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Battle of the Moors (Maleficent) *See Foreword*


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As the ends of Chapters 9 and 10 of my previous Maleficent fic Just A Little Green (http://www.sneezefetishforum.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=57360) featured a rather delicious possible scenario, a couple of readers requested elaboration. I do hope I did it justice. Here you are, mina kära vänner. (Read: My dear friends. I put the Swedish in there for Chanel. heart.gif Tala svenska är så kul! happy.png)


Waiting for Diaval to wake from the magically induced sleep was getting rather boring for Mage Althae Noa. Therefore, the corner of her mouth twitched just as her fingers did.

“HIIYYshuhh!!” Maleficent stumbled to the side with a sudden sneeze. She recovered within seconds and glared daggers at the mage, who was giggling despite herself. Maleficent’s own fingers flew, and then the mage released a vicious “HAASHIUHHUH!!” into the air, whipping up a whirlwind that nearly had them both on their rear ends.

The mage recovered at once, competition flashing in her eyes. “Oh, you wouldn’t dare.”

Maleficent humphed. “You did it first, you imp.”

The mage gasped indignantly at the address and threw her hand into the air with a fierce pout. Maleficent pitched forward with a violent triple. “HIIYYshuhh!! HAIISSshuhh!! IYYSHUHH!!”

Immediately afterward, Maleficent snarled and lashed out with a clawed hand, but true to her second name, the mage darted behind a tree laughing and the spell missed her. Maleficent exhaled sharply in frustration and shot after her, chasing her until she finally managed to catch her with a spell.

“HASHHEIUHH!! EHSHUHHH!!” The mage fell forward onto the ground with the surprise sneezes. “Damn it,” she coughed, standing and returning the favor at once.

“HIYYSHIUHH!!” Maleficent sneezed hard. Her nose twitched out two more tickling sneezes—“HIYYYSHIUWW!! IYYSHHUHHUHH!!”—before she managed to point a shaky finger back at the mage.

“EHHSHIEUHH!!” The mage sneezed only once, leaves fluttering around her feet, and she grinned afterward as she wiped her nose with the back of her hand. “That’s all you’ve got? Dear friend?” She added the teasing pet name with a terribly naughty grin.

Maleficent bared her teeth with rivalrous fury, the mage’s casual put-down incinerating her already-quite-short fuse, and sent her most powerful spell yet straight at Mage Althae’s face.

“HASHIIEEUHH!! EHSHIEHEUHH!! HAH…HAHSHHIEUHH!!” The mage’s massive sneezes erupted into being, wind encircling her as if it was her own personal tornado. “AHHEHSHEIUHH!!!” With a gasp of both itchy desperation and horror, Mage Althae felt the itch grab hold inside her nasal passages and grasp on tightly, and she quickly cast a spell so as not to let her magic explode along with the majestic sneezes. “EHHHKSHIEUHH!! KSHHEIUHH!!” She tried to hold them back, but they just barreled out of her. “EEIIHSHUHH!!”

Meanwhile, Brannagh cradled Diaval’s limp head in her gentle arms. She looked over at the two fighting faeries and rolled her eyes. What a sight, she thought. Ridiculous.

Mage Althae finally regained control, and after cleaning up her nose, she turned her eyes on Maleficent. Her furious, raging, dark purple eyes, ready for payback. She raised her fingers and started to twirl them in the air. Maleficent’s breath caught, and her eyes widened as she felt a magnificent itch slowly form inside her nostrils and then spread across her sinuses, perfectly timed to grow steadily until it became madly unbearable.

Stumbling backward against a tree, Maleficent hitched and hitched, and the mage cackled as her fingers spun, teasing the other’s poor sinuses with feathery trails of clever magic. Slowly, Mage Althae approached Maleficent, fingers still combing the air. She reached out a finger and touched it to the very tip of Maleficent’s nose, fluttering her wings and rising slightly up into the air so she could meet Maleficent’s watery green eyes with her own impish purple ones. Maleficent felt her sinuses freeze with magic at the mage’s gentle touch.

“Imp indeed,” she chuckled softly. She removed her finger, and the itch returned with a powerful vengeance, sending Maleficent to her knees with a vigorous fit.

“IiyyshIUUHhh! HIIyyshHIUHH!! HAEIIYyshUHH!! IYYSHIUHH!! EIYYshiuhh!! HAEIYSHEUHH!! Heh…heh-HEH-! Hehhhhhh…” The tip of Maleficent’s nose twitched and her shoulders trembled before she finally let out the last teasing, enormous sneezes. “EIIYYSHIEUHHH!!! HEIYYSHIUHH!! EHHSHUHH!! HEIIYYSHHIUHH!!”

The mage had seated herself against a tree opposite Maleficent’s, tending to her nose and calmly watching the spectacle before her. When Maleficent finally finished, dripping and breathless, Mage Althae spoke friendly, sweetly, and she offered over a clean white square of comfortable cloth. “Dia leat.”

Maleficent growled and snatched the cloth, relieving her nose and mumbling ferociously of revenge under her breath.

Mage Althae heard her. “Oh, of course you can try again sometime. But I’ll win again.” She giggled. “I’ve never lost before.”

“We’ll just have to see about that,” Maleficent vowed with a finalizing sniffle.

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Here you are, mina kära vänner. (Read: My dear friends. I put the Swedish in there for Chanel. heart.gif Tala svenska är så kul! happy.png)

And I shall graciously respond in English... uh, wait, what? :lol::heart:

Oh how I loved this, great job!! Maleficent's struggle with the stuck sneeze - priceless! And how like her not to know when it's time to stop!! :lol: "Majestic sneezes" is a delicious way of putting it, and magnificent itch... well, that phrase had me giggling like a maniac! ^_^

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Here you are, mina kära vänner. (Read: My dear friends. I put the Swedish in there for Chanel. heart.gif Tala svenska är så kul! happy.png)

And I shall graciously respond in English... uh, wait, what? :lol::heart:

Oh how I loved this, great job!! Maleficent's struggle with the stuck sneeze - priceless! And how like her not to know when it's time to stop!! :lol: "Majestic sneezes" is a delicious way of putting it, and magnificent itch... well, that phrase had me giggling like a maniac! ^_^

Haha, I told you my Swedish grammar really sucks. Oh well; it was worth a try. :rofl:

Soooo happy you liked it. I had just as much fun writing it. ^_^ I gotta admit, Mage Althae's snark is just the best thing ever.

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Love the idea of battling with sneezes :D

She removed her finger, and the itch returned with a powerful vengeance, sending Maleficent to her knees with a vigorous fit.

And why do I always love the thought of a sneezing fit so violent, it forces the sneezer to their knees...? Not sure, but it kills me every time.

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