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Sneeze Fetish Forum

"Early Morning Explosions" (Kill la Kill, featuring IraMako)


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Um, hello everyone! I've been on this forum for a couple years now, but I haven't really contributed anything. To fix that, I wrote this short fanfic! I noticed that there are nearly no Kill la KIll fanfictions on here, and since I love that anime and the pairing IraMako, I set out to fix that! Please tell me what you think. It's my first time writing a fanfic, so I'd like to know how I did. With all tha t said, please enjoy! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif


Mako had been woken slightly by the feeling of her boyfriend shifting beside her, but the loud explosions of sound made her entire body leave the surface of the bed for a second as she snapped wide awake and shrieked in fright. After a moment she heard her gruff boyfriend’s voice beside her.

“Excuse me, Mako, I didn’t mean to wake you…” Ira’s face was slightly flushed from embarrassment as he looked down at her, blinking sleep away from his eyes and sniffling lightly.

Mako only looked up at him with wide eyes for a moment, then smiled and waved him off. “Awww, it’s okay! I know you don’t mean to do it, it just happens!”

It was the truth. Ever since she’d moved in with her beloved boyfriend, Ira Gamagoori, a month ago, she had discovered one hidden secret after another about him. Of course, many of those were small harmless things, such as his love for cars and working with metals along with the rest of his family. The most interesting to her was his morning routine, something he seemed to dread nearly as much as breaking rules. After her first morning with him, in which she was startled awake so badly that she fell out of the bed, he had to explain everything to her. He told her that he had photi-…photograph-…. Okay, so she had a little trouble paying attention when he was talking to her (She had trouble focusing on anything, period. The fact that Ira was still naked from the night before didn’t help!) Anyways, he explained that he had some strange reflex that caused him to sneeze when his eyes had to adjust to bright lights, hence him being disturbed from his slumber early nearly every morning by a strong tickle in his nose when the sun’s rays crept into their room. It always annoyed him greatly, but now that Mako was living with him, he found it more embarrassing than anything.

“Regardless of that, I-I know it is n-nyeh… not pleasa-“ He turned away from her as he suddenly felt another sneeze coming upon him. Mako took her pillow and covered her ears with it, deciding to be safe this time. Ira didn’t notice though, as his eyes were screwed up and his breath was hitching.

“Heh… eh-he… h-heh…….”

Then there was nothing, it just faded away. He blinked and rubbed his nose, then turned back to face her. “Sorry, false alarm…”

Mako just stared at him for a second, unblinking, then shouted “WHAT?!”

Ira chuckled lightly and took the pillow from her, setting it back down on the bed. “I said it was a false alarm!”

Mako smiled “Oh! That’s good, I was about to duck and cover!”

Ira blushed “They’re not that bad, are they…?”

She thought for a second “Um… well, they’re what makes you who you are! You’re big, strong, and powerful, so it only makes sense that your sneezes are too!”

He snorted “Okay, but I still find it strange that you’re still so jumpy. We’ve been living together for about a month now, I thought you would’ve grown used to it by this time.”

Mako only pouted and whined playfully, punching him lightly in the arm, not expecting any effect nor receiving any from him. “I’m still jumpy because your sneezes are so loud and powerful that I worry you’ll explode! Can you imagine what that would be like?! I’d have to call my dad and ask him where he buries all the people he accidentally kills! Then Ryuko would have to come over and-“

As Mako chattered on, Ira was reminded of some of the reasons he loved her from the start. She was not afraid to stand up to him, or at least not as much as others, and she had the most amazing personality. She was sweet, determined, and so cheerful that she could bring light into even the dullest person’s life, like him. He smiled softly and rested his chin in the palm of his hand, listening to her ramble on and on about what life would be like for her and everyone else if he exploded.

When she was nearing the end of her long explanation, Ira started to feel that same, burning tickle from earlier prowling around deep in his sinuses. He rubbed his nose as discreetly as he could, not wanting to embarrass himself in front of Mako anymore than he already had, but he could feel its presence growing stronger by the second. He sniffled a little, but that didn’t do any good, but rather irritated his nose more to the point where his breath began to hitch once again.

“Mako… I h-heh…..”

Mako was being her natural self, still talking and not noticing her boyfriend’s situation. “-then Nonon will show up and be like “WHAT DID YOU DO TO TOAD, YOU UNDERACHIEVER?!” and then Ryuko will step in and they’ll yell at each other while I eat and watch…-“

Ira did not have much more time to warn her, and turned away once again. His eyes were shut tight and his breaths were growing more and more rapid. He knew this time that there was no stopping this one. Mako then suddenly noticed something was wrong. “Ira, are you alri-“

It was too late. Ira’s quickly pitched forward into his hand, letting loose all the built up pressure in a small flurry of sneezes.


Once he recovered from his small fit, he rubbed his nose slightly and sniffled. He muttered a small “Excuse me…” and turned back to face Mako, only to realize that she wasn’t on the bed. He blinked in confusion and looked around “Mako?”

Mako peeked at him from over the side of the bed, having fallen off she was so frightened. “You’re still in one piece?”

Ira rolled his eyes in amusement “Yes, I’m perfectly fine.”

“Yay!” Mako jumped up onto the bed and glomped him (well, as much of him that her arms could wrap around) “Bless you! I’m gonna go make breakfast. If you’re not in the kitchen in less than 20 minutes, there’s going to be nothing left for you to eat!”

She then jumped off the bed and ran out of the room. Ira laughed, getting out of bed himself and yelling after her “I’m not going to risk getting to eat your good food!”


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oh this is adorable!!! I ship them so much and I can just see something like this happening! This is such a cute fic it makes me all warm and happy inside!

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oh this is adorable!!! I ship them so much and I can just see something like this happening! This is such a cute fic it makes me all warm and happy inside!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it, now you're making me feel all warm and happy inside~ wink_kiss.gif

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  • 8 months later...

This was so adorable!! I loved the way you wrote both of them and I've been waiting for someone to write an IraMako on here every since Kill la Kill came out! Thank you so much for writing this, you've done an amazing job!

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Thank you for the story. IraMako is an awesome pairing. :) You've done a great job capturing the characters, and the spellings are toe-curl inducing.

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Huuuggghghh that was way too cute! The spellings and descriptions were wonderful, by the way. I couldn't stop picturing this for a while and just sat smiling.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes perfect. You are right, the lack of KLK fanfics is a problem that should be resolved, in honor the the anime itself. I'm sorry, but I can't imagine Ira's sneezes to be anything but small-- is that stereotypical? I mean, because everything else about him demands attention from the room, because he's IRA GAMAGORI, LEADER OF THE DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE and a blushing peach. I love his interactions with Mako, as well, and the respect he has for her. Wonder if he'll make it a habit from now to warn Mako before another explosion, even if it's a simple gesture. I don't see it working, with how distracted Mako can be.

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