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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Contagion in the castle (Harry Potter)


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Oh my gosh I think my cheeks turned pink as I was reading this! (Don't worry that's a good thing. It means that the interaction between the characters are so adorable and realistic!) :)

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Ahem. Well written. :)

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Gosh please write more, I really love this. Maybe have them embracing and Draco tries to turn away to stifle but doesn't have time..? I dunno, just an idea~

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In an attempt for us to switch up our little dates in the library, we decided to sit on the carpet against a wall today. There was a slight bit of traffic that passed us on their way through the shelves of books. It was a good way for us to slowly but surely announce our new.. Relationship? Or friendship? To my honest, I really wasn't sure.

I lost my train of thought as Draco's hand was running down my leg. I had my back against the wall and my legs out I front if me, Draco was laying down with his head in my lap and the book he had been borrowing from me over his chest. He ran his hand back and fourth on my thigh, lifting my skirt high enough to make me feel exposed. I tried to ignore how I felt about this.

My books had been put to the side and I was focused only on him. His free hand was holding mine against his chest, and I was running my fingers through his hair with my other hand. "Don't you usually put gel in your hair?" I observed, noticing it was softer than usual. He shook his head telling me I was correct, as his head bobbed up and down, the expression on his face told me he was building up a sneeze. I smiled at how helpless he looked. "Hehshoo!" He pulled his hand from my leg and held it in front of his face at the last second before releasing an unusually weak sneeze. "Aw. Bless you." I brought my hand from his hair to his collarbone and began running my fingers across his chest, he shivered at my touch.

It had been over a week since he had gotten sick, and it seemed to not be letting up. His nose was pink around the edges, his eyes bloodshot and watery, and his skin felt warm against my cold hands. "Are you writing today?" He seemed to snap back into reality as I spoke. "Hmm?" He glanced over to me, confused. "Oh. Yeah, in a few hours." He sniffled. "Maybe you should rest awhile before then?" I offered the idea, knowing he would deny it. "I'm alright. Just a little cold." He spoke while rising to his feet and holding a hand out to me. I took his hand and hopped up as he pulled me in against him. "Hey." He smiled before smacking his lips against mine. "Hi." I breathed once my lips were free.

I chose to live in the second at hand and make my way from his lips, to his cheek, and down his neck. I felt his grip on my waist loosen and he started to laugh lightly. "Hey." He whispered in my ear. I smiled against his neck and continued running my hands across his back in the most innocent manor possible. "Hey." He repeated, not sounding as playful. I ignored him, caught up in the moment. He pulled one arm out of my grasp and turned his head to the side suddenly. "HehHUSHEW!" I jumped quickly and pulled away just enough to see him smile at my reaction through a second pre-sneeze face. I had already taken both his hands in my own, not thinking. He looked me in the eyes, while attempting to stop the sneeze. He opened his mouth slightly and looked down stifling towards our feet. "Bless you." I said cheerfully, kissing him quickly on the nose. "Oh thanks." He rubbed his knuckles against his nose, how cute. Everything he did was cute.


I woke up against what did not feel at all like my bed. "Morning sleepy head." Draco's warm hand swiped against my forehead, moving my mess of hair. I shot up off of his chest, and looked him over, he looked pleased. I relaxed back into his embrace and snuggled in against him. We were exactly where we had been sitting all day. I wondered if he was bored. How long had I been asleep? I could ask. "How long was I asleep?" I rubbed my eyes then glanced up at him. "Just long enough to realize you talk in your sleep." He snickered, not making eye contact. I sat up again to look him in the eyes. "What." I didn't exactly use this as a question, more of a demand. "Nothing..." He continued to avoid our eyes meeting. I crossed my arms and legs simultaneously. "You really like me, huh?" The famous smirk returned as he finally met my eyes. My mouth dropped open before I pulled my knees to my chest and dropped my head against them.

"It's alright." He kissed the top of my head. "I like you too."

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  • 1 month later...

It was the most awkward moment I had ever experienced in my life. Draco and I had been sporting our relationship for about two weeks and I really wanted Harry and Ron to put on their big boy pants and deal with it. They were my best friends, and Draco was my boyfriend. Maybe. A title was not yet established. Either way, I wanted them to be civil with each other.

I never could have imagined how awful it would be the first time sitting the four of us sat together in the great hall. We were going on 2 minutes in silence. Draco and I sat close together, his hand rested on my leg. Ron sat with his arms crossed and a childish bitter expression on his face. Harry, attempting to be polite, smiled awkwardly as he tapped his fingers against the table. I took deep breaths, trying to keep myself from simply getting up and walking away. Of the three people I sat with, Draco was the only one who had attempted to be social. When that obviously failed, we started the silence session. A tickle in my nose decided to break the silence.

