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Contagion in the castle (Harry Potter)


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So I have recently written two Original Fictions (one still in progress), and decided to try a bit of the Fanfiction. I am also considering doing a Teen Wolf one. So if you'd like to see that let me know!

This is based during the 5th Harry Potter book.


The sun had just set over the courtyard when I found myself falling asleep at a stone table just outside the castle. My eyes felt so heavy although I had gotten an adequate amount of sleep the night prior. There was a painless feeling in the back of the throat. A slight irritation I would call it. Couples, groups and lone souls passed by me as the minutes went on, but I had no urge to continue my work. I closed my year 5 potions book crossed my arms on top of it. Maybe I could rest my eyes, just for a moment. By the time my head hit my arms, I was in that weird state of consciousness where you have no idea you might have been asleep, until you're awake.

“Rise and shine, bookworm.” I guess I must have been asleep.

I shot my head up quickly, flipping my book open to a random page as to pretend I had not been asleep. I peered up at the red headed boy across from me. He gave me a goofy smile and took a bite of the apple in his hand. I rolled my eyes at his existence and went back to my book. I tried to concentrate although the growing pain in my head distracted me almost as much as the pain in my ass, that happened to be sitting across the table. He loudly chomped at the able as if he had never eaten in his life.

“You're painfully annoying.” I spoke quietly, worried my voice may sound slightly raspy.

“You're painfully smart. I need some help.” He gave me the same goofy smile I had received earlier and tossed the apple into a garbage across from us.

Coughing to my side lightly, I ignored his request that I had obviously heard. I attempted to sniff discretely but my nose had another idea, making a sickening congested sound. Ron had one eyebrow raised at me when I had the courage to look up and meet his gaze. “Pity, is someone a little under the weather?” He mocked in a almost sweet way.

“With final exams next week, there is absolutely no time for me to be ill Ronald. I thought even someone as dim witted as yourself would know that. Plus, I keep myself in perfect condition. Some of us can actually take care of ourselves you know.” With that, I fetched up my books, leaving Ron at the table alone. He shrugged at my most likely expected hostility and slouched down on the bench.


“Uhh- HESHEW!” Sneezing for what felt like the 70th time that evening, I lifted myself from my bed and slipped out from my robes. I pulled on my regular Gryffindor attire, without the cloak and decided to venture out to the hospital wing. I was telling myself that this was not admitting defeat, it was simply being proactive about not being deathly ill during the final testings in the week to come. “Hehchew! Ugh” Wiping my damp nose with a overly used tissue, I reached into my pocket to find a new one. I tossed the gross rag into a passing trash and continued to hold my nose with a fresh tissue. By the time I got to the hospital wing, I felt entirely out of breath. I peered in to see the entire room empty, the candle lights were dim and all the beds empty. I knew Madam Pomfrey would return shortly, as this was where she was to reside incase a student needed her assistance. So I decided to take a seat on one of the beds, while I got my breath back. It was eerily quiet when my nose began to tickle again. Holding the tissue to my face, I released two weak sneezes against my covered hands.

“Ahh- Heshew! Uhh Achex!”

“Bless you.” I jumped at the strong voice behind me. I knew that the male I heard was indeed not Madam Pomfrey, but I was afraid to look. Not because I was concerned for my well being, but because I did not want anyone seeing me like this. Hence why I was almost pleased to see Draco Malfoy behind me. I peered back and just released a small sigh in response for his polite remark. How unlike him.

“What are you doing here?” I spoke in a snarky tone.

“What are you doing here?” He shot back, clearly not thinking about what he had just re-uttered.

I raised my tissue slightly and starred from it to him back and fourth a few times. He nodded.

“You're bound to get in trouble for being out past curfew. Although, you always do find a way out of said trouble.” I shrugged one shoulder at him, gazing up at the bewitched ceiling. How dreadful that I was under a beautiful night sky with such a repulsive individual. “So?” I decided I did want to know what he was out doing.

“If you must know, I find it relaxing to be able to wander around the castle, without being bothered by complete morons. The night is the only time that I am able to do that.” He seemed like a different person almost. Well. He could never be seen as a good person, but he did not seem as awful as he had been before. “And sleep is for the weak. Like yourself.” He added, and clarified why I had always despised him. The few nice thoughts I had moments ago, were surely from a raging fever. Turning quickly, I aimed a unwarned sneeze towards my feet, trying to make it as quiet as possible. “Heshew!” I wiped my nose quickly before gazing back at my feet, embarrassed. I looked quickly at Draco to see if he had noticed. He had.

