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Just A Little Green (Maleficent) COMPLETED 22/7


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I was so super happy everyone liked my first Diaval fic so much, and when I got a few requests to continue, of course I was more than eager to do so~ This is sort of a continuation of my first one, the one-shot “There’s A First Time For Everything”, so you might wanna read that first: http://www.sneezefet...showtopic=56896

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this! proud.gif Chapters will be posted as regularly as possible; I promise! biggrin.png Ooh AND: Possible future Diaval/OC! clap.gif

~~~CHAPTER 1~~~

Maleficent awoke in the early morning light, stretching and yawning and smiling to herself as she remembered the previous night. Silly Diaval, she thought. His first encounter with a sneeze had been quite similar to her own. (Although his had been much funnier.)

The faery turned to offer a good-morning quip to her winged servant but blinked at finding him absent. She looked around, expecting to find him hugging around his knees, shyly gazing off at the sunrise as he often did. But he was not there. And the sun was already well on its way to reaching the high clouds.

“Diaval?” she called. She waited a moment—no reply. “Diaval!” she shouted, more insistently. Still, there was no answer.

She decided to wait for him, and she turned to face the sun. Maleficent allowed the warm rays to embrace her full body and she closed her eyes in pleasant comfort. She had just begun to wonder if this is the serene feeling Diaval sought each morning in his sunrise vigil when she was distracted by a noise.


Maleficent’s pointed ear twitched towards the sound and her head swiftly followed. It came from the trees that surrounded the small clearing she shared with Diaval as a bedchamber. Her eyes narrowed.

“Hi’KNGtch! Hihiihh…HIKNG’tchh!!”

“Who’s there?” Maleficent demanded.

There was a pause, a ragged breath, and then a strangled “EI’IHKkisshiUWW!!”

Maleficent paused as well, a realization stirring in her mind as she immediately recognized the sound. “…D-Diaval?” she stammered, extremely confused as her head swiveled around. “Diaval, is that you?” A few seconds passed and then Maleficent grew exasperated. “Show yourself at once!” she snarled.

What came out of the trees had Maleficent on her feet, staff in hand and ready for battle, but then it spoke. “Bistress? Sndf? Wh-Whadt’s the batter?”

Maleficent blinked, lowering her staff at once but refusing to allow herself just yet to fully believe that that…that thing…with hair like ruffled feathers, bloodshot, red-rimmed eyes, a beet where his nose should be, and skin paler than the moon save for rose petals sprinkled across his forehead and cheeks…could really be Diaval. “…Diaval? Wh-…what happened to you? Were you attacked? Are you hurt?”

Diaval shook his head and raised a hand to his face, rubbing at the beaklike tip of his dark red nose. “I believe I bay have beed adtacked durig the dight,” he claimed hoarsely, blinking and wrinkling the beak before his lips shook and parted. “Haahh… HE’IIKshhiEUWW!!” The slender body of the servant pitched forward with the force of the sneeze, nearly sending him flat on his face.

Maleficent searched her memory and looked around the clearing to see if there was any of the flora or fauna present that had had Stefan reacting similarly all those years ago, but she found none; only the branches of trees surrounded the sleeping area and the two creatures.

“Well, uh… Dia leat for starters,” Maleficent said to him. “Here, sit down.” She went to him and carefully helped him to sit upon a tree stump. “My goodness… Whatever attacked you will pay dearly; I promise you.”

Diaval smiled tiredly up to his mistress. “I thoughdt I was supposed to be the one helbing you,” he chuckled with a liquid sniffle.

Maleficent winced and reached into her dress, handing him the same white square of gentle cloth from the night before. “That’s disgusting. Clear out your nose while I think of something.”

Diaval looked down at the cloth and contemplated how to carry out those orders as Maleficent began to pace.

She could take any foe. That she was more than sure of. But somewhere in the back of her mind, she wondered: what if this was the foe of which she had only heard in passing? All those years ago…

Two weeks passed before she finally heard his voice again. “Maleficent! Maleficent?”

Maleficent dropped from her customary branch and threw her arms around her Stefan. “Where have you been? I thought you’d died! Why did you not come?”

Stefan chuckled sheepishly and rubbed under his nose, which was still slightly red and chapped around the nostrils. “Well, I’m terribly sorry, Maleficent. Only I had a cold and didn’t want to get you sick.”

Maleficent cocked her head in curiosity. “You were cold? Stefan, of course I would have helped to warm you up. You had only to come and ask.”

Stefan laughed, thinking his delightful friend’s naïveté endearing. “No, no; it’s not that kind of cold, Maleficent. You can be cold, meaning the feeling of cold and shivering and all those unpleasant things, but having a cold is even more unpleasant. Your nose turns red, and you sneeze and cough quite often, and sometimes you get a fever and you have to stay in bed.”

Maleficent pouted. “That sounds dreadful.”

Stefan blinked. “Y-You mean you’ve never had one?”

“No.” Maleficent smiled proudly. “I’ve never had a cold.”

“Wow. Faeries must not get them.” Stefan grinned. “You’ve no idea how lucky you are.”

Maleficent swallowed. Here was Diaval, her wings, her servant who had sworn to put her life before his, and at the first chance she got for magnanimity, she could not deliver.

“HAik’KSHiuEWwww!!” Diaval’s sniffle echoed throughout the clearing, miserable and confused. “Bistress? …C-Cad you help be?”

Maleficent’s heart gave a tug. At the moment, she could not help him. But she would be damned before she would refuse to. Therefore, she turned to him and offered the appropriate reply.

“I will.”

Edited by Devil Bird
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OMG THIS IS AMAZING!!! You did such a good job with Diaval reacting to the cold! The description was spot on to how I imagined it! I am curious to know what attacked him though in the night...

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I LOVE IT!! So entertaining and sweet, and the characterization is perfect. I'd read your previous one, so it made this one even more of a delight. It makes me want to see the film again :D Thanks for posting xx

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This is absolutely perfect, thank you so much for writing it! I am fan girl in so hard right now. Everything was on-point: I could hear their voices easily. I cannot wait to read more!

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Ahhh I'm so glad you like it! :blush::proud: Working on chapter 2 tomorrow and I'll have it up by Saturday! (I'll try my hardest!)

Hey, how do you guys feel about a Diaval/OC? I was kinda planning for the plot to go that way. Cool?

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BABIES!! Ohhhh I just love their relationship and how Malifacent is so determined to help because he's important to her and more than just a servant <3

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Heeeeey guys! Here's chapter 2! (I know I said I'd have it up tomorrow but I got a little overexcited lmaosmiley.gif ) A little short and a bit of a filler, but there's more to come!

