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Untitled SPN Fic (For Sophie<3!)


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This is a fic that I wrote for Sophie, just because she's awesome! heart.gif

I really hope it's good enough Sophie!!! hug.gif

Also, warning for some language...? Am I supposed to mention that?

Part One

“You need our help?”


“To find a Weapon of Heaven?”

Castiel nodded, beginning to look harried, as though he regretted asking in the first place. “Yes.”


“I woulda thought you angels would be the experts in those.”

“Raphael is gaining followers in Heaven. I cannot afford to remain away for long. I need you and your brother to locate it here on Earth.”

“And how exactly are we-“

Sam tugged Dean to the side. “Dean, don’t you think we could help Cas out? We kinda owe him…”

“Sam, I don’t want-“ He broke off, seemingly reconsidering his wording. “Are you sure you want to hunt so soon?”

Sam smiled reassuringly, trying to mask his frustration. “Yes, Dean. I’m sure.”

His brother grunted sceptically. “Fine. Your call.”

Castiel stood as they turned back to him. There was almost a twinge of apprehension tingeing his blue eyes. “Well?”

“Of course we’ll do it, Cas.”

Dean nodded along with Sam; it would have been convincing if not for the slight furrow between his brows.

Castiel inclined his head in acknowledgement. “There will be a certain danger in obtaining the weapon-“

Dean only half listened to Castiel’s explanation. His brother sensed his attention wandering and nudged him; something in Dean’s expression told him that he was already convincing himself that this mission was going to go horribly wrong in some way.

‘And perhaps he wasn’t entirely wrong’, Sam mused to himself dejectedly.

They were only a day’s drive from the church now. Only Sam had woken that morning with an unmistakably prickling, sore throat. He tried to tell himself he was overreacting over a sobering cup of coffee. That it was nothing more than a sore throat; nothing at all.

The fact remained, however, that Sam could already feel the unwelcome sickness engulfing him. The weariness of his limbs and cloudy ache in his temples were proof enough, no matter how reluctant he was to accept it.

It wasn’t the fact that he was clearly coming down with something that worried Sam. No, what made him anxious was Dean’s reaction: it would no doubt be overprotective, and almost certainly result in him not being allowed to help in the search for the weapon.

Unless he could avoid Dean discovering it altogether?

The idea was so preposterous that Sam practically burst out laughing.

“Sammy? You ready to get on the road?”

Sam glanced up from his empty coffee mug and forced a smile. “Ready.” He responded, deeply relieved to find that the scratchiness of his throat had not yet become audible.

With a great deal of feigned energy he rose and followed Dean out of the motel room.

“You alright? You looked pretty out of it.”

Sam slid into the passenger seat and attempted to appear more healthy than he felt.

“Yeah. Just a little tired…”


Dean turned the key in the ignition, expression unreadable. Metallica blasted suddenly from the stereo. The bass echoed painfully in Sam’s already pounding head and prompted a hiss of pain.

“Would you turn it down?” He shouted with difficulty over the music, regretting it immediately. His only reply was a raised eyebrow and the volume jumping up a few notches. “Dean!”

“Okay, okay. I’m turning it down, alright? Dude. You sure you’re good?”

Sam massaged his aching forehead. “I’m great, Dean. I’d just like to get some sleep.”

He turned his back pointedly and closed his eyes.

After a few seconds Metallica was reduced to almost nothing, and Sam smiled very slightly to himself.


He wasn’t entirely sure when he had fallen asleep. It seemed to him that one second Metallica was fading, and the next he was being shaken awake none too gently by Dean.

“Sam. Sam. Man, would you wake up?!”

He opened his eyes reluctantly. “S’rry…guess I fell asleep for a minute…”

“A minute? Dude, you’ve been asleep all day,” Dean replied incredulously. “I stopped and ya didn’t even move. Twice.”

Sam pulled himself up from where he had slumped against the window and blinked. Sure enough, the sky had dulled to a deep, inky blue. “Oh. I must’ve been more tired than I thought…”

The gaze focused on him was scrutinising and Sam looked away, feeling bare.

“Well, whatever. You’re awake now. Let’s get the bags into the motel room.”

“You-You go ahead. I’ll catch you up.”

Once Dean had left Sam sighed and squinted up at the streetlight across the motel car park. He just…couldn’t…quite…

“hehTSHH! Ugh…fuck…”

Hoping sincerely that his brother hadn’t heard, Sam grabbed his bag and trailed inside after him.


