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Sneeze Fetish Forum

BilboXReader-The Hobbit Fanfic


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Hello everyone! I'm not too sure if anyone's really written anything in an 'XReader' format yet, but I decided to write one myself...while in the midst of my obsession with The Hobbit ^^;

Anyways, I hope you guys like it~ This is my first fic,so...be gentle, I guess? Ah,I probably don't need to worry, everyone here seems really nice!


“Wow, I’d never known you had all this down here!” you cried as you gazed in wonder at several book shelves lined with many books.

Bilbo looked at you with his dark blue eyes. “Well, I do enjoy a good book,” he told you with a smile. “And since you do as well, I thought you would like to see all of this, (your name).”

“You know me too well,” you replied, returning the smile. As if technically living in a hole in the ground wasn’t enough, there was even a basement, with three different book shelves. “Where do I even start?” you asked yourself aloud.

“Wherever you feel like. I might as well take a look myself.” Bilbo stepped away from you and began sifting through the books in the shelf along the back wall. “I don’t think I’ve even read all of these. A lot of them were passed down from my mother,” he chuckled.

For a moment, you just stood in place and watched him. What was it that fascinated you so much about him? In fact, what was that fascinated him so much about you? You’d grown so close over the past few months without even realizing it. You trusted him so much, and he knew just about every little secret you had, including your weirdest one…

You shook your head quickly and rejoined reality, only to find yourself blushing. What were you doing again? Right, looking for books. You reached an arm up and skimmed your fingers over the bindings of all the books along the top shelf.

You suddenly pulled your hand away when you found a book that intrigued you, only to find a thin layer of dust coating your fingertips upon rubbing them together. ‘That’s funny,’ you thought. Did this basement really belong to the same Hobbit that was always so tidy with everything else?

As if he had read your thoughts, you heard him say,” Ya know, I really haven’t been down here in a while.”

“I can tell,” you remarked playfully with a grin.

He shook his head dismissively, but not without a slight smirk. Then, he asked you,” Have you found anything yet, (your name)?” Bilbo reached up and grabbed a book of his own that must’ve peaked his interest.

“Actually, I think I already have.” You reached up again, abandoning your previous pondering, and grabbed hold of a book revolving around Middle Earth’s history. Ha, you, grabbing a book focused on history. A rare sight, really, but if something’s taken your interest, you’ll read about it.

You flipped open the leather bound book’s cover open, your (eye color) eyes observing the Table of Contents. Your expression changed from one of concentration, to pure interest, and confusion, even. A good sign. It was funny how much you could learn from the Table of Contents, really. You placed the book on the table behind you, and continued your search.

From the right of you, you heard Bilbo sniff, but you thought nothing of it. That was, until you heard something else that caught your interest more than any book in the world.

It wasn’t when he closed a book and put it back, but rather the follow-up. His breath had hitched. You didn’t look, only listened, unsure of what you’d heard. Sure enough, merely seconds later, you heard another gasp, and Bilbo sneezed.


“Bless you,” you murmured with a hint of a smile as you felt butterflies in your stomach. He knew about it, your fetish for sneezing, but it never bothered him, of course. He loved you for who you were.

“Thanks,” you heard him mutter offhandedly with another dry sniffle, which you disregarded once again. And then it was quiet, save for the occasional flipping of pages and the closing of books.

And then, it happened again. The one thing you couldn’t get enough of. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Bilbo lift his head, hitching his breath. “hih-HIh…” Then, his head snapped back down, light brown curls of hair bobbing over his forehead as he sneezed. “HET’CHOO!”

Your lips parted to bless him yet again, when Bilbo suddenly lifted his head further than before. Now you turned to get a better look. From your angle I could see his eyes were tightly shut, eyebrows raised in expectation, his expression desperately trembling. Bilbo’s chest lifted with another gasp of breath before his needs were granted…twice.


He then rubbed a finger under his nose, sniffling. “You like that?” he suddenly asked, turning to you with a sly smile.

You blinked, lost in a trance. Your face was flushed, hands clenched at your sides, and your heart was pounding in your chest. You swallowed and answered. “Y-yeah,” you stuttered. That had been exhilarating; it wasn’t often he would sneeze that much in such a small window of time. In fact, it was shocking for him to be sneezing that much at all.