~~~CHAPTER 2~~~

A day passed with no change whatsoever, except Maleficent’s wryly discovering that what Diaval had claimed had attacked him under cover of night had been the illness that was slowly overtaking him, not some evil foe that would only add to her growing concern.

“HA’KSHIuww! IUSH’hiuww! HA’AKKshhUWW!!” reverberated around the clearing. Diaval was curled up in a sort of seat Maleficent had fashioned from one of the several nearby tree stumps, his shivering form concealed within Maleficent’s cloak, which she had more than willingly offered to the raven-man when she noticed the tremors rippling up and down his person.

“Dia leat,” Maleficent sighed yet again, seated upon the grass a few yards away. Earlier, the once-winged faery had tried transforming Diaval back into his true beautiful self—“Into a bird”—to see if the cold would desist, but the action had only resulted in Diaval’s nose beak becoming more irritated and his little raven head twitching comically with strange bird sneezes; thus, Maleficent had had to abort mission—“Into a man.”

She placed her chin in her hands and began to think. She admittedly had no idea how to help Diaval in the slightest, yet she had promised that she would. She again poked and prodded at her memory to see if she could remember anything else that Stefan had told her about this infernal illness. But there was only the one sentence: “Your nose turns red, and you sneeze and cough quite often, and sometimes you get a fever and you have to stay in bed.”

“Childish drivel,” Maleficent grumbled to herself, massaging her temples.

