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Poor Ferris-Ferris Bueller's Day Off (Ferris)


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Ok! Here is Chapter 6! I apologize if this part grosses anyone out in advance but I did try to make it as un-gross as possible.

Ferris opened his eyes to find that he had awaken in a bed. He squinted, and realized that he was surrounded by Cameron and Sloane and...he was in a towel. Sloane had put it around his shoulders and was rubbing him dry with it.

"Wha....what happened?" Ferris asked.

"Bad news. Your parents are here," Cameron said. Ferris's eyes widened.

"Scooter and Benny let us take you up here into a guest room, and when we went to get the towel your parents came up to us and said they wanted to hang out. Are your parents good friends with the Jones' parents?" Sloane asked.

"Yeah. If they're here, I guess it would be a good idea for me to go..."

"No! You've already made yourself worse by sneaking here in the first place. We're going to take care of you until you're well enough to return home,"

"What about my parents?"

"Just tell them that Scooter came over while your parents were gone and took you out for a walk. While he was doing so you fainted so he took you to his house and cared for you," Sloane said.

"Good plan. Only one flaw though,"

"What's that?"

"I wasn't dressed when they originally put me to bed,"

"Just tell them you wore this on the walk,"

"Ok," Ferris tried to close his eyes, but he felt a tickle in his nose. There were no tissues nearby, so he grabbed the cool towel that was on his head and sneezed into it.

"HaSCH..." Sloane stroked his hair.

"My poor babe," She said. Cameron couldn't help feeling sorry for his friend. Ferris asked for a real tissue which he could blow his nose into, and then he cleared his sinuses.

"Sloane..." Ferris said through a groan.


"I have to go to the....you know. Do you think you could help me up?" Both Sloane and Cameron grabbed onto their sick friend. They led him into the bathroom and then once he was able to grab onto something they closed the door for him. Ferris took a deep breath and exhaled through his cheeks. He lifted the sunglasses off of his face, and slowly dropped to the ground.

"Ferris? Everything ok in there?" Cameron asked.

"Yeah, s'just...." But soon Ferris's eyes opened wide and his face turned even whiter. He leaned over the bathtub, and emptied the contents of his stomach. Sloane started crying from the bedroom, and Cameron tried to calm her down.

"Sloane, Sloane, it's alright. We'll give him some Pepto Bismol and I'm sure he'll be fine," Sloane could only nod in response.

"If there's one thing I hate more about Ferris than usual it's when he's sick for real," Cameron said.

"Hey you know I can hear you through these........oh god," Ferris continued to vomit.

"I meant it in a good way! Blasted walls..." Cameron mumbled to himself. Sloane decided to go downstairs to get some soup from the Jones' for Ferris, while Cameron kept Ferris company.

"Hey guys, is it alright if I take this can of soup upstairs to Ferris and this Pepto Bismol? He's taking a turn for the worse," Sloane said to the Jones brothers.

"Yeah sure," They both said. As soon as Sloane came upstairs, she found Ferris with another damp towel on his head and Cameron taking his temperature.

"The Jones' are totally cool with Ferris staying here for as long as he needs to. How is he?"

"His fever's gone down a bit and he hasn't hurled in the last few minutes,"

"Well we shouldn't take any chances," Sloane took the top off of the Pepto Bismol and poured the right amount into the cap.

"Now this should make that poor tummy of yours feel better," Sloane said in a voice that she would use with a puppy. She held the cup up to Ferris's mouth and tilted it for him. Ferris made a grimace, although Sloane thought he still looked cute that way.

"Ugh, this stuff tastes...well....interesting," Cameron laughed.

"Sorry bud, but it only comes in one flavor," Sloane headed over to the kitchenette and popped open the can.

"Are you in the mood for some campbell's chicken noodle soup Ferris?" Sloane offered.

"Mmmm sure," As Sloane was preparing the soup, Cameron glanced at the clock.

"Man, it's 11:30 already. Dad will be home from the nightclub at 12," Cameron said. Ferris looked at Cameron with a sad face.

