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Sneeze Fetish Forum

It's Just Allergies, I Swear (One Direction AU)


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Hello Everyone :D,

This is my first story on the forum, I am writing this with a friend XLeftyX, we both take turns in writing the chapters.

Let us know if you like it and give us ideas on what to write next!

Hope you enjoy the first chapter :) xx

Chapter 1 - XLeftyX

Harry trudged through the door, placing his jacket on the hook, and kicking off his shoes as he rubbed at his irritated nose. His allergies were horrible today, he must have had about five fits, each consisting of about ten to fifteen sneezes.

“Ugh.” He groaned, sniffling and wiping his nose on the back of his hand.

“Haz!” Louis cried, bounding into the entryway from the kitchen. “How was class?”

“Long.” Harry sighed, scratching his nose. “Did you have class today?”

“Nope.” Louis grinned, popping the ‘p’. “It got cancelled, praise the Lord. That class is the absolute worst.”

Heh...hetCHOO!” Harry sneezed, his whole body snapping forward with the force of it.

“Bless you.” Louis nodded, shooting him a curious look. “You alright? You look like shit, man.”

“Hay fever is kicking my ass, I swear if I sneeze one more time, I’m going to seriously consider a nose transplant.”

Louis snickered. “I don’t think they have those.”

“Then I’ll make it a thing.” He grumbled, going cross-eyed to glare at his nose. His nose twitched, and he found himself pulling the collar of his shirt up so that it was covering his nose and mouth. “HetCHOO! HetCHOO! Heh...hetCHOO!”

What. A. Bastard.

“Go take a Claritin, or something.”

Harry nodded, dropping his bag, and then walking into the kitchen. He rubbed a hand over his face. Stupid allergy season, making him feel like crap.

“Are you sure it’s just allergies?” Louis asked, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed.

Snff...snff...yes, why?”

“You’re always pale with hay fever, but never this pale...you feeling alright?”

“I never feel well when I have allergies, so no.”

Louis frowned, and went to feel Harry’s forehead. Harry batted his hand away, and then stepped to the side before Louis could check for fever. “Maybe you’ve got a cold, or something?”

“I’ve had allergies, and I’ve had a cold. This is just my allergies screwing with me.” Harry muttered. He was honestly exhausted, and all he wanted to do was curl up bed under some blankets, a cup of tea (because, holy shit, did his throat hurt), and a box (or five) of tissues.

“Dude! We should have a movie night!” Louis shouted, pumping his fist.

HetCHOO! HetCHOO! I just want to sleep. I don’t think I can stay awake long enough to watch a movie.”

“I want to watch a movie.” Louis whined. “You can sleep on the couch, but I don’t want to be that loser that sits alone watching a movie.”

“But, I’m tired.” Harry groaned.

“You can sleep on the couch! Couches are meant to be slept on.”

“Louis.” Harry groaned, sniffling. He rubbed his irritated nose, and then let out a sigh of frustration.

“Please?” Louis pouted. “I’ll get you blankets and tissues and stuff, you just go lie on the couch.”

“Fine.” Harry sighed, way too exhausted to fight him.

“Ha! SUCCESS!” Louis shouted happily.

Harry trudged to the couch, lying on his side as he let out another string of sneezes. At this point, he wasn’t too sure if it really was hay fever, or if he’d come down with a particularly sneezy cold. In the past, his colds usually consisted of more coughing than sneezing. He also wasn’t sure if it was hay fever because he usually doesn’t feel this horrible. It really was a fifty-fifty toss up of whether it was a cold, or hay fever.

At this point, all he could do was wait.

“Here.” Louis said, tossing him a blanket and box of tissues. “And some Advil, since you probably have a massive headache.”

“Yeah, thanks.” Harry sniffled, rubbing at his eyes. His nose twitched, and he pulled the blanket over his mouth and nose quickly. “Heh....hhhhuh...hhh...heh... HetCHOO! Heh...hetCHOO! AhCHOO! snfff...snfff...hehtCHOO! AckCHHH! snfff...ugh. I feel like crap, I just want to go to bed.”

