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Just A Little Green (Maleficent) COMPLETED 22/7


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Eep. A few things happened and Chapter 7 flew away from me. I'll have it up as soon as I can. I promise! :)

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Good thing you posted now or I would've missed your latest update. How cute... I hope it's Diaval she's looking for. :heart:

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Brannagh seems like a totally adorable character. I'm looking forward to meeting the mage; sounds like a very interesting character ^^

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Alrighty, guys, I'm buckling down. Chapter 7 comes sometime today or tomorrow. I promise! :D

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I'm SO sorry that I took so long to get this update done. Things happened and then more things happened and then I had to sleep and then eek.gif just insanity. But I've got chapter 8 in the works and chapter 9 in the noggin, so we should be pretty much back on track now. Enjoy the next installment! happy.png

~~~CHAPTER 7~~~

Maleficent and Brannagh traveled for a few hours before the night was completely upon them. “Let’s stop for the night, Maleficent,” Brannagh said, pointing to a nearby cave. “There is shelter over there. We can stay there.”

“All right.” Maleficent followed Brannagh into the cave and lit her staff like a candle when they entered.

Brannagh yelped in surprise at the sudden burst of light, but was reassured when Maleficent showed her the staff. “What fascinating magic.”

“I am but a faery.” Maleficent settled gently down against the cave wall. “Have you been here before?”

“Several times. Sometimes members of the clan would misjudge their timing and have to stop for the night. Usually on their way to the mage, in fact. There is much protection surrounding her.”


“Because of her powers. There are many who would wish to do away with her, get her out of the picture, so she would no longer be a threat.”

“Is she a threat?”

“To us?” Brannagh smiled. “Not at all. She’s very kind, and very intelligent. And very powerful.”

“What’s her name?”

Brannagh bit her lip. “She has a rule… Only she can divulge her own name. No one else can.”

Maleficent thought that over for a moment. “A clever rule.”

“I agree.” Brannagh shivered at a breeze that swept through the cave. “I’m not so sure I like this body,” she chuckled softly. “My feathers are much warmer than this skin.” She ran an experimental hand up her arm, inspecting the fine, smooth skin.

Maleficent smiled and raised her hands, and seconds later there was a fire crackling before them. Brannagh immediately scooted as close as she could. “Thank you, mila—um, Maleficent.” She paused. “Y-You said… You said you were on your way to find help for your servant.”

“I did.”

“Have you seen anyone else on your way? A-…A raven, perhaps, like me? B-But a male raven?”

Maleficent faced her. “Unfortunately, no. But you know, I was quite surprised when I found you…for, curiously, the way I saved my servant’s life is the very same way I saved yours.”

Brannagh’s heart leapt, and Maleficent could see it in her eyes. “Wh-…Wh-What is your servant’s name?”

Maleficent smiled. “I believe you know it already.”

Brannagh’s entire self seemed to simply float with joy. “Diaval,” she breathed, clasping her hands together and laughing with happiness. Tears began to slip from her eyes and she hugged around herself. “My Diaval… I’ve been looking for him for so very long… I thought I’d never see him again…” She looked to Maleficent. “I will stop at nothing to help you get the help he needs. I swear it to you. And if you save his life…” She shifted position and knelt before Maleficent in a knight-like fashion: head bowed, left knee down, right fist atop her heart, left arm hanging down. “…Then you shall ever be the sovereign of mine.”

Maleficent sighed softly. “Rise, Brannagh. …I must tell you something.”

Brannagh immediately obeyed and sat like a child about to be taught. “Yes, milady?”



“If I am to take you back with me…back to Diaval…there’s something we need to discuss.”

“All right.”

“You love Diaval?”

