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Meet & Greet (F - Lady Gaga [yes, again, don't judge me])


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Aaaaand this is the second Lady Gaga fic that I have posted on this forum. (trust me, it could be worse; I have about eight on my computer)

I probably need a life, buuut, whatever. Here goes.


Lady Gaga smiled up at the fan standing in front of her and stood up, posing beside her as the camera clicked three times. She sat back down, scrawling her signature onto the piece of paper the fan held out. “Nice to meet you,” she said, smiling again. The fan left and Gaga rubbed at her nose, sniffling to prevent it from running. Her allergies were having a flare up, and she’d been sniffling, sneezing and blowing her nose since she’d woken up that morning, but she knew she couldn’t call off her fan meet and greet, no matter how crappy she felt. Another fan walked up from the line and flashed a broad grin at Gaga.

“It’s so great to meet you,” she gushed. “You’re a huge inspiration to me.” Gaga couldn’t help but giggle.

“Thank you,” she said, returning the fan’s grin. “It’s nice t-to… hheh…” She cut off as she felt the beginnings of a sneeze well up inside her nose and her breath hitched. “Sorry, h-heh-hold on.” She turned to her side and cupped both hands in front of her face. “Hht’chhiew! Etchhiew!” Her eyes snapped shut and her shoulders jerked as she pitched forward with two dainty sneezes, the second one almost immediately after the first. She turned back, sniffling again and bringing two fingers up to the bottom of her nose, gently rubbing to quell the persistent tickle. “Sorry, excuse me.” she murmured, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

“Bless you, Gaga!” the fan standing before her exclaimed.

“Thank you. I’m sorry about that, my allergies are running crazy. I’ve been sneezing since… hheh… sorry, one more s-second…” She hurriedly turned again, just managing to cup one hand to her face before doubling forward with another sneeze. “Itchhiew!” She shook her head and turned back, sniffling again as she felt the tickle fade. “Jesus, I am so sorry.”

“No need to apologize. Bless you.”

“Thanks. Let’s try this again – it’s nice to meet you, too,” she laughed, her blush deepening. Everybody in the line-up would’ve seen her sneezing fit – how embarrassing was that?


There will probably be two-three more parts on this (the document on Word is three and a half pages), and yeah, opinions/tips would be great.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This was so great omg, pls post moreee ^^

Haha, okay.


The fan smiled warmly.

“I’m Katie. I’m a huge fan of yours – I’ve loved you ever since the first time I heard Just Dance on the radio.” she said, her grin growing wider.

“Aw, thank you!” Gaga replied. It always seemed to make her happier when a fan had been there from the very beginning.

“Anytime,” Katie continued, pulling a copy of Gaga’s ‘The Fame Monster’ CD from her bag. “Do you think you could sign this?”

“Of course,” Gaga replied, picking up the permanent marker sitting beside her. She hurriedly scrawled her signature on the case before turning again and stifling another dainty sneeze into her wrist. It went unnoticed by the fan, and her grin widened even more.

“Thank you so much. I’ll let you get to the other fans – the sooner this is over for you, the better,” she smiled. Gaga sneezed again, directing it down into her lap as she was still holding the CD. Katie chuckled. “I hope your allergies get better.” she added, taking the CD and leaving the line.

‘Ugh, not fucking likely,’ she thought to herself, wiping her nose with her wrist. She stifled another sneeze into her elbow and groaned, putting her head in her hands. She sniffled and closed her eyes. “Only three more fans to get through.” she whispered to herself. She felt as though she was going to pass out. A third fan walked up, a concerned look plastered to his face as he looked at her, noticing she was far paler than normal despite her heavy fake tan.

“Gaga?” he asked in a quiet voice, not wanting to startle her. She looked up, rubbing her forehead with one hand.

“Sorry,” she murmured, her head spinning out of control. She put two fingers under her nose as her nostrils began to flare, stifling a second and third sneeze before wiping her nose again.

“Are you okay?” the fan asked, now a lot more concerned than he had been.

“Allergies. Hh’xxt!”

“Bless you.”

“Thadk you.” she mumbled, her voice slightly stuffy. She rubbed her forehead again and gave her head a little shake. “Whoo, okay. I cad get through this, I cad get through this.” she repeated to herself, forcing a smile as she looked up at the fan standing in front of her.

“It’s really incredible to meet you – you are so amazing, and I love you so much.”

“Thadk you so mbuch. I’mb so grateful for every sidgle ode of you, you’re all ambazidg.” she said, making sure her voice was loud enough for the remaining fans to hear. She made a strange gagging noise, and then started into a coughing fit. The coughs wracked her tiny frame for fifteen torturous seconds until she managed to stop. “Holy shit, I feel vile…” she murmured, making the fan frown.

“Maybe you should end it now. You’re definitely not well enough to be here.

“I ca-cad’t. I have to fidish this. Hht’chhiew!”

“Bless you, sweetie.”

“Thadk you.”

“I was going to ask you a few things, but you’ve got to get out of here as soon as you can, so I won’t bother,”

“You cad ask mbe questiods if you wadt… it’s okay.”

“No, you’re not well. You should be resting. Just, take care of yourself, yeah? Please?” Gaga nodded and sneezed again.

“Bloody hell.”

“Bless you,” the fan repeated with the faint flicker of a smile.


