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MLP: FiM (Applejack) Story for MLPlover


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I'm so happy that I was asked to write this story because I didn't know anything about MLP before and now I know so much and have enjoyed learning about it :) This one is for MLPlover. Here you go!

Twilight Sparkle was rounding up all of her friends for the important message Princess Celestia needed to tell them. She and Spike looked for Rainbow Dash.

"Rainbow Dash?" Twilight Sparkle called. Rainbow Dash flew down from the cloud she was relaxing on.

"Princess Celestia needs us in Canterlot for an important meeting!"

"Really? But I was just about to go flying!" Rainbow Dash said.

"I'm afraid this is more important," Rainbow Dash sighed. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Spike headed out to find Fluttershy. She was found talking to her animals. Twilight Sparkle got Fluttershy to come with them, and although Rarity was working on a new costume she happily came along with Twilight Sparkle. They had just forced Pinkie Pie to come with them instead of partying, and all they needed to do was to get Applejack. Applejack was bucking apples at the farm and talking to her sister, Apple Bloom.

"Sis, you shouldn't be out here like this," Apple Bloom said.

"Is there somethin' wrong with me doin' a little buckin'?" Applejack said. Apple Bloom started to say,

"Well I thought you said you were-"


"Sick," Apple Bloom finished.

"It be nuthin' but a little sniffle. Y'all don't think I can take this, do you?" Applejack asked.

"I'm just a little worried," Apple Bloom said. Just then, Twilight Sparkle entered the farm and walked up to Applejack.

"Applejack, Princess Celestia has summoned us for a meeting in Canterlot!" Twilight Sparkle said. Applejack thought for a moment.

"Ok. I'll see ya in a minute," Applejack replied. Twilight Sparkle walked away. Apple Bloom was puzzled.

"Applejack, why would ya say yes to that when you're sick?" Apple Bloom asked.

"It be nuthin', don't worry about it," Applejack said. Apple Bloom watched as her sister walked away and sneezed. Applejack thought about how she would keep her cold from her friends yet deal with it at the same time. She packed a ton of tissues in a saddle bag, and made sure to not appear sickly.

"Alright, now that we have everybody, let's head to Canterlot," Twilight Sparkle said. They headed to Canterlot, and were able to walk together until they reached the forest and Fluttershy stopped to care for the animals.

"Fluttershy, we don't have all day. You have to stop talking to them and bringing them along with you," Rainbow Dash said. Fluttershy frowned, and said goodbye to her fellow rabbits. Once they were through the forest, they seemed to reach a dirt path. Pinkie Pie started running around.

"Woohoo! Let's party!" She kicked up the dirt and dust into the air.

"Pinkie Pie, you are going to ruin my mane with this dirt," Rarity said.

"Seriously, we don't have time for this," Rainbow Dash stated. Fluttershy was a bit confused at the whole situation. Applejack felt a tickle in her nose from all the dust that was kicked up. Oh no! If her friends found out about her cold, they wouldn't let her come along, but the dust was making her nose more itchy. Unfortunately there was not much a horse could do to hold in a sneeze, so Applejack walked over to the grass and stuck her nose in the grass.

"Applejack?" Twilight Sparkle asked. Applejack's eyes shifted upward. A piece of grass had lodged in her nose.

"I be fine, it's just a..." Applejack started.

"A what?" Twilight asked.

"Uhhh....aah...uuHHH...AAAAKKKSHEWW!" Applejack sneezed. Twilight looked concerned.

"Are you okay Applejack?" She asked.

"Yeah, um...s'just that dust Pinkie Pie kicked up..." Applejack said.

"Ok. Pinkie Pie, you really need to stop. Now," Twilight Sparkle told Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie stopped and they continued on to Canterlot. Applejack sniffed and stopped to dip her nose in the river. When she lifted it, surprisingly she felt better. As she coninued on with her friends, she tried her best not to talk too much on the way since her voice seemed to be congested. She quietly sneaked to the back and took out a tissue that she had in her bag, and she attempted to wipe her nose on it. Once they arrived in Canterlot, they were summoned by Princess Celestia, and were ordered to sit down. Applejack lightly sniffed.

"Twilight Sparkle, you have done an excellent job spreading friendship so far. I am afraid though that there are some ponies having trouble with friendship in Canterlot and I need your help in spreading the love," Applejack's nose twitched. She leaned under a table as nonchalantly as she could. Unfortunately Rainbow Dash had noticed.

"Ahh....ah.....HEMPXCH!" Applejack's face turned as red as an apple.

"Gesundheit," Rainbow Dash said.

"Uhh, thanks," Applejack responded. She was really embarassed to sneeze in front of her friends, but sneezing in front of Princess Celestia pushed her past her limit. Fortunately for her, Princess Celestia hadn't noticed her little spectacle, but that didn't mean Applejack was safe just yet.

"He-XCH!" Applejack sneezed under the table again. Her nose was starting to drip. Applejack became more flustered as time went on.

"And that is how you will convince them that-"

"HAtchOO!" Applejack sneezed loudly. Oh boy, now I've done it, she thought to herself.

"Applejack, is there something wrong?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Ah'm fine, t's just that...HeTCH!"

"Oh you poor thing, you're burning up! We better get you to bed," Princess Celestia magically lifted Applejack into the air.

"But what about Twilight and her friendship?" Applejack asked.

"I'm sure Twilight will be fine, but we do appreciate your efforts," Princess Celestia said.

"Wait!" Fluttershy shouted.

"If Applejack has to stay, then I will too," Fluttershy said. Rainbow Dash walked over to Applejack.

"Me too," Rarity walked over to Applejack.

"Me three," Pinkie Pie finally jumped on top of Applejack.

"Me four!"

"Pinkie Pie!" Rarity shouted. Pinkie Pie stepped off of Applejack.

"Sorry," She said.

"Princess Celestia, what should I do? Applejack is sick and I feel I should help her, but I have a mission to carry out,"

"That's it!" Princess Celestia shouted.


"You've passed the test!"

"What test?"

"The test of friendship, silly. I had noticed that Applejack was sick so I tested how loyal you were to each other,"


"Yes, now you may care for her if you must," Princess Celestia said. Twilight walked over to Applejack and they all got into a group hug.

"Alright everybody, one, two, th-"

"HeTCHOO!" Applejack sneezed. Everyone started laughing at Applejack, including Applejack herself.


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I love this! Thank you soooo much! I'm glad you enjoyed writing this! Once again thank you soooo much :D I really love it!

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I love this! Thank you soooo much! I'm glad you enjoyed writing this! Once again thank you soooo much biggrin.png I really love it!

No problem! :D Thank you for the awesome request! I'm happy you liked the story :) Thanks again whoo.gif

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