“It shouldn’t be too difficult to get inside the church…”

“Apart from God knows how many of Raphael’s winged son-of-a-bitches, yeah,” Sam was too tired to take offence at Dean’s sarcastic tone and continued poring over his laptop. “Sam, you’ve seen what those bastards have done to Cas before. I’m just saying it ain’t gonna be that easy.”

“You’re right. It won’t be easy. But Cas wouldn’t ask us to do something he didn’t think we could handle.”

“I sure as hell hope you’re right.”

“He whhhh-wou-hehhUTSCHEWW!” He clamped his hands desperately to his face, as if in an attempt to hide from Dean. It had snuck up much too swiftly for him to even have tried to prevent it.

The quiet chuckle to his left only made him more apprehensive.

“Bless ya,” He said softly. “And that’s another thing. You gotta get to bed early to make sure you’re well enough for tomorrow.”

Sam sighed inwardly. “Dean-“ He shook his head to silence Sam, sitting down beside him as he snapped the laptop shut.

“No, Sam, listen to me. I can’t take on a bunch of angelic dicks by myself. I need you to be okay to do this with me.”

Instead of answering immediately Sam flushed and hung his head.

“Wh-When d-hhiiih-did-hhh-y-”

“Dude. Sneeze first. Talk la-“


“Bless. Later.” Dean finished with a small smile.

Sam remained hunched over for a moment and groaned. “Fuck, that hurt.”

“That’s ‘cause you just damn near tore your vocal chords, by the sound of it.” Dean replied, sincerely hoping he was only joking. “I noticed when you slept the whole damn day. And that fever you’re starting.”

“You checked? I don’t even remember…”

“You were too out of it to wake up. So yeah, I checked. Twice.” He placed an arm around Sam and frowned when he wriggled away. “Why you movin’ away?”

“I, uhh…I gotta sn-sneeze again…” Sam mumbled sheepishly, wrinkling his nose and sniffling.

“Oh. Right. Well, go ahead, then.”

“ihhYSHHEW! Hhh! HEHisshh!

“Bless y’ again. Now get some rest, Sammy.”

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Omc, MaiMai, you have no idea how excited I am! I opened this post (heart racing, for obvious reasons) and then - right that second, I swear! - my mom walked in with the phone, mouthing "It's your dad!" How was I to explain to him that I cannot talk right now, because I have to read this really awesome sneeze fic an online friend wrote for me? Right, I couldn't. So I suffered through almost 30 minutes of talking about what ever stuff and now FINALLY I get to read this slice of heaven.

This is a fic that I wrote for Sophie, just because she's awesome! Posted Image

You're too sweet! :heart: :heart:

Also, warning for some language...?

Hehe... I personally like 'some language'! ;)

Okay. Deep breath. Now get to it. (So excited).

Sam tugged Dean to the side. “Dean, don’t you think we could help Cas out? We kinda owe him…”

Awww... Sammy! :wub: That's exactly right! (And so in character!)

Wait... is Sammy still soulless...? He is, right? Okay, this is going to be interesting...!

something in Dean’s expression told him that he was already convincing himself that this mission was going to go horribly wrong in some way.

Hehe... I want to see blood...! And sneezes, of course. Ahhh...! This is so awesome already!

Only Sam had woken that morning with an unmistakably prickling, sore throat.

Yusss!! This is where the really good part begins! :D

The fact remained, however, that Sam could already feel the unwelcome sickness engulfing him.

Beautiful phrasing, MaiMai. Really. (:

No, what made him anxious was Dean’s reaction: it would no doubt be overprotective, and almost certainly result in him not being allowed to help in the search for the weapon.

Yeah, that sounds like Dean. lol

“You alright? You looked pretty out of it.”

*squeals happily* Dean's already concerned! This. Is. Awesome!! <3

“Yeah. Just a little tired…”


I love it.

His only reply was a raised eyebrow and the volume jumping up a few notches. “Dean!”

I actually giggled out loud at this! I love when they behave like brothers normally do! Haha...!

“A minute? Dude, you’ve been asleep all day,” Dean replied incredulously. “I stopped and ya didn’t even move. Twice.”

Awww... sick Sammy was totally out of it?! That's hot. :wub2:

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“hehTSHH! Ugh…fuck…”

Yes!! Sneezing and swearing is such a great combination! Did you know I'm into that or is it just your incredible mojo again? Haha... You're so amazing! :hug:

Raphael’s winged son-of-a-bitches

I laughed at this, too. Out loud.

“He whhhh-wou-hehhUTSCHEWW!” He clamped his hands desperately to his face, as if in an attempt to hide from Dean. It had snuck up much too swiftly for him to even have tried to prevent it.

