukine to fuss and pretend not to be worried when in fact he hates to see Yato suffer. This is amazing and I love it and I love you.

Thanks you so much and I can't wait for part 2 <3

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OH MY GOD ANI THIS IS SOOOOOO SWEET!!! I've been camping for 10 days and I have no idea how long this as been up I'm so sorry I didn't see this sooner!!

Now onto the gushing

HOLY SHIT I DON'T THINK YOU UNDERSTAND HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME!!! Aside from the fact that you even went out of your way to write me a fic, this is exactly the feeling I love to get when reading fanfictions. Some expansion on the characters' personalities and relationships outside what is given to us in the anime. This is completely pulling at my heartstrings and I almost cried when Yato accepted another job I just want Hiyori to be like "FUCK NO" and drag him back and love and cuddle him back to health and Yukine to fuss and pretend not to be worried when in fact he hates to see Yato suffer. This is amazing and I love it and I love you.

Thanks you so much and I can't wait for part 2 <3

hehehe awww im glad you liked it :D and thank you for always encouraging me with your comments :D

so, you say you want part 2? Good! BECAUSE HERE IT IS!!!!!!!!


Part 2- exhaustion

It was a good couple of days before Hiyori saw Yato again.

It wasn’t for her lack of trying, she’d been going to the house every morning before school and every afternoon when she’d finished, but the minor god was never there. All she heard from Kofuku and Yukine was that he was still working relentlessly day and night, he’d only managed to make it back for minutes at a time before he was called away on another job. When she asked them how his cold was, they just shook their heads.

It was by accident that she happened to bump into him on her way home from school.

“How is he, Yukine?”

“No different, he didn’t come back last night, when I saw him this morning he looked as white as a god of death.” The little blonde boy’s worried voice on the other side of the phone made Hiyori’s heart ache. As much as he didn’t like to admit it, seeing his ‘Master’ hurting was really upsetting for him.

“There has to be something we can do to help him,” She wondered aloud, tipping her head on one side as she walked down the narrow street on the way home from school, her heavy school bag slapped against the back of her legs, “have you tried talking to…huh?”

Just now…in that garden…was that?

“What’s up, Hiyori?” Yukine asked, sounding concerned, but Hiyori’s attention had already drifted away from the phonecall.

“I’ll talk to you later,” she managed to mumble quietly into the mouth piece before she hung up, then she almost ran towards the gate that she was passing by, quickly shedding her human self, she hopped up onto the fence and looked around.

Where…I’m sure…I saw him…there! A familiar black jersey caught her eye, Hiyori raced over to him as though her life depended on it.

“Yato. That you?”

“Ahh! Hi...Hiyo-Tchuu! Hiyori! Ktschuu!” Yato spun round on his knees, his flushed face stained with dirt, and grinned up at the cat tailed half ayakashi, Hiyori almost leapt back in shock when she saw his tired face. His usually bright eyes were dark and drooping, his skin looked patchy, sickly pale in places and feverishly flushed in others. He stood up and tried to hug her, looking as though he was trying way too hard to force himself to look healthy.

“Oh my god, Yato!” She cried, reaching up and touching the minor god’s forehead, it was obvious that he had a fever, but she wanted to see how bad it was. “You look awful! Your cold’s gotten worse!”

“It’s fine, its fine,” he tried to laugh, but ended up breaking into a coughing fit that rattled his lungs, Hiyori winced, it sounded as though he was wheezing with every breath. "I had a nap in the dog kennel when i was supposed to be cleaning it out. No one saw me, hehe."

The carefree grin on his face seemed genuine, Hiyori couldn't figure out how he could smile so happily while he was obviously in so much pain.

Hiyori gave a long sigh.

A cold biting wind nibbled at Yato's numb fingers and ears, he repressed a shiver that made his bones tingle and breathed onto his hands to try and warm them up.

"When was the last time you went home, Yato?" The minor God sniffled and wiped his nose with the back of his sleeve as he got back down on his knees to work, by the muddy stains on his cheeks, Hiyori could tell that he'd been doing that a lot.

