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The Headless and the Hoarse man (SPN)


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So I am doing GISHWHES this week (I'm assuming anyone reading this is a SPN fan and knows what i'm talking about, but if not and you're curious Google it, it's awesome!) But anyway I won't be having a lot of free time so it may be a mo before I update again, but I promise after next Saturday when I return to real life I will update


Hope you had a good GISHWHES :D Didn't participate, but I'm so stalking a few teams ;-) And I got a lot of Orlando Jones in my Twitter feed now...

Edited by NorthernLady
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Oh oh oh! What is this I find so late? A sick Dean and now a sick Castiel?

What a lovely story I have found. :D

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Hey everyone! Sorry it's bee a while. Had GISHWHES, then work got in the way, and blah blah blah. Anyway, I have an update! Sick Castiel continues! Btw another V warning, but if you're still reading by this point you should be okay with that by now lol

Part 8

It took Castiel quite a while to fall asleep. His head was thoroughly congested and he was having a horrible time trying to breathe.

Dean watched sympathetically from the chair he brought in from his room to sleep on, the same one Cas had slept on the night before.

Dean wished there was something he could do to help his friend. He had already dosed him up on Nyquil and refilled his tea mug. Cas looked utterly pathetic. It was all too clear how little experience Castiel had with being ill, as each cough and sneeze seemed to surprise him with its force and resulting mess. Each time he seemed to be both disappointed and disgusted with himself.

After nearly an hour of tossing and turning, and blowing his nose every couple of minutes in futile attempts to clear it, Cas’ exhaustion overtook him and he drifted into a fevered lull. Once Dean was sure Cas was asleep, he let himself drift off as well. He didn’t stay asleep for long though.


“Hmm…” Dean opened one eye, then, seeing Castiel, immediately opened the other and lifted his head.

“What’s wrong Cas?”

Cas was seated on the edge of his bed slowly rocking back and forth. “Dean, how does one know when they are about to vomit?”

“I think if you’re askin that question it’s time to get to the toilet.” He stood up quickly, and went to the pale, sweaty man and put his arm behind him guiding him up and toward the nearest bathroom.

Cas reached the toilet just in time for his stomach muscles to clamp together and send the two helpings of pizza from earlier violently up.

Dean tried to ignore the stench as he soothingly rubbed Cas’ back. Once he was finished, he lifelessly flopped back against the bathroom wall. He was white as the wall and covered in sweat.

“You feel any better? That usually helps… at least for a while. “

Cas nodded weakly. “Yes, I feel a bit improved. My stomach anyway. My throat is significantly worse.”

Dean nodded in understanding. He knew exactly how Cas was feeling, as he had the memory of his own battle with the bug fresh in his mind.

“You think you can make it back to bed?”

Cas gave a reluctant nod and attempted to rise. Not surprisingly, he faltered a bit, and Dean had to steady him. As Dean put his arm once again lightly behind his back as if to catch him if needed, he could feel that Cas’ fever had gone up.

Dean slowly walked the sick, trembling ex-angel back to his room. Once Cas had settled on the bed, Dean went to the kitchen to fetch a large bowl to keep next to Cas in case he needed it, which if he was as sick as Dean had been, he would. He also stopped in the bathroom and grabbed a wash cloth and wet it with cold water from the sink.

Placing the bowl on the night stand and laying the cold wash cloth on Cas’ head, Dean asked Cas if he needed anything else.

Cas was about to respond that some more tissues would be helpful, but nothing came out but a strong “Aaaackshhush!” The exlosion seemed to drain what little energy he had left. He felt too tired to ask for a tissue, or even wipe his nose with his hand. Instead, he let the wetness gather freely above his lip and closed his eyes and sunk back into sleep.

Dean looked at Cas, so weak and vulnerable. He thought of the first time he had met Castiel and how powerful he had been, insusceptible to every weapon Dean had known at the time, able to produce lightening and infiltrate his thoughts with a stare. Now he couldn’t even get his own Kleenex.

