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Poor Ferris-Ferris Bueller's Day Off (Ferris)


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Ferris Bueller's Day Off has been one of my personal favorites and I was kind of sad that Ferris never fake sneezed in the movie (don't get me wrong that keyboard was great) so I decided to write a fic where he actually gets sick!

Chapter 1:

Ferris had pulled off the ultimate act-he had ditched school and gotten away with it without having to go to summer school! Unfortunately he couldn't escape the hate he got from Rooney, but it was all worth it. Plus, Cameron's dad only went bizerk for a month! It was one of the shortest times he had ever been angry. Ferris was back in school to finish off what would be one of the most boring years of his life. At least he made it interesting for Cameron.

"Alright class, today we will be studying...." The teacher started off. Everybody hated him.

"Ferris did you get an invitation to the Jones' party?" Sloane asked Ferris.

"You bet. It would be a shame if they didn't invite me," Ferris said with a smirk. Sloane looked around.

"Where's Cameron?"

"He's stuck at home doing repairs on his dad's car. The guy flipped when he saw what happened to his car and he's making Cameron stay home and fix it. I feel bad for him,"

"That must suck. It's a shame that someone would have to stay home on the Friday of the Jones' party," Sloane said. Ferris slumped in his chair. All he wanted was for the day to be over. He couldn't stand listening to boring lessons in every subject of torture while sitting still at the same time. Sloane smiled at him. At least he had someone lovely to accompany him along with 200 of his friends. All he had to do was make it through the day and then at night he could break out the fancy stuff. He just couldn't wait to put on his party outfit and dance the night away. Ferris almost fell asleep thinking about it. Unfortunately he was interrupted by the boring voice of the teacher.

"Anyone? Anyone? Negative 6..." Ferris yawned. Other students were also bored with the lesson. Ferris stared down at the desk with his head in his arms. Sloane stared at him. She thought he looked really cute that way. Suddenly Ferris perked up a bit. There was a small tickle in his nose. Ah man, I hope allergies aren't starting up yet, Ferris thought to himself. Slowly he raised his right hand and he placed the top of his thumb under his nose. It was starting to go away, so Ferris took his hand away which was a mistake. The itch came back, and was making it's way to the back of his nose. Ferris's eyes fluttered shut and he finally gave into the urge.

"HE-KSCHmmm..." Ferris was so tired that the sneeze had taken a great deal of energy to produce.

"God bless you," Sloane whispered into his ear. Ferris had also received mixed 'bless you's' from other classmates that had the energy to do so. Ferris winked at Sloane. He resumed his position in the classroom, but his nose had other plans for him. Apparently one sneeze wasn't enough, so that annoying tickle remained in his nose.

"Sloane..." Ferris started. She seemed to get the message and took out a tissue and handed it to him.

"Ferris raised his head a little, eyes fluttering, and held the tissue over his nose.

"Ha-SSCH!" Ferris felt downright horrible. Some people were beginning to stare at him, while Sloane stared with a soft look of pity.

"Mr. Bueller, are you feeling quite alright?" The teacher asked him.

"Yup, everything is.......uh...TCHH!" Ferris sneezed quietly into his wrist. All of this holding back was making Ferris's throat uncomfortable as well.

"Bless you, Mr. Bueller!" Ferris nodded his thanks. He sniffed and silently blew his nose in a tissue.

"I believe that is the sound of a cold," The teacher said. Ferris looked down. The bell rang. Ferris tried his best to move out as fast as he could, but the teacher stopped him.

"Feel better, Mr. Bueller," The teacher said.

"Thanks," Ferris replied, a hint of congestion in his voice. His face turned bright red while he left the classroom, but fortunately people were kind enough to ask him if he was all right.

"Yeah, sorry. I don't know what came over me back there," Ferris said. Sloane linked arms with Ferris and together they headed to their next class. Ugh, science, Ferris thought to himself as he rolled his eyes. At least the teacher was female and not as boring though. When Ferris entered the classroom he noticed that there were test tubes set up on each desk. Oh boy, today is experiment day, Ferris thought. He sat at a double desk with Sloane.

"Ok class, today we will be creating a chemical reaction between two unknown liquids. Now everyody please put on your safety goggles, and girls please tie your hair back," Ferris watched as Sloane tied her hair back. She looked pretty no matter what her hair was like. Ferris grinned to himself and observed the liquids. One was murky green and the other was dark blue.

