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His Blood-stained Floor (The Wolf Among Us)


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His Blood-stained Floor

The Wolf Among Us

This piece is from the very beginning of Chapter 4, so I will be describing some gory scenes, but I'm guessing you've already seen them, so yeah just be warned if you're not exclusively into Fables/The Wolf Among us. 

I know people on the forum either hate or love the idea of nosebleeds, so I have included some parts in the beginning, but haven't gone into major details to suit both parties. The whole scene was gory, so I just went with gory! I hope that's okay. :)

Some spoilers as always, but enjoy!


After Bigby awoke from his nightmare, his eyes remained in an unshakeable haze. He began to recall the events before his blackout: the fight, Crane being captured, the silver bullet in his side and... Snow. Immense pain ripped through his sore body, looking down to see blood covering his torso. Bullet wounds littered his chest, the more of each once he counted, the worse he began to feel. His mind slowly began to return and focus in on his surroundings; there were voices in the room, one was authoritative, the other familiar and shyly comforting. Bigby could have stayed in that moment forever, until he felt a sharp, cold object being picking away at him internally, sliding out, before returning to his insides. The feelings were sickening and foreign, enough for him to spit blood.

"Bigby..." Tired, dark eyes met with her blue, frighted ones. Fear laced around his name.

Doctor Swineheart came into sight by his side, removing the fractured remains of the silver bullet which had lodged itself underneath his rib-cage. However, Bigby felt a numb sensation in his left hand, only to look down at splintered bone.

"My arm--!" 

Nausea hit him cruelly, as if having bullet wounds wasn't bad enough. Swineheart kept the focus on Bigby's condition to Snow White, as Bigby kept fading in and out, it only seemed like a fractured conversation. "He didn't listen to me before maybe he'll listen to you."

Bigby finally managed to lift his head to at the figure in-front of him. Snow. Snow was here. Relief washed over him, listening to her speak, "I don't know about that..." He caught her eye momentarily, flushing for some reason,  when he turned towards his doctor.

"I'm right here, you know." Bigby winced at the detachment of his arm, as the sickening crunch of bone echoed in his ears, he tried desperately to bit back a cry of pain as skin and flesh ripped further apart. When he was given the choice to set his arm himself, Bigby went at the opportunity, grabbing his broken arm, and through several attempts, twisted his arm back into place.

Bigby's voice caught in his throat at the sharp pain of his bones clicking back into place, only for heavy breathing to come through, relief came again, his body relaxing deeper into his armchair.

Still, his body felt like hell. Raw soreness raked down from his head to his tired legs and Bigby could only groan in aggravation. He had not felt this bad since the Woodsman had cut him open and stuffed his stomach full of rocks. 

His murky brain tried to piece together how he had gotten in such a state. Bloody Mary, with her strange habit of overkilling her prey. And Crane was gone. Ah, he remembered now. Thankfully, Bigby had got past the point of anger that he had utilised during his assault, now he was merely disappointed that the answer to whom was the mastermind of all these murders had been within his reach only to watch it slip fervently away.

"It's not like I... asked for this shit to happen." Bigby turned to face Doctor Swineheart, who replied with "Yes but it's not like you actively discouraged it, either."

Snow White knelt down so their eyes were level with each other's, and yet Bigby could not bear to look at her, the terrified exp<b></b>ression that she held worried him immensely. The wolf finally managed to speak, although it was through gritted teeth.

"Don't worry, Snow. I'll be okay." Still concerned, but wanting the doctor to concentrate, Snow sat down in a chair not far away, watching every move the sheriff made.

But both Snow and Colin tried to comfort Bigby by worrying about him a little too vocally. Snow began to snap at how 'helpful' Colin was being in a situation like this. Swineheart silenced the debate, marking on how he needed to concentrate in order to remove all of the silver shards; Bigby, however remained silent.

An itch had surfaced inside his nose. His voice faltered and his hands twitched, as panic began to set in. He knew he should cover his mouth, that much he remembered, but besides that he felt very unprepared in the face of a oncoming sneeze. He cursed under his breath as the moisture tickled and teased his sinuses. Bigby's broad shoulders shuddered, as he felt the cold instrument slide past his skin again. Wait... Oh god.

