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The Fault in Our Stars Fic


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Hi guys! So I gathered enough courage to write this fic sweatdrop.gif and I hope you like this! FYI this is part 1 and there will be an update with part 2/more parts! Please let me know what you think! blushsmiley.gif

Hazel walked down into Gus's basement, dragging her oxygen tank behind her. A shelf in the basement displayed dozens of trophies, each one for Basketball. Hazel thought at what it might be like to play a sport and be so good at it, but not be able to do it anymore because of cancer. She quickly stopped thinking about it and walked over to Gus.

"What an interesting basement you have," She said with a laugh. She took a quick look around it once more, and noticed the size of the stack of videogames next to the flat screen tv.

"Isn't it?" Augustus replied with a smirk.

"Ha ha, it's sooo funny how some people are always going to enjoy seeing things," Isaac said sarcastically, not bothering to look away from the tv.

"Isaac is mad that he won't be able to enjoy seeing the wonders of my basement," Gus said.

"No, I just won't be able to enjoy my videogames as much anymore. What's a videogame if you can't see it?" Isaac said. Augustus thought for a minute.

"I think he's afraid to admit that my basement looks better than his bedroom," Augustus said. Isaac sighed.

"Maybe it's a good thing that you won't be able to see the videogame," Hazel said. "It will force you to think about it in a different way,"

"I do suppose you are right," Isaac admitted. He sniffed. His nose had began to feel itchy.

"It might not be the biggest proble,-um, to-to you, but it's a..." Isaac paused for a moment. He rubbed it, but it did not seem to make any difference. It seemed to make things worse, actually. Isaac was having trouble not giving in to the sneeze, and decided it was over when he took a deep breath.

"He-KTSHoo!" Isaac doubled over, sneezing on the controller and knocking the glasses off of his face.

"Bless you," Hazel said.

"Thank you," Isaac replied.

"Anyway, it's not as bad of a problem for me as it is for Monica," Isaac said, choking back tears. Gus looked confused.

“She doesn’t want to date me anymore. She says that she can’t take it knowing that I can’t see her. She said it was my fault,” Isaac quietly said. A tear slid down his cheek.

“Isaac, don’t cry. Turn that sadness into anger,” Gus said. Isaac took a few deep breaths.

“Ok, ok,” Isaac said, huffing.

“That’s right, Isaac! Get mad!” Gus shouted. Isaac started pacing back and forth.

“Here. You need to release your anger. Use this pillow,” Gus handed Isaac a navy blue pillow. Isaac screamed into the pillow and started hitting it. Gus took the pillow away.

“Listen, you can’t break a pillow. You need to break something. Here,” Augustus handed him one of his basketball trophies.

“Gus, are you sure? I don’t think I should-”

“Do it,” Augustus commanded. Isaac took a large swing with the trophy at the wall. It shattered to pieces.

“Oh yeah, Isaac!” Gus shouted. Hazel smiled but was alarmed at all of the noise at the same time. Isaac took more and more trophies off the walls, smashing each one with his anger. Not one of those trophies really mattered to Gus anymore.

“That’s the thing about pain-it demands to be felt,” Augustus patted Isaac on the chest. Isaac soon left, thanking Gus for his efforts in trying to make Isaac feel better.

“Hey Hazel, do you want to play some videogames?” Gus asked Hazel.

“Sure, Gus,” Hazel smiled. Hazel sat on the chair to the right, and Gus sat on the chair to the left- the chair Isaac sat in. They each touched their controllers and began the game.


It was time for Augustus and Hazel to pack up for the trip they were about to take to Amsterdam. Hazel had packed her suitcase, and hoped that it wouldn’t be too embarrassing when someone thought her oxygen tank was a suitcase. Gus had packed his suitcase as well, and him and his parents had come to Hazel’s house to give them a ride to the airport.

“So, are you excited or what!” Gus looked at Hazel.

