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Fire lord Ozai story (AtLA obviously, NOT MINE)


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I requested (at least I think it was a request, might have been a trade or something, too) this story from him a bit over two years ago before he left for his church mission. He left for the mission before he got to write this and sent it to me on dA a few days ago asking if I could post it here for him because he's lost his password.


“Sir! The upcoming events are all lined up and ready to be taken. All what we need is…”

“That is enough soldier. Don’t tell me what you need. I already know.” With a scowl on his face, the man on the throne turned and walked away from the cowering soldier. Ozai, ruler of the fire nation and soon to be ruler of the whole world as Phoenix King, did not want to be disturbed during these critical weeks. He admired this grunt’s bravery to dare even approach him in this manor. Perhaps a promotion would be necessary.

“All of these fools will learn that power comes only to those who rightfully gain it. I will be that person. No one will approach me with that kind of ignorance or demanding tones. Perfection will be achieved.”

Somehow the king of the fire nation was not noticing small changes towards the climate. Summer was approaching, but small cold fronts were popping up all over islands and even this land. When sudden changes of climate happen like this, weaklings get affected…


Fire Lord Ozai grimanced, looking evilly at the poor soul who caught what the wind current carried. Another firebender, within his own palace walls, even thought to sneeze without any restraint? This soldier needed demoted. Ozai’s tracking skills with troublemakers was remarkable. He knew almost instinctively whenever anything was wrong and where it was happening. His eyes narrowed as he thought of how worthless his soldiers were becoming if they couldn’t even handle a simple wind change.

The man with the “problem” stood out like a sore thumb…actually, to put it bluntly, a sore nose. Even the other soldiers right next to him glared at him with daggers for looks. When they noticed Ozai, all of them straightened up and saluted. The sneezy soldier did too, even though a sniff and a congested sound made things even more obvious he was ill.

Ozai walked right up to the sick soldier’s face. He feared no man, and his immune system didn’t either. He had been through too much to even describe. He was Fire Lord Ozai! Fear and discipline had to be used here, and even for sick men he had to show no mercy.

“So. Sick on the duty?” Words slicking with deep dark sarcasm and pointed humiliation. The sick soldier’s neck started to sweat and his face showed droplets too. Fear was evidenced all over the man’s body. Ozai smirked to himself. Fear is always the answer to getting people to do what you wanted to do. However, the man wasn’t afraid of his master. He was fearing something else. A sudden itch intensified tenfold and sick men like himself was hopelessly trapped. He couldn’t turn his head away, that would be a sign of disrespect. He could NOT sneeze now, otherwise he knew Fire Lord Ozai could kill him! However, his nose did not see his common sense. All it was worried about was the sickness tease growing to bursting proportions. Ozai was trying to say something to him, but the man was so focused on not sneezing he refused to answer.

The thick nostrils of Ozai’s nose flared and his eyes grew dark and dangerous. “You can’t even tell me your name? What kind of soldier are you?” With those words the soldier realized his awful mistake, but the worst mistake was he opened his mouth to reply right then and there when Ozai’s only thoughts were to make this man suffer. Both of them were unprepared as a terrifyingly loud and messy sneeze burst out of this man.


All eyes were huge, all except the Fire Lord’s, who turned away to wipe his now sticky face. All he said as he walked away was something about the soldier regretting ever having been born. The soldier looked at his two comrades, blew his thin, red, sore nose into a hankerchief, and cried. All he could think of was how awful his fate had just become.

Later that night, Ozai and his war council gathered together. They discussed the usual way, only this time the chief mechanic was there. This mechanic was the genius for creating the weapons of destruction that would seal the fire nation’s victory over the pathetic earth kingdom. This man, only 30 years of age, was describing what exactly the generals and the fire lord himself would be doing. Ozai listened with pure fascination and joy. This was the plan coming alive. It was perfect. Not even the Avatar could take down these mighty fortresses of the sky!

“Thank you so very much for your presentation Mr. Reluxo, but step aside now. It is the Fire Lord’s turn to speak.” One of the generals was getting impatient as he said these words, and a verbal quarrel commenced between him and Reluxo. Ozai massaged his forehead. Perfection couldn’t be had all the time. This stupid argument only succeeded in giving him a headache, not solving any problems.