"Eh- Hesheww!" I muffled a sneeze into a tissue as Draco's grasp on my leg tightened. He glanced at me for a moment before looking over at the boys across from us. He waited. Nothing. "Bless you." He spoke quietly towards the table.

Ron rose to his feet in anger. "Well that is quite enough disgusting coupleiness for one day. I best be off."

"He is being polite Ronald, although that is clearly something that your pea-sized brain is unable to grasp." I shot back at him.

Draco opened his mouth to speak, but turned quickly to release a cracking cough. I ran my hand across his back. I felt for him, the boy had been sick for over 2 weeks and although I was told he had gone to the hospital wing and been diagnosed with a cold, it seemed like it had only been getting worse instead of better. Ron and Harry observed out behaviour. I would see Harry building up the mindset to spark up a conversation with Draco, but Ron huffing and puffing by his side made that slightly more difficult. As I sat watching his chest rise and fall beside me, his breathing turned uneven. He pulled his arm upwards and hovered it in front of his face. "HESHUU! Ahh-hashoo! He-jjxn!" He released two powerful sneezes into his elbow before successfully stifling the last. "Excuse me." He sniffed.

"And excuse me." Ron was walking away before any of us could speak. The awkwardness returned.

Harry gazed around as Draco sat sniffling. I was about ready to give up on this and leave. "I guess the flu is going around." It was Harry that spoke. "Is it?" I questioned, gazing at Draco. "It's just a cold." This had basically become his catch phrase. I decided then we would take another trip, together, to the hospital wing. Harry twiddled his fingers, clearly uncomfortable. I nodded a smile that he was free to go. "I better be off, should be studying. Take care." He held out a hand to Draco, who smiled weakly and took his hand from my leg and shake Harry's. I waved a goodbye and gave Draco a sympathetic smile.

"Thank you." I whispered against his collarbone. He gave me a questioning look. "For what?" I shrugged. "Everything." I tried to be cute, but that was difficult next to someone who accomplished cute so effortlessly. "I guess I must really like you." He kissed the top of my head. "I hope so." I nuzzled against him, trying to ignore the obvious stares and hushed comments from the people surrounding us. His body shook through another coughing fit before he relaxed his muscles, slouching against the table. "Let's go for a walk." I stood up and held my hand out. I wouldn't tell him where I planned on going, or else he would not agree.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Oh... My... God.... This is fantastic! Never in my life have I shipped this pairing until now! I totally forgot this was a sneezefic! They're so in character! I love that Harry tries to act civil for her! And the fact that Draco doesn't like to cover! *melts* please continue this soon! You're an amazing writer, and I'm so captivated by this fic! I don't really read Harry Potter fictions, especially the het. ones, but I'm so glad I clicked this! It's brilliant! You're brilliant!

Edited by Laynie Bear
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Haven’t updated this in 3 months.. Oops. So sorry! I am glad you guys are enjoying this. I am considering ending this story, but continuing with the Hermione/Draco fic in a new story. It gets to a point where it is hard to think of new things to add. Let me know what you think!

Also thanks so much for the kind comments! I really truly do appreciate the compliments on my writing.


Two hours after the surprise visit to the hospital wing, Draco was still not so impressed with me. “I told you it was just a cold.” He muttered in response to a dramatic sigh I let out as I flipped through the pages of a textbook I had previously read cover to cover. “I was just staying on the safe side, Draco.” I shrugged, keeping my eyes away from his undoubtably annoyed expression. “But I told you I—“ He held back the anger in his voice, although I didn’t want to hear it regardless. “Stop dwelling on the past.” I closed the book and moved from the desk to take a seat beside the overdressed Slytherin. We were silent for a moment, I truly was surprised he was letting this argument go. “120 minutes ago is hardly the past.” Of course, he wasn’t letting it go. We turned simultaneously to meet each others eyes. “However,” He took ahold of my hand as he began his speech. “I got to spend the day with you and that’s all I could ask for. You’re truly remarkable. So bright and caring. I will never understand why, but I am glad you’re settling for me.”

With that, I had my head resting against his collarbone and closed my eyes, the warmth of the fire making my toes tingle. I observed his fingers twiddle amongst themselves as I melted against his chest, having the hardest time keeping myself awake. Moments ago, I was not tired in the slightest, but having my body against his put this overwhelming calm over me. He was like a drug, something that I never would have imagined to be so incredibly crucial to my life, addictive. He put my mind in a state of comfort, making my limbs weak and my heart light.

