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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Sick Days (Happy Days Fic)


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So I'm new to the forum but wrote this fiction when I was lurking the forum and found that there were no Happy Days fics with Potsie sneezing :( so I decided to write this and of course since I adore every character I had to make them all sneeze :) Enjoy!

It started out as a quiet morning in the cunningham househould. Fonzie had just woken up, and he headed out of the attic room into the cunningham's main house.

"Morning, Mr. and Mrs. C. 'Sup Shortcake?" Fonzie began.

"Arthur, Richie isn't home right now for some reason. Do you think you could check Arnold's to see if he's there?" Marion asked.

"Sure Mrs. C. And I'll make sure to tell him-" Fonzie was cut off from a sneeze coming from Joanie.

"Bless you!" Marion said.

"Be sure to cover your mouth when you-...... Hetchoo!" Marion sneezed.

"Oh Marion, not you too! I think that.......Haaaatschoo!" Howard sneezed..

"I'm sorry, Arthur. It seems that we've caught colds! Oh, please find Richie!" Marion said, coughing after.

"Feel betta, all of ya," Fonzie said on his way out. Fonzie hopped onto his motorcycle, noticing that it was chillier than normal outside.


Fonzie walked into Arnold's, noticing the lack of people.

"Ay, what's goin on in 'ere?" Fonzie said out loud. He spotted Richie sitting alone at a table.

"Richie, your parents are lookin for ya!" Fonzie told Richie.

"Boy, they were sick as dogs," Fonzie said to himself.

"I know that they're looking for me," Richie painfully managed. Fonzie studied Richie. He looked horrible. He noticed Richie's nose twitching. He rubbed at it, but that made it worse. It was only until Richie's nostrils flared and his eyes started to close when Fonzie freaked out.

"Not on me you don't! I can't be sick for my date-"

"Huhtchoo!" Richie sneezed in his elbow. Fonzie studied Richie.

"Who's your date?" Richie asked.

"Actually, I aint got a date yet." Fonzie stood up and walked over to a girl. He snapped.

"I'm sorry Fonzie, but I am getting sick. I wouldn't want to get you sick," The girl said. Fonzie walked back to the table, puzzled.

"Huhtshoo!" Richie sneezed again.

"Bless you. Rich, why did you leave this morning?"

"I left this morning because I didn't feel well, but I guess it already got to my family..." Richie heard a sneeze come from behind.

"Bless you!" He said. Fonzie turned around to see Ralph Malph sneezing and running towards the bathroom with a tissue in his face.

"Since when did everyone start gettin' sick around 'ere?" Fonzie asked, wondering why he wasn't sick yet.

"I don't know. I think about everyone here is sick now except you," Richie said.

"And Potsie," Fonzie said while looking at a happy, smiling Potsie. He got up out of his seat to go talk to Potsie. Ralph came out of the bathroom, and he sat down with Richie.

"Hey, do you think you know why Potsie isn't sick yet?" Richie asked.

"He's not smart enough to know how to catch a cold," Ralph said with a laugh that evolved into a cough.

"Quit it, Ralph." Little did he know, Fonzie had been listening. I'm smart enough to know how to catch a cold, Fonzie reassured himself. He sat down next to Potsie.

"Hey, Fonz!" Potsie cheerfully said.

"Hey Potsie. You aint sick, are ya?" Fonzie asked.

"No, it's the weirdest thing. Everyone's getting sick!" Potsie said. Yeah, Fonzie thought. Except me and dimwit.

"I wonder if Arnold is sick," Potsie said. Arnold was chasing a customer out the door.

"I'm sorry! I did not mean to sneeze on your food! Come back! Oogh, this not good day for business," He mumbled to himself as he retreated. Fonzie kept on wondering if the saying about stupid people not getting colds was true. I'll fake one if I have to, he thought to himself. He walked over to Richie and Ralph.

"Come on Rich, your family needs ya." Fonzie said. They each left, Fonzie driving on his motorcycle and Richie in his car. When they each returned home, the house was a mess. There were tissues everywhere, and everything was misplaced.

"Whoa," Richie exclaimed as he entered the room.

"Heschoo!" He sneezed.

"Oh Richie, you couldn't avoid getting sick too," Marion said with a cough. Her and Howard were lying on the couch.

"You should've seen Arnold's," Fonzie said.

"There were sick people everywhere," That reminded him again that Potsie wasn't sick.

"Richard, why did you leave the house so early this morning?" Howard asked.

"I didn't want to get you guys sick, so I left. But that didn't really do anything since you guys are already sick," Richie explained.


After a horrible night full of noise for Fonzie, he decided to go himself to Arnold's the next morning. He needed some time in the peace in quiet, or so he thought. Potsie was sitting in the corner. Fonzie joined him.

"Hey Potsie," Fonzie said. Potsie smiled. Then his expression dropped. He slowly inhaled deeply, and brought his face to his arm.

"Hetchoo!" Potsie tried to sneeze quietly into his elbow, but it failed.

"Gesundheit," Fonzie said, pretty sure Potsie had caught the cold. He didn't see Potsie sneeze usually.

"Thanks Fonz," He said. There was a worried look on his face. He sniffed, and rubbed his wrist against his nose.

"You sick?" Fonzie asked.

