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No Cause For Concern - Pride and Prejudice (Darcy/Elizabeth)


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We had to read the book for English and I loved it so much and then I watched the TV adaptation with Colin Firth (the lake scene oh my god) and it was fantastic so I watched it again and, while watching it, kind of wrote this. It's set when Darcy confesses his feelings for Elizabeth for the second time and then also the following day when they're planning to ask her parents for permission to marry.


Walking with Mr Darcy had proven to be a rather delightful occasion, though Elizabeth did part with him in great concern for his health. She had avoided mentioning it for fear of embarrassing him when he was already so vulnerable in his exposition of his affection for her - again. Though, this time, she was far more inclined to return such feelings.

Still, she could not ignore his frequent, discreet sniffling nor could she pretend to believe that the rattling cough which had silenced him mid-sentence had been the result of having breathed something foreign into his system, as was his excuse. Perhaps it was silly to worry about such things. Mr Darcy was in no means frail and he had certainly no shortage of people willing to offer their assitance should it be required. Yet, she worried.


"Good gracious!" cried Mrs Bennet, as she stood at the window the next morning, "if that disagreeable Mr Darcy is not coming here again..."

Elizabeth's concern overcame her upon hearing his name and she rose to catch a glimpse of him over her mother's shoulder though she could not tell from this distance if her suspicions had been correct. She scarcely heard the remainder of her mother's hysterical ramblings until she insisted she walk out again with Mr Darcy so as to prevent his being in the house. She was glad of the excuse to be alone with him so she may perhaps inquire as to his well being.

They had scarcely reached the turn of the first corner when Elizabeth began to detect a note of congestion in his voice.

"I do believe you are not yourself," she said with a smile. "Though you have done an honourable job to conceal it."

Darcy did not look at her. "I am sure I do not know what you mean."

Elizabeth could not stem a smile at his expected reluctance. "Well, if I did not know better, I would say you were almost tranquil."

"Can I not be tranquil when I am happy?" He asked, meeting her eye briefly.

"I dare say you can," she replied. "Though I feel there is a great degree more to it than a lack of discontent."

As though to confirm her suspicions, he stopped suddenly and turned from her to sneeze forcefully into the crook of his elbow.


Elizabeth would have offered a blessing had his expression not betrayed that he was not quite finished. He had just time enough to retrieve his handkerchief.

"huh'HRSHHhh! huh'HRRISHHHhh!"

"God bless you," she said at last.

Darcy sniffed delicately and mopped at his nose with his handkerchief, abashed.

"I thank you. Do excuse me," he said quietly.

Elizabeth saw an opportunity to tease him and so said, "One sneeze I could perhaps excuse. But three? Three would persuade me to send you straight to bed."

"I assure you, Miss Bennet, I am perfectly well."

"Oh, I am certain of it," she chuckled. "A healthier man I could not meet."

Had she not known him better, she would have sworn he was blushing. But she did know him better. And one gentle touch of his cheek was enough to assure her that he was flushed with fever. He looked, for a moment, affronted at her having checked his temperature without his permission but softened at her expression of concern.

"There is no need to trouble yourself over this," he began but she shook her head.

"There is every need if you will not condescend to look after your own health!"

She watched him for a moment in silence and, with a soft sigh, turned on her heel, forcing him to do the same.

"I am sure my mother would not object to your resting in the drawing room provided we do not disturb Jane and Mr Bingley."

"No," Darcy said quickly, making Elizabeth start at his stern tone. Just as quickly, his voice lost its hardened edge. "Bingley does not need cause to be concerned about my health."

"Why ever not?"

He opened his mouth as though to reply but quickly turned from her again with his handkerchief clamped over his nose and mouth.


"God bless you, again."

"My apologies," he said with a cough which did not escape Elizabeth's notice. "I would not wish to impose - either upon Bingley's affairs or your own hospitality."

Elizabeth found his forearm with her hand and squeezed it gently. It was the only comfort she could think of to give. He didn't seem the type for embracing in public, and before they were even married too. Though she never had been one to follow the common example of acceptable behaviour.

