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Hold Me Louis (Harry Styles Fanfic)


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"He-ishh! It-chekhh! It-nxghht!" Harry sighed and rubbed his irritated red nose. "It-ksshh! Ha-nxghht!" He lowered his arm and pulled a tissue from the box. "Ha, huh-choo!" Blowing his nose, Harry sniffled wetly, rubbing the tears from his watery eyes. The pollen count had been high today, and Harry had been sneezing from the minute he woke up. He had let Louis deliver the message that he wasn't coming to the studio, knowing it would be hopeless even trying to go in, and set up camp on the sofa. His eyes and nose were stinging, whilest running like crazy, he had a headache from the congestion and it seemed as if a sore throat was starting to develop. He was sneezing non stop, every sneeze causing pain in his chest, and was finding it hard to breathe. "Ah-kshh! It-nxghht! Huh-chekhh!" Harry stifled, only increasing the stinging and causing him to.. "It-chew! He-ishh!" let out further sneezes. He gave a big sniffle and let a raspy cough escape his lips. Harry thought this was one of his worse days of hay fever so far in his life, there had only been a few occasions when he had felt this ill from the allergy. "'Chew! Eh-kshh!" He sneezed freely towards his lap and sniffled, unsuccessfully attempting to turn off the faucet in his nose. "He-chew!" Harry sighed at the break in his fit and lay back down on the sofa, repeatedly sniffling and wiping his nose on his sleeve. He reached for a tissue, but found that the box was now empty. Groaning, he slowly got up from the sofa and walked upstairs to the bathroom. As he stood up from grabbing a new tissue box from the cupboard, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. His eyes were red, watery and barely open. Along with the fact his nose was so red and sore he looked like Rudolph. Harry sniffled and coughed, he was defiantly getting a sore throat. His throat felt like sandpaper.

On his way downstairs, Harry had a look at the clock which read 13:04. He should probably eat lunch now, but decided against it as he was feeling really ill and just wanted to sleep. Harry knew his bed wouldn't help with the allergy, so despite the urge to snuggle there, he lay back down on the sofa. Closing his eyes for some well needed rest.

* * *

I just kind of.. wrote this?

I need to finish my other fanfic on here but I'm stuck for ideas so I've written another one. Its probably only going to have 2 or 3 parts, hope you enjoy :)

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About two hours later, he suddenly woke up. Harry sat up on the sofa and rubbed his wet eyes, wondering why he had woken up so abruptly. But when the tickle intensified, he found the answer.

"He-ishoo! It-kshh 'ksshh 'chew!" A rapid fire of sneezes escaped the boy and, breath still hitching, he raised his arm again when he felt the tickle return. "He-ishh! He-ishh! It-chekhh! Ha-kshh!" Harry winced at the increasing pain in his chest and coughed violently, which only started him off again. "He-chew! He-itcho! Ha-tcheew!" His sneezes were becoming more slow and desperate, his body not being able to rid the allergen. "He-ishh!" Harry sighed and blew his nose strongly, it didn't really do anything though as he was way to stuffed up. He grabbed another tissue and dabbed at his stinging eyes, praying for them to stop making him look like he'd been crying. As he wiped his nose, he heard a knock at the door. Harry froze, hoping it was his mum or someone he didn't mind seeing him like this. Louis wasn't due back from the studio for an hour or so, but part of Harry was praying that Louis would come and cuddle with him. He realised that he hadn't opened the door when he heard a key turning. Oh thank god Louis. He relaxed and let out a final sneeze "he-itcho!"

"Jesus Harry what's wrong!?" Was Liam's reaction when he came through the door.

"Lou.." Harry wined, sniffling repeatedly from the last sneeze.

"It's his hay fever" Louis said as he walked into the living room, putting his rattling keys down on the table.

"He-ishh! 'Chew!" Harry sneezed.

"I can't catch anything from him can I?" Zayn cringed.

"No, it's an allergy" Liam replied seriously.

"Lou.." Harry repeated with barely any voice.

"What do you need Harry? Soup, tissues, a blanket.."

"No, Lou" Harry interrupted "cuddle" Harry whispered, falling on to Louis when he sat down on the sofa.

"Haz, wait!" Louis lifted a desperate Harry off him so he could lay down, proped up by the arm of the sofa, and then pulled Harry into his chest. "Are you crying?" Louis asked him when he noticed tears in the boys eyes. "Haz?"

Harry shook his head, then nodded it. "I don't know.." He whispered, and then he was crying. Harry let out a sob and Louis pulled him closer, draping a blanket over the youngest.

"Hazza, I'm sorry, I wouldn't have left you if I knew you were feeling this bad" Louis apologised, rubbing circles on Harry's hitching back. It just made Harry cry harder, but he nodded his head.

"Can you just... *snnfff* hold me Louis..."

* * *

So this was finished quicker than expected haha

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