“Of course! I can’t believe we’re finally going to find out what happens to Anna’s mother and Sisyphus the hamster!” Hazel was overjoyed. Gus took out a pack of cigarettes and popped one in his mouth. Hazel was confused at the look of discomfort on Gus’s face. He took the cigarette out and started coughing.

“Are you sure you didn’t light one of those?” Hazel asked with concern. Gus laughed. He shook his head at Hazel.

“Don’t you remember my metaphor? I would never give it the power to kill me,” Augustus smiled at Hazel. Although he was still studying the cigarette to make sure that it did not break open. As the drive went on, Augustus tried his best not to worry Hazel. He felt a bit congested, but did not wish to share it. Luckily, he had gone the whole car ride without alarming anyone, simply by coughing in intervals and making sure he did not do it too often.


Hazel and Gus walked through the airplane, looking for their seats. Gus took the liberty of lifting the carry on luggage into the compartments. As he sat next to the window seat, his nose started to run. He made sure to stare out the window, and nonchalantly took a tissue and wiped his nose. He made sure to pack purell, as he did not want to spread any illness he had. The one thing that took Gus off guard was a fit of coughing he had. It just kind of snuck up on him. Mrs. Lancaster peered over at Gus.

“Are you alright, Augustus?” She asked in concern. Gus looked down and then directly at her.

“Um yeah, I just cough a lot when I get nervous,” He looked away. Hazel felt bad for Gus. He was on an airplane for the first time, and he couldn’t exactly admire what was out the window because of the coughing. Gus sighed. He knew that this was going to be a long flight.

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OMG! Thank you for writing this you don't know how happy this made me :D :D :D :D I love it so far! Update asap!

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OMG! Thank you for writing this you don't know how happy this made me :D :D :D :D I love it so far! Update asap!

Oh my gosh you're welcome! Thank you so much for commenting guys! You are the firat ones to comment on a story of mine and since I am new to the forum it makes me feel very welcome! :D

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I hope to see more stories from you because I love your writing! And of course welcome to the forum rockblock! :)

You are the firat ones to comment on a story of mine and since I am new to the forum it makes me feel very welcome!

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I hope to see more stories from you because I love your writing! And of course welcome to the forum rockblock! :)

You are the firat ones to comment on a story of mine and since I am new to the forum it makes me feel very welcome!

Thank you so much, Melody for all your support! You can count on new stories, because I have been lurking the forum for about 2 years and am bursting with ideas :D

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I would like to thank everyone for their thoughtful comments! I am blushing at how sweet you guys are blushsmiley.gif Also, happy fourth of July everyone!!!clapping.gif As a present, I've decided to finish part 2 today! You guys couldn't have earned it more with your awesomeness. Just to alert you I decided to write out the part where

Hazel and Augustus go to Peter Vanhouten's house and get yelled at, because wouldn't that be horrible for Augustus to experience while being sick?

So here you go!

Augustus sniffed in deeply. His sinuses had become very congested and scratchy. Not enough to make him sneeze, but enough to be extremely irritating. Augustus peered over at Hazel. She was sleeping. She was so peaceful in her sleep. Her arm was wrapped around Augustus, so he decided not to move it away. He gazed out the window. They were well above the Troposphere, but Augustus managed to catch a glance of a lightning bolt below. It must be raining at home. Augustus remembered when him and Hazel had witnessed their first storm together. They didn't care about the weather-they just wanted to be out in the rain together. Augustus had put his arm around Hazel.

"I always imagined the clouds as god's eyes, and the rain as his tears," Augustus pointed up to the grey sky, gazing up with Hazel. A lightning bolt struck and startled Hazel. Hazel laughed at herself.

"And, the lightning bolt must be the blow dryer electrocuting him in the bathtub, right?" Augustus smiled but furrowed his eyebrows.