“Bless you.” He nodded, no expression on his face.

I narrowed my eyes just enough for him to notice, and looked over his puzzled facial expression thoroughly.

“What? Am I not allowed to bless you? Believe it or not Granger, you don't make the rules here.”

I simply shrugged as I was feeling defeated, it was true, he had no reason not to be polite. Although, he also had every reason not to be. It was Draco Malfoy.

Moments after Draco had left the dim room, without a goodbye, I became overwhelmingly tired and decided to give up on waiting for Poppy, and simply try to sleep it off. I shuffled as quickly as my body would let me through the corridors and slipped into the girls dorms in the Gryffindor common rooms. By the time my head hit the pillow, I was asleep.

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"Good morning." A strong voice echoed in my head, it must be someone speaking from outside the door because the boys were not allowed, and would not dare make their way into the girls dormitory. "Hey, are you alive?" I was wrong. A finger poked at my head before I lifted it slowly. My eyes meeting Harry's, I looked around what I expected to be the girls dormitory. But it was not the room I was thinking I would awaken in. I shot up quickly to a sitting position when I realized I had fallen asleep in the Gryffindor common room. I must not have made it back to the dorms before falling asleep.

"Y'alright? Ron said something about you being ill." Harry towered over my body which felt so small at this moment. "I'm just fine thank you. Now if you don't mind, I must get ready for class." I rose to my feet and made my way to put myself back together for the day. "Hermione, we don't--" Harry began to speak, "Leave me be. I'm running late." With that, Hermione had shut herself being a large wooden door, and Harry was left alone. "I was just going to say we don't have classes this morning." He spoke under his breath, as he had no one to speak to at all.


By the time I had rushed to the room I thought I had class in, simply to find it preoccupied with first years, and stopping by two separate washrooms to blow my nose. I was ready to just sit and be left alone. Entering the great hall, I assumed I would find Ron and Harry playing some sort of foolish game during their wasted time. Proving myself right, I approached the two planning out some sort of system of splitting their homework where they would only do as much thinking as necessary, and waste no time figuring out the answers. Of course as soon as I got close enough to hear their words, the inevitable sneeze returned. "Hehachu!"

Ron and Harry turned at once to meet my gaze. Harry gave me a sympathetic smile, as I took a seat beside him, across from our friend. "If you get me sick, you have to do my homework." Ron warned as he covered his nose and mouth with the neck of his robes. "It's not like you ever do your own work anyway, Ronald." My tone had no sense of humour in it, but maybe being ill was a good excuse for getting out all the things I have dreamed of saying to his face.

"Ahhshew!" Barley catching this sneeze against the sleeve of my robe, I apologized quietly and held my overused tissue to my nose. "Bloody hell. I'm going to kindly avoid you until you're no longer a germ infested fungus." Ron would have gathered his books and left, but he of course didn't bother bringing any, because I was apparently the only one that was unaware of the days. "Bless you." Harry spoke with a smile on his face, clearly sympathetic but he also looked as though he was uninterested in being too close to me, as he slightly leaned away.

I decided to be the polite one and exit the table, before leaving Harry to feel rude when wanting to remove himself from my disgusting company. When I dragged myself finally to the dormitory, I decided I could sleep for a short time, I had no lessons until 7 that night so I had more than enough time to get a short nap in, before studying and doing some extra reading. I tucked myself into the bed, and tried to clear all the thoughts from my mind, as that was the easiest way to fall asleep. By trying not to think about thinking.

Soon enough, I was fast asleep, and probably snoring slightly. Completely uncontrollable.


When I awoke, I tried to be as calm as possible knowing that by the darkness I could see through the window, I had slept much longer than expected. I got up in no hurry, as I had clearly missed my lessons of the evening already, and didn't want to wake the girls in my door. I peered at the clock leaning against the wall, and sighed to see it was nearly midnight. How on earth I had slept that long, I had no idea. However, I did feel slightly better. It was then when I noticed that I could basically 86% breathe through my nose, and my head was not aching as bad. I didn't feel totally myself, but I was not tired at all.

As I made my way through the dim lit castle halls, I wondered what I would do if I was caught. Say I was out of it and heading to the hospital wing I suppose. Maybe I should just wake in that general direction. Then again, maybe I was fever stricken, I was finding myself, breaking school rules to do something that Malfoy, of all people, gave me the idea for.