“I had thought so.” Bilbo still smiled and unconsciously rubbed his finger beneath his unusually reddened nostrils again. He turned away, but you didn’t turn away from him. Books were the last thing on your mind. Now you couldn’t look away from him, not after that.

Thought it was still odd Bilbo had just sneezed that many times in a row, you surely didn’t mind it. You had, in fact, quite enjoyed every second of the scene before you. Even so, you still felt concerned and suspicious that something was wrong, but you could give almost anything if it meant you had a chance seeing that again.

And it seemed your wishes were more than granted, for a few minutes later, it seemed that Bilbo had finished skimming through a particularly dusty book, and upon closing it, a cloud of dust exploded in his face, which the Hobbit inhaled most of by accident.

Instantly, his breath began hitching with more urgency than before, and all he could do was set the book down and brace himself against the table before he was lost in his own sneezy wake.


Your eyes widened at the sight and sound, but concern still filled your expression. You ran up to him for more than one reason: to help if he needed it, and to watch it happen.

Bilbo’s head was craned back, his breath hitching wildly, and his expression was one of such desperate ticklishness that you felt sympathy for the poor Hobbit. Then again, there probably wasn’t much you could do. Bilbo’s hand was poised in front of his face, and his nostrils flared and trembled in anticipation of the inevitable fit brewing in his nose. You couldn’t help biting your lip at the sight. It was almost too much for you.


Your face heated up again, your heart fluttered in your chest, and a feeling of excitement bubbled up inside you. He was practically gasping now, and after what seemed like an endless buildup, he sneezed harshly into the crook of his elbow, only to hitch his breath and do it again…and again.


At one point, he started stifling, but it only seemed to make the irritation and tickling in his nose worsen, and the fit continued. Now your legs felt weak and the world seemed to spin, but in the best way. Was this really happening right now? It really felt like a dream. Somehow, Bilbo eventually caught a break, and gave me a pleading look through his watering eyes. But that break was short-lived, and he continued sneezing. Luckily, not too short a break that he didn’t get his message across to you.

Even in your dazed state, you grabbed a handkerchief from your back pocket and pressed it into his free hand. He pressed it to his face, but his breath still hitched. As much as you loved what was going on, you had no right to let him suffer like this. “C’mon let’s go upstairs,” you murmured, and he nodded, only to start sneezing again into your handkerchief. You put a hand on his back and guided him to the staircase. You could feel him tense with every sneeze.

Once you were both upstairs, the fit began to subside, and Bilbo could finally catch his breath. You kept your hand on his shoulder in comfort, and almost awkwardly asked,” You okay?” The sneezing seemed to be over, at least for the moment.

“I guess so,” Bilbo assured, the entire episode still settling for him. It was in that moment that your adoration for the Hobbit spiked and you wrapped your arms around him. It took him by surprise at first, but he relaxed into your embrace.

“You have no clue how incredibly hot that was for me,” you admitted when you pulled away from him and gazed into his eyes, blushing.

He shook his head with a wistful smile. “You’re so weird,” he muttered with a laugh.

You giggled. “I know.” You pulled him closer and brushed your nose against his, which seemed to still be too sensitive. You saw his eyes get that oh, so, familiar faraway look, and his eyelids fluttered. As soon as you pulled away from him to give him some space, he sneezed into your handkerchief.


“Bless you,” you said sweetly.

Bilbo blew his nose and gave a muffled,” Thanks,” from beneath the fabric held against his face.

Later that night, you found yourself wrapped in a blanket with Bilbo in front of the fire place, the flames casting a warm glow and dancing like fireflies in the night. His arm was wrapped around your waist, and you pressed your face against his chest, hearing the comforting beat of his heart.

“You didn’t even know you had dust allergies, did you?” I suddenly asked.

“Nope,” he chuckled. “I had no idea. Next thing I knew, I was sneezing non-stop.”

Your heart fluttered even at the word ‘sneeze’, and you nuzzled your face against him, blushing like an idiot. “Maybe it’s because you keep this place so clean. You had no way to expose yourself.” You gave a quiet laugh.

Bilbo laughed too. “Maybe.”

For a short moment, it was silent again. “How about I clean down there for you sometime this week?” you suggested, breaking the silence.

“That would be nice,” Bilbo agreed, and he huddled closer to you. Yes, you would surely do that this week, but not now. For the time-being, you would just cuddle with your beloved Hobbit for the rest of this lovely night.