"Wow, Hazel Grace. Way to think positive," He said. Hazel smiled at the ground. They turned at each other and gazed into each other's eyes as long as Gus could remember. His spine tingled at the thought, but he suddenly had other things on his mind to deal with. His nose had begun to run uncontrollably, and he needed to do something about it. He glanced over Hazel, and noticed that Mrs. Lancaster was also asleep. Augustus pulled out a tissue and attempted to blow his nose. It did not sound too horrible, but his throat was starting to hurt and his nose just ran more. Augustus didn’t want to have to wake Hazel or her mom, but he needed to go to the bathroom. Yup, he was going into an airplane bathroom. He made sure that the seatbelt sign was off, and slowly departed his seat. As lightly as he could, he draped Hazel’s arm back to her body, and he tried his best to walk over Mrs. Lancaster’s legs without bumping his head or hitting her legs and possibly waking her up. He knew he had a tall figure which sometimes worked to his disadvantage, but an advantage of it was definitely the admiration from Hazel. Well, he knew she also loved him for being her admirer. He smiled at the thought, and slowly but surely, he was able to cross over the Lancasters. He walked down the airplane passageway, and headed for the bathroom. Augustus took a brief glance at the status of the bathroom door. Good, he thought to himself. It was unlocked. He entered the bathroom. It was narrow, and he could still hear the noise from the plane. He looked in the mirror at himself. He didn't look too bad, just a little red tinge around his right nostril from where it had been running constantly. Augustus thoroughly blew his nose, and he noticed the redness and dryness of his nose seemed to go away. He looked at the packet of tissues, and noticed that they were the lotion kind.

"Huh," Augustus said to himself. He looked in the mirror and smiled at himself.

"You're the man," He said to the mirror. He washed his hands and slowly exited the bathroom door. Augustus walked through the passageway again, mumbling,

"124 C, 124 C," until he spotted Hazel's poof of hair. He suddenly slowed his walking, bent down, and took a tiny step over Mrs. Lancaster's legs. As he took the other one, he struggled to keep his balance. He put his hand on the top of the seat in front of Mrs. Lancaster's, and slowly extended his other leg. Mrs. Lancaster made a noise. His eyes immediately turned to face her, but he saw that she was still sleeping. Probably a dream, Augustus thought. He sat down in his seat, popped in a cherry cough drop, put on some earbuds, and turned on the tv screen. It was Sherlock Holmes. Augustus and Hazel both loved Sherlock Holmes for his genius intelligence and ability to solve crime. He was analyzing bacteria from John.

"When was the last time you might have been exposed to illness, John?" Sherlock asked.

'There was a man who sneezed in my presence," John mentioned.

"I cannot directly assert that this man was the host of your infection. Was there something he touched?" Sherlock asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact. He was a clerk at the aisle of a grocery store and was bagging my groceries," John stated.

"How could you have not remembered a simple thing such as that John? He simply must have transmitted the illness to you by touching your groceries, which of course you touched, and you most likely touched your face directly afterward," Sherlock stated. Augustus thought about his own illness he might be coming down with. He wondered how he might have caught his. A light bulb flashed in his mind. Isaac! Isaac had told Gus that he was not feeling too well, and he sneezed on the controller Gus used! He must have touched his face sometime afterward. Augustus felt relieved yet nervous at the same time.

"But Hazel..." He watched her sleep innocently, not knowing that her Gus was sick. He thought to himself. Now that I know what I've got, I should probably sleep it off. Augustus laid back and was out within minutes.


“Gus, Gus?” Hazel stroked his hair as he was asleep. He suddenly jolted awake.

“Who, what? Hazel? Oh, it’s you,” Augustus laid back again. Hazel laughed.

“What a way to wake up to Amsterdam my friend,”

“Amsterdam?” Hazel pointed outside the window. There were thousands of tiny cars, each one looking like pieces on a chessboard. The people were almost barely visible, but the light from the sun casting on the ocean was what grabbed Augustus and Hazel’s attention.

