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"I Guess It Was A Zebra" - HOUSE (Foreman)


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Hey guys this is my first sneezefic, it's only part one and sorry there's not a lot of sneezing but more will follow, if you want me to continue that is.

For fans of the show this isn't set in any point of the timeline in particular but roughly season 3-ish.

I welcome you to comment (if anything I want you to comment) just please don't be OVERLY mean, but i'd love to know what you all think.



"You're sick." House said without even turning away from the white board.

"It was one sneeze." Foreman replied, no longer shocked by the conclusions his boss constantly jumped too.

"No it was your fifth sneeze. That, your slightly laboured breathing and the fact you didn't even react to Chases terrible yet neurological diagnosis all means you're sick." turning to the young Australian "Encephalitis, what were you thinking? Where's the fever."

"I'm not sick alright. I didn't react because I knew you'd tell Chase what a stupid idea it was."

"Hey!" said Chase feeling offended.


"SIX!" House said with his usual cheerful arrogance. Just then the door opened and in walked the hospitals Dean of Medicine, and she did not look happy.

"House. My office now." House turned to his team as he started to leave.

"Looks like she finally agreed to take me up on my offer."

"House!" Cuddy seemed unusually annoyed by House's particular vein of comedy.

As House left Cameron turned to her colleague.

"You sure you're OK?"

"I'm fine. You know House he sees zebras everywhere."

"True, but he's normally right about there being something wrong. He might not be 100% sure about what the problem is, but he'll know if there is one." Chase added.

"I said I'm fine now can we please get back to diagnosing the real patient. The one whose actually sick. Ahchoo."

* * * * * * * *

House returned to his office after being assigned MORE clinic duty (Cuddy really needed to think of a new punishment) but when he arrived only the happy couple were there discussing the differential, the moody one had disappeared somewhere.

"There were three of you when I left, where's your third wheel?"

"I think he went to get some air, and don't call him that." Cameron said, quick to defend her colleague.

"Ahchoo" Foreman arrived just after House, his timing could not be better (or worse).


"Nine actually." Chase amended the count.

"So have you realised that I'm right, you're sick." House said wishing he had put money on this.

"Ahchoo. I'm not sick, I'm..."

"About to make it eleven are we?" the tall doctor said in his usual sarcastic tone. Just then Foreman collapsed to the floor and began to seize.

"He's coding." Chase said, too shocked said anything else.

Cameron called into the hall "We need a crash cart in here."

House stood there quietly observing the scene, knowing that everything he saw now could help him save Foreman's life.


Thank you for reading this rubbish little fic :)

Love ya x

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"You're sick." House said without even turning away from the white board.

"It was one sneeze." Foreman replied, no longer shocked by the conclusions his boss constantly jumped too.

"No it was your fifth sneeze. That, your slightly laboured breathing and the fact you didn't even react to Chases terrible yet neurological diagnosis all means you're sick."

I love House's instantaneous conclusion! Nice little fic, can't wait to read more (if you decide to write more!). I'm so glad there are more and more House fics popping up all over the place! :P

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Aww I love this story but I especially love this part!

"About to make it eleven are we?" the tall doctor said in his usual sarcastic tone. Just then Foreman collapsed to the floor and began to seize.

"He's coding." Chase said, too shocked said anything else.

Cameron called into the hall "We need a crash cart in here."

House stood there quietly observing the scene, knowing that everything he saw now could help him save Foreman's life.

I love the complexity of House's character and how even though he acts like he doesn't care he really does care for his team and his friends. :D

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Just noticed this little mistake...Oops hehe

"He's coding." Chase said, too shocked said anything else.

Yaaaaaaay so glad people actually like this, when I saw it had replies

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(cont...reply sent too early)

When I saw it had replies I really was expecting something along the lines of "this is terrible" so i'm really glad you like it :D

beatlelover22 - i will definitely continue (part 2 will be up shortly in fact). I too like the new crop of House fics so I thought I'd do one about Foreman.

Seniorstatus14 - It made my day that you used the word Aww and that you love it (I know that sounds weird but it made me happy). House is such a great character and its actually quite fun to write him.