He was still being being operated on, fear was coursing through his veins, his mind now frantic. Bigby thought about stifling the impending sneeze, until the image of a rib snapping under all the trauma his body had gone through came to mind. Or even worse, a piece of silver could be lodged deeper inside his flesh. Bigby realised what he would have to do.

"Take it out!" He snapped, trying to move away from the instrument in his side.

"What?" Confusion held the doctor's words. Bigby started to panic, the volume of his voice rose immensely, trying to will the sneeze away at the same time.

"Take that thing outta me, I'm gonna--!"

He could feel his gut wrenching at his quickly expanding chest, struggling to suck enough air into his lungs, eyes watering in still trying to hold the force back. Holding a shaky hand to his nostrils, the sneeze escaped.

“Heh… ehh'hettccCHHHHHAAAA!” 

The fist-covered sneeze prompted Bigby to curl in on himself, harshly bending at the waist, hissing angrily at the sheer pain. Barking out dry coughs, he felt something leak from his nose, eyes widened when the substance had scattered about the room.

"Fucking shit!" Bigby growled, hastily covering his nose with a shaky hand. He had tried his best aim for the floor with what little time he had had to spare, trickles of red dripped from a lamp not too far away and droplets littered the already blood-ridden floorboards.

"Jesus Christ, Bigby!" Colin cursed, stepping back a little.

Snow had managed to swallow whatever fear she had for Bigby's health long enough to retrieve a handkerchief from her pocket. "Here."

The wolf frantically shook his head, waving her away, not wanting her to see how much of it had collected in his palm.

"Use it Bigby. There's no good being modest at a time like this." A flash of shame came into his amber eyes; finally deciding to reach out to take the soft fabric into his hand, rough cheeks blushed as he nodded his thanks.

The poor man turned away as best as he could, wiping the coppery liquid from his sore nostrils; Snow realising the look of humiliation across his features merely stared at her blood-spattered shoes.

Removing all evidence of blood from his face, Bigby discarded the handkerchief, taking a mental note to buy Snow White another later. "There, all done." Swineheart had picked out the final bit of silver.

"Great." The sharp spasms resided into nothing more than nauseous throbs, which for Bigby seemed to be an improvement. After Doctor Swineheart had repaired Bigby to the best of his abilities with clean, white bandages, Bigby first thoughts were for liquor to dull his brain from listening to his pain receptors. The liquid felt like a godsend, and soon the clicks of heels came to his side.

"So... How do you, um, feel?" Tentative words came from soft lips, concern etched at Snow's features; but before Bigby could reply, Colin defended his friend,

"It's Bigby, Snow... He'll be okay."

He could feel the build-up growing again, toying with him it seemed. Holding onto the kitchen counter seemed to help his ragged breathing, until he remembered he need to stifle his sneezes. Bigby clamped his hands over his nose and mouth, pressing against his ever-twitching nostrils and begging for the tickle to go away.

"ehh... eh'FSSHHH! ISHAHHH! ..HAAHHhuhh!!"

The sneezes were painful, but because of his weakened body, the strength of his sneezes seemed to have subsided. Thankfully no blood emerged with these ones; however, a large shiver rippled through him. This time he was not mad at himself when a moan that escaped his lips. 

“Bless you.” Snow spoke softly, her shoulders heaving with a sigh.

Bigby returned to talk with a small tired smirk, "As good as can be expected, I think."

"I'm glad you're not dead." Bigby gazed at Snow, drinking her in, she was as intoxicating as the alcohol in his hand, maybe even more so. Only to realise now what had been smudged into her clothes-- Blood. His blood. Had she carried him here?! She couldn't have...

"You, uh, you stopped breathing, you know... when you passed out or... or died... I guess." Snow could barely get the word 'died' to pass the lump inside her throat. Bigby's lips quivered, trying to put some form of sentence together, and failing to do so.

She reached out to touch his injured arm, which was now wrapped in a bandage-- if only that fabric wasn't there, he might have felt how soft and delicate her hand was.