All I hoped was that I did not run in to him. If he witnessed me doing the exact thing I had warned him not to do the night prior, he would be sure to have some rude words for me. Not that I cared, I was more than used to this. When seeing a shadow approaching me, my first instinct was to dip into the shadows of a doorway to make sure it was not a prefect, or professor. When noticing it was simply a Ravenclaw student, I smoothly leapt from the shadows and continued my midnight stroll.

There was a small part of me, a very small tiny little very well hidden part of me, that hoped the student would have been Draco. It was simply a split second that I hoped to see him. I knew my fever must have been returning when that thought crossed my mind for a second, but it quickly was demolished, and the entire after thought was that happening was soon ended as well. I did not know whether I was unhappy, alarmed, slightly pleased when I saw a pale blonde boy emerge from a dark hallway.

Draco did not seem to notice me, he was looking down at first, but I could hear his breathing. Could he hear mine as well or was he being unnaturally loud? I decided to look down to the same floor he had been admiring, and play the 'oh I didn't see you there' card when we finally crossed paths.

....What was I thinking. He would probably never even acknowledge me. But frankly, why would I care. Did I care?

"Evening." He spoke in a hushed voice.

He had spoken to me, and I was just standing there, wondering why I was not speaking back to him. I should greet him as well.

"It's not what it looks like!" Really? Was that really what I decided would be appropriate to mutter out? Whatever. Again, I needed to remind myself that this was Draco. I had no reason to ever want to associate with him before, and there is no way at all that I would now. I needed to get myself together, I just wasn't at my best, and my brain was taking the beating more than my aching body.

"It looks like you liked my idea of going on a walk to get some time to think," He began. "However, I don't know if you ever really stop thinking do you, Granger?" Was this a stab at me? Some kind of hidden insult. It must have been.

"I couldn't sleep." Technically I could. I slept no problem for over 12 hours during the day. I simply did not try to sleep again once I had woken up.

"Here's the thing Granger, I don't like you." My face felt hot. "You don't like me either." That could currently be up for debate. "But I do this walk a lot and I've found some interesting things that I'm sure a know it all such as yourself would be interested in. If you'd like to join me." This was the most surreal moment of my life. I must have still been asleep, dreaming. Although, I should be considering this a nightmare, time alone with Draco. However, I didn't. I was pleasantly surprised by the manners of the boy this evening.

"I suppose since we are both here, we might as well."

The beginning of the walk was awkwardly silent, but I played it off as being simply intrigued by the path we were taking through the castle. Of course all these "interesting sights" he had found, Hermione had read in multiple different books. There was not much in the wizarding world, along with the muggle world, that she did not know about.

During one of their drawn out silent moments, they had stopped to examine a statue that was among a path hardly crossed by students. Hermione stopped and pretended to be interested in the old statue she had researched during second year. Draco suddenly ducked away towards his elbow and pointed his body away from myself. He had appeared to stifle a first sneeze quite silently, stopped to search for another, and stifle a second against his fist before turning back. Hermione quickly turned around to seem as though she had not noticed. "Bless you." She spoke towards the statue, trying not to seem to friendly. He cleared his throat. "Excuse me, sorry, dust." Sniffing he smiled the slightest bit before beginning to walk again, implying for me to follow him.

He began to clear his throat more often throughout the walk, and I debated asking if he was sick as well, but I did not want to seem interested in his well being at all. After this completely irresponsible walk, we would surely go back to being arch enemies anyway. "Hexjx!" He almost completely stifled a sneeze once again turning to the side away from me. "Excuse me." He rubbed his nose without trying to draw attention to himself. "I guess you're getting sick." I decided not to ask, but to insist. "No." He answered quickly with no area for argument. "Must just be you or something." He turned and smiled playfully.

I was officially weirded out. What was happening. I did not know what was happening at all.

"I guess if you're allergic to me, I should go." I decided not to play along with his weird game, it was probably some kind of practical joke. It must be. "I can walk you back to the common rooms." He offered turning to face me. "Uh..." I sat looking extremely puzzled. "No, you should go back to the dungeons. Before anyone sees us." I meant this in more than one way. "Well, it was hardly a pleasure to go on a walk with you. Granger." He smiled once again. Why was he doing that. It was utterly out of character. "Maybe I'll see you around tomorrow night." He spoke away from me as he was walking down the dark hall, until he was gone.