Louis sighed lightly, shooing him away. “Yeah, yeah. Fine. I wouldn’t be able to hear the movie with you sneezing and crap the whole time.”

“Thanks.” He sniffled, getting up and shuffling to his room.

A couple of hours later, Harry rolled over in bed, shivering lightly. He could hardly stop sneezing long enough to get a decent nap in, so he just gave up and laid in bed, sniffling and sneezing. All sneezing was enough to cause a massive headache, and Harry was about ready to chop off his head and be done with it all.

“Are you sure you’re not sick?” Louis asked cautiously, leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed.

“Just-hetCHOO-It’s just allergies, I swear.” Harry sniffled.

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Oh, and just so everyone knows, we have the first four or so chapters written already, but after the last prewritten chapter is posted, we're open for suggestions :)

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Oh, and just so everyone knows, we have the first four or so chapters written already, but after the last prewritten chapter is posted, we're open for suggestions smile.png

Oh yeah forgot to add that in ahaha :D
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Thanks for all the comments jump.gif

Here is the next part :)

Chapter 2 - directioner<3

Louis and Harry hardly got any sleep last night, Harry, because he couldn't stop sneezing, and Louis, because the walls seemed to be paper thin, and he could hear every sneeze loud and clear. That morning, after he’d only slept for about five hours or so, Louis woke up to one of Harry's sneezing fits. When he didn't stop after about 5 sneezes, Louis got a bit concerned, and went to check in him.

He walked in the room to see Harry lying in bed, curled up under some blankets, looking as miserable as ever. He was sneezing up a storm, and blankets were bunched up and covering his nose and mouth, making his body jerk forward as he sneezed rapidly and rather loudly.

“Lou- heh...ehheeh...hep'CHOO! hit'CHIEW! I can't sto- hek'CHOO! e'SHOO! het'CHOO! het'CHOO! het'CHOO! hep'SHOO! ..ehhehe....heh...hit'chiew!”

When Harry finally stopped sneezing he was completely exhausted, tears were running down his face, and his nose was bright red and runny. He plucked a tissue out of the tissue box next to him, and wiped underneath his nose. He added the used tissue to the growing pile next to him, and then covered his face with the pillow.

"Ugh!" Harry groaned, and then whined something unintelligible, his voice muffled by the pillow. Louis cast him a concerned look, he really did look awful.

"You okay, Hazza?" Louis asked softly.

"I don't...eh..heh...know...eheh....heT'CHOO! ack'CHEW! heh..ah'CHOO! Ugh! *Snff*...*snff* all I want to do is sleep but I can't because my bloody nose won’t let up!" Harry said, practically growling in frustration as he tugged at his hair angrily.

"Are you absolutely positive it's just allergies?" Louis asked. Harry had been inside since yesterday afternoon, his allergies should have let up by now.

“*Snff*...*snff*...yeah...eheh...henxx'CHOO!" Harry tried to stifle a sneeze, but failed miserably.

"Mm-hmm, well, when you decide that you’re actually sick, let me know so I can look after you." Louis said, laughing a bit.

"Yeah, sure" Harry mumbled, closing his eyes.

"You should try to rest now, Haz" Louis coaxed.

"Mmmmm okay...just hope I can get some sleep this time" Harry murmured groggily.

"‘Night, Haz, have a good sleep."

Harry sniffled, rubbing at his nose. "Night, Lou."

Harry fell asleep quickly, so Louis thought he would do some house work. Harry’s quite the messy housemate, and Louis’ kind of (Okay, really) a neat freak, so whenever he had the chance to tidy up a bit, he always took the opportunity to. While Louis was dusting, his nose was getting a bit tickly and itchy. He was trying to rid of the itch in his nose by rubbing it, but it didn't help at all.

Louis' nose twitched before he went into a fit of little kitten sneezes, his hands cupped around his mouth and nose, while he was shook slightly by his small, rapid sneezes.