"You should not be imposing, I am sure," she assured him. "Mr Bingley cares for you a great deal. You are, after all, his closest friend."

Darcy remained unconvinced.

"Regardless," continued Elizabeth, picking up her pace, if only slightly. "We simply cannot have you out in this chill any longer."


Elizabeth had been correct in her presumption that herself and Mr Darcy would be permitted to sit quietly in the drawing room with Jane and Mr Bingley. As her mother still believed they had little to say to each other, she had no objections.

Darcy immediately made his way to the window where he was predisposed to stand when unsure of what else to do with himself. Also, as Elizabeth had discovered, when he wanted to avoid being included in conversation. On this particular occasion, Elizabeth was quite sure she knew which of the two thought processes had prompted his actions and stood next to him with her hands resting on the windowsill.

"This does not look much like resting to my uneducated eyes," she smiled. "Pray, enlighten me as to how you intend to improve your health in this manner."

He placed his hand on top of hers and leaned closer to whisper, "Should it be necessary, I should like to be ready to remove myself to where Bingley may not hear me."

Elizabeth shook her head. "I shall inform him myself if you do not betray yourself first."

"I must ask you not to expose me," he said, beginning to retrieve his handkerchief once more. Elizabeth removed her hand from beneath his and placed it on top to prevent his departure. He looked at her pleadingly in a way she had never seen before nor ever expected to see and the shock of it might have convinced her but she stood firm.

His breath stuttered and stumbled precariously before it finally rushed from him. His entire body shuddered with the force of it and Elizabeth felt his hand tremble beneath her own.

"huh'HRUSHHHHmff! HRRUSHHHHmff! huh'HRUSHHHhhuh!"

"God bless you, Sir," said Jane from behind them before Elizabeth had the chance. She turned to find both Jane and Mr Bingley observing them silently.

"Are you quite alright, Darcy?" Mr Bingley asked, standing and crossing the room to stand on the other side of his friend. "You sound terribly ill."

When it became clear that Mr Darcy had no intention of answering, Elizabeth did so for him.

"I believe Mr Darcy is suffering from a cold though he was very eager to conceal it from us all," she said, observing with even greater worry how he closed his eyes and let some of his weight rest against the wall. "He did not, I think, wish to cause any concern."

Mr Bingley laid a hand on Mr Darcy's shoulder in a manner which conveyed to Elizabeth quite clearly the level of care they had for each other. It was rather charming to watch them together. She thought them the epitome of great friends.

"Come now, Darcy," he said with an air of quiet encouragement while he led his companion to sit down. Mr Darcy showed little sign of protesting and instead allowed his breathing to deepen with his exhaustion. "I must have you well."

"I am perfectly well," Mr Darcy said though his protests were much weakened by his appearance. Before another word could be spoken, he jerked forward and sneezed once again into his handkerchief. "huh'HRUSHHH!"

"God bless you," said Elizabeth and Jane in unison. Mr Darcy looked nothing short of mortified. Jane continued, "Shall I call for Hill? I am sure she would be perfectly obliging should there be anything you need."

Mr Darcy shook his head and wiped at his nose in embarrassment. "That will not be necessary, Miss Bennet," he said, pausing momentarily before adding, "thank you for your kindness."

"It is nothing you do not deserve, Sir," replied Jane with the most pleasant of smiles. "Though I am inclined to believe you think otherwise."

Mr Darcy was silent which served only to confirm Jane's suspicions and set them alight within Elizabeth. It was certainly a shock to the system. Having always considered him to believe himself worthy of every affection and kindness, it was impossible to believe that he could feel so insecure when at Longbourn. (He later confessed to Elizabeth that he believed he had behaved so abominably towards herself and her family that he could not expect any level of kindness from them beyond what polite society required of tem, as Mrs Bennet had been kind enough to display through the differences in her greeting towards Mr Bingley and himself.)

Finding himself to be completely discovered, Mr Darcy finally brought a hand to his forehead in order to nurse the headache which had been brewing since early that morning. It occurred to Elizabeth only then that he likely felt on display with the three of them watching him like goggling hawks and so offered Jane a look which suggested she take Bingley to see their mother. They departed not a minute later and Elizabeth took up her seat beside Mr Darcy whose cough seemed only to have worsened.