I decided to almost run back to the Gryffindor common room, and to the dormitory before anyone caught me out of bed. I fell back onto my bed and starred out the window, wondering what has just happened to me. Was this a secret friendship, or a joke, maybe it was some kind of set up to get me expelled. What a jerk. He seemed to genuine though. I closed my eyes, deciding to let yet more sleep give me time to make a logical decision of what exactly was going on between the newly intriguing Draco and I.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love this! Maybe I'm getting greedy, but I wish we had more Harry Potter stories featuring the ladies. And I've become a big Draco/Hermione fan too. Double Whammy! teehee.gifbiggrinsmiley.gif

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I love this! Draco is being so nice and weird and creepy and mysterious..... and actually just plain hot, i guess, lol. Love the pairing. Please continue. :)

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Love this story!! O////O

I never think of Hermione and Draco this way, but now they seem to be a perfect pairing >_<

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What is this first person, Dramione, AND in character to top it all off? I admit I'm not so much into the sneezing than I am in this story.

"Here's the thing Granger, I don't like you." My face felt hot. "You don't like me either." That could currently be up for debate. "But I do this walk a lot and I've found some interesting things that I'm sure a know it all such as yourself would be interested in. If you'd like to join me."

This is so Draco, but then it's so unlike him but arghh I've never thought Draco was hot but now I do

He had appeared to stifle a first sneeze quite silently, stopped to search for another, and stifle a second against his fist before turning back.

"stop to search for another" - for some reason I really love the way you phrased this :lol:

"Bloody hell. I'm going to kindly avoid you until you're no longer a germ infested fungus."

OMG RON :rofl: Your dialogue is genius :D

I can't wait for a continuation! Also welcome to the forum! :D

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This is the 3rd part that I posted 2 days ago, however the errors are now fixed!

I wasn't sure about updating this but the new interest in it made me change my mind! I'm thinking about some things for this now smile.pngHope you enjoy this update!


The next day had came and gone without any run-ins with Draco, then before I knew it, it was time for bed, I found myself checking my hair in the mirror. Suddenly realizing what I was doing, I turned away quickly and reminded myself that it was Draco Malfoy I was head over heels for. What was I thinking.

I threw my robes on and swallowed my pride as I just so happened to glance at my reflection once more for a long second before sneaking out from the dormitory. What did this boy have me doing? Sneaking out past curfew, wandering the castle at night, looking forward to crossing paths with a rude, obnoxious Slytherine. A part of me wanted to crawl back into bed and pretend my heart didn't hurt from knowing this boy was just trying to hurt me, or gain information from me, or get me in trouble. However, the teenage girl with emotions part of me that I tried to hide in my everyday life, was more predominant anytime I thought about Draco Malfoy.

These thoughts twirled around in my head as I walked through the dark corridors. I walked for what seemed like hours before I began to give up on running into anyone at all. I started back to the girls dormitory in hopes that the night wouldn't end any worse by being caught out of bed but after hearing a noise behind me, I turned just in time to see a dark figure disappear behind a wall. More paranoid than curious, I turned into the the Gryffindor common room, my heart beating out of my chest. I took a moment to calm down as I wondered if I was more concerned that a teacher or prefect had spotted me out of bed, or Draco had noticed that I came to look for him, but gave up.

I calmly walked into the girls dormitory and quietly snuck into bed before any of the girls awoke to find me awake.


Uh hey.” I jumped slightly at a voice behind me, I thought I had myself hidden away quite well in the candle lit library. Trying to be as calm as possible, as I knew exactly who it was once my mind came back into focus. Without turning to face him, I tried to seem as uninterested as possible. “Evening.” I followed with a quiet sniffle, uncontrollably. “Mind if I join you?” Draco made his way around my chair to gesture towards the seat adjacent from me. “If you must.” I replied cooly, still making zero eye contact. “Thanks.” he took a seat.

We sat in silence long enough for it to become awkward “What are you reading?” He spoke again after clearing his throat. His voice sounded slightly hoarse, but I reminded myself that I shouldn't be caring. “I'm just re-skimming an old encyclopedia” I fought with myself to keep my pattern of no eye contact going, but as he laughed under his breath, I couldn't help gazing up at him. “You read encyclopedias?” He gave me a stupid smirk that I had seen many times before. This was the first time I found it more attractive than annoying.

I continued playing hard to get and simply rolled my eyes before turning away, back to my book. I tried my best to look as though I was actually reading. The only thing I was truly studying was his jawline out of the corner of my eye, that is until he jerked his face away from my view to cough violently to his side, his arms crossed over his stomach. This was when I noticed he was not wearing his robes, but just a white dress shirt. He inhaled sharply at the end of the coughing fit, raised his wrist over his face, hovering it slightly. “Heuhshu!” He turned to the side as he sneezed followed by a deep inhale through his obviously congested nose. “Excuse me. Sorry.” He spoke before breaking into another sessions of sniffles. “Sorry.” I smiled towards my book, moving my hair to hide my face.

