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Misery loves company (Ouran fic/ Mori)


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Heeeey y'all! I'm here with my latest fic! You see I couldn't have posted it just yet though, I still need to get your guy's vote on this:

Who should Mori have gotten his cold from? I had left this part blank until I finished it, but I need replies quickly!!!

Thanks! ;)

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Hey y'all! I'm back, and I'm FINALLY out of "posting school"! I'm still very new here so please be kind, this is only my second fic:)

For once in his life, Takashi Morinozuka had not wanted to go to school.

Even stranger, he hated the thought of having to sit through two hours of hosting. So, him being his usual wise owl self, he just brushed it of and chalked it up to hormones.

And as anticipated, nearly six hours later he was sitting in the club room surrounded by loud shreiking girls and mentally pulling his ears off.

His head hurt, there was a spot behind his eyes that throbbed, and if he even thought about standing up he felt like he was going to puke.

Of course, Mitsukuni had noticed also, they did spend the majority of their time together.

It was between client switches when his cousin had decided to bring it up.

"Hey Takashj, are you okay, you've been awfully quiet."


The smaller boy had looked at him unconvinced, but simply smiled and continued with the story he had been telling animatedly.

"H'xxcht! Hagnt'chUU!!"



"Hey Takashi, are you okay?"

"I'm fine Mistukuni."

"Do you want go go home? We jutst have to tell Kyo-chan and all we have to do it call the driver!"



"I-i'mb f-fi- Huh'CHOO!! I'mb fide..."

Mori flushed under the attention and suddenly felt very warm in his shirt and blazer.

* * *

"So I must bring it to our attention that the club is scheduled for a vacation at my family's indoor tropical resort. However, blah blah blah blah..."

Mori tuned put Kyoya's speech to rest his head in his hand wearily. This had been an extra long club session, and Renge had chosen to "check up on her host club sweetheart".

Now that he thought about it, on a normal day Renge served headaches to all, but today he felt as if his head were going to split open like a melon.

It had finally come to mind that he had caught the cold Yasuchika had just recovered from. Mori had spent the majority of the weekend around him at the dojo, so it only makes sense that he would have got it.

"-dont you agree Mori-sempai?" Kyoya asked with an eyebrow arched, obviously irritated that his speech had gone ignored.

He cleared his throat quietly "Ah."

Kyoya sighed before fixing his glasses pointedly and dismissing his fellow hosts.

Takashi almost fell to the floor with relief that the club meeting was over. That, or exhaustion.

Tamaki, Kyoya, the twins, and Haruhi filed out of the third music room, oblivious to the other two members.


"Yes Mitsukuni?"

"Are you feeling all right?"

Mori's heart clenched guiltily for making his cousin worry so much.

"In all honesty, I feel a bit under the weather."

"That's okay Takashi! We can go home and you can take a nap, okay???"


"Bless you, Takashi!"

"...hih...Hah' CHIEW! Hh...hih'CHUU!! Hah-chuh! Hi'tchoo! Hih'xxcht! Hah'xxt! Hu'ksh! Ksh!"

Breathing heavily, Takashi stood and grabbed his briefcase and wobbled to the door to meet his cousin whom was laughing hysterically at Takashi's moat recent fit.

Damn, he was ready for that nap.

That's part one you guys! I'm thinking of making a sequel, but that's all you guys get for now!!!

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