"If you wish to go back to Netherfield-" she began. Mr Darcy took her hand.

"I do not wish to be parted from you," he admitted softly.

Elizabeth could scarcely contain a smile. "Touching as that may be, you are most unwell."

As though determined to emphasise her point, Mr Darcy's eyes were raised to the ceiling and his breath and nose quivered. When he did sneeze, his body shook violently.

"huh'RHUSHH! huhh'HRUSHHHhh! huh'HRUshHHHuh! hh'HRSHHHHuh!"

"God bless you!" Elizabeth exclaimed with much more surprise than previously. "I am quite certain that nothing will dissuade me from calling the carriage to return you to Netherfield if you do not allow me to care for you."

Mr Darcy thought for only a moment before nodding his agreement. "Very well."

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Wow, you did a great job of imitating Austen's diction, and that is such a deliciously perfect sound of Mr. Darcy. Muffled, but powerful. Nom.

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I echo what Garnet said tenfold! :clapping:Bravo! Men and their pride. I swear. :P Especially men from this time era. Yes please! :drool:

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Dude, this is fantastic! You emulated the style really well. And his sneezes were great too. Nothing like a classy gentleman with a cold, hubba hubba. 10/10 would read again :D

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Wow, you did a great job of imitating Austen's diction, and that is such a deliciously perfect sound of Mr. Darcy. Muffled, but powerful. Nom.

Thank you! I did my best and Mr Darcy does lend himself to it by being completely swoon-worthy on his own :)

I echo what Garnet said tenfold! clap.gif Bravo! Men and their pride. I swear. tonguesmiley.gif Especially men from this time era. Yes please! drool.gif

Ah, what can you do but break down their exterior and make them fall helplessly in love with you? :P

What both Garnet and Spoo said. smile.png

Thank you! :D

Ugh God, I love that book... you write the characters very well! biggrin.png

Me too, oh my gosh. Thank you omg :D

Bravissimo! Marvelous!

:blush: Thank you!

Dude, this is fantastic! You emulated the style really well. And his sneezes were great too. Nothing like a classy gentleman with a cold, hubba hubba. 10/10 would read again biggrin.png

Oh gosh, thank you lots! There is definitely nothing like it ;)

YAY! This is one of my favorite books, and I felt that you truly did it justice. Major kudos!

It's one of mine too. Thank you!

Yes! You did such a good job on the writing style too!

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it <3

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OH...... MY........................ JUST......................

Can I :boom:

Just.... I was gone and there are TWO perfect Darcy stories and all embarrassedish and I'm DYING of utter happiness. Totally how his "wrongness" (the sound, and powerful, and handkerchief and trying to totally muffle) would be - completely and utterly!

Elizabeth was PERFECT. Balance between teasing and caring

Elizabeth saw an opportunity to tease him and so said, "One sneeze I could perhaps excuse. But three? Three would persuade me to send you straight to bed."


and... "This does not look much like resting to my uneducated eyes," she smiled. "Pray, enlighten me as to how you intend to improve your health in this manner."

He placed his hand on top of hers and leaned closer to whisper, "Should it be necessary, I should like to be ready to remove myself to where Bingley may not hear me."

Elizabeth shook her head. "I shall inform him myself if you do not betray yourself first."

"I must ask you not to expose me," he said, beginning to retrieve his handkerchief once more. Elizabeth removed her hand from beneath his and placed it on top to prevent his departure. He looked at her pleadingly in a way she had never seen before nor ever expected to see and the shock of it might have convinced her but she stood firm


SO him and I died of meltingness.

< keeps working away at shrine. :notworthy::blushing::bag:

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Omg. Brilliant. You are a master of the Period. Such diction and flow. I'm in awe!

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Absolutely delicious. You have made me want to re-watch all the Collin Firth goodness!