"Ehh? Was it two...maybe three days ago," he mumbled quietly to himself, his small rounded nose starting to twitch again, "Huh...huhhh...HnGxchu! Htchuu! *snff* I don't really remember, i've been so busy lately, I earned a whole 200 yen this week <3."

Wiping the underside of his nose with his index finger, Yato smiled up at Hiyori until she praised him, and then got back to work. Hiyori looked around, most of the snow had melted over the last couple of days, but it was still bitterly cold. She sighed, what idiot wanted their garden renovating in the middle of winter!? Oh yeah, any idiot that would hire Yato, proabably.

By the time Hiyori looked back, Yato was already caught in the grips of another impending sneeze. It must have been unbelieveably difficult to get any work done when he had to keep stopping to sneeze, she thought idly as she watched him through a torturously long build up. His pink nose quivered irritably and he pawed at it with the back of his hand, though that didnt do anything to help, his eyes started to flutter closed and his long eyelashes shivered.

"Nghhhh...hahhh...Hxgnt! Ktchu! Ngtchu! Kshu! HaaaaaaaKntchuKtchuuKshuu!" After a few long slow shivering breaths a flurry of sneezes came barrling out of the minor God, they were a lot quieter today than they had been the day before, and he cupped his muddy hands over his nose and mouth to smother the sound as though he was trying not to be heard.

"Bless you," She commented as Yato blinked his blurry eyes and sniffled quietly, as though the effort of sneezing so many times had left him dazed, "you're sneezing a lot again today."

"It's not really that bad, the pollen from these plants its making it worse," he retorted almost instantly, "i'm allergic."

That might have been true, there were specks of yellow pollen freckled around Yato's twitching nose, he sniffled thickly and then sneezed again.

"Then what was wrong with you the other day?" She asked as he broke out into a loud coughing fit, he winced tiredly and touched his throat, which musth have been feeling raw from all the abuse, "you sneezed a lot then too."

"That was because i'd been holding them in all day," He nodded almost proudly, taking out a crumpled up tissue from his pocket and blowing his nose, "it didn't s-seeeem...heh...p-pro...HeeeNgtchuu! Professional to go round to all my clients looking sick, so i held them in. That what you saw was a whole day's worth of sneezes in one go." He seemed to be telling the truth though what he was saying didnt ditract away from the severity of his cold, but Hiyori had been lulled into a false sense of security by his words, and had calmed down.

"Hmm, well working too hard is still not good for you especially when you have a cold, promise me you'll go home after you finish this job."

"Ahhh, Hiyori is worried for me, i'm so happy <3" He grinned, blushing like a happy child and hugging his chest, though he looked more like he was trying to warm himself up, "ok I promise."

Feeling a lot less anxious than she had done before, Hiyori happily told herself that she'd got through to him and turned to leave, honestly she had wanted to stay with him until she'd gotten him all the way back to Kofuku's house, but she was supposed to be going to an important family dinner that night and had to rush home.

"Ok, i'll come check on you soon," She called back over her shoulder as she headed for the gate, and saw Yato cheerfully waving her away with a foolish grin on his face. She disappeared out of sight, buzzing with happiness because she had managed to be of some help, while Yato stiffly turned back to his work and glanced at the screen of his phone, a lift of job requests he hadn't done yet filled the large screen.

It was late in the afternoon the following day before Yato finally got a free minute to go home. By this point he was so tired that his body was moving on autopilot, the only thought that his throbbing head could contain was getting to sleep. Every fiber of his body was screaming out in pain from exhaustion and just the thought of being able to rest them soon was almost enough to make his legs collapse out from underneath him. He wobbled up the stairs to the attic resembling a zombie and collapsed into his futon, burrowing his face into the covers, and like this he almost fell asleep, until-

"Heh...Hehh...Hehhh...Hekchu! Ktshu! Haptshoo! HnnnHeGntchuuKtchuuNgKtchuu!"

