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BBC Sherlock Fic 1 (Sherlock, male, Illness)


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Sherlock had spent most of the day quietly wandering the flat, coughing, sniffling, thinking, speaking only when spoken to from a scratchy-sore throat and slightly hoarse voice.

“Good thing you’re ill while things are slow...”

“Suspiciously slow…”

“...rather than when we’re busy.”

“Am I ill?” Sherlock mused. “Rather dramatic word to use for a cold.”

“Don’t you feel ill? You look like you’re running a fever…”

“I’m not sure I would call the feeling “ill” precisely....” Sherlock unsteepled his hands to press a hand against his own forehead. John pushed it aside gently, quickly feeling Sherlock’s forehead and high, flushed cheekbones, ignoring the little dodging motions his friend was making. “This isn’t going to progress to you taking my temperature.”

John ignored him. “You’re a bit warm and I do believe feverish. Have you taken anything?”

“Can’t be bothered.” Sherlock was pawing at his nose in annoyance. His nose had taken on a sudden flush as it twitched with irritation. He looked upward with watery eyes and then clenched inward with a restrained, “Eck’SH!” The sound contained only a trace of his deep voice.

“Bless you.” Sherlock gave a quick nod, rubbing the underside of a long finger beneath his nose and sniffling thickly. He pinched his nose shut for a moment to stave off a sneezing fit. John walked into the bathroom for the paracetomol. He shook out a few pills and handed them to Sherlock along with a glass of water. Sherlock accepted the offering while still gazing into space, swallowed the pills and handed the glass back to John without a glance.

“You’re getting congested.”

“Perceptive.” he decide to continue describing his symptoms since John was bound to inquire. “I also have a sore throat, a bit of a headache….” he broke off to cough a soft but persistant dry cough into the crook of his arm. “And there’s that as well.”

“You coughed all night.”

“Sorry.” Sherlock looked genuinely apologetic.

John waved off his apology. “No, I’m sorry you’re not well...” There was more emotion in his voice than he intended. John had never seen his friend ill before and had been a bit worried listening to the itchy-sounding coughs and sleepy sneezes coming from the other bedroom. “Did you get any rest?”

“Yes...it was difficult to fall asleep but seemed alright after that. Must have been doing that in my sleep.”

“You look tired.”

“Its the fever.”

“You do feel ill…”

“I do...” Sherlock admitted. He muffled another string of quiet coughs into the sleeve of his sweater.

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I love how you captured their voices in this. I can't stop smiling now. :wub: Absolutely lovely. Thank you for sharing!

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“Am I ill?” Sherlock mused. “Rather dramatic word to use for a cold.”

Such a Sherlock thing to say; perfect!

“Can’t be bothered.” Sherlock was pawing at his nose in annoyance. His nose had taken on a sudden flush as it twitched with irritation. He looked upward with watery eyes and then clenched inward with a restrained, “Eck’SH!” The sound contained only a trace of his deep voice.

Oh my god, I loved this, the way you wrote it out... I could just picture it, along with his mannerisms and such.

“You coughed all night.”

“Sorry.” Sherlock looked genuinely apologetic.

John waved off his apology. “No, I’m sorry you’re not well...”

Awww, great dialogue! You write both characters so well... GAH this is just adorable, I hope you continue!! :P

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thanks to you guys for the sweet comments, much appreciated! i just started watching Sherlock a few nights ago and have quickly turned into a...Cumberfan ;)

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Part 2:

The cough had gotten more productive overnight. Sherlock woke up with a nearly streaming nose and an urgent need to cough the congestion from his chest. He grabbed a tissue and proceeded to cough while he blew his nose, rubbing his chest in slow circles with one hand. His chest wasn’t sore exactly but the cough felt just a bit rough on it. It didn’t take him long to feel more clear as he still just had a heavy cold rather than a bronchial infection. He wheezed out a tightly controlled breath, suppressing the last of the coughs while swiping at his still-runny nose.

“Ill, ill, ill…” he thought, grabbing a handful of tissues and leaning forward to blow his nose with more strength. He rested his head against his knees for a moment, pulling them up to his chest. He pressed the heels of his hands against his eyes, feeling his sinuses drain and shift from the pressure. The movement shook loose a vicious, snarling sneeze, “Hek-KSSSHuh!!” that he released with a bit of a shiver. He sniffled experimentally and realized he already needed to blow again. He was half-heartedly imagining some kind of invented moisture-collection device for his nose when he heard a knock at the door. “Go away.” he croaked, coughing afterward. “Udless you have an abazidg case to tell be about.”, he added. “I’b so bunged up.” he thought in amazement at the heavy congestion that had built overnight. Even his inner voice sounded a bit congested to him. He wrapped a comforter around himself and eventually made his way to the living room couch where he unceremoniously flopped forward.

“How’re you?” said John’s voice.

“Bit sickly.”

John laughed gently, “You sound it.” John walked around the couch until he was facing Sherlock. “Cough sounds worse. Does it hurt at all?”

“No…” Sherlock was relieved to tell John it was uncomfortable rather than painful, knowing a cold stethescope could be in his future if he had to say it hurt.

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I still haven't found the time to watch a single episode of Sherlock (I'm a bit scared that I'll be hooked right away and not be functional in everyday life anymore until finishing the show^^), BUT I'm starting to really like these Sherlock sick fics! (*inner voice whispers* That's exactly how your Supernatural addiction started...)

Anyway, I really like this! Love the John/ Sherlock dynamic! Really cute story so far! (:

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I still haven't found the time to watch a single episode of Sherlock (I'm a bit scared that I'll be hooked right away and not be functional in everyday life anymore until finishing the show^^), BUT I'm starting to really like these Sherlock sick fics! (*inner voice whispers* That's exactly how your Supernatural addiction started...)

Anyway, I really like this! Love the John/ Sherlock dynamic! Really cute story so far! (:

I know exactly what you are talking about! I usually watch little clips of it so I get to see them interact and be funny but hopefully not give away too much of the plot :)

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I really like this! Sherlock's sneezes are particularly lovely :) can't wait for more!

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Wait wait wait are you going to write more? It's really well written!

i hope i will! i dont write very often so I'm not used to it and i run out of ideas lol.
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I know what it's like to run out of ideas, but I assure you if you take a break once in a while and come back to it something might spark!

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