"Sorry I have to leave Ferris. Get better soon buddy," Cameron patted Ferris on the shoulder and headed downstairs to leave.

"Ferris, I'll have to check to see if your parents are still here because if they aren't we should probably place a phonecall to them and tell them that you are too weak to go home right now. You'll probably have to spend the night," Sloane said.

"What about you?"

"I'm going to stay here and take care of my baby of course,"

"No I mean what about your parents?"

"Oh they think this is a giant sleepover anyway. I'll just tell them that they had an extra mattres or something," Ferris looked down. He grabbed the remote and turned on the tv to Happy Days. Sloane soon came over with a tray of soup, which Ferris happily smelled. The steam started to make his nose run, and more importantly...itch. Ferris started to worry about tipping the soup so hee stifled his sneezes.

"HaMPch, KAXch," The soup jiggled with each sneeze, and Sloane, feeling bad for him, took away the tray so Ferris could sneeze freely.

"HaTCH!" Ferris sneezed. Sloane rubbed Ferris on his shoulders, and she handed a tissue for him to wipe his nose on while eating the soup. Ferris was done with the soup in no time, and little did he know that Sloane had put a tranquilizer in the soup.

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Chapter 7!

Ferris woke up panting to a hazy Sloane and two other figures he couldn't quite make out yet.

"Ferris? You ok honey?" He heard Sloane softly say with concern.

"Jeez, I didn't know he was this bad," A voice said in the background.

"Ferris are you...crying?" Sloane asked. Tears started rolling down his cheeks and he was sniffling.

"B-but you weren't t-there, a-and then-"

"Don't worry baby, it was just a bad dream," Sloane said and wiped his tears with a tissue. Ferris's breaths started to calm down as he realized his Sloane was there with him. Another thing he realized was that he really missed his parents at that moment.

"Sorry that we haven't done much for you guys besides providing you with items," Another figure said. Ferris could make it out to be Benny.

"It's snf! Ok, but snf! my parents think that I'm still at home," Ferris managed.

"No they don't. I gave them a call and told them that Scooter was taking care of you," Sloane said.

"Are my parents coming to pick me up?" Ferris asked.

"Yes. They said they would come at noon if you felt up to it," Sloane said.

"If they think I'm taking care of you then I suppose I should," Scooter admitted.

"Yeah. I should too," Benny said also.

"But you guys are helping, you're remaining by Ferris and are keeping him company," Sloane pointed out.

"Oh yeah," They said simultaneously. Ferris just remembered something important.

"Sloane, I, I HaKTSCH! I set up a dummy in my room and I left my window open. My parents wouldn't believe that I took a walk with Scooter! It looks like I was planning on leaving," Ferris explained. Sloane smiled at Ferris. So did Scooter and Benny.

"Why are you guys all smiling at me?" Ferris asked.

"Scooter and Benny took care of it for you last night," Sloane said. Ferris breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you guys so much. You're the best," Ferris said.

"Oh stop it Ferris, we don't even deserve the thanks. We were making sure that Cameron got home alright and he was worrying about you, so he planned on taking the dummy out of your bed and shutting the window for you. We convinced him not to, as it was already 12 so we decided to do it for him. He earned the thank you, really," Scooter said.

"You guys are right. I'm gonna call and thank him right- *cough* *cough* nevermind I'll do it later," Ferris said. Sloane chuckled at Ferris.

"We should probably take your temperature," Benny said to Ferris. Benny grabbed the thermometer and inserted it into Ferris's mouth.

"Looks like....oh drat. It's 100.7 degrees," Scooter said. Ferris still had a fever.

"I'll get a cold towel," Scooter said.

"I'll get some water," Benny said. Sloane kissed Ferris on the cheek and he smiled.

"Here, let me get you sitting upright," Sloane helped Ferris and moved the pillows behind him upward.

"How do you feel Ferris?" Sloane asked.

"Like sh-"

"No seriously, I need to know in order to determine whether you're capable of leaving today or not," Sloane said.

"Alright, well did you see Alien? Remember when it was in that guy's stomach? That's how I feel," Ferris said.

"So you have a tummyache?" Sloane asked.