This filled Dean with anger. He was angry at himself for getting Cas sick, but he was also angry at the whole situation they currently found themselves in. Thanks to Metatron, the once mighty angel leader that was sent to raise him from perdition was now bunched up in a shivering, snotty ball. Kevin, the straight A student who was on his way to an ivy-league school and sun-bright future was now forced to spend every waking hour hunched over yet another ancient tablet analyzing it from sun up to sun down, feeling the weight of the world on his 20 year old shoulders. And the angels who once, save for a few rebels, remained quietly in heaven doing their own angel thing were now roaming the earth plotting…who knows what they were plotting but it couldn't be good. Something needed to change and soon. Dean was sick of not having any control over the situation, watching his friends suffer, patiently waiting around on the angel tablet put things back in order. It was time to take things into his own hands.

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  • 1 month later...

So I totally fizzled out on this one...once the new school year started all my creative energy has been going into lesson planning. I think I might start it back up again soon though-. I have been even more obsessed with sick Cas since the new season started, and I think I'm feeling inspired. Would anyone be interested?

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So I totally fizzled out on this one...once the new school year started all my creative energy has been going into lesson planning. I think I might start it back up again soon though-. I have been even more obsessed with sick Cas since the new season started, and I think I'm feeling inspired. Would anyone be interested?

HELL YEAH! biggrin.png The season première gave us lots of material to play with smile.png Sicky, almost graceless Cas is so yum! And you write him (and everyone really) so well smile.png

Edited by NorthernLady
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HELL YEAH! The season première gave us lots of material to play with Sicky, almost graceless Cas is so yum! And you write him (and everyone really) so well

Seconding ALL OF THIS.

I swear, I'm going to strangle someone if the writers fix Cas like, next episode or something. I NEED THIS TO BE A FULL SEASON ARC.

We need more coughing, feverish, pale, in denial Cas in our lives QwQ~

And sneezegirl87, I'm loving your stuff~ I would definitely read if you kept going! <33

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Okay here it is. Like I said, my creative energy is no where near the level it was during the summer, but it is what it is. I realized after writing this that there was no sneezing, so I snuck some in at the end. Hope it doesn't feel too out of place. Also, before writing I reread the fic from the beginning to refresh my memory and I couldn't help but feel I needed to revisit the case. As much as I love fluff, it kind of took over the fic and I felt like it needed a little more build up to the next fluff fest (which will happen, I promise!) Any who, here goes:

Part 9

Dean awoke to the sounds of coughing, actually hacking would be a more accurate description, coming from Castiel where he sat in his bed still in his pajamas. Dean immediately got up from his own bed aka chair and fetched the ex-angel a glass of water. "You gonna live?" Dean asked as he handed him the glass.

Castiel nodded, holding his throat like it hurt as he sipped the water. Dean gave him a skeptical look and reached for the cough syrup on the nightstand beside Cas' bed. He poured it into the little cup that doubled as a lid and instructed Castiel to drink it, and the semi-angel complacently followed. He gave a brief look of disgust at the bitter taste of the syrup and set the little cup down on the nightstand.

"Thadk you, Dead. I ab sorry to be such..."

Dean cut him off. "Don't worry about it. It's my fault you're sick after all, it's the least I can do." Castiel tried to give a smile, but Dean could see that he felt embarrassed and guilty. It must be hard for Cas to accept help like this when not so long ago he was the one protecting and saving Dean on a regular basis.

"I mean it, Cas, let me know if you need anything, k? It's not a big deal, really."

"Well, actually there is somethidg..."

"Name it."

"That filb we watched last dight, about the creatures tryidg to return that terrible ridg to Moudt Doob to be destroyed. The story was left udresolved. I assube it's codcluded in a subsequedt filb?"

"Two actually. Why? Do you want to watch them?"

"Well, I ab curious to learn the fate of the characters. They were quite cobpellidg."

Dean smiled. "Sure, I'll get them."

Once he had set Cas up with some tea, tissues and The Two Towers, he went out to the main room to talk to Sam and Kevin about upping the game on operation Angel Return.

He found Sam on the phone, with a worried expression on his face. "What's going on?" he mouthed silently to Sam. Sam shook his head and continued listening to whoever was on the other end.

"Look, man, I'm sorry it went down like this, but I promise Dean and I will find him, okay? Alright, will do. Okay.. Bye." Sam pushed the End Call button and threw his cell phone down on the table beside him.

"What was that about?" Dean asked again.

Sam swallowed and took a deep breath before replying. "That was Garth. The hunter he put on that case we left in Colorado went missing."