“I love him more with each and every heartbeat, Maleficent.”

“Then you must understand something.” Maleficent paused to swallow. “I love Diaval as well, but not as you do. You want him as your mate. Yes?”


“I have come to know him as family. I have had no family since I was an infant. Diaval’s promise to travel at my side meant more to me than any confession of any love one might have for me, after all these years I have spent alone. I do not want him for a mate as you do but you must know that I still have love for him.”

Brannagh nodded but then frowned. “So…what is it you mean?”

“He has told me stories about your clan,” Maleficent began, but Brannagh interrupted.

“Maleficent, you must understand something as well. I no longer have any allegiance with the clan. They cast me out when I told them my true feelings about the way they had all treated Diaval. I had no one on my side, my own family being long dead and Diaval being my only friend. I gladly flew away,” she said, fire and fervor in her voice. “I gladly left them. I wanted nothing more than to live with Diaval and prosper as we pleased. Not as the clan pleased.” She took a deep breath. “Know that the clan will have no part in our lives, present or future. Only past.”

Maleficent smiled. “Then I shall sleep well tonight.”

“And so will I.” Brannagh smiled back before curling up, comfortably close to the still-crackling fire. “Goodnight, Maleficent.”

Maleficent went to sit against a smooth part of the cave wall, shifting until she too was in a comfortable sleeping position. “Goodnight, Brannagh.”


Suddenly, there was the terrifying sound of a low, fierce growl, and Diaval yelped hoarsely and scrambled upright to find a very strange-looking female faery looming over him. The faery had vast, cream-colored wings; wild auburn hair; a dress made from dried leaves and many, multicolored cloth patches sewn together; bare feet, and dark purple eyes that seemed to see straight through him.

“Please,” Diaval begged. “P-Please don’t—IYYIhshiuww!!” His sneeze interrupted his plea, and he barely managed to twist to the side so he wouldn’t spray this frightening newcomer.

The faery blinked. “Cad is ainm duit?” she demanded, her voice coarse and unrefined. “Inis dom!”


“Your name,” she hissed.


The faery blinked again before stepping backward and kneeling. “Forgive me,” she whispered, her voice suddenly calm and gentle. “So you are...Diaval.”

“What?” Diaval was very confused; first this faery had looked very hungry and then she was suddenly very motherly.

“I needed to make sure.” She smiled. It was a mysterious smile, beautiful yet frightfully secretive. “Diaval, you are safe.”

“IHHyyshiueww!!” Diaval bent forward with the force of the sneeze. “I’m also very ill,” he mumbled.

The faery laughed. “I know.” She reached forward and touched Diaval’s cheek. Diaval tensed as he felt rivulets of warmth course through him. “But not for much longer. Soon, Diaval. Soon, raven-man. Very soon.”

Just as the faery leapt into the sky, Diaval woke up, feverish and shaking. Nightmare. The word flew into his mind. He coughed and rubbed at the beaked nose that was already starting to itch.

Then he gasped as he saw the faery, up in the sky above him, wave merrily to him before flying off into the morning.

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I know this looks a lot more like a fanfic than a sneezefic, but trust me, come either Chapter 8 or 9 (whenever the mage shows up), the sneezes will be back in full force. :)

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I love this! You so good at writing it! I can't wait for more!

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I love this! You so good at writing it! I can't wait for more!

Aww, thank you so much :proud: I'm glad you like it!

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Phew! I was hoping she was looking for Diaval! Yay! And Maleficent isn't jealous... that's good. I'd hate to have her unleash her magic on my tailfeathers. ^_^

This is great work! :D

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After several conversations (read: confrontations), this chapter decided to get a bit interesting. Blame dear Maleficent and her unfailing stubbornness. sly.gif Enjoy!