"Yeah. I don't think I have to throw up or anything but I just feel a bit uneasy. I feel chilled and hot at the same time, probably from the fever. As for my cold I'm no longer congested but I'm still coughing and sneezing," Ferris described.

"Ok, well I'm going to give you some more medicine for your stomach, Scooter's getting you a cold towel, Benny's getting you some water for your fever, and as for your cold, I've got some tissues and cough drops for you right here," Sloane said. Ferris smiled at Sloane.

"I love you," He said. Sloane could tell from his eyes that he meant it.

"I love you too Ferris," As soon as Scooter and Benny came back Ferris was relieved that his throat was no longer dry and that his head wasn't burning as much. Ferris was closing his eyes and Sloane was lying at his side when the phone started to ring. Scooter and Benny protested against who would answer the phone, and Scooter finally won out between the two. He walked over to the phone and answered it.

"Scooter," He said into the phone. A few seconds passed.

"Ok," He said finally. After a few moments he looked at Ferris.

"Well, um, he seems to be a bit better than he was the day before when I dragged Ferris out of bed, which I am extremely sorry for. Ferris was trying to tell me he was sick and I didn't believe him. The point is, I'm not sure if he's going to require assistance or not," Scooter fibbed on the spot. Little did Sloane or Ferris know, in the few seconds that Benny and Scooter were fighting against the phone they had decided that they would take turn with the phone call since their voices were identical. Benny grabbed the phone after Scooter.

"Ok," Benny said on the phone. A few seconds passed.

"No he still has a fever and unfortunately an upset stomach as well," Minutes passed by.

"Thank you ma'am for that story about your Uncle's home remedy. We- I mean I, won't hesitate to use that on Ferris," Benny said. Ferris swallowed.

"Alright, see you soon Mrs. Bueller," Benny said. After he hung up he clapped his hands together.

"Ok, Ferris's parents are going to be here in 20 minutes and Ferris's mom gave me a recipe for a 'Gingery Sports Drink'. We better get moving," Benny said.

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Sorry I haven't updated yet- I experienced a bit of writer's block with Chapter 8 but I promise it will be up soon!

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Ok, as I promised here is the next part. I apologize if I am posting too fast/ too slow as I want to give you guys some stuff to read while I prepare Chapter 9 which is gonna get pretty serious. Anyhow, here is Chapter 8!

Scooter and Benny were downstairs tampering with a bottle of Gatorade while Sloane was upstairs with Ferris.

"Sloane? What was Benny talking about on the phone?" Ferris asked.

"Oh him and Scooter are making a drink that your mom recommended for you," Ferris sat up a bit.

"That doesn't sound too promising," He said.

"The part about Scooter and Benny making it or the part about it being recommended by your mom?" Sloane asked.

"Eh. Little bit of both," Ferris said. Sloane laughed. Moments of silence passed by, until it was broken by the sound of Ferris's growling stomach.

"Honey I know you're hungry, but we don't know what you'll hold. The best thing right now for you is to drink," Sloane stroked his hair as she sat on the bed. Meanwhile, Scooter and Benny were adding some healthy spices that Mrs. Bueller had told them about.

"One pinch of cinnamon," Benny said aloud.

"Some shaved ginger," Scooter said.

"And some pepper," Benny took out the little container of pepper.

"What? She would never say anything about pepper," Scooter replied.

"Yeah she did," Benny defended.

"No, she didn't," Scooter repeated.

"Yes she did!" Scooter tried to grab the pepper from Benny, but Benny protested against his brother's actions and pulled the opposite way. Unfortunately the container of pepper could not handle all of the pressure, so it burst open. Scooter and Benny had mad expressions on their faces, but suddenly they seemed quite uncomfortable.

"Ah....KCHOO!" Scooter sneezed.

"He....TSCHOO!" Benny sneezed.

"EhTSCH!" They sneezed simultaneously. Just then, Mrs. Jones walked in the room.

"What on Earth are you boys doing?" She asked with a hint of anger. They could only reply with a simul-sneeze.

"HaTSCH!" They sneezed.

