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my brother needs to stop feeding alchoosm. i've had one bowl of cereal. anyone who brings me pizza with full english gets a wish.


Everyone remembered Erik's alst cold and, as such, decided going hopme was a better option. It was only two days early anywho.

And because everyone remembered exactly what Erik was like when he had a head-cold, it was decreed that for the journey home in the very metal minibus, Erik should be unconscious to avoid any damage and/or fatal accidents.

"It'll just be for a few hours," Charles told him gently, pressing his fingers to his temple, "I'll wake you up once we get home."

"You'll be alright?" Erik mumbled, throat scratching like a cat at a door,

"I'll be fiiiiiiiine."

Pretty soon, the minibus was filled with the contented, congested snores of Erik, while Charles sniffled beside him.

"Is there ever going to be a time when the pair of you are healthy together?" Raven scoffed,

"Not with this thing acting up," Charles tapped his nose, realising it was a mistake, his breathe hitched.

"HIIIIIH-TCHEW!" Charles geared up for another but it wasn't coming, "Christ..."

Raven laughed, "Every year. We always said you'd need soemone with a lot of patience to handle your sinuses."

Charles tried not to think of Erik's soewhat unique kink, but it made him smile, "We never thought we'd actually find someone."

"Yeah," she smiled, "Erik is grumpy, but I don't think you'd find anyone who loved you more."

"HEH-tchoo! Yeah..." the telepath smiled, "Nor do I."

Raven studied her brother and his boyfriend, no wonder he;d rejected her that night, she thought. His heart always belonged to Charles. From the very beginning, he lusted after him, then that lust grew into love.

"Wish you guys could et married." she pouted.

"Believe be...hah...if we coudl we...w-aaaah...we would...heeeh..." Charles stammered, "deeds to be...le...le-eeeehhh...legal for two ben to be id a rel....relaaaiiii...relatonship id the first place first...."

"Just let it out, Charles."

"AAAHH-schoo! CHOO! Heh...heh...aaahh-TCHEW!"

"Every year." his sister smiled.

"And every year after that."

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It was beginning to lean into the evening when the gang of previously rowdy, now sleepy, young mutants arrived back in Westchester.

Charles considered himself relatively physically fit, but he was worn out and Erik was a fair bit taller than he was but instead of telepathically awakening the man, Charles managed to get Alex to help him get the knocked-out metal-bender up to his room.

"Thank you, Alex." Charles nodded to the younger man as he eased Erik's shoes off and smoothed over his hair before pressing his hand to his temple.

<Darling,> he murmured, <we're home.>

His partner snuffled thickly and stirred, sleepily opening his eyes, "Charles?" He mumbled, stifling a yawn.

"Yes, good morning." Charles laughed softly, "I see you slept well."

"Deeper thad I've slept sidnce I was a baby." Erik replied, voice cracking, "those telepathic cobas of yours are effective."

Erik's tired features were stolen over by one of urgency and one that Charles knew well, as he grabbed a tissue from the nightstand and passed it to the other man, who promptly wrenched forward into a violently messy sneeze.

The bed, with its metal frame, leapt about four feet in the air, which had Charles clinging onto his boyfriend for dear life and just about having a heart attack from fright.

"Good God!"

Rooms away, Raven heard the crash of metal on the floor. Oh well, she thought, brushing her hair, Charles can deal with that.

"Hrrrr-ATCHOOOO!" Erik blew his nose roughly, it was a good thing Charles had passed him that tissue in time. If anything was to be learned from Erik's sneezes, it was that he should absolutely never go without a tissue or a handkerchief on him.

Even without being sick.

"I'm sorry, my love," Charles nuzzled into his boyfriend, forlornly, as he sneezed another five times, labouring through three more tissues and bending or crushing anything remotely metallic in the room.

"Sorry for what?" Erik croaked, blowing his nose again.

"I shouldn't have gotten into the water, it was cold, I should have been more considerate, and now you're... well, I know you hate it."

"Liebling..." Erik muttered, sniffling, "that's not your fault. This - " he gestured to his face, "- is not your fault. And I think you'll agree, after that? It was well it."

Allowing Erik room to sneeze so hard he crushed the window handles, Charles snuggled in contentedly next to his boyfriend, allowing the sister snores to lull him nice and calm.

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"Oh, Charles..."

