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Maybe someday she will win... Right? (No Game No Life sneezefic)


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Disboard, a world where everything is decided by games. The world that only had few rules, called the 10 Pledges:

1. All murder, war and robbery is forbidden in this world.

2. All conflicts in this world will be resolved through games.

3. In games, each player will bet something that they agree is of equal value

4. As long as it doesn't go against Pledge 3, anything may be bet, and any game may be played.

5. The challenged party has the right to decide the rules of the game.

6. Any bets made in accordance with the pledges must be upheld.

7. Conflicts between groups will be conducted by designated representatives with absolute authority.

8. Being caught cheating during a game is grounds for an instant loss.

9. In the name of God, the previous rules may never be changed.

10. Let's all have fun and play together!

Those were the rules that the God of that world, Tet had made up after the eternal war. Battle between the humans, who were called Imanity, and the other races was far from evenly sided, eventually leading to a situation where the people were overpopulating the small area that they managed to keep after some unfortunate games. That was when Imanity suddenly got two people on their side, an 18 years old boy Sora and his sister 11 years old Shiro who together were Blank, the gamer who had never lost a single game. They soon became Imanity's kings and began to take the lost territories back one by one, fighting in epic games time after another. This story, however, is not about those epic games. Instead, it is a story about a normal day in the kindom of Elchea.

Before the gamer siblings could even realize what had happened, their peaceful slumber had been disrupted by a certain person named Stephanie Dola. Both siblings were practically rolling on the floor as if the morning sun light burned their eyes, which was actually very much a possibility after countless hours of playing games in a dark room.

"Sora! I challenge you into a game! And if I win, you will actually start doing your duties as the king!" Stephanie, also known as Steph, declared with a loud voice. Sora, however, was not all that impressed.

"Again? You have tried that about... Shiro, I lost count..." Sora looked at his still half asleep sister.

"... 23..." the little girl mumbled.

"Thanks, 23 times and each time you have lost something. Really, you have been forced to be our dog for one day and after that you..." Sora said but was quickly silenced by Steph.

"This time I have prepared a game that I would surely win!" she said.

"Fine, fine... Aschente" he said, accepting the game terms.

"But... I didn't even explain the rules yet!" Steph protested.

"Doesn't matter, there is only 0.0000000001 % change that you would beat me at any game" he said with a bored look on his face.

(Half an hour later)

"No way you won! There should have been no way!" Steph cried out in frustration. Shiro had already fallen back to sleep, finding the game to be boring.

"Hmm... What should I do... You lost a game after all, so I suppose I have to come up with something... Okay let's go with this, for this day, whenever you hear your name, you will sneeze" he said, a smirk on his face.

"That is just not fair at all!" she cried out again.

"Too bad so sad, you were the one who challenged me after all, Steph" he said using her name on purpose. He could see how her nose twitched as she tried to fight back the sudden itch that had appeared in her nose.

"I- I won't be giving up... Eh'tchi!" eventually she had to let the sneeze out. Shiro had just woken up, looking at her with a look she knew all too well.

"Steph steph steph steph steph steph" Shiro said her name again and again with an empty voice.

"Eh... H-have some... Ehtchew! E'tsiuh! Etchew! Ehh'tsiu! Ehtsew! Echew! Have some mercy!" she complained between the sneezes.

"Steph lost... Now Steph sneezes" Shiro said, causing the red headed girl sneeze twice more.

Shiro walked closer to Steph and pinched her nostrils shut.

"Whad dhe hedd ade you doind?" she asked, looking at the 11 years old girl with long white hair.

"Steph" Shiro said again, causing another itch to tickle her nose. However, Shiro's fingers didn't let her sneeze even if she would have wanted to at that point.

"Shido, pleade, led be sneede..." she said with her eyes tearing up as the tickle got more intense. The smaller girl looked into her eyes, then at her brother. Sora had alredy lost interest to the whole thing so there was no reason to tease Steph anymore. Shiro let go of Steph's nose and went back to her brother's side, ignoring the older girl completely.

"Eh... Ehtshew! I will win you two someday, you hear me?!" she yelled and ran out of the room while covering her ears. In the end, she had to hide in the castle's kitchen the whole day and when she tried to 'take her revenge' the next day, she failed miserably. What her punishment was that time, that is most likely better left untold.

I never expected that I would end up writing this much. I am impressed... I hope some of guys who had seen this anime found this story good, after all, it started us just as a random thought when I was watching the series.

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