I... have no words. I... omc, this is too much. Already, you're killing me, sweetie. This is... so beautifully written and so damn ('scuse the language) attractive! :inlove:

“Wh-When d-hhiiih-did-hhh-y-”

“Dude. Sneeze first. Talk la-“


Awww...!! I LOVE what Dean is trying to say in the first place and the fact that Sam's sneeze interrupts him is just...!! Awesome!

And that fever you’re starting.

Did you say fe... fe... fever?! *is almost too overwhelmed to continue* *by now has started drooling a little bit because this stuff is seriously hot*

Okay, let me try to get it together for a coherent response. Were you ever worried I wouldn't like this? Because I never doubted that I'd love it and yet, it's EVEN BETTER THAN EXPECTED!! :heart:

It's perfect. I'm not using this word in the casual, everyday way with its deflated sense, but in the actual sense of it couldn't be better. MaiMai, you just get it 100% right every single time, which is why you are so my favorite writer on here (and there are many great ones!).

Things that I loved about this story: a) the language. MaiMai, I may have told you this before, but I'll say it again. You're a great writer. Your phrasing is unique and your sentences are beautifully crafted. I admire that, I really do.

B) the characters. The way you write Sam and Dean (and Cas, too) is so vivid. I mean, I can just hear their voices! The characterizations are spot on and that makes the story so much more fun! Great job!

c) the sneezing, obviously. You never overdo it, it's just the right amount. And the spellings are so unlike others I have seen and sooo... hot. I really, really like how you do that.

d) the way you describe illness in general. I mean, I've (like most of us) read so many sneeze fics already, but you seem to always give it an edge somehow and make it enjoyable in a new and exciting way.

Conclusion: I love you soooo so incredibly much for doing this! I was feeling kind of "meh" all day and now I'm super happy and ridiculously excited for the next part! If you'll excuse me, I'll go right back to reading the first part a few more times, alright?

I love you, girl! You've made me so happy already! :heart: :heart: :heart:

PS: I hope I didn't quote too much from your text. (Like, every other sentence.) I just... I don't know. Needed to express my appreciation, I suppose! :P

PPS: Hahaha... I actually had to split my response in two parts, because it told me that it included more quotes than allowed! lol

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I am hoping for continuing parts, yes? The way you wrote this is just incredible! :D

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Can I second everything that Sophie said?? I really really agree. This was so good... loved your spellings especially. So glad to see some more from you!!

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So perfect, so PERF!!! I wouldnt mind if you made a sequel...or seven...or maybe if you rewrite the entire supernatural show...yesyesyed!!!!

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Oh I love this. Especially the idea of Dean taking Sam's temperature without him being aware.

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Oh gosh, these are just the loveliest comments ever. I don't even know what to say to most of them! Thank you!

And I'm overjoyed that you liked the first part Sophie! hug.gif So here's the second! I don't really write fight scenes or anything much, so...I'm sorry if it's kinda off. But I hope you enjoy! (And also there isn't much sneezing in this part, but that will change in the next ;P)

Part Two

The next night, Dean looked his brother over critically.

The day had been spent planning, only interrupted by the frequent rests he had inflicted on Sam. No matter how much he insisted he could handle it, however, the idea of taking a sick Sam along for the search just didn’t sit well with Dean.

“Are you sure you want to come? I can handle this myself…” He said for the thousandth time, as his attempt to check Sam for fever was evaded yet again.

“Doh, Deadn. You said yourself: you cad’t handle this od your ownd.”

And how he was regretting having said that now.

“Still, Sam; I don’t think this is a good idea.”

When he didn’t answer, Dean looked up to find Sam gearing up for what was plainly another sneeze.

“hheeehh-ehh-hehCHSHH! IihhTSHYEW! Ugh…Dambit…”

Bless you.”

Dean tried to take advantage of Sam’s momentary distraction and rest a hand against his forehead, but was determinedly shaken off once again.

“Odce we’ve found the weapond, I’ll let you tagke care of bme all you wadt. Okay?”

“I guess…”

“Good. Let’s go.”

Purposefully Sam strode towards the door, leaving Dean with no option except to follow. But he took note of his unsteady, wavering steps.

All he could do was hope that the mission would go at least relatively smoothly.

But then again, when did anything ever go smoothly in their lives?

They were ambushed practically the second they crossed the threshold of the church. At least they had been expecting it.

