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Just A Little Green (Maleficent) COMPLETED 22/7


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Ah, I forgot to add: if any of you have caught the little Easter egg I put in regarding Mage Althae, be sure to let me know ;)

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Oh my God, this is getting better and better. Naughty fairies having a magic sneeze war... guh. Lovely as usual! tonguesmiley.gif

Ah, thank you very much, min vän :D I enjoy sneeze wars. Especially between two faeries who refuse to relinquish their unfailing stubbornness.

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I love how Maleficent smeezed just when she was about to tell Diaval is havinf those sneezes! XD

And Mage's sneeze sounds like a hurricane. :D

I hope her and Maleficent will make eachother sneeze! The sneezing war shall begin! XD

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And Mage's sneeze sounds like a hurricane. :D

One of her character traits I'm slightly more proud of. :sly: Glad you enjoyed it!

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So I believe this will be the last chapter cry.gif but there shall be an epilogue still to come! Gaahh, I had such a fun time writing this. I'm honored all of you loved it so much!

~~CHAPTER 10~~

The moon was almost at its peak when Brannagh and the two faeries arrived at the clearing. Brannagh had been increasingly on edge for miles, since the sneezes of her beloved Diaval were echoing far and wide.

“IUUShhHUWW!! IHHSHUHH!! HAISHHUWW!!” reverberated loudly around the clearing as the three creatures appeared. Mage Althae immediately ran to Diaval, who was curled up in the fetal position, his dripping nose clutched inside cupped hands.

“Here now,” the mage whispered comfortingly. “Hey. Shh, my friend. Remember me?”

Diaval sniffled liquidly and looked up with glassy eyes, brows rising as he recognized the faery from his dream.

“I thought so.” The mage gave him a motherly smile. “I’m here to help you, my friend.”

“Brannagh.” Diaval’s voice was barely a croaky whisper.

“Brannagh is coming. Soon, Diaval. Rest now,” the mage said softly. Her hand fluttered over Diaval’s head, and he shuddered before falling into a magically induced faint.

“What have you done to him?” Brannagh demanded shrilly, immediately, when she saw Diaval’s head lull backwards.

“Only a little magic to put him to sleep,” the mage said. “I don’t want him awake for my spells. Could result in various extremely awkward situations.”

Maleficent squeezed the mage’s shoulder. “…I trust you, Mage Althae Noa.”

The mage turned to face her. “My job is to heal, not to harm.”

Maleficent nodded and moved back, taking Brannagh’s arm as she struggled to get to her love. “Easy now, dear; you’ll see him soon. Easy,” she repeated, Brannagh straining at her and whimpering Diaval’s name.

The mage did her work quickly and gently, whispering spells and smiling as they each did their job. Diaval soon lay before her with no more fluid restricting his breath, no more fever compromising his mind.

Mage Althae went over to Maleficent and Brannagh wearing a proud smile. “I can’t do anything about the nose,” she told them. “That area is beyond my expertise. He’ll just have to ride that part out himself. But the rest is complete.”

“Please, Mage, can I see him?” Brannagh begged.

“You can see him.”

Brannagh shot over and sat beside Diaval, picking up his head and shoulders and cradling them in her lap. She looked down at him with a love so deep, so beautiful, and so pure, that Maleficent felt a tug on her heart.

They waited for him to wake. Eventually, the mage got bored, and the corner of her mouth twitched just as her fingers did.

“HIIYYshuhh!!” Maleficent stumbled to the side with a sudden sneeze. She recovered within seconds and glared daggers at the mage, who was giggling despite herself. Maleficent’s own fingers flew, and then the mage released a vicious “HAASHIUHHUH!!” into the air, whipping up a whirlwind that nearly had them both on their rear ends.

Brannagh looked over and sighed softly, rolling her eyes before turning them back down to her Diaval. Soon, she gasped as Diaval’s eyelids fluttered. “Diaval,” she whispered.

Diaval moaned quietly and looked up. First, his expression was frightened, as Brannagh was in human form and he had never seen that form before. But then he saw her eyes—green as the Moors themselves—and he exhaled shakily, reaching his arms up. Brannagh took him into the close, loving embrace he wanted, holding him as she never had before.

