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Maleficent’s Nose (part 2 added)


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Yeah, what can I say… I was only just scribbling down a little scene that entered my head. I should be working on a couple of other things, but I couldn’t as long as this was unwritten and nagging on me. Ficlet, hints at Maleficent/Aurora (let’s say it’s been two years, so Aurora is 18 here, so we don’t have to address the underage issue, although she’s not the one sneezing). May be continued if it strikes my muse’s fancy to do so. heh.gif


Leaning back against the tree, eyes closed, Maleficent allowed herself to relax. Her mind, ever occupied with thoughts and plans, drifted. Aurora had been crowned queen, but she spent as much time as possible at the Moors, with Maleficent and Diaval. She was pleasant to have around, still eager and playful. At the moment she was playing with some of the tiny creatures… possibly throwing mud again. Diaval was sitting nearby in his man-shape, watching.

Maleficent heard Aurora sneak up on her, but pretended to be asleep, to let the girl come as close as possible before Maleficent would wrestle her down and proclaim herself the winner of whatever game the girl was playing.

“Don’t”, Diaval said, and Aurora withdrew - Maleficent could sense her. Still with her eyes closed, she decided to listen to the exchange.

“Why?” There was a grin in Aurora’s voice. Maleficent had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep herself from smiling in response. Aurora’s voice was deliciously filled with mischief. What was she up to, the playful little beastie?

“Your eardrums won’t thank you. Nor will mine.”

What were they doing? Maleficent remained motionless.

“My eardrums?” Aurora sounded as dumbfounded as Maleficent felt. “What do they have to do with anything? Why can‘t I do this?”

“Because that nose is capable of producing sounds you really don’t want to hear.”

“You know Diaval”, Maleficent spoke up, startling both the raven-man and the young queen, “I am your mistress, you should pay me a little more respect.”

“My heartfelt apologies, mistress”, Diaval said and gave an unnecessary - since she still wasn’t looking at him - bow before turning back to the queen, “Aurora, I’m serious. Don’t mess with that nose.”

“Into a bird. Now, Diaval, make yourself useful. Go somewhere, I don’t care where, and gather information, I don’t care about what, and be gone for some time. Off you go. Bye.”

She finally opened her eyes to see Aurora sitting in front of her, twirling a straw of grass between her fingers.

“What did he mean?” she asked.

“I’m afraid my dear servant has something of an issue with my physical response to nasal irritation.”

Aurora looked confused. Maleficent took off her haughty mask and chuckled lightly.

“Diaval doesn’t like it when I sneeze.”

“But I wasn’t going to make you sneeze. You’d have to get it up your nose to sneeze. I was just going to do this…” Aurora said, gently tickling the tip of the fairy’s nose with the straw.

Maleficent’s hands curled into fists as she tried to resist the urge to withdraw. She didn’t want to ruin Aurora’s little game, but her nose certainly didn’t want to play for very long.

“I probably should warn you that my nose… is… very sensitive… oh… huh-AAEEPTSSCHHEEW!”

She turned to the side to avoid spraying Aurora with the wet explosion, heaved a sigh and leaned back against the tree with a sniffle.

“You’re faking it”, Aurora giggled and put the grass just underneath Maleficent’s nostrils, slowly running it back and forth.

“I can assure you, my dear Beastie, that I never fake. I exaggerate sometimes to annoy Diaval, but… ehhISSCCHHh! Heh-IESSCCHHH!”

Aurora grinned from ear to ear. Maleficent shook her head, amused. “I’m pleased to be able to entertain you by such simple means, Beastie.”

“So Diaval doesn’t like it when you sneeze?”

Maleficent chuckled. “Most certainly not.”

Aurora suddenly became serious and a blush painted her cheeks bright pink - almost the same shade that Maleficent‘s nose was getting.

“Well, I do.”

Edited by Chanel_no5
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WHOA THERE :D I sense some serious Malora coming on... ;) Beautifully written! Diaval's snark is just precioussss :wubsmiley: and of course Maleficent's nose is just :drool: and Aurora is so cute. :heart:

Yeah, I'm definitely a ship whore when it comes to this film. (And a sneeze appreciation whore. Thank you very much. :lmfao: )

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I love how you wrote this! xD It was very enjoyable to read.

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Wow. mf_dribble.gif Maleficent has one incredibly sensitive nose.

And snarky Diaval is just the best <3 I've never really shipped Malora but I think this fic might just change my mind :D

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Aurora suddenly became serious and a blush painted her cheeks bright pink - almost the same shade that Maleficent‘s nose was getting.

“Well, I do.”

Awwww made me blush too biggrin.png Lovely story, hope we'll see more...

Edited by NorthernLady
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I completely forgot to mention my favorite part:

“I can assure you, my dear Beastie, that I never fake. I exaggerate sometimes to annoy Diaval, but… ehhISSCCHHh! Heh-IESSCCHHH!”

Aurora grinned from ear to ear.