~~~CHAPTER 8~~~

Maleficent sniffled as she awoke the next morning, the smoke from the fire’s ashes having blown around the cave as she and Brannagh slept.


Maleficent shot upright and looked around. She didn’t see Brannagh at first, and was about to call out when her eyes found the mouth of the cave: and there Brannagh sat, her arms hugged around the slender legs tucked up to her chest. Her eyes gazed wistfully to the sun that was just peeking over the horizon.

A grin tugged at the once-winged faery’s lips as she went to sit beside the raven-woman. “Good morning.”

Brannagh jumped but chuckled softly, and then, to Maleficent’s surprise, she sniffled almost inaudibly and wiped a tear from her cheek. “Good morning, Maleficent.”

“You’re crying.”

Brannagh paused and was just about to lie and protest before sighing in defeat and nodding. “I just… I miss him.”

Maleficent nodded as well. “I understand. But you’ll see him soon.” She stood. “Shall we be on our way?”

Brannagh looked up at her plaintively. “Could I perhaps…stay and wait for the sun to rise?”

“But why? The sooner we start out, the sooner we can get back to Diaval.” The sooner I—I mean, we—can stop worrying.

“…He and I never used to get up until the sun had fully risen.”

Maleficent wanted to refuse her, but her eyes were just so pleading and beautifully, magically green that she grumbled softly and went to dismantle the fire pit, leaving Brannagh to once again gaze nostalgically up at the sun. I must never again indulge the revolting whims of star-crossed lovers.

Ten minutes later, the sun was well on its way, and Maleficent was nearly bursting with desire to get going. “All right, Brannagh, make haste,” she ordered, stalking past the raven-woman and onto the path.

Brannagh agreed at once and trotted after her. “Um, M-Maleficent? The mage actually lives, um…that way.” She pointed in the opposite direction.

Maleficent kept her expression stony despite the pang of embarrassment. “Then let’s go that way.”

“Very well.” This time Brannagh went first, scampering eagerly along, trying to get a hang of the human body she inhabited.

They had been traveling for most of the morning when Brannagh suddenly whooped. “There, Maleficent, there it is!” She pointed towards a path that went under a canopy of leaves; an intricate design of various flora and fauna nestled all around. “The mage lives at the end of the path.”

Maleficent nodded and followed Brannagh as she began to skip down the wooded road, giggling as she looked around and marveled at the intricate designs of the leaves and vines. “Did the mage make this path herself?” she asked curiously.

“She put all the flowers along it,” Brannagh said. “But the path was already here. Oh, don’t touch those!” she yelped, grabbing Maleficent’s hand as it stretched towards a fat yellow bulb. “Those are mean.”

“Mean?” Maleficent chuckled. “A mean flower?”

“Very mean.” Brannagh nodded seriously. “Cruel and unusual.”

“I’m probably meaner.”

“Suit yourself. I warned you.” Brannagh took a step backward and stood behind Maleficent, and, unbeknownst to the faery, carefully pinched her beaked nose shut.

“What could possibly go so wrong?” Maleficent scoffed and gave the bulb a poke. It immediately spit a great stream of yellow dust at her, making her cough and sputter and stumble backward. Brannagh caught her as soon as she deemed it safe to release her beak nose, and she swallowed, remembering the reaction from when she herself had accidentally nudged the fearsome flower. “A-Are you all right, Maleficent…?” she asked.

Maleficent was about to nod before she felt a now-familiar feeling spread from the edges of her nostrils deep into her sinuses. “Oh, no,” she exhaled, reclaiming her footing but still hunched over a bit, surprised by how strong was the feeling’s hold on her.

“Yes, well, that’s why I warned you,” Brannagh said meekly. “It doesn’t really like being disturbed…”

Brannagh could have continued, but she wouldn’t have been heard: Maleficent’s nostrils suddenly expanded and her lips trembled apart, and her hands moved with lightning speed to steeple over her nose and mouth and the debilitating sneezes that racked her body.

“IiyyshIUUHhh! HIIyyshHIUHH!! HAEIIYyshUHH!! IYYSHIUHH!! EIYYshiuhh!! HAEIYSHEUHH!! Heh…heh-HEH-! Hehhhhhh…” The tip of Maleficent’s nose twitched and itched in her grasp before she finally let out the last, teasing, enormous sneeze. “EIIYYSHIEUHHH!!!”

Brannagh still stood behind her, eyes wide and staring, position tense and erect. “Um… Wow,” she managed. “That was, um…impressive.”

“I’m flattered,” Maleficent coughed sarcastically, hands still covering her lower face. “Rip off a piece of your gown. Down at the hem.”

“The what?”

“The hem. The edge. Right there.” Maleficent kicked Brannagh gently in the upper shin. Brannagh obediently tore a piece off the hem of her gown and handed it to a desperate Maleficent, who turned away to clear her nose of any more irritating pollen dust. Brannagh made a face, not used to the rather disgusting sound, but changed her expression at once when Maleficent faced her again.

“The proper response in such a situation is Dia leat.”

“Dia who?”

“Dia leat. It’s what you say after someone sneezes.”


“I don’t know; no one ever really told me. I suppose you just do.”

“Dia leat.”

“Thank you. Now quit staring and carry on.”

Brannagh obeyed and continued down the path, Maleficent following and sniffling intermittently. They both kept an eye out for more of the fat yellow bulbs.