“IuUSHhuUWW!!” Diaval sneezed. He sniffled pitifully and then turned to his mistress. “Bistress?” he croaked. “Could I trouble you for sobethig to eadt?”

Maleficent nodded and stood up. “I shall find you some food. But you must promise not to get up. If you do, you could find yourself tired enough to fall into a faint, and where would that leave me?” Powerless.

“I wod’t go adywhere. I’ll waidt here.”

“Thank you. I won’t be long.” Maleficent walked towards the edge of the clearing and then paused, turning back to face her servant. “I-Is there anything else you would like?”

Diaval shook his head. “No. …But thank you.” He gave her a smile.

She returned it. “Of course.” With that, she set off in search of sustenance, completely unaware of what she would find upon her return.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Do forgive the cliffhanger evilgrin.gif Chapter 3 will possibly come up later today but most likely tomorrow.

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Oh my God this is so cute! I love the role reversal you have going here, and I cannot wait until tomorrow comes so we find out what happens next!

Also, those spellings... wubsmiley.gifworshippy.gif

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Sweet lord this is adorable ;O; Wehhhh Diaval!! He is so precious and you write perfectly for him as well as Maleficent!! Can't wait for Part 3<3

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Oh gosh this is adorable <3 Maleficent and Diaval are both so in character here. Looking forward to the next chapter :)

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Here's chapter 3! Shit gets real! lmaosmiley.gifclap.gif And I'm working on chapter 4 now~

~~~CHAPTER 3~~~

Maleficent arrived back at the clearing within the hour with some various food items she had gathered, and she was about to greet Diaval when she saw him motionless, facedown upon the ground.

She let out a cry of shock and fear and dropped what she was holding, running to his side and turning him over. She immediately discovered with a jolt of relief that he was only asleep, but his skin was like fire, his nose was sniffling and twitching madly, and he was whimpering.

“Diaval,” Maleficent whispered, shaking him gently. “Diaval, wake up, I’ve brought food. Wake up, Diaval.”

Diaval only whimpered again, his teeth clenched and his lips parting slightly.

“Diaval,” Maleficent demanded a bit more urgently. “Diaval, please.”

Diaval was silent for a moment before he let out a wail and a frantic “No!!”

Maleficent bit her lip with the realization that he was having a nightmare. Knowing how deeply her own frequent, horrible dreams affected her, she shouted his name as loud as she could. “DIAVAL!”

Diaval convulsed so horribly Maleficent had to catch him before his head smashed back down to the grassy floor. He whimpered again before he opened his eyes.

“Diaval?” Maleficent asked softly.

“B-…” Diaval gave a small cough. “…Brannagh…”

Brannagh? What’s Brannagh? “Diaval, it’s me, Maleficent,” Maleficent told him. “Look up at me.”

Diaval blinked and seemed to swim back into reality. “…Mistress,” he rasped, congestion absent from his voice only because it had all found its way free of Diaval’s sinuses during his feverish nightmare.

Maleficent winced at the mess and reached for her white cloth, which lay at the foot of the nearby stump. She cleaned his face, chuckling sympathetically. “I’ve got the food you asked for. Are you still hungry?”

Diaval’s face lit up. “Yes.”

“Then let’s eat. Here.” She helped him to sit up against the stump, fearing another collapse should he try to stand up. As she went to fetch the food she had earlier dropped, her thoughts were a hurricane.



AUTHOR’S NOTE: The only hint I’m giving you (okay, it’s a really big hint) is that Brannagh is a girl’s name. wink.png

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Ahhhhhh I'm so sorry!!! I will have it up tomorrow as soon as I can!! D:

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Poor Diaval... it's a good thing Maleficent isn't as evil as she wants people to think. :P

Great work at building the story as well as keeping characters in character. Bravo! :D

(also, the sneeze spellings are to die for!)

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Chapter 4 deleted itself last night and I almost killed someone (namely my pillow) ranting2.gif buuuuut I re-wrote it. Here ya go...~ shifty.gif

~~~CHAPTER 4~~~

The next morning, Maleficent again chose to enjoy the sunrise, turning away from the sleeping Diaval next to her. She let the rays envelop her body, and she closed her eyes and sighed at the warmth.