Heh'ngt! Heh'ngt! Ngt! Ngt! Ngt! Ngt! Heh'ngt!....ehehe....heh....Ngt'ch! Ngt'choo! Choo! Choo! Choo! Heh'choo! Hep'CHIEW! Ngt'CHUUH!

His nose was twitching badly, and his eyes were so watery and itchy, that he had tears streaming down his cheeks.

Once the tickle subsided he went and sat on the sofa to relax for a bit, his recent fit wearing him out.

Harry walked into the living room, looking like a zombie after hearing Louis' soft sneezing.

"Hey Lou *Snff*...*snff*, you okay?" Harry asked in a stuffy voice, and rubbing at his nose. He plopped on the couch next to Lou, stifling a sneeze.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Louis said, rubbing at his itchy eyes.

"You sure? You were just sneezing your hea...ehehh heh'kishh!...heh'kishhoo! hep'CHOO! Excuse me...Your head off a second ago." Harry said.

Louis waved him off. "Bless you. Yeah I'm good, just a bit of dust, you know what I'm like with allergies and all."

"Yeah...you want some meds?" Harry asked furrowing his eyebrows in concern.

"Nah. I'm fine, thanks. A few sneezes won't do me any harm." Louis shrugged.

"If you’re sure. Your sneezes are adorable, so I'm not complaining." Harry grinned cheekily.

"Aha, you’re...hih..ihhih..Hi'itch! Hi'tish! Heh'ngt! Ngt! Ngt! Hit'chiew! You’re just so cute." Louis cooed playfully, pinching Harry's cheeks. They were in no way in love, in fact, each of them had a girlfriend, whom they loved very much.

"Bless you! You’re just a sneezy as me." Harry exclaimed, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Mhmmm, I guess I might take some meds actually *snff*...*snff*...hehehh...Heh'ngt!" Louis sniffled trudging over to the kitchen cabinet.

Harry was trying so hard not to sneeze while watching the TV with Louis, but was finding it extremely difficult, as his breath was hitching and his eyes were watering. It wasn't long before Louis sighed.

"Haz, just sneeze. Why are you holding them back?"

Eheh...I ...hiiiihh...I'm not ehehhe..." Harry asked.

Louis frowned. "Are you feeling any better?"

"Ehehe...heh...ugh! It's...hehehh...st..stuck...hiiiihh...ugh...th..ehh....this is so....heh...heh...annoying!" Harry finally managed to get out, despite his breath hitching every frickin’ second.

"Look into the light." Louis suggested knowing Harry was slightly photic.

"Hih....Hih...It ti.... tick...hihh... tickles so bad Lou! Heh....heh..." Harry whined. His breath hitched one last time, and he pulled the collar of his shirt over his nose and mouth, letting out a string of sneezes. "Heh...heh...HehCHOO! HepCHOO! CHOO! CHOO! HehKISHH! Heh...hehheh...eSHOO! t'CHOO! HehSHOO! hehCHOOO! *snfff* *Snfff* *Snfff*” He sniffled, rubbing his nose against the fabric of his shirt. “I thigk I'b dud."

"Are you going to admit you’re sick now? It’s pretty obvious." Louis snickered.

"I told you it's just allergies!" Harry snapped and then stormed off upstairs, leaving a very confused Louis alone on the couch.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everyone, I'm so very sorry I've taken so long to post the next chapter, I will post 2 chapters today to make up for it :D

Thanks for all the people who have commented and to all the readers, I can't thank you all enough.

Here's the next chapter for you all, hope you enjoy it :) xxxxx

Chapter 3- XLeftyX

Louis left Harry alone for the remainder of the evening, figuring it was best to let him calm down. Harry didn’t get angry easily, usually when he didn’t feel well, and it never ended well when Louis tried to talk things over with him. Somebody’s feelings always got hurt.

It was best to leave him alone to stew.

By the time evening rolled around, Harry was ready to admit he was sick. He felt absolutely terrible. His head was pounding, his throat was burning, his nose was all stuffed up, and to top it all off, he was so incredibly nauseas.