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Phew! I was hoping she was looking for Diaval! Yay! And Maleficent isn't jealous... that's good. I'd hate to have her unleash her magic on my tailfeathers. happy.png

This is great work! biggrin.png

Yeah, I wouldn't much like that either. :eek: I'm glad you like! ^_^

Oh goodness! I'm so happy to have stumbled upon this! This is so marvelously well written!

Aww, thank you very much! I'm glad you like too! :)

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“Um… Wow,” she managed. “That was, um…impressive.”

*swallows* Yeah... it was... :dribble: ..all of it.

Oh you naughty girl, you knew you'd have me knocked out with this part! :lol:

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Oh my gosh! This was amazing! *flails happily* I loved it!

Aw, thanks so much! I'm so glad you like it! :D

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“Um… Wow,” she managed. “That was, um…impressive.”

*swallows* Yeah... it was... :dribble: ..all of it.

Oh you naughty girl, you knew you'd have me knocked out with this part! :lol:

:sly: Mwahahaha.

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Unfortunately there's a huge thunderstorm in the area where I live and my computer doesn't have much battery, so chapter 9 will have to wait. My apologies :(

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This is a great story! :D

Hope the thunderstorm passes quickly, and no worries, we'll still be here for new chapter when it comes(at least I know I'll be laugh.gif )

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This is a great story! :D

Hope the thunderstorm passes quickly, and no worries, we'll still be here for new chapter when it comes(at least I know I'll be laugh.gif )

Aww, haha, I'm glad you like it enough to stick around! ^_^

And I swear to you all that I will tempt Thor if I have to in order to get chapter 9 up before Saturday!

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UGHGHGH oh gosh this is painfully adorable<3 This OC is wonderful!! Can't wait for more!!

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This is a great story! biggrin.png

Hope the thunderstorm passes quickly, and no worries, we'll still be here for new chapter when it comes(at least I know I'll be laugh.gif )

Aww, haha, I'm glad you like it enough to stick around! happy.png

And I swear to you all that I will tempt Thor if I have to in order to get chapter 9 up before Saturday!

It's my pleasure! :)

It would be interesting to see you arguing with Thor. I doubt his hammer would help him! XD

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This is a great story! biggrin.png

Hope the thunderstorm passes quickly, and no worries, we'll still be here for new chapter when it comes(at least I know I'll be laugh.gif )

Aww, haha, I'm glad you like it enough to stick around! happy.png

And I swear to you all that I will tempt Thor if I have to in order to get chapter 9 up before Saturday!

It's my pleasure! :)

It would be interesting to see you arguing with Thor. I doubt his hammer would help him! XD

My, I'm flattered! :blush:^_^ Hmm, now I'm curious too. I think I'd be too awed by his mere presence that I wouldn't really be able to speak properly. And then, true to form, I would ask how Loki's doing. :P

Sooo today isn't a day for rain, but apparently it is a day for me to feel like s&%t and not be able to do much at all. :( I promise I won't abandon the fic and I'll update as soon as I get a second of real time.

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This is a great story! biggrin.png

Hope the thunderstorm passes quickly, and no worries, we'll still be here for new chapter when it comes(at least I know I'll be laugh.gif )

Aww, haha, I'm glad you like it enough to stick around! happy.png

And I swear to you all that I will tempt Thor if I have to in order to get chapter 9 up before Saturday!

It's my pleasure! smile.png

It would be interesting to see you arguing with Thor. I doubt his hammer would help him! XD

My, I'm flattered! blush.pnghappy.png Hmm, now I'm curious too. I think I'd be too awed by his mere presence that I wouldn't really be able to speak properly. And then, true to form, I would ask how Loki's doing. tonguesmiley.gif

Sooo today isn't a day for rain, but apparently it is a day for me to feel like s&%t and not be able to do much at all. sadsmiley.gif I promise I won't abandon the fic and I'll update as soon as I get a second of real time.

Ah who wouldn't ask about Loki? ;) I don't even remember seeing that movie and yet so many fics pulled me on his side XD

I feel your pain. :(

And I'm having the writers block to deal with! Everytime I say, okay let's write more, my brain says: "Nuuuu, I'm to LAAAAAZY... let's just sit here and stare at the screen!"

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GOD DAMN IT. blowup.gif This took me SO LONG to write. First thunder and lightning rendered me out of commission, then a random headache spell, and then a realization that developing the mage's character was just about as difficult as Stefan trying to get his hands around Maleficent's throat.

