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Bad Day (Criminal Minds, Emily Prentiss)


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This takes place in Season 7 and involves the whole team and a sick Emily. Slight inclinations of HotchxEmily and ReidxEmily. Also mentions spoilers for season 6. Enjoy!

Part 1:

Bad Day

I blew my nose one last time before re-applying my foundation and stepping out of the car. I had been back with the BAU for nearly three months and the emotional trauma had been taking it’s toll. Nearly every night I woke up in the early hours screaming, Doyle’s face appearing constantly in my dreams. After not sleeping for five days, I had begun to feel run down. I told myself I would rest up over the weekend but we had been called away on a case. We worked long hours and my adrenaline kept my illness at bay but when we flew back home after four long days, my cold hit me like a ton of bricks. Thankfully we weren’t supposed to be called out on a case today, but I had a lot of paperwork to complete. So I tiredly pulled out a tissue from my pocket and blew my nose before going into the building. The blow was long and wet and when I lifted the tissue from my nose it was red and swollen. Sighing, I put more foundation on. Unfortunately, the white powder tickled my nose and I lifted my tissue again, sneezing a wet, congested double. “He-kschoo….etchoo!” I tiredly blew my nose again before stepping out of the car. I threw my soggy tissue away before walking into Headquarters.

As soon as I stepped into the BAU I wondered whether I had made the right decision in coming into work. The place was abuzz with activity and the sound was making my head pound. It was also freezing. Morgan, Reid and JJ were sitting at their desks, which surrounded mine. I was determined not to allow anyone to witness a sick, disheveled Emily Prentiss. Squaring my shoulders, I walked over to my desk and plopped down in a chair.

“Hey Em!” exclaimed JJ. “Had a good day off?”

Truthfully, my one day off had been spent sleeping until I was awakened by a nightmare, after which I went on a walk to clear my head. While I was out, it started pouring and I walked home in the rain, arriving at my apartment a shivering, sodden, sneezing mess.

“Yeah,” I answered, “you?”

As JJ told us about her day at the Zoo with Henry, and how he wouldn’t stop making animal noises, I took my chance to sniffle a little bit. My nose was running and I knew I couldn’t blow it without being noticed, so sniffling would have to do. Soon enough, everything quieted down and I began working on my paperwork, sniffling every once in a while. Once I had completed a significant portion of it, I brought it up to Hotch’s office.

“Hotch *sniffle* , I’ve got a bit of mby paperwork dode.”

He gave me a strange look as I placed the paperwork on his desk. Suddenly I stood up, turned away and sneezed three times into my hands. “Eskchooo…eh..eh..achschoo! Heptshoo!” Flushing, embarrassed, I turned back to him. “I’b sorry,” I murmured.

“Is everything okay, Emily?” I nodded. “Fide….heptshoo!” He gave me a doubtful look. “Bless you.” I smiled. “Thandks, Hotch.” Leaving his office, I headed right for the bathroom. As soon as I got there, I took a tissue from my pocket and buried my face in it, letting out the sneezes I’d been holding in since this morning. “Hessshtooo! Aptshoo! Hashooo! Iketschoo!” I blew my nose into the half disintegrated tissue. Reaching into my pocket, I realized that I had no more of them.

Looking into the mirror, I groaned. My eyes looked watery and bloodshot and my nose was tinged pink. I looked exhausted and ill. My face was pale but my cheeks were flushed red. As I stared at my run-down reflection, my nose began to tickle. “Eh…ah….echoo! Ashoo! Kishoo! Heh…heptchoo!” I went into the stall and took some toilet paper, blowing my nose. The rough paper hurt against my sensitive nose and I could practically see it becoming more and more red. I shivered involuntarily and blew my nose again. Sniffling, I realized that not only was my nose dripping, but it was totally congested. My throat was beginning to hurt as well and my head was pounding. I was beginning to feel pretty sick but I was Emily Prentiss and a little cold was not going to beat me into submission.

Walking out of the bathroom, I bumped into a maelstrom of pink and fluff. “Garcia!” I said, laughing. She smiled before frowning slightly. “Are you alright, my pet? You sound a little strange.” I nodded. “Fide *sniffle* fine. Just tired.” She shrugged and patted me on the back. “Here if you need anything, my sweet.” As she bounced off, I shuddered with cold. How I wished I could give in to my illness, admit I wasn’t feeling well and allow the motherly talents of Penelope Garcia to nurse me back to health. But I just couldn’t. My pride wouldn’t allow it and I knew that I needed to appear strong for my team. They were all worried about me ever since the incident with Doyle.

Walking back to my desk, I sighed. Rossi was sitting on the desk across from Derek’s, tossing pieces of crumpled up paper into Morgan’s garbage as though he were shooting hoops. I sat down. “What’s going on?” Morgan laughed. “Rossi’s just getting tired of paperwork.” Dave groaned. “You’ve got that right!” Pushing himself out of his seat, he stretched. “I’m going for an early lunch. Care to join me?” I shook my head but Morgan stood. “Leggo, Rossi! The two men walked out of the BAU, laughing.