Brannagh. The word had haunted her all night. Gibberish? Or perhaps a name? But whose? Certainly Diaval couldn’t have known anyone named Brannagh during his time as her servant, because she herself knew no one of that name and he rarely left her side. Could it have been a family member of his? A cousin? A sister? A…?

“HiIIUHshhuUWW!” Diaval twitched with a waking sneeze, sniffling before turning to Maleficent and rubbing his eyes. “Mmb… Good bordig, Bistress.”

“Good morning, Diaval.” Maleficent faced the sunrise, her tone light in greeting but her face stone cold. “How are you feeling this morning?”

Diaval blinked at her curtness. “Um, snff, there’s no chandge frob yesterday, but th-…thank you for askig… Is sobethig wrog?” He sniffled again and slowly sat up, shifting his position so that he sat at her side.

Maleficent swallowed. “Wh-… Who is Brannagh?”

Diaval’s eyes grew wide as saucers. “H-How did—?”

“You had a nightmare yesterday,” Maleficent said quietly, “and when I woke you, you called me Brannagh. Well, y-you just said the name when you awoke. I was unsure whether or not you were speaking to me.”

Diaval paused. “Brannagh…” he said softly, turning to the sun. He took out the white square of cloth and cleared his nose of congestion, sniffling a final time afterward as he stuffed the cloth back into his pocket. “…I’d forgotten.”

“Forgotten what?”

“Her.” Diaval’s head drooped to the knees of the slender legs he hugged around his chest. “When I was a bird, you see, before I met you… I was shunned. I’m a fair flyer, but I always seemed to lag behind the rest of my clan. Even my own family disapproved of slow, irksome Diaval.” He chanced a smile. “But she didn’t.”


“Brannagh. She was my only friend.” He rubbed his chapped, exhausted nose with a fist. “She had the most enchanting eyes. Green as the Moors themselves.” He eyed Maleficent. “…They looked a lot like yours.”

Maleficent felt a tug in her heart. Here was her chance. She knew not at all how to heal him of this vexatious ailment, but she had promised to help him. If she could not heal him (a possibility that daunted her cruelly, for she knew that any illness could kill), she would—

“HaAISHiuuww!! IUSHhuUWW!!” Diaval’s nose tucked into his knees with the force of the sneezes. “IHHUSHhiUWW!!”

—She would find this…this Brannagh, and she would bring her to him. She would keep her promise.

“Dia leat.” Maleficent looked to him and put a hand upon his shoulder. “…You loved her, didn’t you?”

Diaval looked plaintively into her eyes. “…Oh, yes…”

Maleficent sighed. “Would you like me to find her for you?”

Diaval’s eyes widened again, and he kept her gaze for an age before he reached out his arms and wrapped them around his mistress, squeezing her as tight as he could with immeasurable gratitude. Maleficent hugged him back, allowing herself a fond smile. “I will go this afternoon and search for not only Brannagh but also a cure for this…infernal sneeze of yours.” She chuckled softly.

Diaval looked up at her with a tired but elated smile. “Thank you, Mistress.”

“You’re welcome, Diaval.”

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By the by, I don't have the time I would like to reply individually to all of you, but I do hope you all know how much I appreciate your feedback. Please keep it coming! It inspires me and it really helps me want to write more. :wubsmiley:

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Oooohhhhh! This. Is. Awesome!! The connection between them, the cold, the twist-stuff with Brannagh, just...all of it! Great job and I can't wait for more! teehee.gif