“Enough.” That one word struck silence and return of the two men to their seats. The candles of the fire lord’s table grew larger and larger until they reached the tall ceiling. “This meeting is for my victory. After 3 weeks, Sozin’s comet will arrive and we will burn every last rebellion to the ground. I don’t need further delays. Reluxo! Are your machines ready for take off now?”

“Yes sir. Everything is operational.”

“Good. Then I will take the head of the fleet and personally test out how well your demonstration really is.”

With a sly chuckle, Mr. Reluxo grinned and slunk his way over to the front of the table closest to Ozai. “I’d be honored. Allow me to drive and steer you into…the test run.”

After gathering all the generals together, Reluxo led Ozai and the rest of the generals who would be shooting flames down to the earth during the comet to come with him. After walking 3 miles through not only the palace but places within the capital city of the Fire Nation, they arrived to where the biggest, most deadly airships of this time period were kept hidden. Ozai smiled and looked at his personal ship. He couldn’t wait to get aboard.

Reluxo went in the ship first, turned everything on, and allowed the fire lord and all the generals to board the ship. The ship took off, leaving everyone on the ground and off the ground, even the fire lord himself, shocked at how massive and how simple this massive machine glided through the air. Citizens of the city cowered and ran inside their homes, not trusting the menacing ship. Ozai laughed and went into his position outside. Winds were much stronger up there at the high altitude than on ground level, but he didn’t care. He had to feel and get used to this kind of raw power.

Every night for 5 days this procedure happened. Each time the Fire Lord grew more and more confident that nothing could stand against this power he now possessed. Reluxo was smart. Too smart. Ozai plotted in his mind how to dispose of him after the comet would pass. This way only he would ever be able to use this building prodigy.

On the last test run the fire lord shot 15 strikes of lightning down a mountainside and destroyed the whole face of that side. The generals applauded loud enough so even though the noise of the fierce wind Ozai could hear it. Azula was on board as well, smirking and realizing her father was within victory. However, Azula noticed something on her father that no one else did. Her eyes narrowed and squinted, just to make sure her eyes weren’t lying to her. A tiny noise confirmed what she saw, but no one else noticed it. Ozai sniffled. A very small one, but one nonetheless.

That night was one of the worst night sleeps of the Fire Lord’s life. How could this have happened? He was Ozai! Soon to be ruler of all the world! How could…”Huuh…hnn..ah-haa…” No sneeze had come yet. For the past 4 hours Ozai’s will to not accept the fact he was sick led him to a war within himself. However, more and more congestion was building up inside, and he could feel him losing the war. “Imbossiblle. Di am Ozai. Dking of a…all thaa…ah…that is worth someTHSC’k!! H’NCHo! HAASSSHO!” His nose finally overtook his body’s resistance and with that outburst came all the held-in build up. Ozai grimmanced as his beard had a few drips of mucus falling on his bedframe.

With this victory, his nose would not just let this small victory be the end of Ozai’s misery. All night long, sneeze after sneeze this powerhouse firebender gave into. It had been years since he was ill, and if anyone saw him like this, he would be ruined!

Little did he know Azula was awake and well aware of her father’s suffering. She had to admit, this was awful timing. Tomorrow was the big announcement to the capital people. If Ozai is this bad, and with little to no sleep…her father wouldn’t be able to hide this…with the huge sniff that revealed major congestion, Azula shuddered. There was ABSOLUTELY no way he’d be able to hide this…

Edited by Sitruuna
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I really enjoyed reading this! I never even thought about reading an Ozai fic, so it was really interesting to see. I felt so sorry for that poor soldier who ended up getting him sick...likely, he's going to be executed, poor man. I really liked how wounded Ozai's pride was because he got sick. It seems totally ridiculous, but it makes sense, and of course it would be embarrassing having to give a speech while sick after he made such a scene about the soldier. The description of his illness was really vivid, too. Great job over all to MysterySneeze. :D

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