Sam was fighting tooth and nail over the altar, whilst Dean was trying to break through the rank of angels. The casket was just out of reach; if he could just get close enough, then he could grab the weapon and zap the bastards straight back to Heaven…

“You are out of your depth, Dean.”

“Oh yeah?” He snarled, and plunged his blade deep into the angel’s ribs. There was a blinding flash of light as he turned to face the others.

“Which one of you son-of-a-bitches wants to be next?”

Sam suspected that his brother was intentionally keeping the worst of the battle away from him. It should have pissed him off, really, but his vision was growing steadily more clouded and blood flowed continually from his injured left hand.

Perhaps this hadn’t been such a…good idea…after…all…

The smack as he hit the ground was inaudible beneath the battle, but Dean saw him fall.


His view was obscured by encroaching angels, and yet all he could think was-


A pulse of light enveloped everything in Dean’s vision. When it faded, there was nothing.

Nothing but him and Sam – Sam slumped against the stone wall…


“Hey, Sam? Sam? Sammy, can you hear me?” His skin felt worryingly hot beneath Dean’s hands, and he was curled awkwardly against the wall. That was the first time Dean caught sight of the sigil on the wall. He shook his head.



“You’re awake? You alright?!”

“Ge’ the stupid weapod…Before they combe back…” Sam groaned and coughed hard.

“Okay, I’m gettin’ it.” He stood and opened the casket that was set on the altar. The wood felt worn in his hands, and frankly, it was a little unimpressive for a weapon of Heaven.

“I got it. C’mon; we need to get you outta here.”

Sam let himself be hauled to his feet without a word, shivering as he leant heavily against Dean.

“Woah. That’s some fever you’re runnin’ there. Think you can walk?”

A sway and a nod. That was a relief; Dean knew he couldn’t carry Sam even on a good day.

“If you’re sure…”

Only then they were surrounded by doubly pissed off angels.

In the moment of panic, Dean didn’t even stop to think about it. Sam was close to passing out against him, and there was little chance he would be able to fight his way out single-handedly.

‘Cas, I know you’re busy with the war in Heaven and whatever the hell else, but I really need you right now.’

‘Cas. Can you hear me?’



Edited by MaiMai
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Yes!! Part 2! This was so unexpected and totally made my day! Awesome! *whispers to MaiMai* "I was actually going to ask you when you were going to post the next part, but I didn't want to seem so pushy..."

Alright. So I hope you don't mind me quoting, like, every other sentence and commenting. This is just my way of giving a more detailed feedback and showing my gratitude, because I always really appreciate when people quote specific parts from my stories. I hope you like it, too, MaiMai! :hug:

only interrupted by the frequent rests he had inflicted on Sam.

Hehe... I like your choice of words here. I can totally imagine Dean forcing Sam to lie down and rest. Repeatedly. ^^

as his attempt to check Sam for fever was evaded yet again.

Oh, I really like the idea of Sam, like, ducking and trying to wiggle away when Dean attempts to feel his forehead! :wub:

“Doh, Deadn. You said yourself: you cad’t handle this od your ownd.”

Stuffy nose talk...! :inlove:

“hheeehh-ehh-hehCHSHH! IihhTSHYEW! Ugh…Dambit…”

AGAIN WITH THE SNEEZING AND SWEARING!! :D:heart: What can I say, you have me all figured out and know exactly what I like, don't you? ;) Also... your spellings! They're so unique and so desperate and adorable! <3

“Bless you.”

I like how Dean emphasizes the first word. So sweet!

Dean tried to take advantage of Sam’s momentary distraction and rest a hand against his forehead, but was determinedly shaken off once again.

This. Is. Amazing! <3

But then again, when did anything ever go smoothly in their lives?

This made me laugh. :laugh2: So true!

Sam let himself be hauled to his feet without a word, shivering as he leant heavily against Dean.

D'awww... poor Sammy! He's so sick and weak already! Btw, I love how you just casually include these fever symptoms!

Alright, so the fight scene was a bit confusing... but that added to the suspense! It was still written very well, too! And I love the fact that Sam got injured! (I also really liked how he broke his wrist on the show once. Wait, does that make me sound evil?)

Sure, there was less sneezing in this part, but the fever symptoms and general weakness and helplessness in a fight totally made up for that! :wub: Oh, and did I ever mention that I love it when the Winchesters pray to Cas? That was in there, too! Yay!

Oh God, but this ended on a cliff hanger...! How am I going to...? How to you expect me to wait? Haha.

