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After Eight (BBC Sherlock oneshot)


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This kind of just fell into my mind from somewhere and I decided to write it. Hope it's somewhat good. ^_^


The clouds poured down buckets and buckets of frigid, stinging rain, but still John Watson stood there. Eventually his brain thawed enough for him to realize that he was actually quite pissed off.

“G-God d-dammit, Sh-Sherlock,” he mumbled through chattering teeth. He wound his arms tighter around his torso and looked once more down each side of the street. A suit and tie stuck to his shivering body, and vicious whispered oaths were spit into the night at his ridiculously impulsive flatmate, who had scurried off in a direction John knew not which. And now he was standing under the bloody cab sign; where the hell was at least one?

“You know the cabs don’t come here after eight, right, sir?”

John spun. There, flat key in hand, was a woman. She was blonde, and she wore a navy coat, jeans, and black Wellingtons under a dripping umbrella. And a particularly magnificent smile.

Focus, John. “You’re n-not serious,” he chuckled humorlessly.

“Afraid I am,” the woman said, smiling sadly. “But seriously, mate, look where you are. Think they’d dare?”

She giggled as John figured she was right. The latest client had spoken of a murder in one of the more seedy parts of London, and right of the middle of said seedy part is where John stood.

John was about to answer when his nose twitched. “Hhh—“ He quickly cupped his hands over his nose and mouth. “HhhSHHhoo!! HHUHHhshHOO!!”

“Bless you.” The woman had somehow come to his side, her umbrella blocking the damned rain. “D’you want to come inside? I know that’s a request one wouldn’t normally accept around here, but you look awfully cold. You’ll catch one if you don’t get out of this rain.”

“I-I can make it to the cab stop up on the ma-aiihhh…” John turned away, bending forward with the next set of sneezes. “HHUUHhshhoo!! UHHSHhoo!!”

“Bless you.” The woman sighed. “Well, at least take my umbrella, would you? I live right here anyway.”

John looked to her and gave her a wan smile. “…Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” She gave him one last smile before handing him the umbrella. “Hope you make it home okay, sir.” She handed him the umbrella before scurrying to her flat door, unlocking it, and leaping inside.

John stood there for a moment, watching after her, when he blinked and realized that there was something else in his hand besides the umbrella handle. He dropped the unknown item into his free hand and immediately identified it as a business card. The inscription proclaimed the woman’s identity: Detective Inspector April Bates.

John furrowed his brow. Hmm.

Edited by Devil Bird
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Haha I can imagine Sherlock's reaction to this :)

Me too: "For God's sake, John, what is it with you and women?"

(And if I didn't have a slight appreciation for Johnlock--I'm okay with it; but it's definitely not my favorite ship of the series--I would read that as: "Why do you get to have all the fun?") :rofl:

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Ahh I wasn't actually planning on continuing... :( I have a lot on my plate right now with theater rehearsals and school starting soon and stuff... Maybe after all the craziness ends, I'll dig this up and continue it.

Anything in particular anyone wants to see? I was going for maybe John wanting to find out more about this DI Bates, taking several paths to search for more info. And also maybe having a John/OC form later on.

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Ahh I wasn't actually planning on continuing... :( I have a lot on my plate right now with theater rehearsals and school starting soon and stuff... Maybe after all the craziness ends, I'll dig this up and continue it.

Anything in particular anyone wants to see? I was going for maybe John wanting to find out more about this DI Bates, taking several paths to search for more info. And also maybe having a John/OC form later on.

Oh no! It's fine, though, I totally understand you. I like the idea that you are planning to use with John :)

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