Soon, Diaval released her and turned to face the two faeries, who were still caught up in their sneeze war, noticing nothing but their fierce desires to win. “Um…wh-what’s going on…?” Diaval asked confusedly.

“Classic cases of boredom and stubbornness, I believe.” Brannagh smiled. “You know, I think those two will end up being great friends.”

Diaval chortled. “So do I.”

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Aww, it ends already? *pout* It was so cute. :) Ah, how I wish I could have witnessed the sneeze war... ^_^

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Ah, who knows? Maybe I'll write a little oneshot sometime and write the whole thing out ;):D it's quite the battle you know.

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Ah, who knows? Maybe I'll write a little oneshot sometime and write the whole thing out wink.pngbiggrin.png it's quite the battle you know.

Yes. Do it. Go ahead. I must read it.

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it's quite the battle you know.

If I sing you a serenade, will you write it? *hopeful*. serenade.gif

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Awwwwww okay I'll write it. ^_^ Let me get the epilogue done for this fic, and then I'll fit the battle into a oneshot and put the link in a reply on here.

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Idea: On the movie soundtrack, there's a song called "Battle of the Moors."

Hmm, and I needed a title for this sneeze war oneshot. ...How wonderful. ;)

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Idea: On the movie soundtrack, there's a song called "Battle of the Moors."

Hmm, and I needed a title for this sneeze war oneshot. ...How wonderful. wink.png

Wonderful, indeed. :yay:

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All righty. Here's the epilogue, short but sweet. Thank you to everyone who joined me on this ride; it was great fun! biggrin.png


“HIIYYSshiuuuhh!! HaIIHHshuhh!!” Maleficent sneezed suddenly, twisting to the side.

“Would you kindly stop that!?” Brannagh screeched. “I’m trying not to yank her hair out!!”

The mage cackled, sitting against a nearby tree. “Sorry. I couldn’t help it.”

“Sure you couldn’t,” chuckled Diaval. He and Brannagh were seated closely together, Brannagh attempting to play with Maleficent’s hair, perhaps braid it, but having a hard time with Mage Althae being so obnoxiously playful.

Maleficent sat back up but pointed a finger at the mage as if to say This isn’t over.

Diaval had recovered within a week of the mage’s spells, Brannagh and Maleficent both doing much to help him feel better. Despite her vow to never again indulge the revolting whims of star-crossed lovers, Maleficent had given her blessing for Diaval and Brannagh to bond as mates, and they had been elatedly in love in the weeks since. The mage had then returned to her home deep within the Moors, but two days before, she had come for a surprise visit—to the ravens’ delight and to Maleficent’s despair. She admittedly had a fondness for the mage, considering she had saved the life of her dearest friend and helped to give him what he wanted most, but she did so hate the other faery’s mischievous nature.

Maleficent looked to Diaval with a questioning but sly gleam in her eyes. Diaval surveyed it before realization flooded his face, and he grinned and nodded. Very surreptitiously, Maleficent flicked her fingers.

Her hands preoccupied with playing with Maleficent’s hair, Brannagh chose to turn into her shoulder when her beaked nose twitched. “Hih… HihHIHSshhHEEWW!!” she sneezed, her torso convulsing slightly with the action. She looked down to Maleficent with a look both exasperated and jokingly furious. “Really?”

Maleficent grinned.

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The best way to finish this off! :D

Amaizing, it really is a great story! :)

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Seriously. I love you right now, that is THE BEST way to end this :D

Thank you so much! I'm very glad you enjoyed it!

And wait till you read Battle of the Moors:sly:

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D'awwww...! *happy sigh* That was so cute! :heart:

Awwwwwwww I'm so glad you liked it :wubsmiley:

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Seriously. I love you right now, that is THE BEST way to end this biggrin.png

Thank you so much! I'm very glad you enjoyed it!

And wait till you read Battle of the Moorssly.gif


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Seriously. I love you right now, that is THE BEST way to end this biggrin.png

Thank you so much! I'm very glad you enjoyed it!

And wait till you read Battle of the Moorssly.gif



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