I could hardly focus on my studying (doesn't matter what I was studying), with his constant coughing and sniffling. As he sat sniffling at a steady rate I looked up from my notes to glare at him. “Sorry.” He scratched his shoulder as he smiled, clearly embarrassed. “Are you just about finished?” I began, “This is a library. Some people come here to do work.” I gave my best effort in giving a proper annoyed facial expression. “Sorry. I didn't mean to bother you, I just wanted to see how you were doing. I guess you're feeling a little better?” He smiled lightly and returned to his relaxed position. “In a sense yes. I guess you're not very well.” I stated, nodding towards the visible tissues overflowing from his pant pockets. “It's nothing.” He shrugged it off, looking to the dim candles along the wall. “Tough guy act.”

Independent strong girl act.” He shot back, winking. “So,” He started. My heart sunk. The inevitable 'so...'. Was it a 'So I like you' or a 'So this has all been a big joke'. I waited what seemed like forever for him to respond. He never did. “So,” I decided to remind him that he had just dropped a two letter, heartbreaking word. He seemed to snap back into focus when I spoke, as if I brought a new life to him.

So, how do you feel about all of this?” Was he setting me up for a humiliating, reveal of our entire year as I spilled my emotions, or was it genuine. I chose my actions carefully, which meant flashing him a half confused, half disgusted look before softening my face into hidden smile. “Us.” He clarified.

What about us?” I was not going to admit anything before he did. “As much as your need to be right all the time disgusts me, I don't hate spending time with you.” He managed to utter out after realizing I had nothing to say. “How sweet.” I closed my book, pressing it against my lap. “Your company hasn't been completely revolting. I guess.” I wanted him to believe that I was not impressed with the friendship, although I truly did enjoy the time I spent with him. “I-- Uh- You um-- Sor- Hxjcx! Sorry.” He turned his back to me and stifled one adorable sneeze, hands free. “Bless you.” I smiled when he turned back to make eye contact with me. He held his wrist to his nose for a moment, before smiling to thank me. “I'm not always this impolite.” He offered, worried that I was grossed out by him. “Yes you are.” I reminded him. He laughed slightly before coughing against his elbow. “You're pretty cool Granger. Bloody lame, but you're alright.” I could no longer control the smile that was beaming across my face, although I felt more comfortable seeing that his expression mirrored mine.

Before I knew it, he had taken my left hand. As his free hand pulled my chin towards his own. When no laughing crowds of Slytherine classmates jumped from the shadows, I gave into the moment and dropped my books to the ground, pulling his hand that was currently on my cheek, into my grasp. I prepared myself to kiss this newly mysterious boy, but he turned his face to kiss me softly once on the cheek. This was more polite than expected for any boy, let alone Draco Malfoy. He ran his thumb against mine before dropping my hands and bending down to pick up books. I would have thanked him but I was still shocked as to what had just happened. He smiled, and for the first time since I had met him, I truly saw sincerity in his eyes. “I'll see you around.” He spoke close to my face, his breath smelt of spearmint toothpaste. Before turning to leave the library, he ran the back of his hand down my cheek and gave the stupid smirk that I was starting to admire. I was in complete shock as I somehow managed to turn and begin to walk away.

Granger,” He we both locked eyes the moment we turned to face eachother once more. “You could do better.”

I pulled my books against my chest and looked him over once more. “I could do worse.”

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I am really enjoying this! I love Hermione;D You write the characters wonderfully!

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So I just wrote an entire long part and it deleted right before I pressed post....

Too annoyed to write again. The next update could be awhile.

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Nevermind, I was too angry to just leave it so I wrote something similar. Not nearly as long, detailed or good but it's something.


"Hejjxc! Ugh."

"Bless you." I offered giving the sleepy boy across from me a sympathetic smile.

He returned the smile, scratching his neck and yawning.

"Still reading?" I nodded. What else was I to do while he was asleep. I watched as he sat rubbing the bridge of his nose with his knuckle. The poor thing looked miserable. As weird as it was that I had spent the past 3 days with Draco, I was very happy. We had kept this well hidden but I wondered if this would always be a secret, or if either of us would have the courage to display our... Friendship, to the rest of the school.

"HEUSHHO!" Draco's sneeze startled me, causing me to jump nearly a foot from my seat. He instantly began to laugh, although he tried to quiet himself against the sleeve of his jumper. "Sorry." He choked out an apology between coughs. I starred at him, trying to catch my breath. Half because I was beyond frightened, and half because I was thrown off by how incredibly good he looked, for being so ill.