"Alrighty, now your job is to identify one of these liquids. Feel free to perform a waft test," The teacher said. Ferris wafted the liquid as did Sloane, and the strong smell of the liquid irritated his sinuses.

"Ha......HAESCH!" Ferris sneezed into his arm. The classroom was starting to fill with the scent from the chemicals, so Ferris feared another sneezing attack if he didn't leave. He walked up to the teacher with his sleeve in his face.

"Can I please go to the bathroom?" He asked. The teacher nodded. Ferris walked out of the classroom and into the bathroom. He quickly washed his face and rid his nose of the horrible scent that was upsetting it. As he walked out in the hallway, he saw the school nurse, Mrs. Sparrow, walking down the hall from the opposite direction. Oh no, Ferris thought to himself as the lingering scent of the liquid filled his nostrils. Please, not now, he thought to himself.

"Ha....ETSCH!" Ferris doubled over with his wrist under his nose. The nurse across the hall frowned in concern.

"Ferris, is that you?" She asked. Ferris sniffed lightly. He started coughing involuntarily. His coughs were full of phlegm which surpised Ferris. Nurse Sparrow placed a hand on his back, and Ferris kept his wrist held under his nose in case it started running. She placed her other hand on his forehead, and sensing the abnormal high temperature, she couldn't help but feel sorry for the lad.

"Oh, you poor dear, you must feel miserable," She said with care. Nurse Sparrow was known for her kindness. Ferris only sniffed in response, and it provoked another sneeze from him.

"Ha...haTSH!" He doubled over again lightly in a kitten-like sneeze as the nurse rubbed his back. Ferris had always had a special relationship with the nurse.

"God bless," She said softly and kindly led Ferris to her office.

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Oh, I love Ferris Bueller! What a cute fic, I love it!! Especially him and Sloane together... they're a great couple!

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Thanks for the feedback guys! I'm almost done with the fic so I just figured I'd post it in sections. Anyway here's Chapter 2!

When he was sitting down in the office, she placed a thermometer in Ferris's mouth, revealing that he did indeed have a fever.

"Dear, I'm afraid we will have to send you home," Ferris seemed sad. Not because he was going home, but he felt that he owed every sick person an apology for thinking that it wasn't so bad to be sick. Especially Cameron, although Cameron did have a great time letting loose and enjoying himself. The nurse alerted the office of his school that he was going home sick, and of course Rooney was furious. He stormed into the room with a scowl on his face.

"Ferris Bueller is going home sick?!" He shouted. He was approaching Ferris.

"Yes, he has a fever and a horrible cold," The nurse said.

"Hmm, let me be the judge of that," Rooney said. He jabbed a thermometer in Ferris's mouth real hard.

"Ow," Ferris mumbled with the thermometer in his mouth. Once it beeped, Mr. Rooney took it out and it said 102 degrees Fahrenheit.

"Hmm," He said with a tiny tone of defeat. He remained in the room as he still wasn't sure what to say, until Ferris sneezed.

"HeKTSCH! Ferris sneezed harshly.

"Please excuse be..." Ferris mumbled.

"Are you sure you can't do that on command?" He asked.

"Mr. Rooney, Ferris is sick! I'd like to remind you that I am the nurse here," Nurse Sparrow said. Mr. Rooney grunted and left the room.

Ferris decided to walk home, since school wasn't too far from home. He didn't exactly want to tell his parents that he was coming home, because if they found out he was sick, he wouldn't be allowed to go to the party. Ferris arrived home shortly, to find that his mother wasn't home. His dad wasn't home because of work, and Ferris's mom probably was out doing an errand. Ferris decided to follow the advice that his dad gave him the last time he pretended to be sick, and he took a bath and wrapped a hot towel around his head. The congestion was gone, but his nose was still stuffy and itchy. He sat at his desk with a box of tissues and blew his nose time after time. Ferris sniffed in deeply and sighed.

"Eh....HEktSCH!" Ferris sneezed into the tissue again. He felt horrible. Ferris stared out the window until the phone started ringing.

"Bueller," Ferris answered.

"Hey Ferris it's Sloane,"

"Hey Sloane,"

"Are you ok hun?"

"Not really. The nurse sent me home because I have a fever," Ferris added with a sniff.