"Gesundheit boys. You're still doing that?" She asked. They had simul-sneezed since they were babies. They could only nod in response.

"Sorry Mom, we're making something for Ferris," Scooter said.

"Oh. Well clean up that mess. And here," Mrs. Jones took out two tissues and playfully threw them at the twins's noses. They blew their noses at the same time.

"That's my boys," Mrs. Jones turned around with a grin.

"Alright, I guess we're taking pepper off the list," Scooter said. They proceeded to add ginger ale to the concoction, and once it was ready they brought it upstairs to give to Ferris. Ferris started to grimace before he even drank it.

"You expect me to drink that?" Ferris asked while pointing at the crazy liquid.

"Well yeah, it's um...kinda like spicy ginger Gatorade," Scooter said.

"And that's supposed to help?"

"Hey, come on. You're mom recommended it so we didn't make the recipe," Benny said. Ferris shrugged. He was handed the bottle with a straw in it. Ferris drank some of it, and was still deciding how it tasted.

"Well, how is it honey?" Sloane asked.

"Um....it could use some sugar," Ferris said.

"Sugar? In a spice drink?" Scooter asked.

"Don't doubt the Bueller taste buds," Ferris said.

"Alright, we'll add sugar," Benny said. Soon the Jones's returned with the same drink but with some sugar.

"How's this?" Scooter asked. Ferris took a sip.

"Mm, much better," Ferris said. He proceeded to drink the whole thing. Sloane watched Ferris very closely to see if he showed any signs of nausea. Ferris closed his eyes, and at least 10 minutes passed until Ferris shifted. Sloane was worried, and realized that his nose was twitching.

"Ka....TCHSHH!" He sneezed into his shirt. Sloane rubbed him on his shoulders.

"Still not feeling good honey?" Sloane asked. Ferris yawned in response. The cold towel was starting to warm up again. Sloane was still worried, and Scooter and Benny were still there. Suddenly, they heard a car horn. Scooter walked over to the window.

"Wha..." He said in disbelief.

"What?" Sloane asked. She rushed over to the window. He gasped.

"What's wrong?" Ferris asked. Sloane looked at Sloane who looked like she had see a ghost.

"It's Jeanie,"

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Sorry I made two errors: I said that 'Sloane looked at Sloane who looked like she had seen a ghost' and I meant to say 'Ferris looked at Sloane who looked like she had seen a ghost'. I also meant to say that 'She gasped' not 'He gasped'. Sorry!

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I finished Chapter 9!

"Jeanie? What is she doing here?" Ferris asked.

"I don't know Ferris, but you should probably get ready," Sloane said. Ferris rose out of bed and into the bathroom. He wet his hair with water and tried to smooth it into place.

"Are you gonna be okay?" Sloane asked. Ferris nodded. They heard 3 loud knocks on the front door.

"Scooter, get down here right now and open the door, you chump!" Scooter rushed downstairs and answered the door.

"Jeanie? What's up?" Scooter asked. Jeanie rolled her eyes.

"Ugh, out of my way," She pushed through Scooter and saw her brother.

"Ah, well if it isn't the little faker," Jeanie said with a smirk. Ferris let out a harsh cough.

"What do you mean?"

"You think you cleared up any evidence of you leaving, but I saw the dummy. You faked and snuck out," Jeanie said.

"No, I...." Ferris almost lost his balance.

"He's got a fever, we checked," Benny said.

"I wouldn't trust any of you Jones's, but even if Ferris is sick I still have proof that he snuck out," Jeanie said. Ferris whispered to Sloane.

"She's just jealous she didn't get invited to the party,"

"I heard that Ferris!" Jeanie shouted.

"Besides, what proof do you have?" Scooter asked.

"Oh, I called Scooter and asked if Ferris was there yet. He answered the phone and said no when Ferris had already SNUCK OUT!" She shouted. Scooter's face flushed and he looked down in shame.

"Scooter didn't know about the whole 'Scooter took you out for a walk thing' so we can't blame him," Sloane said to Ferris. Jeanie crossed her arms and smiled.