“Wow, it looks so beautiful from up here! I can’t believe this is reality. Can you?” Hazel smiled and stared at Augustus.

“Gus, I’ve been in an airplane before, but I do agree that it is beautiful,”

“It’s not as beautiful as you, Hazel Grace,” Augustus stared at Hazel with those baby blue eyes. Hazel managed a smile.

“Gus?” Hazel inquired.

“Yes, Hazel Grace?”

“Are you okay?” Augustus frowned.

“What do you mean?”

“You look a little nervous,” Hazel studied the little drops of sweat on Augustus’s forehead. He started coughing again.

“I’m sure I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be okay,”


“Okay,” Mrs. Lancaster awoke to the sound of the pilot speaking. They were going to be landing in 5 minutes.

“Alright guys, we’re going to land soon!” Mrs. Lancaster alerted them. Hazel observed Augustus and thought that she saw him sweat even more. Augustus reached down for the purell, and he cleaned his hands before asking Hazel to hold his. Luckily, she did not see how he cleaned his hands of any excess germs. The plane slowly descended, and it had shook a bit with the landing. Augustus gasped a bit at the sudden landing, which unfortunately caused a fit of coughing. Hazel held him back with her hand while the plane was trying to regain its sense of steadiness, and she kept on assuring him that it was going to be okay. The plane slowed down bit by bit. Augustus exhaled.


After Hazel, Augustus, and Mrs. Lancaster checked into the hotel, Augustus and Hazel had settled down for a bit of dinner. Augustus had dressed in his fanciest suit and tie, and Mrs. Lancaster had given Hazel an absolutely stunning blue striped dress to wear. Hazel heard someone knocking on the door, and hurried over as fast as she could in her heels. She opened it up to Augustus. He had a smile on his face, and was staring at Hazel’s dress. He opened his mouth to say something but was cut off mid sentence by Hazel’s mother.

“Hazel Grace, I-”

“Augustus, you are looking very handsome tonight!” Mrs. Lancaster said.

“Thank you,” Augustus held his hand out to Hazel’s.

“Shall we?” He asked. Hazel’s face brightened up like nothing Gus had ever seen before.

“Yes!” They took a cab to one of the fanciest restaurants in Amsterdam, called Oranjee. Augustus had taken many opportunities during the trip so far to wash his hands or sanitize them, and he knew that he would have to many times in the future. As they entered the restaurant, they were greeted by many waiters and waitresses in the main waiting hall. The restaurant was elegant and romantic, with the candles and dim lighting combining to make a perfect scene for Hazel and Augustus. They each sat down at a table together, and even though they didn’t say it, they were both pondering whether it was reality or not. They had flown to Amsterdam together, and were going to find out the answers to their favorite book, An Imperial Affliction. Hazel and Augustus each ordered alcohol after their delicious dinner, something Hazel didn’t think she would ever be doing in her current state, especially with her mom around. Augustus raised his glass to make a toast.

“To us,” He beamed.

“To us,” Hazel responded, and they both indulged in their drinks. Hazel thought she saw a look of distaste on Augustus’s face. Maybe it’s from the alcohol, she thought. Usually the aftertaste only lasted her a few seconds though. Augustus still looked uncomfortable. Hazel waited. What happened next took her completely off guard though.

“He-tch," Hazel shot Augustus a look. Were her ears failing her? Her lungs were already failing her, if that wasn’t enough.

“He-tCH!” Hazel heard the same noise, a little more forceful. Augustus sniffed, and rubbed at his nose with his wrist.

“Was that a sneeze?” Hazel asked. Augustus nodded.

“Bless you. Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” Hazel asked.

“Yeah, ub… dod’t worry about be,” Augustus managed with a very congested voice.

“Gus, you’re sick! You can’t stay out like this,” Hazel rubbed him on the shoulder.

“No no, I’m fide, it’s just a little-....HATChiiiii!” Augustus sneezed into his arm.