So, all in all, this chapter was just as AMAZING as the first one! Different, but wonderful in so many ways! MaiMai, just remember that everything you write turns out great, okay? Because it does. Really.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS! I'm really, really thankful you're doing this for me! This story has been really brilliant so far and I can barely wait for the next part! (Oh Gosh... Cas is going to be in the next part, isn't he? Ahh, how can something so good keep getting better? This is perfect. So perfect!)

:heart: Sophie

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Hehe, I'm glad you're enjoying it so much Sophie!! (And I have to admit that I totally have a thing for sneezing and swearing too tonguesmiley.gif ) And the other people who are reading too of course!

So anyway, this is the third part, and I really hope it's alright! hug.gif

Part Three

Everything was spinning around him in darkness. It was hot, far, far too hot; then all at once he was shivering.

One voice echoed over and over again. At first it made his head ache and Sam tried to block it out. Gradually, though, he began to dimly recognise it.

Slowly, hesitantly, he tried to open his eyes.

“Sammy?” Dean leant a little closer to his brother, brushing back his damp hair from his face.

“You awake?”

No reply.

“Sam? Sammy, answer me.”


Dean jumped back, hissing a little in disgust.

Really? I just dragged your half-conscious ass out of a church full of murderous angels and you sneeze on me?

Despite the gripe he reached for a tissue and wiped gently at Sam’s nose.

“I-I’bm s’rry…”

“It’s alright. Not your fault. How you feelin’?”

Sam groaned quietly.

“Ligke shit…”

“I ain’t surprised. I shouldn’t have let you come.” Dean replied, resuming his work of bandaging Sam’s hand.

“Wha…What happened?”

“That doesn’t matter. We got out alive. All that matters now is that you get better…”

Sam just nodded silently, then jerked in Dean’s grasp as he let loose a harsh triple.


“Jesus, Sammy, bless ya. This really was a bad idea…”


Dean sighed and smiled forcedly.

“Yeah, it was. I almost got both of us killed.”

“But we got the weapond…”

He tightened the bandage and chuckled slightly.

“We did. But it woulda been pretty useless if we’d both died tryin’ to get the damn thing.”

Sam’s hand became loose and heavy in Dean’s grip as his eyes fell closed once again.

“You’re out again, then…” Dean muttered softly, laying Sam’s injured arm gently down. “Sleep tight, Sammy…”

For a long time he sat watching over Sam, occasionally checking to see if his fever had risen. Eventually he drifted off in peace.

Dean’s actual dreams, however, weren’t so peaceful. In fact, they were more like downright disturbing. Perhaps it was just the stress of the previous night catching up of him, or perhaps it was general paranoia. He kept seeing Sam fall in the church over and over again – except this time, the sigil didn’t work.



He jerked awake in a state of panic at the strange voice, only realising after gripping his knife that it was his brother’s, distorted by cold.

“Sam, what the-“

“Cas, Deadn!”

Only then did he register the crumpled shape on the floor. In the weak early morning sunlight the blood was painfully visible.


He rushed to Castiel’s slumped form. The lapels of his trench coat were sticky and clinging, concealing God knows what kind of injuries from view.

“Shit.” He repeated.

“Wha-What happeded to himb?”

Dean turned in time to find Sam trying to get out of bed with difficulty, and had to sprint back over to prevent him from toppling straight to the floor.

“Stay in bed. I got this.” He bit his lip when Sam didn’t even protest; but he had more pressing things to deal with right now.

Like why Castiel was suddenly sprawled on the floor covered in blood.

Edited by MaiMai
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Cas....? What...what happened?

NOOOOOO! I must know what has happened! First it was poor Sam, now it's poor Cas? :cry:

Why must you do this to my feels!?

Great update btw :D

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*squeals* PART 3!! Oh... guess who's excited?! *points at self*

Okay, lemme read, lemmeread...! :D

It was hot, far, far too hot; then all at once he was shivering.

That's the fever. C'mere, Sammy. :consoling:

damp hair

Lovely details here, once again! :wub:

Dean jumped back, hissing a little in disgust.

Dean got sneezed on! Awesome! :laugh2:

“Really? I just dragged your half-conscious ass out of a church full of murderous angels and you sneeze on me?”


(I just sneezed, right now. Sammy got me, too! Haha... weird!)


So. Hot. :inlove:

“Jesus, Sammy, bless ya. This really was a bad idea…”


Haha... Sammy's being all childish now! That's adorable!<3

He jerked awake in a state of panic at the strange voice, only realising after gripping his knife that it was his brother’s, distorted by cold.