"Aw, poor baby. Will you be able to come to the party tonight?" Ferris paused for a moment.

"I'll find a way. After all, I am Ferris Bueller," He said proudly.

"That's my babe," Sloane said.

"See you in a bit Ferris,"

"Ok, goodbye Sloane," Ferris hung up, and decided to crawl into bed and take a nap. It wasn't like his parents really visited his room during the day, and he really needed some rest in time for the big party that night. Ferris closed his eyes, and soon enough he felt himself sink out of reality.

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Sooooo cute!!! I love the way you're writing this. Can't wait to see more! :)

Heehee thanks! :D I'll give you guys an update tomorrow :)

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Awww, thanks guys you are the best! :blushsmiley: Here's Chapter 3!

"Ferris? I'm home!" Ferris sprang upward. He glanced at the clock. It was 3:00 already! That was about the time he got out of school, and luckily his mother had gotten home from her errand at about the time the bus would have come. Ferris quickly fixed his clothes in order to appear decent, and he walked downstairs to greet his mother. Surprisingly Ferris found his father with his mother as well.

"Hey bud, I decided to come home early tonight," His dad said. Jeanie walked in the door.

"Ferris, why weren't you on the bus with me?" She asked. Ferris forgot that they rode the same bus together.

"Uhh...I accidentally got on the wrong bus so they dropped me off here," Ferris was hoping that his sister and his parents would buy it, and that they didn't notice any congestion in his voice. He could tell his sister wasn't totally convinced, but his parents seemed to be ok with it. They both shrugged, while his sister walked away and glared at him. Ferris was starting to feel the urge to sneeze, but was trying his hardest to hold it in. His parents were pretty easy to fool when he faked, so it must not take them long when it was real. His mother and father started to show him some new things they had bought together from a store to go along with his outfit. He was depending on his finger underneath his nose to repress his urge to sneeze, but his mother wanted him to try on a pair of sunglasses. Slowly, Ferris lifted his finger away from his nose, and he reached for the pair of sunglasses to try on. He glanced in the mirror at himself with the new sunglasses. He wished that the only mirror they had on the first floor was in the bathroom, that way he could ask to go to the bathroom to look and blow his nose. Unfortunately, there was a mirror in the hallway, and Ferris was using it. He really liked the sunglasses though.

"Thanks, these are awesome!" Ferris said.

"That's my pumpkin!" Ferris's mom said excitingly and tapped him twice on the nose. Ferris prepared for the worst and took the sunglasses off and held them a few inches away from his face as his breath hitched and his eyes fluttered.

"......HeKTSCH!" Ferris had no choice but to sneeze in the side of his wrist since his hands were still holding the sunglasses.

"Bless you, honey!" Ferris's mom took the sunglasses from Ferris and put her arm around him. Ferris sighed lightly to himself as his efforts not to sneeze didn't work.

"Ferris, are you feeling ok? You look a little pale," Ferris's dad said.

"Thank you for your concern, but I feel fi-......he....TSCHH!" Ferris sneezed again. Ferris's mom felt his forehead.

"Oh honey, you are burning up! We better get you to bed," Ferris's mom stroked his face.

"but...." Ferris broke into a fit of coughing, and his dad patted him on the back. Jeanie walked downstairs. She noticed how her parents were acting around Ferris and realized what they were doing.

"You believe that he's sick?" His sister asked. Ferris blew his nose into a tissue, and his sister must have heard how congested-sounding it was.

"Ew. You know what? Nevermind. I'm just gonna go back upstairs," She left the room, and Ferris was led upstairs by his parents. He wasn't really tired at all since he had just taken a nap, but his parents were trying to put him to sleep. Ferris laid down on the pillow with some unecessary assistance from his parents. He sniffed in deeply.

"Momma? Papa?" He asked.

"Yes Ferris?" They said simultaneously.

"I can't breathe through my nose," Ferris stated.

"Oh you poor thing. It's simply the effect from the cold but if you like I can put another pillow behind yours so you can sleep upright," His mom offered.

"Ok," Ferris said with a smile. His mom put a pillow behind his while his dad put a tissue box on his night table.

"Thank you so much, it means a lot to me that.....Ha-TCHOO!" Ferris sneezed. His nose was starting to run.

"Bless you Ferris," Ferris's dad said. Ferris smiled, and his mom took out a tissue and started dabbing his nose.