So did I. :P

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Awww, thank you so much everyone, I’m so glad you liked it! It was… fun to write. Ahem. heh.gif I am on a writing spree at the moment, so I got a part 2 ready for you as well. It’s a little messy and mucho weird, but… yeah. Here you go. (Aurora sure has a thing for Maleficent’s nose… and all the beautiful things it can do. Teehee!)


Diaval had returned with unexpected news about intruders in the Moors, and Maleficent and queen Aurora had interrupted their little game in order to sort things out. No further discussion on the subject had been made. That day.

But the next time Aurora came to visit, she curled up next to Maleficent, who put a wing over her in a gesture of absent-minded affection. Diaval, seated on a branch higher in the tree, cawed in greeting and she waved at him before turning her gaze towards Maleficent.

“Can I do it again?” she asked.

“Do what?” Maleficent wondered.

“Make you sneeze?” Aurora said hopefully, grinning widely. Maleficent gave her a strange look and then chuckled.

“Was it that amusing, Beastie?”

Aurora nodded, blushing fiercely.


“Uh-huh.. I can’t see why, but…”

Diaval shook his head and cawed like a madman… er, bird. Mad bird.

“Into a man. Well, well. Is that an objection I see coming on?” Maleficent teased.

“Yes!” he replied indignantly. “I swear you’re trying to give me a heart attack on purpose.” He turned to Aurora, obviously deeming his mistress impossible to reason with. “I can live with one sneeze, or two. But wait until she lets loose with ten or twelve in a row, each louder than the other.”

“Ten or twelve in a row?” Aurora said, looking delighted. “I’ve never seen anyone sneeze so many times.”

“I have allergies, Beastie. I don’t sneeze that many times from having my nose tickled. If you want to see a fit…”

Diaval groaned. Maleficent ignored him.

“… you might want to pick flowers instead of grass.”

“What kind of flower?” Aurora asked, having seen Maleficent around a lot of flowers without that kind of reaction.

“On the other side of the stream, in the valley, there is a field of bright pink flowers shaped like bells. My nose does not agree with those.”

“May I, really?” the queen asked. Maleficent shrugged.

“Well, yes, if it makes you happy. But don’t expect me to go with you and pick the root of my own misery.”

“Although it’s not the root that…” Diaval began, teasingly.

“There is this thing about you, Diaval. You always speak when I want you to be silent.”

“I know”, he said proudly. “There is this thing about my mistress, that she always want me to be silent when I speak.”


“I know, I know, into a bird, right?”

“No…” she mused, tapping her lip with a finger. “Into a ladybird

“La-” Diaval had time to say before the spell was carried out. The dotted beetle buzzed around for quite a while before Maleficent took pity on him. She laughed out loud as she let him become a man again.

“Very funny.”

“Dots suit you.”

They both watched as Aurora made her way through the wooden area with a bunch of flowers in her hands. Maleficent suddenly realised she was pressing the back of her hand against her nose as if already suffering the consequences of her willingness. Diaval gave her a curious glance. If she didn’t want to have this impending sneeze attack, why would she agree to?

“Mistress, could you turn me into something without ears?”

“Even better, Diaval. I want you to take a flight around the Moors and make sure those people aren’t trying to sneak back in again. I’m all for visitors, but not vandals.”

“Yes Mistress.”

She waved her hand and he was on his way just as Aurora came up to her. The queen smiled nervously.

“Are you sure?” she asked, suddenly shy.

“By all means”, Maleficent said. “I apologise in advance if I spray you. They tend to get a little out of control.”

Aurora giggled, and her cheeks were bright red.

Hmm. Interesting, Maleficent thought as Aurora kneeled beside her. Maleficent shuddered at the sight of the flowers, fully aware of the misery that awaited her, but she was curious of Aurora’s obvious delight. It’s not like sneezing is new to me, she tried to comfort herself as she pulled out her handkerchief to keep it ready.

Aurora picked one of the flowers she had brought; the biggest, most verdant of them all. Its petals were dusted with bright yellow pollen. She brought it to her own face and inhaled deeply.

“It smells wonderful.”

She smiled mischievously and brought the flower to Maleficent’s face. The fairy followed Aurora’s example and inhaled the sweet scent, along with gods only knew how much pollen.

“Wonderful, indeed”, she said, giving Aurora a teasing look. “Too bad I won’t be able to…” she sniffed liquidly and rubbed her nose with a slender finger. “to smell it for much longer.”

“Are you… itchy?” Aurora asked, holding the flower in front of Maleficent’s nose, twirling it so that tiny puffs of the yellow powder spread in the air. Aurora had just inhaled the same things, and she felt nothing out of the ordinary.

“Yes”, Maleficent sniffled and pinched her nose, rubbing it desperately. “Back off, I’m going to…” she grabbed her handkerchief and managed to get it up to her face just in time to catch a messy double “Heh-ktSSCCHH! He-eeiSSCHH!”