"Jeez, are you exploding, Yato?!"

"Doh, i'b sdeezing."

Yukine had only intened to glance up from his textbook just to check that it really was the minor God that had come in, but when he noticed the shivering, whimpering sniffling ball of Yato tangled up in his futon he couldnt help staring long enough to inadvertantly start a conversation.

"I can see that. You look like crap!" He exclaimed loudly, making Yato wince. The shadows cast across his face from the dim light made him look even worse if it was possible, his usually bright blue eyes were dark and lined with bags so deep they looked like they were sunk halfway into his head. His head was throbbing so much that he could barely think straight enough to understand what Yukine had said. He dug a crumpled up tissue out of his pocket and clumsily rubbed his nose with it, then he tried to look up at his young Shinki.

"T-tha...thangs for...Ngtchu! Tchhhu! poinin tha... ou..." He sounded breathless, as though he could barely force his tired lungs though every word, and he punctuated the statement with a wide yawn that nearly dislocated his jaw. After a moment he flopped his head back down on the pillow with his eyes half closed, " Ahh...my nose ihh...itches...Kschuu! Nghhhh."

"Quit whining," Yukine snapped as the God disolved into a series of dramatic wails, "it's your own fault that you stayed out working day and night until you caught a cold. Who catches a cold from the snow anyway, that just shows how stupid you're acting!"

Yato's eyelids fluttered like he was about to sneeze again, but he pinched his nose to hold it back so that he could talk.

"S...Shuudup...heh...y-you c-complain when I don have work, you complain when... I...D-Duhhh...Huhh...HaaaHaGtchuu! Nghhh, feel better now." He snuggled further into the blankets and gave a comfortable sigh, his nose was streaming now that he was laying on his face, but he couldnt be bothered to keep wiping it, so he started sniffling almost constantly.

"Would you stop that sniffling its freaking annoying!?" Yukine slammed his hands down on the table angrily, making Yato jump slightly, "Blow your nose and go to sleep!"

Yato's raw sensitive nose gave a little twitch and he smothered it into the pillow, groaning quietly.

"I ab sleepy, but i hurt so buch dat i cad't fall asleebp," he moaned, pushing his sweat damp fringe out of the way and touching a hand to his forehead, "It's sooo cold! Budt its soooo hot! *snff* Ughh, thigk ib burnig ub. Ntchu!"

"Hey, Yato..." Yukine's voice suddenly grew strangel serious, Yato tried to lift his head and look at him, but could only just manage to throw his head back slightly.


"Well... me and Hiyori were talking, we think that you're trying to handle too many jobs at once, would you please turn a few of them down?"

Yato's whole body twitched slightly, and a resounding 'no' was his immediate reply.

“Then how about letting us take over your jobs in your stead until you get better?”

“No” He snapped for a second time, sounding slightly more annoyed this time, Yukine gave an irritated sigh, but then went back to his schoolwork.

Yato wailed. His entire body ached as though it was on fire and his cheeks were red with fever, Yukine watched him with his eyebrows furrowed in frustration, then he reluctantly stood up and walked over to him.

"What can I do to help?" He tried to ask sincerely, but his cheeks were coloured with an embarassed blush and he was scowling, Yato looked up at him and smiled tiredly, "come on, this is part of my job as a shinki, yeah? Taking care of my Master when he's sick. You should thank me, I do so much to help you even though you're just a poor God without a shrine."

Although Yukine didnt notice it, Yato's entire body tensed up at that last statement.

"Yeah, you're right, all of by Shinki's habe abadoned be in da end," he huffed into his pillow, sounding noticably upset, "you will do too ode day. It bust be torture b...BeaaahGtcheww! beig in by service, after all, I ab just a poor God who doesnt eben habe a shrine."

Before Yukine could even figure out what he'd said to upset him, Yato started to sob loudly.

"Oi, w-what's with the self pity all of a sudden!? It's not worth picking on you if you're gonna take it seriously!" He stuttered, looking both upset for hurting the minor God and angry with himself for caring, he was so panicked that he didn't notice the person climbing up the stairs into the attic until they were practically standing in front of him.