"What're you gonna do lil' bro? Just admit to Mom and Dad that you snuck out," Jeanie said. Ferris hated when she called him her 'lil' bro' because she happened to be the older twin. And she happened to have a car and he didn't.

"You're right Jeanie, I'll call Mom and Dad right now," Ferris said. He walked into the kitchen with a smirk on his face, and dialed a number. After he finished talking, he walked over to Jeanie.

"Well?" She asked.

"I called them, and they're coming to pick me up and have a talk with me on the way home," Ferris said.

"Yes! Oh I mean I'm so sorry that you're in trouble. Forget it. I'm so happy!" Jeanie shouted.

"Ferris, she's never gonna leave until your real parents actually come and pick you up!" Scooter said to Ferris while Jeanie was doing a victory dance.

"Don't get twisted," Ferris said. Scooter was confused. Ferris counted on his fingers.

"One, two, three, four, five," He said and pointed at the door on five. Someone rang the door.

"Mom, I'm so happy you're....." Jeanie stopped short in her tracks. She was surprised to see the guy she met at the police station at the door. She instantly smiled and started blushing.

"Uhh, hey there," She said while twirling her hair.

"You want to go catch a movie?" He asked.

"Sure! Bye guys!" Jeanie said as she turned around and shut the door. Moments of silence passed.

"Wow," Sloane said in awe.

"It was that easy," Benny said, astounded at what had just happened.

"Well, my parents are probably coming for real in a few minutes so I guess we're ready," Ferris announced.

"It's been great having you Ferris," Benny said. Ferris smiled.

"Thank you, I enjoyed your help and the company. Thank you so much," Ferris said to the brothers.

"Sorry that this party was kind of a screw up for you," Scooter said.

"You think it was? I had a great time while it lasted! I enjoyed partying and being cared for at the same time," Ferris smiled at Sloane afterward, as if to say his thanks to her as well. She smiled back, and they almost kissed but Ferris got a stomach cramp. He bent over moaning and wailing.

"You're not gonna lick your palms are you?" Scooter asked. Sloane laughed, and Ferris would if he wasn't in pain at the moment.


Ferris's parents had come to pick him up, and he was almost falling asleep in the car ride. His father was driving, and his mother insisted on sitting in the back with Ferris so she could be with him.

"Oh honey, we were so worried! You're burning up sweet heart," She said while feeling his forehead. She took a cloth and started wiping his face, and Ferris felt a sneeze come on. He was obviously struggling with it, as he took hitching breaths which would not follow through.

"Huh.....uh....." Ferris's eyes were shut and his nose was twitching. His mother had been watching, so she pressed the cloth on his nose and massaged it in circles, which seemed to do the job for Ferris.

"Ha-.....TCHiu!" He sneezed into the cloth. Ferris's mom wiped his nose with the cloth and as soon as Ferris saw his mother smile he didn't bother to tell her that he could fend for himself.

"You okay back there bud?" Ferris's dad asked.

"Yeah. Thank you guys so much for everything," Ferris said. He meant it.

"How did Scooter treat you? Did he.....Ferris! When did you get so pale?!" His mother panicked, and forced him to lie down on her lap.

"Scooter and Benny did a great job Mom," Ferris mumbled with his eyes closed as he lay on her lap. He would have told her that Sloane was there to help but he didn't want her father to find out and get mad at her. Ferris's mom stroked his hair, and watched as her baby fell asleep. She kissed him on the forehead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If anyone is still interested in this fic, I wrote an Epilogue to the story. I hope you guys have enjoyed the story and I sure enjoyed writing it. Here's the last part!


Ferris fiddled with his telephone as he phoned in some friends at school. He first talked to Sloane, who was eager to see how he was.

"Hi Ferris! How are you?" She asked.

"I dunno, I....HaTCHIH! Still have a bit of a cold and I'm really lightheaded. Mom and Dad are making me stay in my room all day but they've been bringing me food and stuff. How'd Cameron make out?" Ferris said with a raspy voice.