“Oh, don’t hide behind that”, Aurora said, smugness lacing her words. “I want to see you. You’re so beautiful, Maleficent.”

“I’m beautiful when I sneeze?”

Maleficent’s eyes had started to water and they were so itchy she wanted to squeeze them shut, but before she did, she saw something interesting; Aurora’s eyes were glowing and she kept licking her lips. Her cheeks were flushed and she nearly seemed to shake.

“Oh dear”, Maleficent murmured, voice half-choked with suppressed laughter. “You really like this, don’t you?”

“I’m s-sorry…” Aurora said, her pulse audible in her voice.

Maleficent would have told her not to be, if she had been able to speak. As it was, with all this pollen burning her sinuses, teasing her nose into building up to another sneeze… or more likely, fit of sneezes, she couldn’t have gotten a coherent sentence out even if her life depended on it.

Huhhh… iiiyESSCHH! EISSCCHHuuh! Hehh… ehhh…” she rubbed the sides of her nose with both hands, unsure of whether she was trying to coax out the stuck sneeze or to stop them altogether. In which case, she failed at both. The sneeze was burning and itching high up her nose, but it wouldn’t come out. Her nose was a rosy shade of misery. Her eyes were closed and allergic tears trickled down her cheeks as she tilted her head back. Her red lips parted as she finally reached the fever pitch and burst forward with an enormous, spraying fit:


Aurora nearly purred in response. Maleficent’s nose was certainly capable of producing sounds… but it was sounds Aurora wanted to hear. While she adored the fairy, there was just something about the agony in those sneezes, the combination of her powerful and composed fairy godmother and the complete surrender to this… allergy… that made her feel all fluttery inside.

Maleficent was a mess. Her lips trembled as she tried to fight the sneezes, her eyelids fluttered and tears fell from her eyes as though she was crying. Her nose was a burning inferno, and liquid leaked down onto her upper lip. Aurora scooted closer and gently wiped Maleficent’s nose with the handkerchief. Maleficent sneezed heavily into the fabric and Aurora felt the wetness between her fingers.

“S-sorry Beastie…” Maleficent gasped before sneezing helplessly over and over and over again. Her entire body rocked forward with each brutal onslaught. Aurora was beginning to feel sorry for her, and decided to get rid of the flowers. She threw them as far away as she could, but it would take hours for Maleficent to recover after the exposure. Aurora crawled up next to her and put her arms around the fairy, feeling each shuddering inhale and violent release rocking through her own body. She leaned her head against Maleficent’s shoulder.

“You’re so beautiful, Maleficent.”

Maleficent began to laugh between sneezes.

“You… y-you… uhh-ayESSCHH! Hah-iSSSCHhuh! Are so weird, Beastie… Haaa-iiiyESSSCHH!”

She put an arm around Aurora but turned away from her as the wet, intense sneezes kept overpowering her. It was by far the worst sneeze attack she had had in a long time… but considering Aurora’s affectionate… alright, passionate, looks, it might just have been worth it.

Diaval had just returned, unnoticed by both women, he circled the clearing and then decided he probably should go to the edge of the Moors and check again. His mistress was still succumbing to the weakness she called allergies. He cawed a raven-laughter. She’ll be so congested after that, she’s going to snore like a pig tonight. And she believes she doesn’t snore at all. Ha! If she only knew.

Edited by Chanel_no5
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Lord, the poor dear faery. Curious little beastie, eh? :teehee: my, what a dream come true this scenario would be for this Devil Bird. (But not for Diaval, though. I laugh myself silly at his exasperation.)

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Lord, the poor dear faery. Curious little beastie, eh? teehee.gif my, what a dream come true this scenario would be for this Devil Bird. (But not for Diaval, though. I laugh myself silly at his exasperation.)

Haha! Curious little beastie, indeed. ^_^ Poor dear Maleficent. Ahem. :whistle:

You know, I'm not sure Diaval is quite as annoyed as he acts... he's probably exaggerating himself, just for the heck of it. I mean, how many get to tease the Mistress of All Evil and get away with it (rather) unharmed? :whip:

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I mean, how many get to tease the Mistress of All Evil and get away with it (rather) unharmed? :whip:

Ah. Indeed. ;)

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Ah, I loved it! That was awesome!

Maybe if you wanna make like, a series or another story like this...how about Aurora comforting/taking care of poor Maleficent?

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Ah, I loved it! That was awesome!

Maybe if you wanna make like, a series or another story like this...how about Aurora comforting/taking care of poor Maleficent?

Thank you! :D

I'll consider it. I have no further ideas to this one at the moment, and I have several other works in progress as of now, so it won't be done right away. But I'll see what I can do with it. :)

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Her red lips parted as she finally reached the fever pitch and burst forward with an enormous, spraying fit:


The stuff of sneeze fetishist dreams... thumbs_up.gif

I love the fact that she looses all semblance of control towards the end - powerful women brought to their knees by sneezing gets me every time biggrin.png

Edited by NoV
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