I jumped again slightly as he ran his fingers across my collarbone, moving my hair behind my shoulder. He ran one finger down my arm, causing me to shiver, he smiled at my bodies embarrassing reaction to being touched. He placed his hand over mine on the arm of the chair, placing his fingers between mine.

We sat in silence for a short minute, before he spoke again. "What are you thinking about?" Of course I was thinking about him. "Exams." I decided not to say anything too meaningful. "I'm shocked." I was starting to become annoyed with myself as to how captivated I was by his smile. "I'm sure you haven't even thought about the final tests at all." Although we had spent hours and hours together the past few days, I felt the need to continue the hard to get act. He always looked me in the eyes when he spoke. "No I haven't." I rolled my eyes and slid my hand out from beneath his.

"I have no where near the time to think about things such as exams and potions. I spend every second, of everyday, thinking about you." I'm positive my jaw was hanging open. "Except of course when I am with you, then I am far too busy admiring you to think about anything at all."

Who was this person?

I could hardly get my abnormally advanced brain around the fact that we could interact like civil human beings towards each other, and now he is complimenting me with no joke or threat behind his tone. This was beyond surreal.

"Granger," He sat sideways on his chair so he was facing me, I turned just enough to be politely facing him. "I've been thinking about the past few days and I-- uh--" He held up one finger, motioning me to hold on before dropping his palms against his lap and turned his head away from me. "Heshoo!"

"Bless you."

"I'm sure the past week has been just as weird for you as it has been for me and-- HeHESHU!"

"Bless you."

"I've really enjoyed the time we have been spending with eachother, I think-- Ahh--" He waited. "Hachoo!"

"Bless you."

"Alright, what I am trying to say is that the past week with you has been the best week during my time at Hogwarts, you-- Hechuu!"

"Bles--" He held a finger to my lips.

"For the first time ever, I care about someone else, more than I care about myself. I can't be away from you without thinking about the way your hair smells, or wondering what book you're re-reading. I can't be with you and not want to just hold your hands and tell you how I feel. I really want for you to be comfortable with me, and more than anything, I want an amazingly smart person like you, to give a lowlife like me a chance." He finished with a faded smile, although I was not sure whether it was towards me, or himself for finishing the last part of his speech without sneezing.

I sat starring at him, unsure of what to say. He took my hands in his and held our intertwined fingers against his knees. He crinkled his nose as I bit my lip. I was about to lean in to kiss him when he dropped his gaze towards our hands. "Hjjjcx! Hehxxjc!" He stifled twice towards his chest, raising our grasp slightly on each sneeze. He raised his head but was looking past me with a very obvious pre-sneeze expression lingering. He sniffed twice before letting his chest fall in a sigh of relief.

I was still utterly speechless, as usual and had no idea what to say. My vast vocabulary was failing me as I had no idea how to speak the english language anymore. I wrapped my arms around his neck and exhaled calmly as I felt him smile against my cheek. His warm lips bent from the innocent smile and were pressed against my cheek. "Thank you." I sighed.

I felt as though there was more to me than just my intellectual side. There was a part of me that could be loved. Or liked at least. His breath was hot against my neck. "You're rather warm. You must have a fever Draco." I pulled back and observed his serious expression which broke instantly when he saw mine. I had ruined the moment. "Don't ruin the moment." He read my mind. I went to return to his arms but he raised his thumb and index finger to the bridge of his nose to cup his mouth catching a few warning coughs before an adorably helpless sneeze. "Oh, I'm ruining the moment?" I joked as he ran his sleeve beneath his nose. "Bad timing." He joked along with me before sneezing once more in the same fashion. "Bless you. I think you need to stop planning these overwhelming speeches, and get some rest." I hoped he wasn't offended. He smiled. I remembered it was Draco Malfoy, I couldn't offend him if I tried.

He shivered quickly before shoving his hands in his pockets, obviously embarrassed. "We best be off to bed." I had no idea what time it was. "I hope you know, everything I said," My heart began to beat abnormally. "I meant it."

I kissed his cheek softly and he turned my face to kiss my lips, not nearly as gently. After we were able to tear apart from one another, he coughed a few times as he stacked up my books and motioned me to begin walking, and demanded to carry my things.

When we arrived to the Gryffindor common area entrance I took 4 of the 5 books be was carrying, and be held out the last for me. "You keep that." I nodded it back to his direction. "That way I know you have to speak to me again."

He tapped the book against his palm. "You couldn't keep me away." With that, he turned and disappeared into the darkness of the corridors.