"Huh...Yukine, what's going on...?" Hiyori asked, tipping her head on one side as though she was struggling to read the situation, which was no surprise, the minor God sprawled out on the floor was still crying hysterically for no apparent reason, "...Yato came home i guess?"

Yukine stared at Hiyori as though she was the only God in the room.

"Hiyoriiiiii! Yato's gone all weird again! What should i do?!" He wailed, pointing to the sodden ball of black jersey on the floor, Hiyori gave a kind smile and put her hand on Yato's back.

"Yato, are you ok?" As though she had miraculously pressed some sort of switch, Yato fell completely silent, aside from the occasional involuntary whimper, "It's ok, Yukine, he's just sick, everyone gets a little bit crazy when they're not feeling well."

"Hi-Hiyo...HeeKcheww! HaaKngchoo!" Coughing and sniffling untidily, Yato sat up and dug through his pockets for a tissue that wasn't soggy and falling apart, but had no luck. Both his eyes and nose were streaming messily and he was just about to give up and use his sleeve when Hiyori gently started dabbing at his wet cheeks with her handkerchief.

"Yukine, could you leave us alone for a minute, I left some dohnuts downstairs with Kofuku." She asked, giving the shinki a knowing smile, she watched the closed door until she was sure that Yukine had gone out of earshot, then she went back to wiping Yato's red nose in silence while he watched her, cross eyed and blushing nervously.

"You're still not feeling any better?" She asked quietly as Yato leaned back onto her shoulder, panting and moaning congestedly.

His reply didnt come out so much in words as a strangled whining sound.

Too concerned about Yato to care, Hiyori didnt notice that she was cradling him in her arms, although even he looked slightly surprised at how affectionate she was being. She had a bad feeling that, from the state of him, he hadnt been home since the day before like he had promised, his skin was still white and icy cold beneath her fingers as though he had only just come in minutes before. Yato however, with one of the happiest, most foolish grins Hiyori had ever seen him wear, was slowly starting to fall asleep in her arms, Hiyori smiled and stroked his soft hair until his closing eyes started to flutter and cross. His body started to feel slightly heavier as he snuggled and leaned against her, his limbs were still shaking slightly from the cold and she wrapped her arms tightly around him as though trying to warm him up with her own body heat.

Just as Yato's eyes had falled completely closed and Hiyori was getting ready to celebrate her success, a doomful ringtone sounded out from the minor God's pocket, immediately his whole body tensed in her arms and he forced himself to open his eyes, sitting up and digging around in his pocket until he'd found the offending device. Too stunned, disappointed and angry to speak, Hiyori didnt even try to stop him from answering it.

"*snff* Yatogabi delibery serbice...how cad I helb?"

He was only on the phone for a minute or two, then he jammed it back into his pocket as though he was somehow mad with it, and then wriggled out of the comfortable safety of Hiyori's arms.

"Id's a shabe to waste such a good obbertunity," he half laughed, since he'd been planning to abuse his condition and get Hiyori to baby him some more, "bud dat was adnother job, I...Heh...HnnGktchuu! *snff* I godda go."

Yato was unsteadily pulling himself to his feet by the time Hiyori found her voice.

"Y-you can't! That's crazy!" She half yelled, feeling more furious than anything else, "you're too sick to work! You have been all week!"

"I do what i'b doig!" He snapped back almost irritably and tried to warp away, but he only managed to make it two meters across the room before he collapsed.

"Yato!" She cried, rushing over to where the dishevelled God lay crumpled up on the floor, as she stood there in front of him, fussing and not quite knowing what to do for him, Yato slowly climbed to his feet. "Whay are you doing this? Is this about saving up for a shrine again!?"

A sudden look of horrid realisation washed over her face when Yato turned away, a slight blush colouring his already feverish cheeks.