He might actually be dying this time

Heh...hetschiew! Hetchoo! Ah..hetchoo! Heh...hetchoo!” He groaned, and buried his face in the pillow. If he didn’t know any better, he could have sworn he was run over by a truck.

He wanted to get up and move to the couch, he really did. That was where the television and medicine were, but moving sounded highly unappealing right now.

He grabbed his phone (it was times like these that he realized just how many muscles, and how much effort it took to move his arm), and texted Louis.

‘Save me, I’m dying’

Louis’ phone beeped with a text, and he read it with a sigh.

And so it begins.

Louis knocked on his door. “Harry?”

“Cub id.” Harry sniffled, shivering.

“Ready to admit it?”

“I’m sick, and this sucks.” Harry croaked, going into a coughing fit.

“How on earth did you even get sick? It’s the middle of May. I thought cold and flu season was over.”

“I dod’t doe.” Harry groaned. “I really thought it was allergies.”

“And now you don’t?”

“Doe.” He sniffled. “Hay fever doesd’t bake be feel like I’ve beed dragged through hell add back. Cad you please just drug be udtil this is over?”

“I can, if you really want me to.”

“Please?” Harry pleaded. “I seriously feel like I’ve beed hit by a truck.”

Louis nodded, and walked out into the kitchen and grabbed the NyQuil before walking back into Harry’s room.

Harry took the pills, and then nuzzled into the blankets, drifting to sleep.


He slept off and on for the majority of the next few days, but each time he woke up, and Louis checked on him, Harry felt just as sick as he did when he fell asleep.

“Maybe we should get you to the doctor...this is getting ridiculous.” Louis sighed, looking at the numbers on the thermometer.

“Doe.” Harry croaked, covering his face with the blankets.

“Leave be alode, I’b fide.”

“Haz, you’ve had a fever for three days straight. Not a slight one, either.”

“What is it?”

“102.3 every time I take your temperature. You probably have the flu.”

“If I do, the doctor cad’t do adythigg but tell be to get sub rest. Which is what I’b doigg.”

Louis sighed. “Humor me, please?”

“Ugh. Fide...bake be add apoidtbedt.”

Louis grinned, and walked out of the room.

“Heh...hetCHOO! HetCHOO! Heh...hetCHOO!” Harry sniffled, rubbing his nose on the blankets again as he drifted back to sleep.

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Chapter 4- directioner<3

Harry woke up the next morning feeling just as horrible as he did when he went to sleep, and although he didn’t want to, Louis practically dragged him kicking and screaming to the doctors. When they got there, Louis’ hunch was confirmed, and Harry was diagnosed with a fairly nasty case of the flu.

The doctor gave him some antivirals to take, hoping that they’d do the trick, and cut down on the recovery time. In the mean time, though, Harry felt just as ill as before. Sneezy was the word to describe it, and even worse was the coughing and sore throat.

Harry was peacefully (well, as peacefully as you can when you’re hacking up a lung) watching the telly until Louis' voice startled him.

"Time to take your medicine!" Louis yelled in a sing-song voice from the kitchen.

"Ugh I don't want to, I hate it." Harry grimaced, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Christ, Haz. It’s just a pill, stop being a baby and take it. If you want to feel better, you have to." Louis said, rolling his eyes. Harry’s eyelids fluttered shut, and he assumed the sneezing position (which, in his case, consisted of him covering himself fully with a blanket curling tightly into a ball, and making the most unattractive pre-sneeze face).

"HehSHOO! HehKISSHH! HehtCHIEW! HehtCHOO...*snff*...*snff* fine" Harry sighed, defeated.

Louis actually wasn't feeling too great either, his entire body ached, and his throat felt a bit scratchy and raw.

"Thanks for looking after me, you’re a good friend." Harry slurred groggily, shooting Louis a lazy grin.

"You’re welcome Hah...Harr..hehehh...Hi'itch! Choo! AhChoo! Ngt! Heh'ngt! Choo!"

"Bless you...are you okay?" Harry asked, looking at him worriedly.