I fluttered like a love stuck lunatic into the common room but was stopped dead in my tracks by a familiar face.

Their expression read nothing by disappointment and anger. "Fancy meeting you here."

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The awkward silence wasn't nearly as bad as the conversation that was going to began as soon as one of us spoke. It was bad enough to have Ron giving me the death glare ever since I entered the common room, and to then have Harry after join us giving me an equally disapproving look. I decided to be the first to speak.

"What are you doing out of bed?" I crossed my arms over my chest giving them a stern look.

"What are we? What- what are you doing out of bed!" Ron stammered over his words in anger.

I thought for a quick moment. "I needed some time alone for research of course. You are not particularly observant Ronald."

Harry sat silently.

"And you are not too 'particularly' good at lying." Ron growled while making spastic quotation motions with his fingers. "What were you out doing tonight, and where have you been going off to the past few days?" He tried his best to be intimidating, although it was hardly convincing.

I sat with my thoughts, maybe I could tell them. I did not want to stop spending time with Draco anytime soon, and it would be best if they heard it from me before hearing it from anyone else. On the other hand I knew they would be angry about it no matter who they heard it from. If I was looking at it rationally, they had to be alright with any decision I made with my life. They needed me more than I needed them. Maybe they would welcome Draco as a friend, they didn't know the genuine person he could be the way I now did. At least I hoped that who he seemed to be was genuine.

"I've been studying." This wasn't a lie.

Harry spoke this time. "You need to sneak around to study?"

"I've been with Draco." I blurted out. This was apparently my brains best way to slowly warm them up the the idea of me fraternizing with the enemy.

They looked from me to each other with matching serious expressions, before breaking out in a fit of laughter.

"Alright now whatever you really have been doing won't sound nearly as bad.. Good ice breaker Hermione. No wonder people say you're the smart one." Harry continued to laugh.

"Really, where have you been?" Ron was now observing my calm expression. I held eye contact without speaking as a response. Both their faces changed instantly. "Draco? As in Malfoy? As in the person we hate most at this school? As in Draco? Like Malfoy? Are you talking about Malfoy? As in--" Ron got closed to my face with every question. "Is he threatening you?" Harry chimed in. "Draco?!" Ron threw his arms in the air.

"Goodnight." I pushed between them and walked slow enough that they could catch me if they wanted to continue the conversation.

"Why?" The voice was soft. I turned to see both of them looking confused, and the slightest bit hurt. "I can spend time with whoever I want. I like him. And he--" Ron cut me off. "He likes you?" He took a step towards me. "You think he likes you? Are you insane?" I wasn't sure whether to be upset or enraged. "Yes. He does." I spoke quietly. "Why would he like you!?" We were all upset now, over different things.

I turned just before a tear escaped my eye. "Hermione.." Harry spoke, reaching out for my shoulder but I moved out of his grasp. I made my way up the stairs but turned to look down on them in front of the couch. "You two are supposed to be my friends. Just because you don't like someone does not make them a bad person. Maybe if you idiots took the time to give him a chance, you would understand why I'm choosing to spend time with him." I continued to face them, giving them a chance to respond. I felt in control. Harry stood with his lips pressed shut. "There's good and bad, and there is us and them." Ron tried to make a point. "You made a choice." He added. "A good person, walks you to your room, and makes you feel like you're worth something. And you've just made me feel l am worth nothing." I sniffed and wiped my already drying eyes. "You chose us." He glared at me. I made my way to the top of the stairs and looked over the railing from my door.

"I guess I made the wrong choice."


The next morning I woke up feeling bad for questioning my friendship with Harry and Ron. I knew they were always there to have my back, but I wanted them to understand that Draco was important to me. Would he turn on his friends for me? I began to wonder. I would never make him, and I don't know if I would want him too. The entire situation was complicated.

I knew what I needed to do. I got wrote down a time and location on a paper, and placed it on top of the book Harry has been reading the night prior before slipping out from the common room.

I smiled the entire walk to the library, waiting to see Draco. When I arrived, he had gotten there before me, which was unusual. "Morning." I think I startled him slightly. He stood up and took my notebooks from my arms while pressing his lips against my own. He pulled away suddenly, coughing to the side. I smiled and ran a hand across his arm. I took the seat beside him. I was still the slightest bit shattered from the night before and had difficulty thinking of any sort of conversation as we sat.