“Come on Gus, we’ve got to get you back to your hotel room,” Hazel said.

“No but….He-kshew…..don’t want you getting sick,” Augustus mumbled between coughs.

“It’s fine, I’ll take some zicam to make sure I don’t get it,” Hazel insisted. The waiter walked by.

“Your meal is paid on the behalf of Mr. Vanhouten,”

“Thank you sir!” Hazel pulled Augustus out of his chair.

“Come on!”

-Should I continue this? I'll probably continue to write this until I experience writer's block. What do you guys think should happen next? Should I write more about a specific character you have in mind?

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Please continue! I have been hoping for a TFIOS story since I read it when it first came out. You are going above and beyond my hopes and dreams for this story :-)

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I'm so happy to have made you guys happy! I am planning on continuing it but haven't had that much time lately. I haven't forgotten about it and have been writing it in my free time which I am sure I will have more of over the weekend :)

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I absolutely ADORE this! You are a gifted writer! I love it, and I hope you write more soon!

Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and for saying such nice things! I felt a little guilty for the time period that has spanned between the time I wrote the last part and now, but I decided to post a little bit of it for you guys since it is my birthday in a day and I guess it is kind of a resolution ;) Well anyway I apologize for the little amount of sneezing in this chapter, but here you go!

Part 3:

Hazel held Augustus while they waited for a cab. Augustus felt horrible. His throat hurt, his head hurt, his nose was itchy, and he felt bad that Hazel was worried sick over him. Augustus's nose was unfortunately acting up on him. An itch formed in the back of his nose. He sniffed lightly, but the itch slowly traveled up his nose, until it reached the very tip. Augustus decided it did not matter since Hazel had already known about his sickness.

"He-Ishoo!" He sneezed over his shoulder. Hazel gripped him tighter. She grew more worried by the minute while Augustus just felt worse as time went on. His nose was running like crazy and if it wasn't running it was dripping into his throat. As soon as the cab came, Hazel made sure to get Augustus in the car and then laid his head on her shoulder. Hazel was happy that they were going to be able to go to the Hotel again to spend time together, but unfortunately Augustus was sick. He closed his eyes, and soon enough Hazel was beginning to hear a faint snoring sound. She stroked her hands against his thick and smooth hair, and she watched him sleep. He did not seem to be sleeping normally, as his forehead was burning up and there were beads of sweat rimming his forehead. Hazel took her sleeve and wiped his forehead, and pressed her cool hands against his head. Somehow this action made Augustus wake up, much to Hazel's surprise. She had remembered him being a deep sleeper. He groaned slightly, and awoke to Hazel staring directly into his eyes. He managed a small smile to hide the pain he felt burning inside. He felt excruchiating pain on his head, like someone was hammering a nail into him, and he also felt like he was hot and cold at the same time. Augustus shivered. Was this how Isaac felt? He didn't know why Isaac would come to his house if he felt so sickly, but maybe he hadn't gotten to the worst part of the sickness yet.

"Hazel..." Augustus tried. His voice came out scratchy which startled him, and Hazel noticed by the surprised look on his face and the fidgety movements that he was not getting better. Augustus cleared his throat which was full of phlegm, so unfortunately he had to give into the coughing fit which was acting upon him. Hazel rubbed his back, and Augustus sighed because he knew that he wouldn't be better to visit Mr. Van Houten. He cursed himself for not keeping a positive attitude, but he looked forward to being cared by Hazel. Thinking about her gave Augustus a worry. He had taken a pre cold medicine tube on the trip with him, but unfortunately forgot to take it. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the tube. He gave it to Hazel, and she would never admit it to Augustus but she personally would want to be sick with him so they would get to lie down together and cuddle. She knew he wanted her to take it right away, so she put one of the pills in her mouth and swallowed it. Augustus smiled and his head suddenly felt heavy again so he laid back on her shoulder and closed his eyes. Hazel smiled. It was not often that she would get to see an adorable boy in a suit sick.