I kept my eyes closed, matching my breathing to his. Well, that was until his breath slowly became uneven. I knew what was to come but kept my eyes shut and my head nestled against his shoulder. Hee-ashuu! Despite having a ‘sleeping’ girl against him, he didn’t limit himself, sneezing freely infront of us. My arm, which was sprawled across his stomach felt a fine mist fall across it. I crinkled my nose, truly disgusted until I heard a quiet stifle follow the first sneeze. It instantly reminded me how adorable he was, and more importantly, how different he was from the boy I once believed him to be. Still, unable to swallow my pride of being slightly stuck-up and painfully proper, I ran my arm across his dress shirt to remove the invisible moisture. I peeked through one eye to see his eyes looking down on me, a smile plastered across his face. I blessed him as he apologized. “Did I wake you?” I shook my head, observing the frustrated look upon his face. “Excuse me.” He pulled away from me, sitting up. I forced myself back into an upright position watching as he brought his hands to cup around his face. His breath hitched for at least 15 seconds before dropping his hands against his knees to share his sneeze with the world, as he seemed to do when we were alone.

Heshuu! Ahhshuu! Heechuu!

As impolite and rebellious as he seemed to be with his sneezing habits, he was precious. I rolled my eyes, grabbing the tissues to my right and smacking them against his arm. He pulled one quickly from the box and stifled a final sneeze against it at the last second. Unlike most people, his fits seemed to be finalized by a stifle. “Are you quite finished?” I asked as he relaxed back against the couch. “Yeah.” He nodded for a moment before shaking his head. “No.” He sat back up holding the tissue to his nose, having me in belief that he may be learning some simple etiquette from me. He took a few sharp inhales before exhaling deeply and relaxing the muscles in his back. “False alarm.” He smiled as he crumpled the tissue, shoving it into his pants pocket. I blinked slowly, trying to keep the smile across my face before covering my face with my robe to hide a sudden yawn. “Are you tired already?” He tilted his head to one side, running two fingers against my cheek. I shrugged and shook my head, which I guess may have been slightly confusing for him as he kept his head on an angle. “Don’t be silly. Its hardly dinner time.” I forced a smile, which helped in holding back a second yawn as he picked himself up off the couch, collecting up the books I had been flipping through.

Claiming he was exhausted from our slightly successful conference earlier in the day, he insisted we move to my bed and rest for awhile. He shot a glance at a candle that sat upon my desk and a flame instantly sparked from it. I smiled and pulled one blanket up against my face. The sudden dim light from the candle seemed to be enough to ignite a pending sneeze in my sinuses. I pinched the bridge of my nose, guaranteeing a silent sneeze. HiiCHEW! Unfortunately I miscalculated the force and ended up with a unusually high pitched squeak from beneath the covers. Draco turned as he laughed and ran one hand through my hair. “Well that was, cute.” He laughs faded to a juvenile smile as my cheeks turned a ever so embarrassing shade of pink while he crawled into the bed next to me.

After the third session of me trying to hold back coughs by pressing the blanket to my mouth and letting small coughs escape, Draco commented. “You’ve been nagging me all day about being ill yet you seem to still be under the weather yourself.” I blinked innocently as he ran his fingers along my legs. “I’m perfectly fine, but thank you for the concern.” I spoke to him as if he had not been someone who was spending all day everyday with his hands on my body. “Whatever you say.” He held his hands up in surrender. “As much as you don’t need to rest, I really should be going so I will see you tomorrow. I would like to take you out.” He did not ask, more so insisted. I opened my mouth but was unable to thing of a clever response. “If that is alright with you.” He added, giving me a slight option. Although how would I say no. “Sounds manageable.” I nodded, still holding the blanket to my chin. “Great. I will see you in the morning. If I can wait that long.” He grabbed ahold of my head and pulled me against his stomach with one arm. He pressed his lips against the top of my head, leaving them there for a moment before softy kissing me and making his way out the door. I relaxed into bed and allowed myself to cough freely.

“Granger,” He popped his head back in the door suddenly. “Can I help you?” I nodded playfully. “I know you’re all female power and strong and not sick. But get some rest.” He winked and closed the door quickly before I had a chance to respond. I closed my eyes, with the smile stuck on my face, allowing myself to drift to sleep.

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Thank you :)

I have decided that I will be ending this story but starting a new one in a new thread. I will most likely begin writing tonight but I wanted to ask the followers of this story their opinion on a few things.

Sick: Draco or Hermione?

Relationship: Beginning before they meet, Early in their relationship, or Later in their relationship?

Denial: Yes or no?

Contagion: Yes or no?

Please feel free to add any other aspects you'd like included, or things from this fic that you'd like to see in the next one. Thank you.

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Ooooo!! Yayyy!!!

I think I'd like to see Hermoinie then Draco

Later in the relationship

Hermoinie denying and sneezing freely much like Draco does in this one, thus spreading it to Draco. I think it'd be interesting since Hermoinie is usually so proper and polite, to see her sneezing as the one thing she isn't proper or polite about. Maybe a fetishy Draco?? Just a thought. I love your writing so feel free to disregard this if you'd like :)

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