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Supervillains Don't Get Sick- The Thundermans


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I love the Thundermans and decided to start this fic. Sorry if the characters aren't too well written- I kinda scribbled this. Here you go!

There was a horrible flu going around at Hiddenville High School. Phoebe and Candy hadn't felt too well that day, as the flu was extremely contagious.

"Heh-kCtchOO! Phoebe sneezed into her locker, being careful to hide her powers, although her locker filled with frost.

"Thank god that wasn't fire," She mumbled under her breath, as she pulled out the hand sanitizer. Candy walked by Phoebe, coughing along the way.

"God, this has to be one of the worst school days I've had in a while," Candy said.

"You're telling me," Phoebe said. It was hard enough for her to hide her powers, but now she had to worry about sneezing ice or fire in class. Cole Campbell walked by, asking Phoebe how she was. Phoebe felt a tingle in her nose.

"I don't feel very...heh...Hatchoo!" Phoebe sneezed into her hand, feeling gross about it but knowing she could light her shirt on fire.

"Bless you," Cole replied. But then he too felt a tickle in his sinuses that made his nose twitch. His breathing hitched.

"Tchoo! Ah...choo! Ha-gnxt!" Cole sneezed into his arm, stifling the last one into his hand.

"Thanks. Bless you too! Are you not feeling well either?"

"Yeah. I've been sneezing all day," He said. Phoebe couldn't help but feel bad for him. Right then, his sister Tara walked by while talking to Max. Phoebe heard them saying something about being too cool and evil to get sick. Phoebe didn't want to admit it, but her brother wasn't sick at all. He just kept on going on about how strong his immune system was, and Phoebe was usually the one not to get sick.

Phoebe returned home, happy to be out of school. When she opened the door, she saw her Dad on the couch with a bucket.

"Dad?" Phoebe asked.

"I'm soooooo sick...." He moaned. He tilted his head into the bucket. Uh-oh, Phoebe thought, I guess this illness is really going around.

"Dad, is Mom, Nora, or Billy sick?"

"All of them," Frank said before vomiting in the bucket. Phoebe cringed, heading up to her room.

"Wait Phoebe, are you sick?" Her dad asked. Phoebe sneezed fire into the air. That told him.

"What about Max?" He asked.

"No, actually," Phoebe said.

"You've got to be kidding," Frank said. The door opened.

"Hey Dad. Pheebs. Bye."

"That's weird," Frank said. Phoebe shrugged. Max headed down to his lair. When he got down, he was about to brag to Dr. Colosso about how healthy he was.

"AAATCHOO!" Dr. Colosso sneezed.

"You too?!" Max asked.

"Too? You mean everyone's sick now?" Dr. Colosso asked.

"Well, everyone except me of course," Max replied. "I didn't even know bunnies could get flus," Max said. Dr. Colosso broke into a fit of coughing.

"Well it's true. Now put a carrot in it and bring me that bucket, would you?" Max brought a small bucket.

"Now, could you please turn around? I'd rather not be seen in this state," Dr. Colosso said. Max turned around, and Dr. Colosso tried his best not to vomit.

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If anyone wants the rest of the fic....well....here you go. :)

Phoebe woke up, feeling much better than the day before. She headed downstairs, to see her parents and Billy and Nora.

"I can breath again!" Billy said. Phoebe assumed that this meant everyone felt better.

"I was able to rise right out of bed this morning!" Phoebe's mom said.

"Where's your brother?" Frank asked.

"Cumbing," A quiet voice said. It was Max, coming out of his lair.

"Good morning honey," His mom said.

"Gooborning," He muttered. He looked very tired.

"So, who's up for smoothies?" His mom asked. Everyone gasped. Max felt a deep urge to sneeze. He wasn't a big fan of it, since it showed weakness. Curse stupid natural reactions, he thought. He turned a little to the side, his pre-sneeze face creeping up on him. Finally, the twitching of his nostrils became unbearable as he sneezed uncovered, fire coming out of his mouth and nose.

"Heh-Tchoo!" His mom looked worried.

"Bless you, honey!" She walked over to him and started rubbing his back. Max sniffed afterwards, conducting another sneeze.

"Ha-ITChoo! OW!" Max sneezed into his hands, burning himself. His mom gasped.

"Bless you Max. Gonna admit you're sick?" Phoebe asked.

"No way, I'b dot sick." Max said unconvincingly, while blowing his nose. He sat down at the table and put his hands in a bowl of cold water. Nora noticed Max was about to sneeze again.

"Don't you dare sneeze on my food! I've already had the flu, and I'm the one to burn my food, not you," Nora warned him. Max sneezed into the crook of his elbow, freezing his arm. He melted it with fire.

"Take this Max," Barbara handed him medicine.

"No way. I'm n-not...huh...sick." Max's phone started ringing. It was Tara.

"Hey Tara, what's going on?" Max asked.

"I'm sick. It sucks," She said. Max looked surprised.

"Are you sick?" She asked. Everyone was watching Max.

"Uh," He stared at them, and then looked at his phone.

"Uh, yeah, I'm sick too," Max admitted. Phoebe rolled her eyes.

"Maybe you could come over here and hang out later, since you're already sick," Tara said. Max was happy to do so, although he needed to get some sleep first. Thank god it's Saturday, he thought to himself. He slid back down to his Lair. Dr. Colosso was showering.

"Oh, it's you. Ahh, feels good to take a shower," He said. Max was about to reply, when he felt a sneeze coming on.

"Heh-TCHoo!" Max sneezed on the ground, happy it was ice, not fire.

"Bless you! Bless you! Please, I beg of you, don't sneeze on me, I just started to feel better and I don't want to be frozen!"

"Trust me, Dr. Colosso. I wouldn't...." Max's breathing started to hitch. Dr. Colosso laughed.

"Haha, the human pre-sneeze face. Wow, I didn't even know that your sneeze face looked so funny! Luckily, we bunnies don't have those kinds of faces. Wait... actually..." Dr. Colosso tried out faces in the mirror. Max covered his sneeze in his arm, only to be made fun of further.

"At least you're being sanitary now. Ha, as a super villain, you've got quite the cute sneeze!" Dr. Colosso said.

"Don't say that! I...." Max was interrupted by another sneezing fit. Dr. Colosso kept on laughing at his sick master. Max walked over to doctor Colosso again, pretending like he was about to sneeze again.

"Wait, I'm sorry! Please! Don't burn me to bits!" Max laughed, but then proceeded to turn around and sneeze.

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