"That's it, isnt it?! Is it so important that you'd try to kill yourself to get one?! You know, I gave you that shrine so that you wouldnt have to push yourself doing crazy stuff like this!!" She shouted, almost in tears, Yato squirmed uncomfortably, wanting to calm her down, but not really knowing what to do, "But you're still not happy with that?! Is my shrine not good enough for you?!-"

"You're wrong!!!"


Hiyori stared vacantly at Yato, not sure how to respond. The minor God doubled over, gasping and panting heavily from the strain of having to shout over her, then he straightenend himself up, looking unusually serious and a little bit hurt. It was strange, just for that moment, he hardly looked sick at all.

"You're wrong, Hiyori," He started again, a little more quietly, and not looking her directly in the eye. Hiyori didn't know what it was he was leading up to, but the God's creased up slightly as though he was going to cry, "It wasn't so i could get a shrine. I...I just wanted to get you a birthday present!!!!!!"

...Oh, right, so that's what all this has been about.

An unusually heavy silence filled the small attic room after Yato's outburst had died down, where Hiyori stood staring with a mixed look of sadness and pride flooding her face.

"Right...my birthday is in two days..." She murmured mostly to herself, sounding a little bit ashamed, Yato kept his head down and refused to look at her, it was obvious more than anything in the world that she had hurt him, "Oh, Yato, i'm sorr-"

Hiyori reached out and tried to touch Yato's shoulder, but he pushed past her and bolted for the stairs, since he was too sick to warp, tears were streaming from his blue eyes. She spun around on her heel and chased after him as best as she could, but by the time she had gotten down to the ground floor, all that was left of Yato was the staring faces of Kofuku, Daikoku and Yukine who he had passed on the way out, and the slightly open front door. Hiyori sank to her knees in the middle of the kitchen and sobbed.

"Hktch! Ktshhh! *snff* Stubid Hiyorihhh-Tchuu! I try tuhh...huhhhKtchuu! do sobethig nice f-for hehhrrr...HuhhHktchuu! and this is the...t-tha...thanks...I...I ge-gehh...hehh...HeeKtcheww!" Yato sniffled and grumbled unhappily to himself as the sharp winter winds attacked his skin, bringing on and uncontrollable sneezing fit. It had to be later than 11pm, but he was still hard at work, soaked up to his elbows in icy cold water, washing an expensive looking car by the light of a dull security lamp on the front porch. He was burried up to his knees in the snow, shivering so strongly it looked as though he was doing it on purpose, the tips of his fingers and his nose were bright red and chapped, his skin burning. His throat was feeling so sore that even just turning his head made it ache, and coughing made it feel as though someone had stabbed a knife through his neck, knowing that, he tired to hold it in, but just ended up choking himself. Despite the cold, a feverish spike of heat jabbed through him, his head was throbbing so much that it was a struggle just to hold it up and his eyes kept fluttering closed as though he was almost falling asleep even while he was working.

"How's it going?"

A female voice, that of his newest clients, appeared seemingly out of no where from behind him and made him jump slightly, he turned around as quickly as he possibly could once he realised she was there and tried to smile.

"Everything's fine, it shouldn't take longer than another hour or so, then i'll get out of your way."

"Thank you. I still feel bad about only paying you 5 yen, you've been a great help to me , even comming at this time of night, you know when I called I was expecting to book a couple of days in advance." She smiled kindly as Yato turned away and pinched his nose, holding back another sneeze with all his might, but the ticklish expression etched into his face when he tried to reply made his client smile slightly.

"I-it's ok. I-Ihhht's...juhhhh...st...hahh...hahhh..." his expression melted into one of presneeze torture, with his nose wriggling and his eyebrows twitching, his client giggled quietly behind her hand, "HyaaaaHhTchewww! *snff* It's just how I work." He nervously scratched the back of his head, blushing slightly with goodnatured embarassment.

"Alright then, but here," she held out a mug of tea to the poor drenched God, who looked at her as though she'd just presented him with all the money in the world, "warm yourself up, you'll make that cold worse if you keep on working without giving yourself a rest."