I might make a part two, what do you all think? :)

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Ooh, perfect! Do continue! I don't usually enjoy xReader fics, but this was lovely! <3

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How funny I just watched TH earlier today and then I come on and see this lol I love it! Please go on!

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I don't think I've ever read a fanfiction like this! It's really cool, and I think you wrote it really well :D

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I'm sending you my medical bills :lmfao: loljk but this was pretty damn amazing, all the yes to a part two!!

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@ All- Thank you all soooo much for all the positive feedback!!♥ It really means a lot~

So, I finished a second part, though it went much further than I had meant it to ^^; Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy it~


You were never satisfied. Never. When it came to a fetish like yours, there was always more to want from Bilbo...and now you knew how to get it. When you’d witnessed that allergic reaction the other day, you knew you needed more, and while you had been dusting the basement, a devious thought formed in your mind.

For that week, you kept the feather duster you had used in safekeeping until the timing was perfect, and you couldn’t take it anymore. It was night now, the musical chirping of crickets filling the warm, summer air. You crept into the main sitting room, and if only by luck, caught Bilbo just as he was leaving the room.

"Bilbo~" you chimed, stopping him in his tracks and stepping closer to him. You couldn't hide the grin on your face.

He turned to you. "Yes?"

Without warning, you whipped out your "weapon" from you back pocket. The feather duster, which was covered in a generous amount of dust...which Bilbo was quite allergic to.

He first took a step back in surprise and raised a hand in defense, though the damage was already done. A cloud of dust enveloped him and he shook his head. "Wh-what are you doing?" Bilbo cried, when the sudden burning in his nose hit him. "You know I'm a-allergiih-hiH...h-HIh..." He trailed off, eyes fluttering and breath hitching, and you watched, waited.


Bilbo finally succumbed with a sneeze, and then doubled over with another stronger one. He straightened and held a hand beneath his nose, and you didn't bother hiding your obvious signs of enjoyment for the situation. Your cheeks were flushed and a dreamy smile was spread on your face. Evil glee shone in my eyes.

The Hobbit blinked in realization and shot you a glare. "Oh, I know what you're doing," he accused, despite the hand beneath his rapidly irritating nose. "No way. W-we're not doing this." He waved his free hand at me dismissivly, even as his voice wavered.

You narrowed your (eye color) eyes and stepped closer to him, destroying the space between you. Your gaze locked with his. "Bilbo, there's no reason to be so stubborn," you told him sweetly and pulled his blocking hand away from his face. "You don't have much of a choice anyways." You gave another flick of the feather duster and watched the magic happen.

Bilbo's expression wavered, his eyes fluttering. You honed in on his nostrils as they flared and twitched with need. "hih...HUH-heh..." He hitched his breath several times before he nudged you away and sneezed into the crook of his elbow. "HEH'CHOO!!" You still watched as Bilbo lifted his head and his nose twitched. He sniffled in an attempt to quell the unbearable itching, only to be greeted with more dust. He could only hitch his breath and give in to yet another allergic outburst. "hH-HIh...HIH'CHOO!!"

You took his moment of weakness to your advantage and grabbed him by the shoulders. "You know you don't need to push me away like that," you said, and then you turned him, pushing him against the wall. "And now I won't let you." Bilbo was about to ask for explanation, but you suddenly grabbed his hands by wrists and held them behind his back with your free hand. Now he was completely vulnerable and in your control.

Bilbo struggled in your grip before giving in and accepting fate. "Wh-what are you gonna do to me?" he stuttered. Not from fear, but rather from the allergic reaction building in his nose. A fiery look of passion flashed in your (eye color) eyes as you shook the feather duster again.

"I think you already know what I'm doing," you answered. His nose twitched, and already his breath was hitching. Bilbo's dark blue eyes started to close before you stopped the sneeze in his tracks. With the feather duster in your back pocket again, you pressed a finger under his tortured nostrils. "No sneezing until I say so." You couldn't hide a smirk. Sure, this may have crossed the line for both you and Bilbo, but it was pretty harmless torture, right?

He whimpered, the tickle only seeming to grow instead of fade. His nostrils twitched and flared against your finger, seeking clean air, and his eyes fluttered.

"Tell me how it feels," you begged without thinking. That further crossed your own boundaries, but you couldn't help it. This was quite a rare opportunity.