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No Diaval sneezes in this chap, but I did add a little surprise in there just to be nice thumbup1.gif Enjoy!

~~~CHAPTER 5~~~

Maleficent set out when the sun was at its peak. “Remember—you’re not to leave. Stay here and rest. I will see to it that sustenance finds its way to you.”

“Yes, Bistress.”

Maleficent gave him as happy of a smile as she could possibly muster before she exited the clearing and began her journey. She traveled the roads of the Moors, looking all over for any plants that she had ever used to heal herself. Too bad faeries don’t get colds, she eventually found herself thinking. Then I would at least know something, and this would be quite a bit easier. She divided her time between searching for healing herbs and scanning the skies, looking for anything that resembled a raven.

The moon was rising steadily when she found herself in a field with tall, sprouting strands of silky green grass. She inched her way through, silent as the grave, in case any creature sprung out and attacked. Suddenly, one of the blades of grass fluttered in a passing breeze and caught the edge of her right nostril.

She shuddered as a most unfamiliar feeling spread up into her nose and far, far back. Her lips trembled apart and her fair eyelashes quivered. She realized what was about to happen just before it did, and she cupped both hands over her mouth with a strained and slightly muffled double. “IiyyshIUUHhh! HIIyyshHIUHH!!”

She shook her head to clear it and sniffled, wincing in disgust at the liquid sound. How unpleasant.

She had just swiped a hand underneath her wet nostrils to dry them when she heard a familiar sound: frantic cawing, and a low, sinister, gleeful chortle…

Maleficent’s stomach flipped. No.

She pushed the grass out of her way as she trotted through the field; following the sound and begging some higher power under her breath for it not to be Diaval, please, please don’t be Diaval…

She reached a small clearing in the field and froze at the very edge of the grass, just invisible behind the last layer of the tall blades. Sure enough, there was a raven, trapped under a net, and a potbellied farmer was laughing merrily at his catch. But Maleficent knew that Diaval could not transform without her assistance.

Hmm. “Into a man,” she whispered. Nothing happened. “Into a man,” she murmured, more urgently. Still, nothing happened.


“…Into a woman.”

The raven squawked and squirmed as it slowly transformed into a woman with long, wavy hair that matched its former color as feathers, and slender, shapely limbs with naked skin as pale, if not paler, than Diaval’s. She was a magnificent creature indeed. But what Maleficent immediately noticed before all else were the woman’s eyes.

“She had the most enchanting eyes. Green as the Moors themselves.”

Maleficent smiled in triumph. Brannagh.

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Agghhhh I lost track of time today and I have some summer schoolwork to do tonight, so chapter 6 will come tomorrow :)

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Suddenly, one of the blades of grass fluttered in a passing breeze and caught the edge of her right nostril.

She shuddered as a most unfamiliar feeling spread up into her nose and far, far back. Her lips trembled apart and her fair eyelashes quivered. She realized what was about to happen just before it did, and she cupped both hands over her mouth with a strained and slightly muffled double. “IiyyshIUUHhh! HIIyyshHIUHH!!”

She shook her head to clear it and sniffled, wincing in disgust at the liquid sound. How unpleasant.

And with that, you officially killed me. :dribble::stretcher: Oooh what delicious sneeze spelling... guuhhh!!

Oh, and all in all, this is just great! Keep up the good work! :D

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Suddenly, one of the blades of grass fluttered in a passing breeze and caught the edge of her right nostril.

She shuddered as a most unfamiliar feeling spread up into her nose and far, far back. Her lips trembled apart and her fair eyelashes quivered. She realized what was about to happen just before it did, and she cupped both hands over her mouth with a strained and slightly muffled double. “IiyyshIUUHhh! HIIyyshHIUHH!!”

She shook her head to clear it and sniffled, wincing in disgust at the liquid sound. How unpleasant.

And with that, you officially killed me. dribble.gifstretcher.gif Oooh what delicious sneeze spelling... guuhhh!!

Oh, and all in all, this is just great! Keep up the good work! biggrin.png

I did it for you :proud: I'm glad you approve! Thank you very much for your reply~ :)

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Heeeeeere's chapter 6! I hope you like it! proud.gif

Also: I tend to format a little strange, what with the primary and secondary plots and the flashbacks and all that stuff. If it's annoying, let me know. happy.png

~~~CHAPTER 6~~~

The portly farmer screamed—“What is it with these bloody beasts?!”—and he scurried away into the night. The woman kicked the net from her body and cringed at pain in her abdomen, unfamiliar with this new body.

