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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Beat Cop - (The Wolf Among Us, M) - 5/5


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I FINALLY am able to post a comment but I need to say first that I've been stalking this from the very beginning multiple times per day and have absolutely drooling at the mouth over every update.

Secondly I need to add that I had absolutely NO idea what this fandom is but I have a burning need to find it now OMG.

Thirdly, can I saw AWWWWWW~~~! There are too many specific parts by far to actually quote but I definitely melted at the parts of unguarded and adorable scratching behind the ears. stretcher.gif

and and and THIS:

Bigby looked thrown. "...for me?"

Snow smiled wryly. "No, I brought it up here to eat in front of you."

had me rollin'! yay.gif

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Time for replies, before I get too swept up in moving!

AppleBlossom - Eeee, I'm so glad! I enjoy a bit of plot, but it's always served best with a heaping dose of fluff at the end. I like these two a whole bunch, and Bigby is a dumb baby who needs snuggles :| Clearly.

Also hahah, no I totally understand! I was actually anticipating someone using it sooner or later (in my eternal hopeful state of more TWAU fics), I figured it was a logical jump. You should still totally use it if you're ever so inclined.

Thank you thank you! I'd definitely like to do something else in the universe, though I'm not sure when it will be set or what the context will be. Lemme percolate on it.

Nola - You are so super sweet, and I'm so gratified that you read it all, despite not being familiar with the fandom!

Ahaha, poor Bigby. He had to cave eventually. And I'm glad you like the banter! It's my favorite thing to write with two characters that are comfortable with each other, but may or may not necessarily be intimate. It's got a little bite with some feelings still behind it.

I totally agree, though, stories that have sneezing as kind of a side-plot are my favorites. I tend to just default to, "Character X is sick and that's the whole stor,y" but I need to break myself out of that habit. I'm so glad you think I hit the mark on that one!

MadWonder13 - Oh my god, thank you! I would totally appreciate future readership. Comments like these are always a treat to get on them :D

*Dark_Side* - Thank you so much!

BlackScatter - Yesss, fluff is your reward for sitting through the whole thing haha. Thank you so much for reading! I always love your comments <3

snuffles - Aw, that makes me really happy to hear! Even if I try to write first and foremost for myself, it's always nice to get comments and views that boost my motivation to keep writing. I love affirmation, no shame B|

And oh man, yes you should totally check out the fandom! It's small and fun and easy to get into. The comics are pretty lengthy and convoluted (but fun in their own way), but the game is very easy to learn and play through in a day or so.

Thanks for reading!

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Late to the party, as always. :lol:

Snow doubted her cooperation without an enforcer breathing down her neck and threatening to blow her entire shop apart.

I almost wish Isidora put up more of a fight. ;)

Every so often, she thought she noticed the walls shaking, but couldn't be sure if it was her imagination or not. Nobody had filed any noise complaints.


Bigby looked ruffled and reluctant, but he eased back onto his elbows, regarding her hazily as she put her purse and the paper bag on the counter. He'd regained the shape she was more accustomed to seeing, although he'd traded in his usual assortment of bruises and bandages for crumpled handkerchiefs and a red nose. She was both hugely relieved and a tiny, tiny bit disappointed. There were things and feelings and touches she was more comfortable administering to a wolf the size of a Wrangler than she was Bigby's familiar features, with his dark eyes staring right through her. That had to make her some certifiable level of insane.

I loved this part. Sick, hazy Bigby trying to get up :wub: and Snow realizing she uses the wolf to distance herself from her feelings/the Bigby she’s familiar with is brilliant.

"That'll piss off the masses," Bigby said, voice thick and wobbly. She glanced back just in time to get a deliriously candid view of his pre-sneeze face, nose wrinkled and the tips of his fangs just showing. She willed herself to look away and give him some privacy, but she was too transfixed on the tiny glints of moisture at the corners of his eyes, and the sheer, impressive size his nostrils could dilate to, an instant before he seized them shut.

OOOOMMMG :omg: Those three sentences were perfection.

Bigby looked thrown. "...for me?"

Snow smiled wryly. "No, I brought it up here to eat in front of you."

lol and aw :wub:

His relief registered in the form of a deep moan as he sank backwards, hitting the mattress with a squeak of springs.

"Holy shit."

Snow tried not to preen. "Bless you."

Bigby scrubbed roughly at his nose with the handkerchief, sighing as if he'd just come down from an orgasm. "You can't imagine how good that felt. I'll take another dozen of these."

You are absolutely killing me.

Her throat worked with a swallow when his lungs collapsed under her touch, reminding her too keenly of his sides heaving between her thighs as he'd sneezed in his wolf shape. It put an unexpected pit of warmth in her stomach, so poignant that she hastily withdrew her hand and fought the heat of a blush.

I have such a thing for chests/sides, especially when they’re heaving.

She rested her head back and considered the cracks on his ceiling. "You don't miss being a wolf?"

"I'm still a wolf," Bigby answered slowly. "But I don't miss the one I was, no."

Love this.

"Huh... HUFFSHH!"

Just the one. He relaxed again with a muffled sigh and rubbed the fabric against one nostril until it relaxed, the tickle relieved.

I love that he’s rubbed his nostrils through his handkerchief like four times in this story. New Bigby headcanon.

This chapter was the perfect ending to an AMAZING story. One of my new faves on SFF (along with several others written by you). Looking forward to possibly seeing more TWAU from you? :D

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Just had to check in to express my deep, abiding, and everlasting appreciation for this story. AMAZING. Top to bottom. Loved the magic handkerchiefs. LOVED the wolf sneezes that brought down the scaffolding, LOVED all the close calls and almost-sneezes and painful stifles. Also the phrase "I'm packing a wind tunnel in each lung"? All the yes. Every yes. Anyway, tl;dr: thank you for writing it, we are not worthy.

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