Soo... he didn't recognize Sam's voice, because it's so stuffy and husky and...? Omg. Awesome sexy! (You always come up with great stuff like this that I never even thought of and then I read it and I'm like: Wow. That's great. [A voice] 'distorted by cold' is a phrase that is going to stay in my head, I promise.)

“Cas, Deadn!”


Dean turned in time to find Sam trying to get out of bed with difficulty, and had to sprint back over to prevent him from toppling straight to the floor.

Uhhh... this is so good! Exactly what I had in mind! Dean struggling to take care of two people at once? I'm loving it! Smiling at the screen dementedly right now! ^^

Okay, what can I say? I LOVE IT!! Dean's caretaking was amazing! He was especially gentle and sweet in this part, I felt! And a hurt Cas makes my heart race, I swear! In combination with a sick, sneezy Sammy... heaven. :inlove: I'm sooo happy right now!

Aww... MaiMai! :hug: Another great part, really feel-inducing, beautifully written and perfect in every way! What can I say? Ily, girl. :heart:

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Awww, Sophie! happy%20crying.GIF You give me the sweetest feedback ever!!! I'm so insanely happy that you like it!

This is the last part I think, so I hope it's okay! hug.gif

Part Four

“What the hell are you doin’ up?”

Sam jumped and swivelled quickly to find Dean stood behind him, arms folded in a manner that was distinctly unimpressed.

“I, uh…I was just making sure that Cas is okay. Thought you were asleebp.” His voice sounded pathetically thin and scratchy to his own ears; it would no doubt sound just as bad to Dean.

“You’re not even supposed to be outta bed.”

“Deadn, Cas is really badly idjured. Sobeode dneeds to wa-watch over hi-hiihh-“

Dean rolled his eyes and grabbed a couple of tissues to pass to his brother.

“Yeah, but that someone doesn’t have to be you, Sammy.”

Hurriedly Sam struggled to protest, but was cut short abruptly. “HUHTSSH! HhehhSHIEWW!

“Bless ya. Sam, just get back to bed.”

“Deadn, I’m ogkay. Castiel is worse: you should be worryig about himb idstead.”

A hand made it’s way to Sam’s forehead before he could evade it. He flinched involuntarily at the cool touch.

“Just ‘cause you can stay upright again don’t mean you’re okay. And you’re still burnin’ up. Back to bed.”

Sam couldn’t quite bring himself to disobey Dean’s big-brother tone and got up with reluctance.

“But probise you’ll wake bme if adythig happeds?”

Castiel had been out for a few days, and Dean was doubtful that he would wake anytime soon, but he didn’t say so.

“Yeah, yeah, I will.” He wasn’t entirely sincere in his assurance, but if it would get Sam to rest then an empty promise was better than none.

Anyway, Dean wasn’t sure what he was going to do when Castiel woke. He was still resentful of his refusal to come to their aid in the church; he had left both of them to die there.

Castiel stirred a little, whimpering very slightly as his stitches pulled.

A sigh escaped Dean’s lips. Perhaps this wasn’t the best time to confront that particular issue.

Hours passed – or so it seemed to Dean. Alone in the dark and without any way of telling the time it could have been anything between five minutes and several hours. The only clock was on the nightstand next to Sam’s bed, and he didn’t want to risk waking him.

Eventually he allowed his eyes to drift closed, letting the near-silence become his blissful soundtrack.

The only sparse noises were an occasional car whirring past over damp tarmac, the gentle patter of the rain, shuffling, light footsteps-


No reply, but the shuffling stopped.

“Sam, I know you’re there. I can here you. What are you doin’ up again?”

“I was odly goig to get sombe water.” Came the small, miserable response.

Dean opened his eyes and was faced with an equally miserable looking little brother.

“Shoulda called me to get it for you.” He berated Sam gently, rising to his feet.

“I thought you were asleebp,” Sam muttered, twitching his nose slightly. “Aaahh-and-“

“And you’re gonna sneeze again,” Dean passed a few tissues with the hand that wasn’t occupied with filling a glass. “Bless ya in advance.”

Sam appeared a little taken aback by the interruption, though he accepted the tissues quietly. Judging by his suddenly quivering shoulders, Dean’s prediction had been correct. “hhaah-hahISHEWW! Hhh-hihh! hiihhhKSSHH!” He blew his nose and continued determinedly. “And I didd’t wadnt to bother you.”

“”You’re my little brother, Sammy. Bothering me is practically in the job description,” Dean ignored Sam’s affronted expression and passed him a glass. “Here’s your water. Now get back in bed before I lead you there at gunpoint. And stay there this time.”