Erik was, for once, lying back in bed after Charles had sent him off to sleep at his request when the pounding in his head and sinuses just wouldn't go away.

But now he was awake to see his boyfriend perched on the end of the bed, rubbing him pinkened nose with a fist, looking slyly up from his book.

"You're awake..." Charles grinned,

"You're allergic."

"So it would seem."


"And you, my love," Charles reached over and popped a thermometre in Erik's mouth, "are still ill."

"Vis jrst a sberl smr..." Erik mumbled, mouth full of thermometre,

"No, no..." Charles shushed him, "no talking until it's done."

You dear mother hen, Charles. Erik projected at him, Fuss fuss fuss over a little cold. I said I'd be fine once the headache was gone.

And has it?

Oh yes.

"Hhhhmmmm..." Charles inspected the little numbers, "A bit of a fever, but not too high. Oh, my darling..." he fretted putting a hand on Erik's cheek.

"Oh, is this what I get whed I'b the odly ode that's ill? HHIIIIIIH-SCHOOOOO! Liebched...taschentuch...bitte..."

"Hm?" Charles wondered before putting two and two together (two and two being the typical messiness of Erik's sneezes and the German) and passing him one from the box, "Here, darling."

Erik blew hard and finished wiping his nose just in time to see Charles' head rear back for another delicious sneezing fit.

"Gesudheit." Erik blessed him, watching intently, eyes growing dark.

"Erik..." Charles grinned boyishly, "Stop it..."

"Stop what?"

"That...thaaaah...ah-tshooo! That look."

"What look? SCHOOO!"

"You know what look."

"Then you dow what I'b thigking."

"Without even reading your mind."

The two of them looked at eachother for a long time until Charles broke off into another sneezing fit. Upon looking back up at his boyfriend he suppressed a shiver. If Erik had been pulsing arousal at him before, he was now full-on lashing out with it.

"You know..." Charles said slowly, "they say endorphins can help the immune system."

Erik sneezed violently into the tissue, "Tell me, schatz, how does one acquire those?"

Charles pulled the metal-manipulator towards him, enveloping his hot mouth with his own.

Allow me to demonstrate.

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"You know..." Charles said slowly, "they say endorphins can help the immune system."

Erik sneezed violently into the tissue, "Tell me, schatz, how does one acquire those?"


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Hehehe, that's so cuuuuute! I was having a bad day, and this has made me very happy, so thank you!

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Erik would have liked to sit at the back of the lecture hall.

As it were, he was already beaten to it by various hungover/still drunk/stoned students wishing to avoid detection so they could put their heads down or eat junk food behind books.

So, instead, Erik was cramped in the very middle of the arena area between two other students, already scribbling furiously, looking obnoxiously studious, before the lecture had even started.

Erik snorted at them, having never had the opportunity to complete his own studies and managing to get along perfectly fine without them - considering himself pretty smart despite leaving school at age eight and never returning - he felt their overzealous efforts to gain as many notes (and apparently waste as much ink and paper as possible) worthless.

He sniffled into a tissue and cursed the crowd and the late summer heat. The combination made for a stuffy, sticky affair and not the kind that he enjoyed.

"Hello there, everyone! Yes! Hello! Could we settle down a bit, please!" A grin curved on Erik's face. There was the great professor himself. The professor he planned to bend over on that desk later and -

"Yes, can we quieten down a bit at the back, there!" Charles called, and while he looked adorably dorky and flappable, Erik couldn't help but feel a surge of anger that these juvenile humans were showing so little respect for their lecturer.

"Excuse me, is that a joint? No, you may not smoke weed in the hall...I should really contact the authorities but if you put it away immediately I may be l - can you not throw your...can we all just be quiet for one second so we can get started...?"

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Erik roared, causing anything metallic in the room to jump violently. The hall was quiet and Erik's throat regretted shouting immediately as it gave a painful surge of indignation. Ooowww...

Charles nodded at him, thanking the metal-bender telepathically. "Right, seeing as Mr Lehnsherr has succeeded in quietening you all down, we can press on. My name is Professor Xavier and I am your guest lecturer this mor...mooorr..." Oh? Erik's eyebrow quirked, was that a sneeze threatening to come forth? No sneeze did come forward, however, and Charles simply rubbed the itch away and pressed on, that almost politely, unintrusively overlarge nose occasionally giving a little tempting wiggle like the girls at Angel Salvadore's previous workplace. No. Charles Xavier's nose was where it's at.