Yato gratefully sipped at the hot liquid and sighed with relief, stifling a couple of irritated sneezes into his elbow as the steam tickled his nose.

"Mmm, I will, thanks."

Just after midnight, with no other jobs left to do that night, Yato found himself wandering through the dark streets on his way back to Kofuku's. He didnt really want to go back there considering the way he'd acted earlier, even though he knew Hiyori wouldnt be there, but he was desperately tired and reaching his limit. His legs felt weak and were buckling beneath him as he walked, Yato was starting to suspect that he wasnt going to make it home. He looked a really sorry mess, trudging through the snow sniffling in to his sleeve and sneezing almost rhythmically, his nose was tickling him so much that he could barely get a breath in from one sneeze to another. Slowly the cold seeped into his mind as much as it had in his body, and the minor God was overwhelmed by the burning white hot feverish blur that settled over his thoughts. No longer able to think straight and aching for sleep, he crawled his way into a narrow alley like the ones he used to occupy before he met Yukine, wrapped himself up in some old newspaper and drifted off into a painful, bitterly cold sleep.

omg sadness xD

dont worry, for part 3 theres going to be cuddling and happy yato babying :3

let me know what you think <3

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I meant to comment on this after I read the first part. :lol: But now the second part is up and I'm so happy/drowning in feels. Firstly, I'm so glad I gave this a chance because I've been craving Noragami feels and this totally did me in. You have such a way with writing their interactions that it feels real, and you also basically just pushed ALL my fetishy buttons. Fever, exhaustion, denial, hurt/comfort, collapsing from exhaustion omg everything AND THEN FEEEEEELS ON TOP OF IT. I LOVE IT. I especially like the way you write Yukine because it's so very in character with his worrying but trying not to care. They're all in character really and this is like my favorite scenario with Yato getting sick after that whole first arc with Yukine and Yato enduring the pain.

I can't wait for huggles and cuddling ; A ; Lord knows he needs it now

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NO this is too much why are you doing this to me??? This is physically painful to read, why is Yato so stupid? Why can't they have normal conversations where information is actually exchanged and shit isn't so stupidly complicated and I fucking hate this feeling I want to cry, yet I love it at the same time!! I fucking love this so much but it's hard to read because what the fuck kind of idiot would do this? Yato needs to be slapped and has a lot of making up to do for putting everyone through the emotional ringer and making everyone worry over something that if he had just asked, Hiyori would have just wanted him and Yukine to go out with her to do something fun. But NO, he had to go and torture himself and everyone else, I mean FUCK!! But before he's slapped he needs to shut the fuck up, stop taking jobs and get better and be coddled and loved and realize himself how stupid he's been. I swear to god I would have stolen Yato's phone and smashed it if I were in Hiyori's position I would not deal. I'm glad that there will be some cuddling and making up (hopefully on both sides) because I don't think I can take more of the feels right now.

Love you Ani it's wonderful so far but I so need a hug...I'm a mess QAQ

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I meant to comment on this after I read the first part. heh.gif But now the second part is up and I'm so happy/drowning in feels. Firstly, I'm so glad I gave this a chance because I've been craving Noragami feels and this totally did me in. You have such a way with writing their interactions that it feels real, and you also basically just pushed ALL my fetishy buttons. Fever, exhaustion, denial, hurt/comfort, collapsing from exhaustion omg everything AND THEN FEEEEEELS ON TOP OF IT. I LOVE IT. I especially like the way you write Yukine because it's so very in character with his worrying but trying not to care. They're all in character really and this is like my favorite scenario with Yato getting sick after that whole first arc with Yukine and Yato enduring the pain.