“I’b goig, I’b goig.” Sam muttered, snuffling somewhat sulkily and shuffling reluctantly back to bed. He pulled the blankets over his head as he climbed back in so that all that was visible was a Sam-sized lump in the bedding.

This time he was so quiet and so still for so long that Dean was fooled into thinking that Sam had fallen asleep. Until-

“HEHchsshh! ihhTSSHHH! hepKSHEW!”

It sounded for all accounts as though he had tried to fend off or restrain them. Dean sighed and shook his head.


Predictably, no reply.

“Sam, we both know it’s biologically impossible to sneeze in your sleep, so just answer me, dammit.”

There was a soft rustle that announced the emerging of Sam from beneath the blankets.

“Sidce whed did you do ady research, Deadn?”

“I don’t. You told me, y’ nerd. Now please, Sammy, just get some sleep?” Dean practically pleaded.

This was the most frustrating part of Castiel having turned up injured out of the blue. Sam was never keen on allowing Dean to take care of him ordinarily; now he just had a reason to try and stop him.

“But Cas-“

“-Will be fine. Just sleep.”

After that it didn’t take long for the quiet, snuffly snores to start, and Dean knew that however much Sam had seemed to be trying to claim he was okay, he was just as exhausted as he looked.

Dean leant down to adjust the bandages across Castiel’s chest and abruptly found himself with a weak grip on his arm.

“Jesus, Cas! Don’t do that!”

But Castiel had already starting speaking over him.

“Where is Raphael?”

“I don’t-“

“Dean. I have to get back to Heaven-“

Castiel made an aborted attempt to stand and Dean was forced to steady him as he swayed.

“Hey, Cas. Take it easy. No standing.” He eased him back down onto the bed carefully.

Castiel squinted up at him dazedly, not seeming to understand where exactly he was.

“Vessel…something…wrong?” He murmured questioningly, and Dean nodded.

“You’re injured, Cas. What happened?”

He glanced at the opposite bed briefly, thankfully finding Sam still sleeping.

“We launched an attack on Raphael. I did not go well. My vessel was injured badly. I woke here. I tried to stand and you-“

“Yeah, I was here for that bit,” Dean interrupted him quickly. “I guess that was why you didn’t come when I prayed to you.” He added. It sounded more bitter than he had intended.

Castiel nodded slowly and closed his eyes briefly.

“Yes. I could not.”

“Well, we got your stupid weapon. Even though we both almost died to get it.”

“Dean. I am sorry.”

“Forget it, Cas. Sam-“ He paused and shook his head. “Forget it. I shouldn’t have let him come.”

Castiel’s neutral expression was tinged with confusion but Dean didn’t elaborate.

“Okay, I’m gonna take a look at your injuries again. Alright?” Castiel nodded silently but hissed when Dean touched the gash across chest.

“Fuck, they really went for you.” He observed quietly, frowning.

A soft whimpering caught his attention and Dean glanced at Sam’s bed. “I’ll be right back, okay, Cas?” Castiel nodded and closed his eyes with a wince.

“Hey, Sammy? Sammy?”

His brother didn’t wake, but seemed to settle when Dean put an arm around him. He smiled slightly and let him sleep on, keeping watch to see that he remained peaceful.


Sam woke a few hours later feeling stuffy and hot. He had a vague memory of Dean speaking to him, but he couldn’t quite remember why.

The first thing he became aware of were the startlingly blue eyes that were trained on him.

“Cas…You’re awagke?” Castiel just nodded, looking drawn and tired.

The second thing he became aware of was the incessant tickling of a threatening sneeze.

Sam glanced at Castiel. He wasn’t exactly comfortable with the intense gaze that was focused on him – who would be? – particularly in the current situation. It didn’t seem as though he had much of a choice, though, so he just ducked his head to avoid the angel’s eyes.

“hhhehh-hhehIISHHH! IHHYSHHEW!

“God bless you, Sam.”

“Uh, thadks.” He replied, flushing and sniffling quietly.

“Dean appears to be sleeping.” Castiel observed, drawing Sam’s attention to his brother. He was knelt awkwardly by the bed, head pillowed on the edge of the mattress.

“Should we wake him?”

Sam shook his head and pulled one of the extra blankets from the foot of his bed.

“Dno. Let himb sleep.” He replied softly, wrapping the blanket carefully around Dean’s shoulders and smiling.

Edited by MaiMai
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Oh, look at that, the final part is online! Yay! :D

You give me the sweetest feedback ever!!!