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If you liked the version with Mr. Firth... I highly recommend watching Jane Eyre, not the recent versions but the 1983 version of Jane Eyre (TV adaption) with Timothy Dalton (Yum) and Zelah Clarke. It's filled with delicious possibilities! ;)

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OH...... MY........................ JUST......................

Can I blowup.gif

Just.... I was gone and there are TWO perfect Darcy stories and all embarrassedish and I'm DYING of utter happiness. Totally how his "wrongness" (the sound, and powerful, and handkerchief and trying to totally muffle) would be - completely and utterly!

Elizabeth was PERFECT. Balance between teasing and caring

Oh my gosh thank you!! I'm actually smiling so much right now. I didn't think people would like it so much omg thank you thank you!! :D

Omg. Brilliant. You are a master of the Period. Such diction and flow. I'm in awe!

:blush: Gosh, thank you!

Absolutely delicious. You have made me want to re-watch all the Collin Firth goodness!

You can't overdo it with Colin Firth ;)

If you liked the version with Mr. Firth... I highly recommend watching Jane Eyre, not the recent versions but the 1983 version of Jane Eyre (TV adaption) with Timothy Dalton (Yum) and Zelah Clarke. It's filled with delicious possibilities! wink.png

Ooh, I will watch that once I've read the book.

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I've never had :naughty: thoughts about post the lake-jumping scene. Dripping and embarrassed Darcy, and then she goes and he is sad and... just... ummmm.... yeah.... :shifty::innocent:

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  • 2 months later...

This is a fantastic story. You manage to capture not just Austen's style but that wonderful spirit in Elizabeth and Darcy's relationship.

"I thank you. Do excuse me," he said quietly.

Elizabeth saw an opportunity to tease him and so said, "One sneeze I could perhaps excuse. But three? Three would persuade me to send you straight to bed."

"I assure you, Miss Bennet, I am perfectly well."

"Oh, I am certain of it," she chuckled. "A healthier man I could not meet."


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Sweet lord, I'm glad this and your other Austen fic got bumped! They're both incredible! :wub:

This was particularly swoon-inducing on my part:

"I must ask you not to expose me," he said, beginning to retrieve his handkerchief once more. Elizabeth removed her hand from beneath his and placed it on top to prevent his departure. He looked at her pleadingly in a way she had never seen before nor ever expected to see and the shock of it might have convinced her but she stood firm.
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ugh, i coming out of lurker-dom to say how much I loved it. I followed Dusty15's comment here because she has excellent taste, which she has proved again. Yum.

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This is a fantastic story. You manage to capture not just Austen's style but that wonderful spirit in Elizabeth and Darcy's relationship.

"I thank you. Do excuse me," he said quietly.

Elizabeth saw an opportunity to tease him and so said, "One sneeze I could perhaps excuse. But three? Three would persuade me to send you straight to bed."

"I assure you, Miss Bennet, I am perfectly well."

"Oh, I am certain of it," she chuckled. "A healthier man I could not meet."


Oh my gosh, thank you so much sdkfjsft

Sweet lord, I'm glad this and your other Austen fic got bumped! They're both incredible! wub.png

This was particularly swoon-inducing on my part:

"I must ask you not to expose me," he said, beginning to retrieve his handkerchief once more. Elizabeth removed her hand from beneath his and placed it on top to prevent his departure. He looked at her pleadingly in a way she had never seen before nor ever expected to see and the shock of it might have convinced her but she stood firm.

I'm trying not to fangirl oh my god thank you! <3

ugh, i coming out of lurker-dom to say how much I loved it. I followed Dusty15's comment here because she has excellent taste, which she has proved again. Yum.

:blush: thank you lots omg

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  • 2 weeks later...

I must confess to selfishly applying this to the Keira Knightly / Matthew MacFadyen version (purely because Mr M is my fantasy-fodder of choice at the moment....)

This worked beautifully in having me reaching for the dvd and allowing my imagination to go full throttle.....

Can I go as so far as to request either an update or an other (so says the one who promises updates then vanishes in a puff of green smoke...)

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Can I go as so far as to request either an update or an other (so says the one who promises updates then vanishes in a puff of green smoke...)

< Shyly seconds this. :heart:

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