Love ya x

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Part 2

Still not sneeze heavy...but I had a choice to either a) put LOADS of sneezing and forsake some of the quality of the writing or B) put more effort into making it a well written piece with less sneezes and I went with B)...sorry bout that

Again I'd love to know what you guys think be it good or bad (but if its bad news at least break it gently :P )


The young neurologist woke up to see his hard-to-handle boss stood next to his bed while his yonger colleagues reviewed his chart.

"You're sick. Which means I was right. Now we just need to find out what's wrong." House said walking to the door but not leaving. Cameron stood next to Foreman while examaning the various monitors attached to her friend.

"How are you feeling?" When Foreman replied he found his voice much weaker than he expected.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking." shooting House the dirtiest look. House who was now wheeling in a whiteboard.

"What are you doing?" Cameron asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing, bringing in a whiteboard."

"I can see that, but why?"

"Oh god, do you want to ask more stupid questions or do you want to diagnose the patient?" "Ahchoo" "Bless you, now patient is presenting..."

"You've got to be kidding me Foreman's sick." Chase said with more annoyance than the room expected.

"Of course he's sick, it would be pretty stupid to try and diagnose a patient who isn't sick."

"Wait, Foreman's the patient?" Cameron said confused about what happened to their previous patient.

"Ahchoo. I'm fine, it's probably just the flu. It explains the sneezing, the muscle ache, everything. My blood sugar dropped and I past out, case solved."

"Last time I checked the flu didn't leave you seizing on the floor needing Crocodile Dundee here to restart your heart. So either until now we've all been experiencing a nice easy going flu, or that's not what's wrong with you." House turned back to the board to start writing all of the symptoms for the differential.

"Ahchoo Ahchoo...Ahchoo"

"For the love of God will someone get that man a tissue." Cameron was the first to oblige.

"Thanks." Foreman said placing the tissue to his nose yet when he removed it he saw the first drops of blood fall from his nose.

"Uh...House." Chase said trying to sound calm.

"Can't you see I'm writing." House said turning around to his team and seeing the problem Chase was trying to tell him about.

"That's not good." said House, stating the obvious.

"His ear's bleeding too." Cameron said as she pressed some wadding to the newest bleed.

"Are you just going to stand there?" Chase snapped at his boss who seemed lost in thought.

"This is bad."

"Really, I hadn't noticed."

"No it's bad because it means that whatever's killing him isn't what I thought it was."


Again thanks for reading this little fic

Love ya x

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"Ahchoo Ahchoo...Ahchoo"

"For the love of God will someone get that man a tissue." Cameron was the first to oblige.

Haha that is SO House. He would totally say that hehe that's adorable! :P

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"Ahchoo Ahchoo...Ahchoo"

"For the love of God will someone get that man a tissue." Cameron was the first to oblige.

Haha that is SO House. He would totally say that hehe that's adorable! tonguesmiley.gif

Awwe thank you, that means a lot...I've tried to write the characters as realistically as I can and so for you to say that that was SO House means it worked, thank you. :D xxx

House is literally my favourite show, so this is really fun to write so I'm glad someone, other than me, actually likes this stupid thing

Love ya x

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"Are you just going to stand there?" Chase snapped at his boss who seemed lost in thought.

"This is bad."

"Really, I hadn't noticed."

"No it's bad because it means that whatever's killing him isn't what I thought it was."


Ahh!!!! Cliffhanger!!!! This is really good! Can't wait for you to continue :)

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"Are you just going to stand there?" Chase snapped at his boss who seemed lost in thought.

"This is bad."

"Really, I hadn't noticed."

"No it's bad because it means that whatever's killing him isn't what I thought it was."


Ahh!!!! Cliffhanger!!!! This is really good! Can't wait for you to continue smile.png

Yeah...well this is what'd happen in the show...and like I said to beatlelover22 I'm so glad you like it...also if either of you (or anyone else reading this out there on the cyberweb) has any criticism for this or requests for me to include things don't hesitate to say...I won't feel offended or anything.

Love ya x

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Also I have LITERALLY NOTHING to do at the moment so new parts really wont take that long to go up...only the medical research (cause I'm a nerd about to study medicine and I want this to be accurate, but thats more for me than for you guys) actually takes any considerable amount of time, the writing I find quite easy...so hopefully you wont have too long to wait for the result of the cliffhanger.

Love ya x

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