"It... um... it kind of scared the Hell out of me. I've never seen you like that." Her mumbled, non-sensical words began to take over; Bigby finally collected himself, trying his best to give her a genuine smile.

"Snow... I-I'd never leave you." Snow blinked, her cheeks flushed and the colour and that wonderful grin returned to her face. They both were the closest to happy since the whole investigation had started, until Colin cut in.

"Yeah, you were really fucked up, man. You looked like when you take an action figure and bend its limbs the wrong way..." As Bigby walked back into the living room, Colin then turned to Snow, making his words a little louder, "The guy hasn't had a night's rest in days..."

Bigby felt cold, almost feverishly cold; guessing that extracting small pieces of silver from your flesh would make you feel unwell, he decided to change back into his shirt and tie, and save him further embarrassment in-front of Snow.

The decision had been made to turn their focus into the crooked man, thinking about the investigation gave Bigby a horrendous headache, one which that he could get rid of, if he knew he had a moment to rest.

Snow's thoughts were elsewhere, going through all possible theories as to why the crooked man was involved. "Is this all about the murders? Crane can't be useful to him anymore... So what does this have to do with Faith and Lily?"

Bigby returned to the conversation, pushing past the ache in his skull. "You know, I couldn't really give a shit what they want out of this. This just made the wrong fuckin'--! ...Hgt’tschh!” 

He felt himself flinch with a sudden sneeze. Holding his hand against his nose, he knew he wasn’t finished, it seemed that the humiliation would not end. “H’mmpt! Hhh…hh’MMsh!-uhh.”

His back twinged angrily, but he was getting used to feeling his body protesting against him. "Essh!" He hissed through his teeth.

"Remember what Swineheart said, okay?" Bigby nodded and let a flush escape onto his cheeks, sniffling as he listened to her explanation of the events.

Eventually, the phone ran, Snow answered with a sharp "Wolf's residence." only for her to relax when she realised it was Bufkin. After a series of confirmations, she put down the phone, and turned back to the other two in the room.

"Guess who is at the office... Nerissa."

"Nerissa?" The sheriff questioned.

"Bufkin says that she wanted to talk to you... and only you."

Ignoring Colin's remark about how Bigby always seemed to 'get along' with the disenfranchised, Bigby straightened himself up, and began to head to his office, his head reset to the case instead of his throbbing body.

Wondering what Nerissa had to say to him, Bigby thought of what had caused Snow's sudden defensiveness, suddenly realising her tone of voice when she said Nerissa's name.

Edited by AppleBlossom
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This scene in the game absolutely destroyed my heart. I'm so glad you took it and wrote some sneezing into it! I guess I would call myself a nosebleed enthusiast so thank you for including one! :D

Your descriptions of Dr. Swineheart removing the bullet fragments and Bigby setting his own arm had me squirming but they were very well-written. It was like playing through the scenes again.

I couldn't believe how he went for that beer after getting major surgery in his armchair, but accelerated healing makes that situation a little more tolerable. Which is why I wasn't too concerned about him sneezing with a hole in his abdomen :lol:

Bigby returned to the conversation, pushing past the ache in his skull. "You know, I couldn't really give a shit what they want out of this. This just made the wrong fuckin'--! ...Hgt’tschh!

:yay: I wish he would have sneezed there instead of going 'ow.'

So happy to see yet another Bigby fic here!

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I've yet to play this game, but I've always thought it looked awesome.

Really loving the fic. Mmmh nosebleeds. <3

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I didn't want to read this until I'd played through the game, but since I'm currently on my second run through (shhh), I can comment now. Super excited for more TWAU fics!

I didn't know this scene needed a fetish spin until now, but I very much approve. I'm unfazed by gore, and nosebleeds + sneezing is a scene I've explored in the past, I definitely... I don't want to say it's hot? It's not necessarily any kinkier or more attractive to me, but I do like it. Maybe because it tugs on the heartstrings a little more, and you get the mess factor without snot. Poor Bigby :c

"Take that thing outta me, I'm gonna--!"

Um, but this line was definitely hot drool.gif

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