Now it was Dean's turn to shake his head. "Dammit, Sam. I knew we shouldn't have left, I told you..."

"There's more. Two new victims have turned up, same as the others- decapitated."

This sent Dean into a silent rage. He was so angry at himself for getting sick and causing them to ditch the case. If they would have just stayed in Colorado they could have had whatever monster was going around slicing people's heads off in the ground by now and those two victims and Garth's hunter would still be alive and accounted for. Not to mention the fact that if he hadn't come back to the bunker he never would have infected Cas. The more he thought about it, the more angry he got with himself for not seeing through Sam's lie when he told him Kevin called with news on the angel tablet. He should have questioned him more. He should have realized it was far too convenient.

"So, can you be ready to leave in fifteen?" Dean asked anxiously.

Apparently Sam was feeling just as determined. "Make it ten, we have no time to lose."

Dean nodded in approval and quickly headed down the hall to pack his bag. Once he had his stuff together, he made a stop in Cas' room. He found him watching the movie intently, rubbing his nose with a soggy tissue. He hated leaving Cas like this, but he saw no other alternative. He needed to get to Colorado pronto and there was no way he could bring Cas with him, even if he were healthy. Too many angels were after him.

"Hey Cas, how you feelin?"

Cas blew his nose before responding with a hoarse " A little better. The bovie is providg to be ad effective distractiod frob by malady."

Dean forced a smile. "That's good. Look, buddy, I hate to do this, but... Sam and I gotta take off. There's some shady stuff going down back in Colorado we gotta take care of. You think you'll be alright by yourself for a couple days?"

These words made Cas's stomach drop, but he tried desperately to hide the disappointment from his face. He was starting to grow very fond of Dean caring for him. He knew that if Dean was leaving, though, it had to mean lives were at stake. He couldn't possibly get in the way of Dean saving people.

"Yes, Dead, I'll be fide. Will you? You sure you add Sab cad haddle this?"

Dean gave a cocky grin. "Who are you talking to? Sam and I know what we're doing. We've been around the block a few times, you should know, you were there."

"Of course, just..." Cas sighed. "Be careful."

"Always" Dean said coolly before throwing his duffle bad over his shoulder and exiting the sick angel's quarters.

Castiel watched Dean leave with a feeling of dread. For some reason, he felt particularly worried about Sam and Dean going on this case. He couldn't quite place it, but something about it seemed dangerously foreboding. Suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a tickle deep within his nose. Accchhhhssseeeuu!

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Oh oh ohhhh~ :bounce:

Sick alone Cas. Heeheehee. And I will assume a worried Dean to follow? shifty.gif

I don't want this story to ever end, it's too good! :D

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So glad to see this continued >w<~ Can't wait to see how it progresses~!

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Dean forced a smile. "That's good. Look, buddy, I hate to do this, but... Sam and I gotta take off. There's some shady stuff going down back in Colorado we gotta take care of. You think you'll be alright by yourself for a couple days?"

These words made Cas's stomach drop, but he tried desperately to hide the disappointment from his face. He was starting to grow very fond of Dean caring for him. He knew that if Dean was leaving, though, it had to mean lives were at stake. He couldn't possibly get in the way of Dean saving people.

Awwww poor Cas left alone without any knowledge how to properly take care of himself :P

Sick alone Cas. Heeheehee. And I will assume a worried Dean to follow?

LOL yeah! But something tells me that Dean isn't the only one who will worry and that Cas may try to find a way to help even if sick. That angel is as bad about disregarding his well being as Dean is :P (does that make sense??)

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LOL yeah! But something tells me that Dean isn't the only one who will worry and that Cas may try to find a way to help even if sick. That angel is as bad about disregarding his well being as Dean is tonguesmiley.gif (does that make sense??)

Yep this is where I was thinking of going with it!

Aww, this story is great! I hope that Sam gets sick next!

I think this is def a possibility as well.

Thanks so much everyone for the support! I am taking the next two days off work due to an injury so I should be able to update soon,. Though be warned I am heavily medicated,not sure what the effect will be on my writing lol

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I am taking the next two days off work due to an injury so I should be able to update soon,. Though be warned I am heavily medicated,not sure what the effect will be on my writing lol

Oh no! I hope that you feel better soon!

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