But after all that madness, heeeeeeere you go! proud.gif


The end of the path was soon in sight and Maleficent silently rejoiced, having been feeling extremely paranoid ever since her few moments of humiliation. Brannagh grinned at her before knocking thrice upon a knot on a tree. “Mage!” she called. “Mage, it’s me, Brannagh!”

“At arms, Eamon,” whispered a gentle voice. A twig snapped.

Maleficent tensed slightly. Brannagh swallowed and spoke again. “M-Mage? Mage, you remember me? Brannagh? From the raven clan?”

A throat cleared, and then an awful voice filled the wood. “Cad is ainm duit? Inis dom!”

Brannagh blinked. “But I’ve already told you! It’s me, Br—” Brannagh gasped. “Turn me back into a bird!” she whispered urgently. “Then she’ll recognize me!”

Maleficent eagerly obliged—“Into a bird”—and soon Brannagh the raven was cawing pleadingly, insistently, towards the terrible voice.

“Ah, I thought so.” The voice suddenly turned motherly. “Stand down, Eamon dear.” Another twig snapped, and then the owner of the voice emerged. A section of grass parted and there appeared two creatures. One a small, ruddy, furious-looking dwarf-man, lowering a sharp axe at his mistress’s orders, and his mistress beside him a beautiful young faery: dressed in a deep green gown; wild auburn hair dancing in a gentle breeze; vast, cream-colored wings resting comfortably upon her back; dark purple eyes lighting up in happy recognition.

“Forgive me, Brannagh, my friend,” the faery said to the raven. “I had to make certain… And your companion?” The faery smiled to Maleficent. “What is your name?”

“My name is Maleficent,” Maleficent said, not at all submitting but also definitely wanting to get on this faery’s good side.

“And mine is Mage Althae Noa. It’s my pleasure,” said the mage, bowing. She rose and looked at Brannagh. “You are troubled, my dear.”

“Diaval is ill,” Brannagh said softly, sadly.

“Oh, dear,” Althae said. “I had heard of his expulsion from the unkindness…but not of anything afterward. What’s the matter with him?”

Maleficent spoke up. “He’s having wild nightmares, fevers, and he’s snee-…snee-hee-heehhh…” The once-winged faery’s nose was suddenly a battlefield and she exploded with a surprised sneeze, barely missing the mage with the excess. “HIEEESHhiuhh!!”

“Dia leat.” Althae smiled sweetly, but there was an odd and rather mischievous glint in her eyes that Maleficent noted with fury. “Do continue, Brannagh. What’s the matter with dear Diaval?”

Brannagh swallowed awkwardly. “Well, M-Maleficent knows more about it; I-I only met her on the way.”

Althae blinked, realizing her snub had been quite unnecessary. But, being the mage that she was, she did not let her surprise show. “Well, by all means, Maleficent, do tell.”

“As I was saying,” Maleficent grumbled, “he’s having nightmares, fever, and honestly I’ve no idea how he can breathe after those fits of sneezes.”

“Poor love.” Althae thought for a moment. “I believe I must see him for myself. I don’t want to take one of my medicines all the way to him and then find he needs a different one, or risk his health by having him brought here. Would you allow me to travel with you?”

Brannagh nodded immediately. Maleficent visibly hesitated, but sighed in agreement. “Of course.”

“Brilliant. Eamon darling, stand guard. You know how to reach me.”

“Yes, milady.” The dwarf nodded gruffly.

They started out at once, Mage Althae waving her hand to make her traveling cloak appear around her. As they made their way down the path, Maleficent had an idea. She winked at Brannagh and twitched her fingers.

The mage froze in her tracks. The first hitch was calm, collected. “Hih.” The second was slightly more insistent. “Hhhah.” The third was a shout. “HAHH!” The sneeze was a literal tornado, a gust of wind blowing a circle of leaves and dust around her body and nearly knocking Maleficent and Brannagh off their feet. “HAASHHHAUUWW!!”

The mage took a considerably long moment to recover, removing a hanky from the pocket of her traveling cloak and giving her nose an uncharacteristically hard honk. Then she turned back to Maleficent with a proud sniffle and a marvelous simper. “Please don’t do that.”

Maleficent returned the delicious smirk. “Ditto.”

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Oh my God, this is getting better and better. Naughty fairies having a magic sneeze war... guh. Lovely as usual! :P

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