Maleficent stepped out into view and the woman gasped and whimpered, scrabbling back, covering her chest and tucking her knees underneath her. Maleficent waved her hand and the woman was covered in a long gown, smooth, plain, and navy blue. “Are you all right?” she asked.

The woman swallowed, eyeing the faery with something like a combination of pique and terror. “Wh-…” She coughed. “…What have you done to my beautiful self?”

Maleficent chuckled ironically to herself. “I saved it. You should be grateful.”

The woman blinked. “Forgive me, milady.” She moved to a kneeling position and bowed her head.

“Rise,” Maleficent commanded. The woman rose and took a step backward, still apprehensive. “You need not fear me.”

“Who are you?”

“My name is Maleficent.” Maleficent tilted her head to the side in place of a bow. “And what do I call you?”

“Brannagh, milady.” The woman, Brannagh, curtsied, ducking her head and crouching gracefully low. “I-…I thank you tremendously for your help.”

“You’re welcome. To where do you travel?”

“To the mage. I need her to help me find someone.”

A mage in the Moors? “Who do you look for?”

Brannagh paused. “…Why do you ask, milady?”

“If you help me, I shall help you. Now tell me.”

“Why does helping you constitute divulging my endeavors?”

“Because I may have the same endeavors as you do.”

Brannagh blinked in surprise. “What do you mean?”

Maleficent sighed. “I am on a similar search. My servant is extremely ill with an ailment I know preciously little about. I don’t know if he can heal on his own or how to cure him or even if he’s dead as we speak. I desperately need to find help for him.” She paused. “Do you think this mage of yours could assist me?”

“The mage can do anything,” Brannagh insisted with an eager, encouraging nod. “I’ve been to her many times with other members of my clan, to heal injuries or to tell fortunes or even just for a chat. She speaks to animals, you see,” Brannagh chuckled. “She can do a great number of things, milady. I’m almost certain she can save your servant.”

“If you take me to the mage, I promise to help you find who you’re looking for.”

Brannagh’s face split into an ecstatic smile that Maleficent noted was not unlike Diaval’s when she had told him she would find Brannagh for him. “Oh, milady, you are gracious,” Brannagh breathed, kneeling again.

“Rise, Brannagh. And for time’s sake, let us act as if I am no more your superior than you are mine. Will you agree to that?”

“Yes, milady.”


“Yes, Maleficent.”


“IUUHshiuww! IYyyiIUSHHUWW!!” Diaval sneezed hard into his hands, Maleficent’s white cloth having become dreadfully useless by this point. He sniffled wetly and wiped his hands on his knees, twitching his nose and internally wincing at what he imagined his mistress would say if she saw him dirtying his trousers like that. He lifted the edge of his cloak, tucked beneath Maleficent’s, and ripped off a ragged edge, using that to wipe his nose instead.

He wondered what would happen if Maleficent found Brannagh. Would she bring her back for him? Would Brannagh want to see him? Would Brannagh even remember him? It had been so long…

Diaval sat happily with his wings folded comfortably and smiled at the sunrise. What a beautiful sight to behold, he thought. He cawed up at the light just for the sake of doing so.

Suddenly, fluttering wings sounded behind him, and his head swiveled to meet a sight even more beautiful: another raven, a female with eyes a magnificent green, settled next to him. “Hello, Diaval,” the female greeted him, the raven-speak accompanied by a glint of her eye as she faced the sunrise as he did.

“Hello, Brannagh,” Diaval replied. Soon he found himself gazing not at the sun’s rays but at the way the light touched his companion’s intricate feathers.

“You’re staring at me again.” She had noticed.

“Well, you come every morning to watch the sunrise with me, don’t you?” Diaval cawed out a shy chuckle. “If you didn’t like my staring, you wouldn’t come, would you?”

Brannagh didn’t answer.

“Would you, Brannagh?”

Brannagh turned her head to face him, and he saw the corners of her beak twitch in a smile. Her head came to rest against his as they both looked up to the sky and the finale of the morning performance.

"IYYhshhiuww!!" This memory comforted Diaval as he curled up at the foot of his stump and fell into a deep slumber. He dreamed of his raven beauty.

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