Augustus jolted awake. He slowed his breathing, and squinted to focus his vision. There was a tv on in front of him. Augustus found some sort of cool compact on his forehead, and took it off in question. There was a piece of cloth by his side as well, and he took it in his hands and rubbed his nose with it.

"HetCH!" He sneezed into it. He looked at the man on tv. Why was the man in a towel? And why was it funny that he wasn't wearing pants? Augustus felt like he knew the man but couldn't quite make a connection. Someone knocked at the door and he heard a buzzing sound. The door popped open.

"Augustus?" The girl asked.

"Who's Augustus?"

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Ok so here is the next part. There will be another part after this one I promise!

"What do you mean who's Augustus?" The girl asked. Augustus looked at her again.

"I'm sorry, but I really don't know who that is," Augustus said. Hazel walked over to him and sat on the bed. She placed her hand on his forehead. It was warm once again.

"Augustus, stop messing around. It's me, Hazel," She said.

"Is that who I am?" He asked. Hazel couldn't believe it. Augustus was known to be a joker so she thought it was better to play it safe than be sorry.

"Of course. Don't you remember who I am?" She asked.

"Um, sorry, doesn't ring a bell," Augustus said, confused as to who Hazel was in his life. She placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I talked to a doctor and he said you only had the flu. I didn't know you would lose your memory as well," Hazel said.

"Ha-tCH!" Augustus sneezed into his hand.

"Bless you," Hazel said.


"You know, bless you. It's something people say when another person sneezes," Hazel said.

"Sneezes? Is that what I've been doing?" He asked.

"I suppose so. You mean to say you were sneezing before I walked in here?" She asked.

"Yes," Augustus said. He stared at the tv in front of him. Get off my sheet! The man on the screen shouted. Augustus was still confused. Who was that man?

"Excuse me, um, Hazel, do you know who that man is on the screen?" He asked.

"Sherlock Holmes," And with that, Augustus fainted.


"Gus?" A voice called. Augustus opened his eyes slightly.

"Hello?" He said.

"It's me, Hazel," The girl said. She gave him some water. It felt cool and refreshing. He also noticed her holding a tray of soup.

"Here, have some soup," She said. She handed him the tray and he started eating it. He winced and his face redenned.

"Too hot?" Hazel asked. Augustus nodded. Hazel gave him some more water. He stopped drinking in order to sneeze.

"H-heXChoo!" He stifled.

"Don't do that," Hazel said.

"Why not?"

"It's not good for you,"


"Oh, nevermind. Just eat your soup," Hazel commanded.

"Have I eaten soup before?" Augustus asked.

"Of course. It's a good remedy when you are sick," Hazel smiled. Augustus gazed into her eyes. She was a pretty girl. Had he known her before? He wanted to remember, but he was beginning to feel tired. He yawned, and was instructed to eat his soup and take a nap. As soon as he was finished, Hazel shut the lights and told him that she would leave the door to their connecting rooms open. Augustus took a deep breath, and stared at the book on his night table. An Imperial Affliction. Augustus eyed the book until he was out cold.

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Here is the final part! Sorry it had to end, but I suppose all good things must come to an end! Here:

Hazel walked into Augustus's room the next morning. Hazel was amazed. Gus was reading An Imperial Affliction. Maybe he just likes the book, Hazel thought. He sneezed. Hazel watched as the enormous breath shook his entire body. He rubbed his head in pain.

"Oh hi there, Hazel Grace," Hazel gasped and fell to the ground. When she regained her balance, Augustus was smirking at her.

"Augustus? Is your memory back?" Hazel asked. He took out his pack of cigarettes.

"Does this answer that question?" He asked with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Gus!" Hazel shouted. She lay down on the bed with him and felt his smooth forehead with her hand. No fever! The antibiotics must have helped him.