He had taken to one of my novels and skimmed though it as I wrote out some potions I was barley struggling with. A strong tickle overcame my nose so I quickly lifted my notes to shield my face. "Heshew!"I sneezed as quietly as possible against the parchment. "Bless you." Draco spoke without bringing his eyes up from the book. A trained blessing, this was another sign of a polite person. The tickle was not gone. "Hjjjxc!" I pinched my nose with my thumb and index finger trying to make no sound. This made Draco shift his attention. "Bless you." He smiled innocently, before his expression changed to a concerned frustration. "I've gotten you ill." He spoke sympathetically. Although, I had already caught with the same thing he had, I was certain I was not getting ill a second time.

I shook my head and sniffed once, relieving the itch. "Don't be ridiculous, I'm fine." I smiled playfully, although he didn't look impressed. "Oh stop pouting you big baby." I smacked him lightly on the arm with a book that had been resting on my lap. He flinched slightly but laughed.

We returned to our natural silent bonding and after his sniffling and throat clearing began to catch my ear, I turned my attention over to him. "Sorry." He smirked, running a finger under his nose.

I could see him trying to warn off a building sneeze. He continued to sniff for a few seconds before plugging his nose on and off, thinking I wasn't observing all of this. He dropped his head back to stare at the bewitched ceiling, his mouth half open. I couldn't tell whether the quick inhales were him trying to avoid the sneeze or force it to come out. He shot forward suddenly grasping onto the arms of the chair with both hands, sneezing uncovered in front of him. "HeeHEUSHEEW!" He turned to me and smiled the way a small child does after finally getting a stuck sneeze out. "Sorr-- So--" He tried to speak as his eyes squeezed shut, he inhaled sharply, bringing both hands to cover his nose and mouth. "Hesheww! Uhh- Heheshew!"He finished with a long wet sniff before falling back against his chair.

"Sorry, that was very rude." His cheeks turned the slightest bit pink as he ducked his head down to break our eye contact.

"Bless you." I spoke quickly as I leaned over the space between us to kiss his forehead. He did not seem as warm this morning as the past few days. His body must be trying to get rid of the last of this cold. He began to kiss my neck but before long I could feel his nose twitching. "Sorry." He spoke against my skin. "Last time." He spoke during the build up, turning over the far side of his chair. "HEH-jjxxc!" He managed to stifle the second half. I opened my mouth to comment on his obvious hate of covering his mouth when footsteps behind me made my heart sink.

Draco had not yet noticed anyone. I knew exactly who I would turn to see. I looked over at Draco who was leaning forward on his chair in the midst of a coughing fit. Ron and Harry came into sight. I desperately wanted to motion to them to turn around and leave but Ron was already speaking. "Aw. Someone's got a little cold huh?" He mocked a pouting face towards Draco, who didn't react. He looked at me confused.

"What are you doing here?" I played dumb. Which was something I very rarely experienced. "What the bloody hell do you mean 'what are w--" Ron was already exploding with anger, luckily Harry cut him off. "We figured we could find you here." He looked around the library, avoiding eye contact with Draco. I stood up to face the two and Draco took a stand directly behind me. "You have no place here." Harry spoke to Draco alone, as Ron stood behind him nodding as a pathetic bystander. Draco turned to me as to ask my permission. I put my hand behind my back to grab his, from there he took our hands and brought them back, as he held my small hand against waist.

"You are making a mistake Hermione. You are supposed to be the smart one." Ron had calmed down enough to speak without spitting everywhere. Draco dropped my hand. "What do you plan to do about it, Weasley?" He stepped in front of me to stand close to Ron. Ron swallowed obnoxiously loud before quickly shuffling behind Harry's back.

I wondered whether Ron and Harry approaching him in a kind manor would bring the side of Draco I knew out for them to see. I came back to Draco's side and looked from him to my friends. "I won't chose. It is your choice if you want to get along or not." I announced to them all before looking up to the strong boy beside me. He smiled back to me before extending his grasp out for the two to accept. Harry wearily raised his palm and shook Draco's hand slowly before dropping his hands back to his pockets and gazing at Ron. In fact, we were all looking to Ron. He looked at each of us as he removed both hands from his pockets. He looked from his hand to Draco's before placing his own behind his back. "You're making a mistake." He repeated just to me, before turning and moving quickly into the shadows. Harry muttered an apology while shrugging and followed after his coward of a friend.

Draco pulled me into his embrace and I rested my head against his chest. "Thank you." I whispered, not sure if he could hear me or not. He rubbed my back until my breathing returned to normal. He took my shoulders and pulled me out to face him. "Are you making a mistake?" He had no clear expression on his face, but I could see the sincerity in his eyes. "Absolutely not."

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