Let me just emphasize again that you, MaiMai, write the BEST STORIES EVER, so you really, really deserve that feedback! :hug:

“Deadn, Cas is really badly idjured. Sobeode dneeds to wa-watch over hi-hiihh-“

Awww... I love how his breath hitches! That's sooo adorable! :wub:

A hand made it’s way to Sam’s forehead before he could evade it. He flinched involuntarily at the cool touch.

Okay, this forehead feel action is so insanely hot (no pun intended lol). I LOVE IT!! <3 And again, it's not just what you write, but also how you write it! Beautiful choice of words once again! (:

“Just ‘cause you can stay upright again don’t mean you’re okay. And you’re still burnin’ up. Back to bed.”

I don't even know why exactly, but I just adore that quote! I mean, that's *so* Dean! And I have a thing for the phrase "burning up"... :blush: Again, how did you know? ^^

Castiel stirred a little, whimpering very slightly as his stitches pulled.

Awww... the poor baby!! (I like it, though... 4.gif)

shuffling, light footsteps-


No reply, but the shuffling stopped.

I loved this! Dean's like: You can't fool me. I hear everything. Thought I was asleep? Think again.

And Sam's just like: Well, crap. :laugh2:

“I thought you were asleebp,” Sam muttered, twitching his nose slightly. “Aaahh-and-“

“And you’re gonna sneeze again,” Dean passed a few tissues with the hand that wasn’t occupied with filling a glass. “Bless ya in advance.”

Awww...!! THAT WAS AMAZING! This part, omg!! <3<3 The nose twitching and Dean being able to predict Sam's sneezes and blessing him in advance...!!! shocking.gif:heart:

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Now get back in bed before I lead you there at gunpoint.

Total Dean thing to say, again! Wonderful! :laugh2:

“Sam, we both know it’s biologically impossible to sneeze in your sleep, so just answer me, dammit.”

This made me giggle! Science... that's something Sammy can't argue with, right? 2:0 for Dean! ;)

You told me, y’ nerd.

This is great! :laugh2: (Aww... imagining Sam telling Dean random sneeze facts is actually... really hot!!)

Dean leant down to adjust the bandages across Castiel’s chest and abruptly found himself with a weak grip on his arm.

“Jesus, Cas! Don’t do that!”

Oh yes. Such as Cas thing to do. Gotta love Castiel! :inlove:

“Where is Raphael?”

Cas all matter-of-fact and tense. Very Season 5! I love it! Also, I can just hear this in Misha's deep, sexy voice and... okay, I need to stop here. *whispers to self: Calm down, Sophie, just calm down...*

“Vessel…something…wrong?” He murmured questioningly

D'awww...!! CAS, COME HERE, MY POOR BABY!! <3<3 :wub2: Oh God, sorry. The incoherent talk really got to me.

His brother didn’t wake, but seemed to settle when Dean put an arm around him.

Awwee.... cuteness overload! :')

“hhhehh-hhehIISHHH! IHHYSHHEW!”

“God bless you, Sam.”

Oh Jeezus, Sam's sneezes and Cas talking in his deep voice (Miiiishaaa...!!<3). Hot. So hot.

“Dno. Let himb sleep.” He replied softly, wrapping the blanket carefully around Dean’s shoulders and smiling.

Cute ending. It shows how exhausting it was for Dean to take care of Sam and Cas at once, but that he still did it, because, you know, he's Dean and he loves those two... I'm almost tearing up right now haha! ^^

Okay, MaiMai. We've reached the end of this AMAZING story and I really don't know what to say! You did a MARVELOUS job and I loved every single bit of this fic! I'm, like, so hyper and exited and all tingly with happiness right now haha...! :D

I still can't believe you did this for me! Please know that I'm really, really grateful and happy and generally overjoyed with this story that I can read again and again in the future!

You. Are. Amazing. I just love the way you write and nothing can change that. You're my all time favorite, MaiMai! I wish I could write like you, but hopefully I'll at least be able to learn from you a bit! You're really awesome, never forget that! :hug:

THANK YOU SOOO SO MUCH!!<3 I know that I wrote a fic for you in the past and so we could be considered even, but after this truly beautiful fic, I still feel like I owe you!^^ Well, maybe we can work something out in the future.

You're the best for doing this for me, it turned out perfect and... I love you. :heart:

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  • 2 weeks later...

This was awesome! Love the time period you set it in, and the plot was interesting. I really appreciate when there is a case going on along side the fetishy stuff. And love the Sick Sam and injured Cas combo- double the goodness! And Dean worrying and taking care of both of them-to the point of being exhausted. Seriously great fic! Loved it!!!

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