"Oh he made it just in time before his dad got home. His dad was so drunk from that club that he forgot he was mad at Cameron," Sloane said. Ferris sighed. He wouldn't want his friend to be in even more trouble when he had earned him almost a lifetime of hate.

"Ok, I'll see you sometime soon Sloane. Hang on, gimme someone else," Ferris said. He rested his feet on his keyboard.

"Ferris!" Cameron said.

"Oh hey buddy. How's everything?"

"Ok. My dad's been really nice to me lately," Ferris furrowed his eyebrows.





"You're sick?" Ferris asked.

"Well yeah, but I do believe he's still drunk. He doesn't want me sneezing all over the car as well," Cameron said.

"Well I feel horrible! Here I am resting at home when my best friend is stuck at school possibly getting sicker by the minute. I'll be over there," Ferris said, about to hang up the phone.

"Ferris, don't be stupid. I'mb fide," Ferris could hear the congestion in his friend's voice. Ferris hung up the phone anyway. Cameron sighed, and took out a tissue to blow his nose.

"What's wrong?" Sloane asked.

"Well, it's just that....wait, is that....Ferris?" Cameron asked. Ferris was running through the hallway and stopped at Cameron.

"Dude....what?.....How?" Cameron asked on behalf of him and Sloane.

"I told ya I would be right over," Ferris said.

"But I just got off the phone with you!" Cameron shouted in disbelief.

"Plus I don't think it's that good for you to be running that fast while you're still sick honey," Sloane added. Ferris was panting heavily.

"It's alright, I......" Ferris fell down and Cameron and Sloane lifted him up by his arms.

"Wooh. Thanks guys. Maybe we should all head to the nurse this time," Ferris said with a smile. Cameron and Sloane exchanged glances and smirked as well.

"What've I got to lose?" Cameron asked.

The End

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If anyone is still interested in this fic, I wrote an Epilogue to the story. I hope you guys have enjoyed the story and I sure enjoyed writing it. Here's the last part!


Ferris fiddled with his telephone as he phoned in some friends at school. He first talked to Sloane, who was eager to see how he was.

"Hi Ferris! How are you?" She asked.

"I dunno, I....HaTCHIH! Still have a bit of a cold and I'm really lightheaded. Mom and Dad are making me stay in my room all day but they've been bringing me food and stuff. How'd Cameron make out?" Ferris said with a raspy voice.

"Oh he made it just in time before his dad got home. His dad was so drunk from that club that he forgot he was mad at Cameron," Sloane said. Ferris sighed. He wouldn't want his friend to be in even more trouble when he had earned him almost a lifetime of hate.

"Ok, I'll see you sometime soon Sloane. Hang on, gimme someone else," Ferris said. He rested his feet on his keyboard.

"Ferris!" Cameron said.

"Oh hey buddy. How's everything?"

"Ok. My dad's been really nice to me lately," Ferris furrowed his eyebrows.





"You're sick?" Ferris asked.

"Well yeah, but I do believe he's still drunk. He doesn't want me sneezing all over the car as well," Cameron said.

"Well I feel horrible! Here I am resting at home when my best friend is stuck at school possibly getting sicker by the minute. I'll be over there," Ferris said, about to hang up the phone.

"Ferris, don't be stupid. I'mb fide," Ferris could hear the congestion in his friend's voice. Ferris hung up the phone anyway. Cameron sighed, and took out a tissue to blow his nose.

"What's wrong?" Sloane asked.

"Well, it's just that....wait, is that....Ferris?" Cameron asked. Ferris was running through the hallway and stopped at Cameron.

"Dude....what?.....How?" Cameron asked on behalf of him and Sloane.

"I told ya I would be right over," Ferris said.

"But I just got off the phone with you!" Cameron shouted in disbelief.

"Plus I don't think it's that good for you to be running that fast while you're still sick honey," Sloane added. Ferris was panting heavily.

"It's alright, I......" Ferris fell down and Cameron and Sloane lifted him up by his arms.

"Wooh. Thanks guys. Maybe we should all head to the nurse this time," Ferris said with a smile. Cameron and Sloane exchanged glances and smirked as well.

"What've I got to lose?" Cameron asked.

The End

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