I can't wait for huggles and cuddling ; A ; Lord knows he needs it now

NO this is too much why are you doing this to me??? This is physically painful to read, why is Yato so stupid? Why can't they have normal conversations where information is actually exchanged and shit isn't so stupidly complicated and I fucking hate this feeling I want to cry, yet I love it at the same time!! I fucking love this so much but it's hard to read because what the fuck kind of idiot would do this? Yato needs to be slapped and has a lot of making up to do for putting everyone through the emotional ringer and making everyone worry over something that if he had just asked, Hiyori would have just wanted him and Yukine to go out with her to do something fun. But NO, he had to go and torture himself and everyone else, I mean FUCK!! But before he's slapped he needs to shut the fuck up, stop taking jobs and get better and be coddled and loved and realize himself how stupid he's been. I swear to god I would have stolen Yato's phone and smashed it if I were in Hiyori's position I would not deal. I'm glad that there will be some cuddling and making up (hopefully on both sides) because I don't think I can take more of the feels right now.

Love you Ani it's wonderful so far but I so need a hug...I'm a mess QAQ

Yaaaaaaaay!!!! i made feels! (for some reason, maybe its because i wanna be a professional writer, but im obsessed with making people feel 'things' with my writing xD)

its ok, the happiness will come soon, i didnt wanna do anymore sad after this so part 3 pretty much launches straight into the nice xD and knowing me it'll probably be loooooooooooong hahaha xD

I know Yato is being a big silly, but he has good intentions, so forgive him, ok? <3

Edited by Animania
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  • 2 weeks later...

im gonna try to finish this tomorrow, but for now since i felt bad for Akahana i thought id put you out of your misery for giving you the opening to part 3 :3

part 3 - a xD

Hiyori couldn't take watching Yato act this way any longer. She summoned everyone from the ayakashi world that she knew, Yukine, Kofuku and Daikoku, Kazuma, even Bishamon, and together they tried to come up with a plan to help Yato out. The main problem they had was that they didnt know where he was going to be from one minute to the next, considering his job schedule, and that was when Hiyori found it, a small calender hidden away in a draw, with the following day circled in red.

The next morning, Yato stiffly dug himself out of his makeshift bed and crawled onto the streets. For a rare moment, he was grateful that the human's couldnt see him as he struggled to make himself look presentable, rearranging his dishevelled clothes and wiping the drool off of his chin with his hands still shaking from the cold. He was already late, since today was the day he was supposed to be helping out running the corner shop near Kofuku's house, and he didnt want to do anything else that might ruin his reputation with them. After all, it was the only steady job he had. with the luxury of invisibility, Yato loudly blew his nose on a clean napkin he'd found in the bin and then set off. As he ran, lopsidedly because his muslces were still tired, he caught a glance of his own face reflected in a shop window. His usually bright eyes were dull and rimmed with black shadows, his nose was red and looked as itchy as it felt. He stopped, staring at his reflection in disgust, then sneezed when the light from the sun glinted in his eyes.

"HeeKshew! Hehh...ehhh...Ughh," he groaned irritably, pinching the bridge of his nose until the tickling had subsided. He sighed, the manager of the shop he was working at was a really nice person and Yato prayed that he wouldn't take one look at him and tell him to go home, he couldnt afford to be out of work, no matter how sick he felt.

His eyes still felt heavy from sleep when he got to the shop, wiping his nose on his sleeve and shivering tiredly, He wasn't sure if he was halucinating becuase he'd been thinking about her so much, but he would have sworn that he saw Hiyori's face poking out from behind the front door, almost as though she was beckoning him towards her. Tiredly, he pushed open the door and tried to make himself smile.

"Ahh, morning Yato!"

"You sure took your time!"

"Yeah, we've all been waiting for you!"

"I told you he'd be late."

A chorus of warm, familiar voices filled his ears. Yato had to blink a couple of times before he could really register what he was seeing, but no, it was real. Standing before him were all of the people he held dearest, grinning cheekily as though they'd just pulled some massive practical joke on him. Before he even really understood what was going on, Yato felt his chest growing tight with emotion and he flet like he was going to cry, but he didnt. After all, he didn't want to make his nose run worse than it already was.