And speaking of nose wiggles, his own nose was fighting a battle. Erik was not a particularly inhibited sneezer, save for a few situations, and this was one of them.

He did not want to disrupt Charles' lecture, not draw the ire of the two students sat next to him, their elbows now poking into him from the ferocity of their scribbling. Although he wasn't bothered about interrupting them (he thought their excessive notes were ridiculous anyway), conflict was not something he was in the mood for. And he was ALWAYS in the mood for conflict.

Finally, he had to give in. Jerking one girl's elbow as he sifted through a pocket desperately for a tissue, nose wrinkling, eyes tearing as his head tipped face and he sneezed "HURR-KHSHOOOOO!" full force into the tissue, barely noticing the hum of metal around him, "KSCHOOO! HURR-AKHTCHOOO!!"

Finding his students temporarily distracted by the thundering sneezes, Charles took the opportunity to quickly ask Erik, Are you alright?

It's just this cold fighting it's way out. Erik replied, blowing his nose thickly and releasing two more sneezes into the material.

"Great. Thanks a lot." the girl next to him snapped sarcastically, "Thanks for wrecking my notes and causing me to miss what Professor Xavier said. Because you couldn't control your damn nose."

"Would you have rather I sneezed on you instead?" Erik snarled, "No? Then keep your mouth shut."

The girl opened her mouth to reply, but as he sniffled threateningly, she thought better of it and settled for a glare instead.

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aaawwww last part! i'll miss my gay mutants but it's time, babes, it's time. i'll re-vist though, probably. PLUS i has new stuff planned out. i'll be writing a one-shot/drabble thing of a rather unexpected, unthoughtof character from a tv show, so watch out for that...also got some spirk and maaaaaaaaybe some harry potter? mebbe? let me know which you want first :-) or if you want at all...tell meh.


"So you see," Charles continued, rubbing his increasingly delicate nose, "the MCR1 gene is, as you already know - ah..."

Erik picked up on it straight away, "...is aaaahhh..."

Here it comes, Erik thought, come on. Let's hear it.

Almost as if Charles, or rather Charles' nose, had heard him, his lover's head raised, along with his hands as if they were connected by some puppet string, "UHKT-CHOO! ITCHEW!" in that adorable, loud, almost feminine sneeze that elicited a small moan from Erik's lips.

Blushing and flustered, Charles blustered on, "...excuse me, a recessive...HUHTCHOOO! Huh...haaah-KTCHEW!!"

The lecture hall was relatively silent other than a few mumbled blesses. Erik frowned, Are you alright? he projected.

Just a tickle, I think. The telepath answered, and then paused and added, I hope.

"And as you can see, the mutation of the cells causes...ah, hah-ah...ah-tchoo! HHUHTCHEW! SCHEW! IIIIITCHOOO!!" an alarm rang, signalling the end of the two-hour lecture, "Yes - hah...huhTCHOO! Thank you very much for - ECHTHOO! - for attending. I shall see you all again shortly, hopefully. If you could not smoke pot in the lecture hall. No, really, that is illegal...CHOO! - Goodbye!"

Erik remained idly behind, watching the young humans file out of the door, eager for their lunch. And Erik couldn't blame them, he too was hungry.

Charles was pulling a handkerchief out of his pocket and blowing his nose. Gearing up for another sneeze, he yelped and the tickle was surprised away when he felt Erik's hand on his arse.

"Well, professor..." Erik sneered, "we do seem to be in a tickle, don't we?"

"The expression is 'pickle', Erik." Charles answered, lower face hidden by the material, "and I - huhTCHOO!"

Erik tutted, almost purring, "Dear, dear, Charles, wherever did that come from?" and he grinned that Cheshire Cat grin when he felt Charles stiffen as he massaged the telepath's arse cheeks.

"Erik, behave...!"

Charles pulled away and Erik gave a growl of resentment for his lover breaking contact. Charles hurried over to the door to lock it, catching light from the window. Bending double, he sneezed even louder and higher than before. Now there were no students, no spectators, there were no inhibitions.

A sentiment the metal-bender surely shared as he strode towards Charles and aimed a strong, rough kiss on his mouth.

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Mmm, a beautiful ending! Particularly this

Gearing up for another sneeze, he yelped and the tickle was surprised away when he felt Erik's hand on his arse.

Thanks so much for writing these!

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