Louis waved him off, not wanting to worry him. "*Snff* Thanks, I'm fine, probably just something in the air. Allergies and whatnot." Louis said, congestion sinking into his voice.

Harry nodded. He wasn’t pale, his nose wasn’t red, his eyes weren’t glassy. He knew that Louis was probably lying, and he had the beginnings of a cold, but Harry felt far too out of it to call Louis out. "Yeah probably, you’re lucky you have an immune system of steal."

"Everyone has an ‘immune system of steel’ compared to your crappy one. No offense, but you’re sick ALL the time." Louis said, chuckling slightly.

"It's not funny, Lou, this sucks" Harry said frowning.

"Well, rest up, it's Liam's birthday tomorrow, you'll be fine" Louis said.

"Oh yeah! I can't wait!" Harry whined.

"’Night, Haz"

Harry nodded. "’Night."

The morning came, and Louis and Harry were meeting up at Nando’s with some best mates from class.

Liam, who's birthday it was, was around 5'10 with brown eyes and short brown hair, he's also one of the sweetest, kindest, most caring lads they’ve met.

Next, there’s Niall, the Irishman with blonde hair and blue eyes. He’s about 5'7, and very loud, energetic and carefree.

Finally, there was Zayn, who was shorter than Liam by only about an inch. He's the easy-going one of the group, and was by far (according to the ladies at the University) the coolest.

As the day progressed, Louis felt worse and worse by the second. His head was pounding, he was shivering, it felt like someone had shoved burning coals down his throat, and his nose was all stuffed up (but was also running at the same time, which led him to be rubbing it constantly on the sleeve of his sweatshirt). He felt absolutely awful, to put it kindly.

Harry on the other hand, was feeling a bit better. He wasn’t one-hundred percent, since he did have the flu, and still was sneezing and coughing. His head was still aching, and his throat still bothered him, but he did feel better. It was probably all of the meds that he’d loaded himself up on before leaving, but he finally had some sort of relief, and he wasn’t questioning it.

Harry noticed Louis' quiet attitude, and took note of his appearance. He definitely wasn’t his usual outgoing, bubbly self, and he looked pale and miserable. Yep. He was definitely sick.

"You alright, Lou?" Harry asked, concerned.

“Yeah, mate.” Liam frowned, cocking his head to the side. “You look positively dreadful. Are you feeling ill?”

"No, no, I'm-” He was cut off by his breath hitching, and he grabbed a napkin off the table quickly, put it to his nose and mouth, turned away from the table, and squeezed his eyes shut. “Hiiih...Hi'kxtch! Hi'kxtch! Tsch! Tsch! Ehhehe...Hehtchoo!...fine *snff*...promise." Louis groaned, wiping his nose on the napkin. “Not sick.”

"Mm-hmm whatever you say. We're talking about this tonight." Harry said eying him.

"Yeah, okay" Louis said in a raspy voice.

“Me thinks he’s lying.” Niall murmured in a sing-song voice as he stuffed his face with chicken.

Louis shot him a glare, and Zayn just chuckled in amusement and shook his head.

The rest of the dinner passed uneventfully (and slowly, in both he and Harry’s opinion), and when they arrived home, Louis was completely exhausted. He hadn't stopped sneezing the whole car ride home; sneezing took a lot out of you.

Harry walked in, shooting Louis a knowing look, and made him a cup of Yorkshire tea, his favorite. Harry still felt like crap, and just wanted to sleep, but since it was his fault that Louis was sick, he figured he at least owed him a cup of tea.

"Lou what’s wrong?" Harry asked softly in concern.

"Nothing...I'm fine, I promise" Louis sniffled, squeezing his eyes shut at the pounding in his head.

"Don't lie Louis, you’re clearly sick" Harry said, frowning worriedly at Louis.

"It's probably just allergies, so don't worry about me or anything."

"Okay, okay. Stubborn as ever, I see. If you need anything, or decide you’re ready to admit you’re sick, just yell. I may or may not be asleep, though." Harry said as he left the living room.

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