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How House got 5 grand from Wilson (M/M: House) (the all ages version)


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With all the influx of House/Wilson fics, I figured I would post the all ages, well PG-13 version here. :)

I’ve always wondered exactly how House was able to get that 5 grand out of Wilson for a “new car.” This is what I think went down. Heh.

This directly follows the episode Autopsy (season 2, episode 2).

Once Andie had left the hospital, House wasted no time hightailing it out of there himself. He hadn’t slept at all the night before, because of the hayfever, and his leg was killing him from all of the standing he had to endure in setting up the procedure. And despite all of the Benadryl in his system, he wasn’t sure he could even sleep if he wanted to. He could breathe a little better, and decided for some reason to take the idea Andie had given him; to take a walk. Not in a park necessarily, but he decided to take the long route to the bus stop. He knew there wouldn’t be many more nice days like this, and despite his misanthropic view on life, he did enjoy the outdoors, just not as much as he used to be able to. And that is when he happened upon the motorcycle shop.

In hindsight, he should have waited. The ride was an amazing head rush; just what he needed after the draining days. However, it certainly didn’t do any favors for his allergies, and by the time he got home he was a sniffly, snotty mess. He crashed on the couch, and tried to focus on the random movie that was playing when he clicked on the television. His mood did NOT improve when he realized he had used the last of the tissues. He tried to make due with what he had, but the excess Benadryl had worn off and the exposure the afternoon was exacerbating his symptoms.

Lucky for him, Wilson was such a good friend. Wilson decided to see how House was doing on his way home from work, after making a stop at the clinic for allergy meds, and the store for tissues and soup.

Wilson was glad he did, after seeing the shape House was in when he arrived. House didn’t answer the door, so Wilson let himself in with his key. House came out of the bathroom at that moment, looking miserable; having tried to steam the congestion out, to no avail.

“Wadt are ybu dbing here?” House managed to get out.

“I thought I’d see how you were doing. Glad I came by. By the sound of it you could use these.” Wilson held up the bag with the tissues.

“Danks. I rad oud.” House blinked his eyes and made an odd face. “Hod ond.”

“Wilson opened one of the boxes of tissues and handed a handful to House who gratefully grabbed them as he went off in a fit of sneezes.

Hngxt! Ishoooo! Hngxtshoo!! Ishooo! Heh.............hnhxtshooo! Ishoooo!

Wilson shook his head, laughing at the state House was in. “Bless you.” House took the box from Wilson and helped himself to more tissues to blow his nose.

“Thanks.” House finally was able to clearly pronounce words, now that he had been able to blow his nose.

“I brought you some more Benadryl, oral and in a syringe, since clearly huffing whatever it was worked out so well earlier. I brought some Claritin samples, and some soup from that deli you like so much. Maybe it will help drain your sinuses; let you get some sleep.” House rolled his eyes at the comment, but nodded his agreement and sat down on the couch. Wilson followed after getting spoons for the soup.

The two sat eating their dinner of soup, watching some comedy show rerun silently, other than House’s sniffling obnoxiously and attempting to look pitiful after every sneeze, waiting to be blessed. Wilson was used to House’s antics and ignored his pleas for attention.

Hngxt! Ishoooo! Hngxtshoo!! Ishoooo! Hngxtshoo!! Ishooo! Hhh......heh...........hnhxtshooo! Ishoooo!

Bless you!” Wilson finaly relented, blessing him emphatically.

House sniffled wetly. “Thanks.”

After the sneezing fit, House took some of the Claritin, and accepted Wilson’s offer of the Benadryl syringe, hoping to get some sort of relief.

“I thought you were doing better earlier; you certainly sounded better,” Wilson asked House.

“I was, but I foolishly spent some time outside this afternoon. Must not have been thinking clearly after the ahhhhhhhh hehhhh cocaine,” House said sarcastically.

Hehhhh.........Hngxtshooo! Hngxtshiiiiooo! Ahhngxtshooo! Ishoooo!

He sneezed dramatically and cleared his throat, and glanced over at Wilson. Wilson rolled his eyes. “Bless you. Now stop, that’s enough. For someone who doesn’t believe in God . . ” Wilson started.

“It has nothing to do with God,” House retorted. “Like it kills you to be polite and courteous.”

Wilson laughed. “You care even less about common courtesy! You just want attention.”

House sniffled in retort, but remained silent. Wilson chuckled as the two sat there, once again in comfortable silence.

After a while House found that the soup/Claritin/Benadryl combination was finally helping. “Wanna beer?” House asked Wilson. “Yes, because that goes SO well with all the drugs coursing through your system” Wilson replied. “But, yeah get me one too,” he added.

House returned with the beers and studied Wilson for a moment. “What?” Wilson asked. “Nothing.” But House let a sly smile play across his lips, as the cogs in his brain began to turn. I wonder, he thought. The two sat again, as they normally did, just being in each other’s company. They would never admit it to one another, but the fact that they could just sit and be, without having to talk was precious, especially after the past few days with Andie. House knew that Wilson wanted to talk about it; the kids always got to him, but House had other ideas in mind.

“Can I borrow five grand?” House asked Wilson casually.

“Uh, what, NO! What do you need five thousand dollars for?”

“A new, um, car.”

“House, you have a car.”

“I know I do. Winter is coming, I thought maybe I should get something more reliable, safe.”

Wilson looked at House as if he had grown an additional head. He doubted whatever House wanted the five grand for had anything to do with a new car. “No. You’re a department head, you have money, what do you need mine for?”

“I can make it worth your while, Wilson.” House turned on the couch to face Wilson, and reached up to caress the side of his face.

“While that may be true House, there’s no way I’m giving you five grand.”

House only smiled his reply, as he leaned over and pulled Wilson toward him, kissing him.

“House,” Wilson whispered into House’s mouth, and then all thought left him. “Bedroom. Now.” House used this time to pop a Vicodin, and shed one of his shirts.

Thirty minutes later:

House looked over at Wilson, smiled, and said. “So, that’s a yes on the five grand then?”

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OH my god this is great! I'm so thankful for the influx of House fics (especially including Wilson) that are available! :P LOVE IT!

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OH my god this is great! I'm so thankful for the influx of House fics (especially including Wilson) that are available! tonguesmiley.gif LOVE IT!

Glad to hear it. I may have to go back to them a bit once I am done with the piece I am working on. :)

Hehehe! Loving all the House/Wilson fics biggrin.png

Me too! My original OTP! :)

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Yay another fic featured my two favorite House boys! Amazing work, really enjoyed the dynamic between House and Wilson.

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Sneezy Dr House.......I think I will just drool till I'm dehydrated now!!

I am glad you enjoyed. I have to have some more fica lurking around, I'm sure. :) I did write a drabble thread for House/Wilson fics a few months back as well.

Yay another fic featured my two favorite House boys! Amazing work, really enjoyed the dynamic between House and Wilson.

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed!

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