Surprisingly, the usually stubborn Hobbit listened and attempted to speak despite his hitching breath. "It r-really, heH...tickles a-and, Hh-HUh...itches, and I hIH-have to...h-have to..." You tensed up as he threw his head back, his reddened nostrils still twitching and flaring widely against your blocking finger. "Hh- hUH-" Bilbo's eyes were shut, his eyebrows lifted.

Just when you were sure he would sneeze, Bilbo lowered his head again and even finished what he was saying. "...H-have to, Heh...sneeze..."

You whimpered just at the word 'sneeze' in such context, and you noticed a ghost of a smile on Bilbo's face. Apparently, he enjoyed the idea of weakening you, even with one word.

Again, he spoke, even as his eyes watered with allergic tears. “I c-can’t, hH-Heh hold this much hih-HUH...longer…” he said breathily, his eyes closing again. “I’m gonna, heH-HAh...sneeze,hH-HIh--!!” He took another shuddering gasp and threw his head back, and that’s when you finally pulled your finger away. Bilbo’s expression grew indescribably desperate as he took two more final hitched breaths and bucked forward with a strong-well needed sneeze...and then four more.

“HIH’CHOO! HAH’CHOO! hH-HAH...HET’CHOO! *sniff* heh,HIH ...HIH’CHOO! HEH’CHOO! ...hih-HAh...Huh-HEH…”

You watched every release, each one more satisfactory than the last. Your pulse had quickened, you realize, but it was really no surprise. This was a fantasy playing out in front of your eyes, and it really did feel like pure heaven. With each sneeze, you felt him tense, until one got stuck.

Bilbo’s breath would hitch until he would tilt his head back, only to lower it back down in frustration. this process repeated, much to your evil enjoyment, until his eyes were streaming tears and his nose was an itching mess. He gave in and pleaded. “(your name)...” he murmured breathily.

You listened but said nothing, in a complete trance.

“Th-this one w-won’t...come out...hH,HEH-!!” Bilbo’s voice trailed off as his breath starting hitching relentlessly, and he lifted his head again, eyebrows lifted in expectation, only to feel the annoying tickle retreat to the depths of his nose, leaving him more irritated than the last time. He spoke to you breathily again. “I-I’m sure you wouldn’t mind heh-helping me... w-with this one…” Bilbo gave you a pleading look through teary eyes, but you still saw that satisfied smirk on his lips.

“Gladly,” you murmured, eyes glowing with desire. You lifted the feather duster and held it against Bilbo’s nose for five seconds, which would surely set him off. His reddened nostrils flared in protest, but he didn’t have much of a choice; his hitching gasps only allowed him to inhale more of the allergen, and the feathers surely didn’t help. “huh,hIH...HEh-Hh…”

I pulled the feather duster away from Bilbo, and now he was practically gasping, his expression purely desperate and trembling, his nostrils flaring. Still, he tried talking, if only for you. “Gonna, hEH...g-gonna sn-sneeze...hH-HIH,HAh-!!” He threw his head back, and you felt like you were gonna lose it if this went on for much longer. You pressed closer to him, and felt him tense as he sneezed harshly several times. “HIH’CHOO! Heh, HAH… HAT’CHOO! HUH’CHOO!”

From there on, everything else seemed so far away, pushed away by your bliss. You’re not even sure when it all ended.


Now, you lay with Bilbo beneath the sheets and blankets of a shared bed, still dazed by everything that had just happened. He ran his fingers through your (hair length),(hair color) hair, and you relaxed with each stroke. You shifted closer to him, pressing your face against his chest.

For a while, it was quiet, and you broke the silence. “Do you think we could...do that again sometime?” you asked awkwardly, blushing, and looked up to him.

He smiled. “M-maybe, yeah.” But you heard that familiar catch of breath. Bilbo lifted his head away from the pillows and turned away from you. “Hih’choo!” As you had expected, he sneezed softly into the crook of his arm.

“Bless you,” you murmured as he turned back over and resituated himself.

“Thanks,” he replied quietly with another smile, and then it was silent again.

You pressed back against him, breathing in his comforting, familiar scent as you dozed off. You really weren’t sure when you fell asleep, but the last thing you remember was feeling a kiss upon your forehead. Truly, that could not have gone better.


I don't think I'll be making any more of this, but I'm pretty happy with it. What do you all think? :)

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