"W-what's going on?" He asked, just barely able to keep his words from slurring. Exhaustion was etched into his face, and for some reason seeing all of his friends standing there msiling at him gave him an overwhelming sense of relief, as though everything he'd been through was finally over.

"We're all here to help you," Hiyori smiled, coming to stand at Yato's side, her eyes were trembling as though she was going to cry, but she tried to be strong, "Yato has been working really hard, too hard. It's time to stop now, let everyone take care of things from here on. Come on, hand over your phone." Without even waiting to see what he'd do, Hiyori grabbed Yato from behind and dived for his phone, throwing it to Yukine, then she death gripped the minor God's wrist and dragged him out of the shop. "Now come on, you're coming back to my house."

Yato wobbled along behind her as she walked him down the street, pulling back on her hand and trying to turn around.

"Hiyori, let me go back, it's just for one more day!"

"Why are you so hung up on this?!" She yelled, sounding slightly more hysterical now that they were alone, "why do you have to do this so badly?!"

"Because I wanna do something nice for Hiyori!" He wailed, throwing away what little pride he had left now. It didnt seem like she was going to listen to him anyway, so he might as well go for it and say how he really felt, "Hiyori is always there for me, but I dont seem to be able to do anything but make you angry. I don't like that, I want to make Hiyori the happiest person in the world, so...so i thought that if i could give Hiyori a good present for her birthday...then I would be able to make you happy."

"IDIOT!" Without the slightest bit of warning Hiyori screamed out as loud as she possibly could, stopping midstep. Through his own hand, Yato could feel hers trembling, and he could see her turned back shaking as she started to speak. "Since you first came into my life, everything has turned upside down, i became a half ayakashi, and ive met so many amazing people. Ive become part of some unbelievable adventures and seen a whole new side of the world I didn't know before. If it weren't for Yato, I wouldn't have ever been able to see such a beautiful world, if it weren't for Yato, I would never have known the joy of seeing you smile. Don't you understand...I...Iv'e been the happiest person in the world SINCE THE MOMENT WE MET!"


It didnt matter that he had become so feverish he could barely even see Hiyori anymore, it didn't matter that all her shouting had brought attention to them so he was no longer invisible. Yato reached forward and put his arms around Hiyori's shoulders, hugging her so tightly that she could feel his entire body shaking.

"Hiyori, i'm sorry, i'm sorry. Please stay with me!" He wailed, burying his face against her neck, she could feel his hot tears dripping onto her shoulder. With the cool touch of Hiyori’s hand on his feverish forehead, Yato melted like ice in a microwave and drooped against her with all of his weight.

"Nuh huh, i'm sorry. For not telling you before how happy I am to have met you," she whispered gently in his ear, her face flushed bright red from both sadness and embarassment. She'd never even dreamed of saying something so embarassing, but it was as though Yato's fever had infected her brain too, just for that moment, all that mattered was calming down the near hysterical minor God, "I'm so grateful to the people who wished for you to exist. Thank you for being here on this planet, Yato."

Yato hugged Hiyori tighter until he was leaning on her with all of his weight, then he warped them away with the last of his strength. They collapsed down together on top of Hiyori's bed as they tumbled out of the air, Hiyori looked around, trying to blink away her shock, since she'd not been expecting him to warp.

"I didn't think you'd have the strength to warp. Oh well, at least we saved time walking, good job, Yato," She looked up at the minor God with a smile, trying to console him, but he had already fallen asleep, with his arms wrapped slightly around her waist.

soooo yeah xD theres more fluff xD loooooots of fluff, and love, and more fluff, and cuddles

also fangy did i make your day again? <3

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This fixed me. I am no longer drowning in my feels I am now cuddling with them and I am SO HAPPY!! Finally, Yato can stop being a dumbfuck and be loved and stop suffering and making my feels explode and make me sad...I love this so much thanks so much for this fanfiction Ani it's so sweet and awesome and you are an awesome writer <3

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  • 1 year later...

i read this a while ago but forgot to tell you how awesome this was XD and i can totally see Yato acting this way too lol nicely done ^^

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