"As I was saying before, it means so much to me that I have loving parents that care for me," Ferris said. He usually says this when he fakes being sick, but this time he meant it. Ferris's parents smiled, and they understood that Ferris really wanted to go to the party that night, so they wanted to make him happy at home so he wouldn't want to be at the party.

"Now you get better pumpkin," His mom said with a smile, and his parents closed the door. Ferris sighed to himself. He was going to go to that party no matter what.

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Aw! I love how you switched it up from his usual faking sick when he's not to hiding it when he is, that's so clever!

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Aw! I love how you switched it up from his usual faking sick when he's not to hiding it when he is, that's so clever!

Wow, thank you so much!

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Here is Chapter 4! :)

Ferris set up a dummy attached to the line on the door, and he registered a snoring sound effect on his machine. He made sure to cover the dummy, and he put on his outfit for the night. He wore a vest with red sparkles, and some dressy pants. Ferris made sure to grab the sunglasses as well.

"Now that's more like it," Ferris said to the mirror. Before he was prepared to sneak out the window, he grabbed some tissues and laughed at himself. The irony of the situation was that he was sick and was sneaking out, and he usually faked being sick to ditch school. Ferris felt a sneeze coming on. Oh no, if they hear me they'll come in and try to care for me! Ferris thought to himself. He pinched his nose with his fingers, and stifled the sneezed.

"Ha-KMmm..." Ferris watched the door for a few moments, and then massages his temples as that sneeze had given him a headache. He sighed, and stepped out of the window. It was only a few feet down, so Ferris jumped. As soon as he hit the ground, he started his way to the Jones's house. He had to walk through his neighbors' yards that were part of the path, and he passed many people that were in their yards. Ferris was walking by an old man who was grilling some steaks, when he felt the urge to sneeze again.

"Uh......he...." Ferris felt the sneeze come on, but it wasn't quite there yet. He felt the man watching him and didn't want to leave until he had sneezed, so he looked into the sun to hopefully coax the sneeze out.

"Ah......TSCH!" He sneezed into his hand. He rubbed his nose a bit.

"God bless you, young man," The man grilling steaks said.

"Thank you," Ferris said. He continued, wondering about all the people that had been polite to him that day. As he walked on, the man behind him sighed to himself, and said,

"That sun trick always works with people," He proceeded to flip the steaks. As Ferris walked out into the sidewalk, he started to hear thunder. Ferris looked up at the sky? What? It can't rain now. There was still 10 minutes left of his walk. As Ferris held out his hand and felt the raindrops, he decided he would have to start running in order to make it in time. He started running past some people who had their umbrellas ready, and unfortunately for Ferris his nose wanted to let loose while he was running.

"At-CSH! HaTSCH! HeKTSCH!" Ferris sneezed into his arm as he ran.

"Bless you!"

"Gesundheit!" He heard from various people as he ran. The rain was starting to come down harder, and Ferris felt worse and worse as he used his energy in running. He couldn't stop though, because his hair and his clothes were getting wet and he didn't want to risk being out in the rain for too long. The good thing about the rain was that it felt cool on his forehead, but it added to the chills he felt in the other areas of his body. He was generating some body heat with the running, but unfortunately he had to stop at the crosswalk and let the cars go by. He crossed his arms and shivered, and gave into his nose's desire.

"HET-Chi..." Ferris sneezed. He wiped his nose, and sniffed to try to clear the congestion but to no avail. He waited for the cars, and ran across the road. He was almost there, he could spot the Jones's house across the neighborhood. Come on Ferris, don't give up now, he thought to himself. He quickly ran, but he accidentally slipped on the ground and landed on his bottom.

"Ow!" Ferris shouted to himself. He quickly stood up, and looked around. Good, he thought to himself. There was no one around to see that. He decided to walk up to the house since he was hurting anyway, and he didn't want to fall down. Ferris could see a ton of cars parked around the house, and he could hear music playing from the inside of it. He rang the doorbell.

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Oh my goodness!!! Poor Ferris!!! It just had to rain on you didn't it :P Love this story! Please continue!

Haha rain is a killer! I kind of feel bad for torturing Ferris but I think he is quite overdue for some torture :P

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Nice update! So how is everyone gonna react when he strides in to make his entrance in his his cool threads and new shades all sniffly and shivering? I can't wait to find out!