JJ tapped me on the back, and it was only then that I realized that she hadn’t been there the whole time. “Em, is everything okay?” I whipped around, only to meet her concerned eyes. “Oh, yeah, fide.” I sniffled as I sat down. She sighed. “Okay. I’m going to go to lunch. Want to come?” I shook my head. “No thanks.”

Looking around, I realized that just about everyone had gone for lunch. Leaning down, I ducked under the desk and blew my nose. It was an ugly sound; gurgled and wet and painful. Sighing, I stood up to throw the toilet paper away when all of a sudden I came head to head with Reid.

“Emily.” I stuffed my toilet paper in my pocket, sniffling. “Oh, hey, Reid, wha-whats up?” He looked at me with sad, calculating eyes. “How are you?” I looked down. “I’b fide-hatchoo! etchoo!- fide.” I looked back up with watery eyes and a heavy heart, knowing I was lying to him. “No, Em. You’re not.” Awkwardly, he took a step towards me and wrapped his arms around my small body.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys...long time no see! I've been super super busy with school stuff but I had sometime to write a short continuation of this fic. I'm planning on continuing it further, don't worry :) But here's a short bit for today...

Shocked, I hugged him back. He smoothed my hair and my eyes filled with tears. Stepping back, he held out his handkerchief. “Um, It sounded like you need this…”.

I was about to refuse when I sneezed a wet double, turned to my side. “Hetchoo! Ashooo!” Nose streaming, I accepted the hanky, blowing my nose discreetly.

When I looked up, Reid was still looking at me with a look of sadness and understanding.

“I’m sorry you are so sick.”

No, Reid. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I left you all to grieve my ‘death’ for seven months. I’m sorry I hurt you so badly. I’m sorry that I don’t know the words to properly apologize for what I did.

“I dond’t wadt theb to *sniffle* *sniffle* know.”

He nodded his understanding. “You look exhausted. Have you been sleeping?”

My already hoarse voice cracked under the weight of his concern and tears rushed to my eyes again. This time a few of them spilled over, rolling down my flushed cheeks. I shook my head softly, scared that if I opened my mouth I would start to sob.

“It was like that for me too, you know. After Georgia.”

I inhaled deeply. In the last five years, I had only heard Reid mention his experience in Georgia with Tobias Hankel one or two times.

“Even after I stopped using, I couldn’t sleep more than a few hours a night. I would wake up shaking and…crying…I was having these horrific nightmares. They lasted for months and I was always getting sick. Nothing serious, just colds and stuff. But they seem so much worse when you haven’t slept properly in weeks.”

He looked up at me. “I used to use the conference room to get a few hours of sleep when I was sick. It’s dark and warm and if you shut the door no one will bother you. It’s a lot easier to sleep when you know you aren’t alone. Physically and mentally.”

I looked over at the conference room in the corner. The lights were off and the blinds were partially closed. I looked back at Reid.

“What about whed they cobe back?” I asked congestedly, gesturing around to the empty chairs where my friends sat.

“They won’t be back for at least an hour. And I can cover for you for a while. I’ll come get you in a few hours.”

I looked down and then back at the conference room.

“You won’t tell ady…eh…eh…eshoo!”

My nose exploded into Reid’s handkerchief, soaking it. I blew my nose harshly and it made a deep, gurgling sound. I looked up to see him holding out a second one.

“I keep a few in my desk. You sound like you could use a second one…and as for your question, I won’t tell anyone. Please go get some rest, Em. I’ll do your paperwork.”

I reached for his handkerchief and dabbed at my nose gently, sniffling.

“Okay,” I said, “Okay.”

Nodding, Reid put his hand on my shoulder. “Feel better.”

I nodded and walked to the conference room, smiling at him before closing the door. I walked over to the couch in the corner and sat down, legs shaking. I lay down, placing my pounding head on one of the cushions. It was only beginning to dawn on me how awful I was feeling. My head ached and throbbed and my eyes were sore and tired. My throat felt raw, as did my chapped nose. I felt a tickle in the back of my nose and I drowsily lifted the hanky to my nose as I sneezed “Hepschoo!” Groaning, I blew my nose lustily. Ugh, my nose. I couldn’t stop sneezing and my nose was running and blocked up at the same time and it didn’t seem like it was going to let up anytime soon. Shivering, I wrapped my arms tighter around my thin frame. I definitely had a fever. I could feel myself becoming more and more drowsy, my eyes closing for longer periods than usual. I instinctually tried to fight sleep, scared of the nightmares I was sure to have, until I remembered what Reid had said- “it’s a lot easier to sleep when you know you’re not alone.” I thought of his arms around me and I allowed myself to finally drift off to sleep.

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