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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Lace Butterfly

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Hey guys. It's come to my attention that I'm actually really shit at finishing the stories I start on here. :/ my bad... so I've decided to only do one shots or two-parters from now on. I was a bit bored hanging out at my nans so I decided to flex my writing abilities and give you a little SPN sneeziness haha. Hope you guys enjoy this.

Part 1

Sam Winchester coughed harshly into his fist, he had been feeling off for the past couple of days now, and it was getting harder and harder to try to hide it from Dean.

Without much warning at all, Sam’s breath began to hitch and his eyelids flutter. “Hhh…H’ETCHHH!” He caught the harsh, throat-scraping sneeze in the sleeve of his light brown jacket. Dean walked into the motel with a paper bag full of supplies.

“Dude,” Dean said in his usual gruff voice, “Since when are your allergies this bad?” he asked, opening the paper bag full of random supplies and threw a pocket pack of Kleenex to Sam.

Sam just shrugged, unwilling to talk and give away the true reason for his sneezing. Since yesterday he’d been able to pass off the constant sniffles and sneezes as bad pollen allergies, but since the new addition of a bad cough, he wasn’t sure how long he could keep it up. Dean just sighed and began to unpack the things he’d bought.

Sam opened the Kleenex and gave a heavy blow into the tissue. He winced at the gurgling sound as it cleared his sinuses. His nose had needed a good blow and suddenly he felt the evil, relentless tickle that had set up residence in his nose flare up angrily.

"H...hh... H'UTSSCCHiewww!" he sneezed desperately into the damp tissue. “H’TSShhhiuw! H’TSSHHH! EHTTCCHHhooo!” Sam took a fresh tissue and blew again, groaning afterward, all this sneezing was really taking it out of him.

“Bless you,” Dean offered in what sounded like a fairly nonchalant tone, but his eyes betrayed his face as he stole a worried glance in his younger brother’s direction.

“Thanks,” Sam replied, trying not to think about how raspy his voice had gotten. Dean looked at him suspiciously but what could he have done, he had to talk eventually. Wanting to change the unspoken subject Sam began to talk about the case.

“So, I found out where the ghost is buried,” he reported to Dean in a factual tone, “Black Swan Cemetery.”

“Good,” said Dean, “It’s been a while since we had ourselves a cut and dry Salt and Burn.” Dean said it with a smile behind his voice; sometimes Sam really thought Dean loved the job way too much.

“Well we’ve had bigger things going on Dean,” Sam replied. He was right. They had been up to their ears in demonic activity lately and Sam thought it to be a lot more important than some ghost killing a few people. Sam sighed, when had he become so uncaring? No that wasn’t true, he wasn’t uncaring; he had just become consumed by the job, by demons. He gave an internal sarcastic sneer, like his life could have gone in any other direction.

“I know Sam, but we need to take a break every once in a while,” Dean said with a sigh as he opened up a bottle of beer for himself. Dean looked up for Sam’s response but Sam wasn’t listening anymore, no, he was fighting off the impending sneeze.

Heh… heh… HEH’TTSCCH-uh!” Sam threw his arm up to cover his face.

“And it sounds like you could actually use a break little brother,” Dean said as his eyebrows rose at Sam.

“I’m fine,” Sam said immediately, following with an involuntary sniffle and Dean rolled his eyes.

“Whatever,” was Dean’s response, “It’s almost dark, let’s get some dinner and the head over to the cemetery,” he changed the subject.

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Aww I love that kind of gruff caretaking. Like, Dean doesn't really buy Sam's story, but he's not going to make a huge fuss about it, but he's got his eye on things. Just how I imagine he'd be in that situation.

I know it's not an allergy fic, but I also enjoy the notion that Sam's allergies are bad enough that he can almost convince Dean that they're responsible.

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I would like to second what SexualOddity said! :) I really like the dynamic between the brothers. Dean is, like, trying hard not to fuss and Sam wants to downplay everything, but Dean knows him far too well and is just going to watch him more closely now. Lovely!

I hope there is going to be a second part? (*whispers in hopeful voice* In which Sam gets a lot worse...?)

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I want to second what those two said! I love this part of their dynamic and these sorts of fics... can't seem to get enough, and you captured everything that I like about it perfectly! Can't wait to see more, if you decide to continue! You're very very good. :D

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Yes I sec...er..fourth what everyone else said. I love Dean's not-too-obviously concerned reaction! And Sam's knowing he knows, but also pretending he doesn't. Especially this part:

"H...hh... H'UTSSCCHiewww!" he sneezed desperately into the damp tissue. “H’TSShhhiuw! H’TSSHHH! EHTTCCHHhooo!” Sam took a fresh tissue and blew again, groaning afterward, all this sneezing was really taking it out of him.

“Bless you,” Dean offered in what sounded like a fairly nonchalant tone, but his eyes betrayed his face as he stole a worried glance in his younger brother’s direction.

“Thanks,” Sam replied, trying not to think about how raspy his voice had gotten. Dean looked at him suspiciously but what could he have done, he had to talk eventually. Wanting to change the unspoken subject Sam began to talk about the case.

More?! Please! smile.png

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