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'kay, I have no idea where this part came from tbh. XD


The fan walked off and another approached, smiling at Gaga. She tried to smile in return, but her nose began to tickle again and she was overcome by a burning urge to sneeze. “Hheh… ehh… Hht’CHIIEW!” She sneezed rather violently without managing to cover at all, prompting the fan to give her a disgusted look. Her head of security, Ed Majcina, noticed, and immediately took a few steps closer to her.

“Bless you,” he whispered.

“Thadk you.” she sniffled.

“Can you spray your bloody germs elsewhere? Gross.” the fan sneered. Gaga flushed deep red and Ed stepped to her side.

“She can’t help it, don’t be so rude,” he said firmly, handing her a handkerchief. She smiled gratefully and took it, using it to blow her nose as softly as she could manage.

“If she’s sick, she shouldn’t be here.” he replied gruffly, glaring at Gaga.

“She isn’t sick, it’s allergies. She has terrible allergies, and, in case you didn’t know, it’s allergy season. It isn’t her fault.”


“Bless you.”

“Thadks Ed,” she replied in an even stuffier voice. He smiled at her and looked up at the man.

“Perhaps you should leave. She doesn’t need your shit right now – she feels horrible enough as it is.” he said in an even sterner tone than earlier, gently rubbing up and down Gaga’s back as she let out three more violent sneezes, her shoulders jerking forward each time.

“I’ve every right to be here. I’m only being rude bec–”


“Shut up!” he demanded.

“Don’t tell her to shut up, you rude bastard.”

“I’m being rude because she’s being disgusting.”

“She’s sneezing; it’s not something she can control.” he growled, his anger flaring as he struggled not to start cursing. Gaga whimpered behind the hand she had cupped to her face, making Ed avert his attention from the man. “Stef?” Gaga shook her head, lying her head down on the table and closing her eyes.

“Ever heard of allergy medication?” the fan sneered. That was it; that was the final straw.

“Oh, for fuck sake. She ran out – she didn’t have time to get any before she came here. You know what? Fuck off. Leave her alone.” He waved his hand to her other two bodyguards and they nodded, coming over and grabbing the man by his shoulders. He struggled to get loose, but it was useless, and the guards forced him to leave.

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This is all I wrote of this (because it sucked) sooo... yeah, but I have written another Gaga one that I like much better so I'll post/message you that if you want. Shamelessly put my name in this, not even sorry.


Ed got down on his knees beside Gaga, putting a gentle hand on her arm. He could feel her shivering beneath his touch. “Stef, are you sure you can get through this?” She nodded weakly before her breath hitched again.

“Hhah… ahh… Hht’CHIIEW! I’b okay.” she mumbled, directing the sneeze into the table. She was far too tired to lift her head again, so she had no choice.

“Don’t lie to me, Stefani.”

“I’b dot lyidg; I’b okay.”

“You’re congested as hell, sweetheart. You need to get back to the hotel and re–”


“And you can’t stop sneezing. You need to rest, forget the meet and greet. We’ll stop off and get you some allergy medication on the way. How’s that sound?”

“Ed, stop. You’re takidg thid way too serioudly, I’ll be fide. Hheh’CHIIEW!”

“Bless you.”

“Thadks. Now, serioudly, I will be okay. I promide.”

“Alright, see these two fans, and then we are getting out of here. Immediately.” She nodded, stifling another sneeze into the table.

“Okay.” she replied, looking up. She wiped the tears from her eyes and gave her head a little shake. The remaining two fans were together, and they both stepped up.

“Hey Gaga, you are so amazing, and it’s a huge privilege to be able to meet you,” said one of them, named Ally.

“Yeah, you’re totally incredible.” added the other, Ally’s twin sister, Alexis.

“Thadk you,” Gaga said, attempting to smile. She waved her hands in front of her nose to try and keep from sneezing.

“Are you alright?” asked Ally, both looking and sounding extremely concerned. Neither she nor her sister had noticed any of what had gone on, including Gaga’s sneezing fits. Realizing this, Gaga nodded.

“Allergied, sorry,” she murmured. “Tryidg dot to sd-sdeeze.”

“You can sneeze if you have to.” Ally said with a little smile. Gaga smiled in return and dizzily cupped her hands to her nose as her eyes flickered shut.

“Hht’chhiew! Eht’chhiew! Hep’tchiiew!” She let out a dainty triple, all within seconds of each other, her body bending forwards with each one.

“Bless you.” the twins said in unison.

“Thadk you.”

“You can just sign these and we’ll leave – you really need some rest,” Alexis smiled, pulling out two copies of ‘The Fame’. Gaga nodded and signed them. As she had said, the two girls left, and she turned straight to Ed.

“Let’d get out of here. I cad barely breathe. I’b goidg to pass the fuck out. Hht’chhiew!”

“Bless you,” Ed chuckled, helping her to her feet and leading her to the car, allowing her to lean her

tired body against him as they walked.

Edited by lilmissallyvanek
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  • 1 month later...

I would love to read more fics like this from you!Loved them! smile.png

Do you mean more Gaga or just more fics in general?

Edited by lilmissallyvanek
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More meet and greet fics(just loved them)!Would you accept a request for a meet and greet fic for one specific singer that I love?The singer is Tarja Turunen! :)

Edited by Blessing Queen
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More meet and greet fics(just loved them)!Would you accept a request for a meet and greet fic for one specific singer that I love?The singer is Tarja Turunen! smile.png

I have no idea who that is, aha. I could try though.

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Lol,just look on Google for pictures and some info about her. ;) Thank you in advance for writing the fic!

Edited by Blessing Queen
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