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Love how this is coming along. Great material. I hope someone cares for him at the party

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Alright, here's Chapter 5! Things start to shake up a bit in this chapter.

"Ferris!" Someone shouted at the doorway. It was Scooter Jones.

"Hey Scooter, I told you I would make it buddy,"

"Oh yeah, but....you're all soaken wet," Ferris felt his hair and looked at his clothes.

"Did you get stuck in the rain?"

"Yeah, I....KaSCH! Please excuse me,"

"Please come in! You must be freezing. I wouldn't want you to catch a cold," Little did Scooter know, Ferris was currently in the middle of dealing with a cold AND a fever. Ferris felt the warmth of the house, and he happily took his shoes off. He quickly went into the bathroom to wash his hands from all the sneezing he had done, and he went out into the main room of their house where everybody was dancing. Ferris looked around for Sloane to see if she was there yet, and he grabbed some chips from the bowl on the way. Hmm, Ferris thought while he looked at the drinks. He decided to get 2 cups of punch for the both of them. After all, it was good to drink liquids when you had a fever and just about any illness, really. Ferris maneuvered his way through the crowd and spotted Sloane talking to Scooter's twin Benny, and was that...Cameron? He walked over with a tissue up to his face.

"Hey, Cameron, what're you doing here?" Ferris asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I thought you were supposed to be home,"

"I thought the same thing about you too, Ferris,"

"Listen I'm not too sick to come out to a-" Ferris started coughing and swore to himself.

"Ferris, is that you?"

"Ferris turned around to come face to face with Sloane. She gasped as soon as she saw him.

"Honey! What happened? You look as sick as a dog!" She felt his soaking wet hair and she hugged his soaking wet clothes.

"I got caught out in the rain, it's no big deal," Ferris said in a raspy voice. But his pale essence revealed that it was indeed a big deal. Sloane gave him a little kiss on the cheek, and Ferris gave her a glass of punch.

"Let's keep dancing, I'll get warmer this way," Ferris said. Together, they danced to Staying Alive, and that was until Ferris had challenged Cameron to a dance battle. Everybody crowded up to see Ferris break out all of his new dance moves, and Cameron at least try to dance, but they both had a great time. Scooter and Benny were performing some songs together on guitar and saxophone, which was a treat to anyone that knew them. It turns out someone started a bunny hop, so Ferris and his friends decided to join them.

"Hop hop hop!" They all shouted at the same time and hopped. Once they had hopped enough, something came over Ferris. He sat down at a chair, and his friends stood beside him.

"Ferris, you don't look too good," Cameron pointed out.

"HeKSCHOO! I feel worse than I look," Ferris replied while rubbing his head and his face.

"Ferris, you look like you might hurl," Cameron said. Just in case he did have to, Ferris walked into the bathroom to inspect himself. His hair was still damp and messed up, and his face was as white as a ghost. There were bags under his eyelids, so he decided to put on a larger pair of sunglasses to cover them up. Cameron and Sloane danced some more with Ferris, and he felt himself warm up, but his head was burning. He decided that they would take a break and play a game of pool, which Ferris won of course. As they were setting up the pool balls again Ferris started breathing heavy and wheezing.

"Ferris!" Sloane held him in her arms, as she feared he might pass out.

"It's ok, I'm just...." Ferris started to see spots.

"Cameron, his hands are clammy!" Sloane shouted. Just then, the doorbell rang. They proceeded to hold on to Ferris, and until they saw who walked into the house, they didn't know why Ferris had dropped.

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Oh my goodness!!! How ironic! Ferris claimed that he was clammy and seeing spots to stay home from school and now they're his actual symptoms! That's so great! :) Can't wait for you to continue this awesome story!!

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Oh my goodness!!! How ironic! Ferris claimed that he was clammy and seeing spots to stay home from school and now they're his actual symptoms! That's so great! :) Can't wait for you to continue this awesome story!!

Haha thanks! I was kind of writing the spots thing when I was thinking of symptoms and then I remembered that he was faking that so I proceeded to add the clammy hands :)

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Another cliffy :P haha but I really liked this chapter!! Looking forward to more as usual!

I apologize for the cliffhanger :/ it's something I used to hopefully keep you guys interested but thanks for reading and commenting anyway!

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