"By the way, you didn't have to wait for me to regain my memory in order for you to see Mr. Van Houten. You could have gone alone and told me what he said once I got my memory back," Augustus said.

"About that, Gus," Hazel looked concerned, but suddenly her face beamed.

"He said we could come today!" Hazel shouted.

"That's great!" Augustus yelled, unfortunately provoking a coughing fit.

"But Gus, will you be alright?" Hazel asked.

"I haven't vomited in the last hour and obviously my fever's down, so I think a little visit to someone won't hurt. I think I've gone from having the flu to a simple cold, which is only mildly annoying," Augustus said. Hazel was so happy that she kissed him on the top of the head. With all the excitement going on, Hazel's mom awoke and walked into the room.

"What's going on Hazel?" She asked. Hazel and Augustus both turned around and looked at Mrs. Lancaster.

"Gus has his memory back!" Hazel said.

"Oh that's great Augustus! How are you feeling?" She asked.

"HaetCH!" Augustus sneezed.

"He's only got a little cold. But we'll check in with the doctor and get some more antibiotics so he can go out," Hazel spoke for him.

"Alright, but you better take some more zicam. I don't want you to get sick," Mrs. Lancaster advised.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Lancaster. I won't get her sick. She'll probably be the one to get all kissy with me," Augustus smiled.

"Oh, stop it," Hazel gave Augustus a friendly shove.



Hazel and Augustus soon returned home from Amsterdam, and Augustus unfortunately had to remain in bed. His mother had said that he might be at risk for cancer if he did not get better any time soon. Hazel was still confused as to how he was not better yet, but she happily visited him. The only downside was that she was ordered by doctors to wear a surgical mask to avoid the illness. He said it would produce a high amount of stress on her lungs. She didn't care about getting sick. She just wanted to visit her friend. Well, maybe he was more than a friend.

"Hi Gus," She opened the door. Augustus sat up slowly.

"Hi Hazel Gra-" Augustus started coughing. Hazel sat down on the bed with him.

"Thank you so much Augustus," Hazel stared into Augustus's eyes.

"Thank you? What could I have possibly done for you, Hazel Grace? You are the sole purpose of my life," Augustus said.

"Gus, you don't have to say that. And you didn't have to use your wish on Amsterdam either,"

"But I wanted to. I got to spend time with you," Augustus took her hand in his. Hazel tried to say something else, but he gazed at her beauty.

"I love you so much Hazel Grace," He said to her. Hazel had been waiting for this moment her entire life. She was stunned.

"I love you too!" She hugged him as hard as she could. She felt his breath hitch, and she held a tissue up to his nose to catch his sneezes.

"Thank you," He smiled. Hazel couldn't help but smile at him and his helpless self.

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This was cute! :) I'm a little confused as to why he lost his memory, but I guess he was disoriented from the fever?

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This was cute! :) I'm a little confused as to why he lost his memory, but I guess he was disoriented from the fever?

Sorry, I didn't mean to confuse you. I did mean for him to be a bit disoriented from the fever because what I've heard fevers can do a lot of damage :(

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Aw I loved this!

Really? I'm blushing right now :) sorry I ended it... I simply exhausted out every idea I had for it but I am definitely going to write more fics :)

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This was cute! smile.png I'm a little confused as to why he lost his memory, but I guess he was disoriented from the fever?

Sorry, I didn't mean to confuse you. I did mean for him to be a bit disoriented from the fever because what I've heard fevers can do a lot of damage sadsmiley.gif

Oh, okay! :) Just double checking, I get confused a lot, no worries! I really liked the story!

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This was cute! smile.png I'm a little confused as to why he lost his memory, but I guess he was disoriented from the fever?

Sorry, I didn't mean to confuse you. I did mean for him to be a bit disoriented from the fever because what I've heard fevers can do a lot of damage sadsmiley.gif

Oh, okay! smile.png Just double checking, I get confused a lot, no worries! I really liked the story!

Ok. Thanks :)

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