"I think so. When I couldn't stop sneezing this morning, I figured it was just my allergies," Potsie explained. Fonzie slapped his hand to his forehead.

"Potsie, it's winter. I don't think you're gonna get allergies at this time of year," Fonzie said madly, wishing it was the boy's allergies. That way he could prove that Potsie was stupid for not getting a cold.

"Yeah, I realized that after I bought a ton of allergy meds," He said. He closed his eyes again, sneezing into his arm.

"HetCHOO!" He sneezed harder, then sniffed. His nose was bright red.

"Gesundheit. You should really take something for 'dat, Potsie." Fonzie said. Potsie opened his mouth to ask a question, but he was interrupted by another sneeze.

"Gesundheit. Yo Potsie, what were ya gonna ask me?" Fonzie asked while Potsie was using the sleeve of his shirt to wipe his runny nose.

"I was gonna say, how come you're not sick?

Think fast Fonzie, he thought to himself.

" 'Dat's cuz the Fonz is immune to everything." He said proudly, wishing it was true.

"Wow! I wish I was immu-..... Hatchoo!" Potsie sneezed again.

"Bless you. Listen, I gotta go. The Cunningham's are probably wondering where I am. Get well Potsie," Fonzie said as he left the table.

"Thanks Fonzie," Potsie said. Fonzie walked towards the door, hearing Potsie sneeze at least twice more. Why can't I get sick? The question pondered in his head. He didn't like getting sick normally since it showed weakness, but if you did get sick then you proved smart enough to get sick. Fonzie had to make a decision. He decided that he was going to have to fake it.


Fonzie pulled his motorcycle into the Cunningham driveway. He walked in the door, acting like he was cold by shivering.

"Arthur, are you cold?" Marion asked.

"Y-yes M-Mrs. C," He faked. He thought he was doing a good job.

"Let me get you a blanket," Marion said. As soon as she put it around his shoulders, he faked a sneeze.

"Bless you, Arthur! Don't tell me you went back to Arnold's and got sick from someone!" Marion said.

"I think Potsie gave me his cold," Fonzie lied.

"Aw, that poor lad's sick too?" Marion asked.

"Oh you should have seen him and Ralph. Those two were sneezing like......atchoo!" Fonzie faked.

"Come on, Arthur. Sit on the couch." Marion ordered. Just then, Ralph and Potsie walked into the room.

"Hi Mrs. Cunningham," Ralph said.

"Can we borrow some cold medicine? The store is sold out of it," He said.

"Sure," Marion answered. She walked them into the kitchen.

"Here. This should be enough for both of-" Marion was interrupted.

"Hetchoo!" Ralph and Potsie sneezed simultanously.

"Bless you, boys! Wow, it's crazy how sick everyone is! Did you know that Fonzie's sick?" Marion asked. They walked out of the kitchen.

"Oh no! Fonzie, I thought you were immune to everything!" Potsie said.

"I guess not," Fonzie said.

"I'm sorry if I passed my cold onto you!" Potsie said.

"That's alright," Fonzie said, knowing it was unlikely since Potsie sneezed in his arm each time.

"I just want you two to focus on getting better yourselves before worrying about me," Fonzie said.

"Ok," They each said, coughing afterwards.

"Please tell Richie to feel better, Mrs.......Hatchoo!" Ralph said on the way out.

"Bless you, and I will. Feel better yourself," Marion said.

"Now, why don't I get you some medicine?" Fonzie's eyes widened.

"Uhh, let me get it Mrs. C. You've done so much already," He said getting up. Marion sat him back down, and she got up.

"I prefer you not to move around so much," Marion said. Fonzie thought hard.

"Uh, Mrs C, haven't ya ever heard the phrase 'Either the Fonz takes the medicine by himself or he don't take it at all'?" Fonzie asked. Marion thought for a moment.

"Ok, whatever you want to do, Arthur," Marion said. Fonzie walked into the kitchen and read the bottle on the desk. He got out the tablespoon measure, filled it up all the way, and walked over the sink to dump it out. He made sure to rinse all of the wasted medicine that he was supposed to take down the drain. When he walked back to the living room, there was a box of tissues there. And Richie.


After hours of fake sneezing, coughing, and blowing his nose, the Fonz had enough. He said he was going up to his room to take a nap. When he got up to his room, he sat on his bed, still wondering if he was smart enough to catch a cold. Slowly, he grew tired, and closed his eyes.


Fonzie woke up, feeling different. He checked his clock. 2:30! He had slept for 3 hours! He walked towards his closet to get dressed.

"Hatchoo!" He sneezed. Oh well, he thought. It's just a little sneeze. But then the coughing came. Ugh, he thought to himself. Richie must've sneezed on me or somethin.... but then he figured that he had finally caught the cold! Yes! He thought to himself. I'm not stupid! He walked down the stairs outside and then into the main house.

"Hi Fonzie," Marion said. Fonzie noticed that Howard was on the couch.

"Did you have a good nap?" Marion asked.

"I don't know, Mrs. C. When I woke up, I feh...he.... Hatchoo!" Fonzie sneezed.

"Bless you," Howard said.

"Thanks. Mr. C, are you feeling betta?" Fonzie asked to take the attention off him.

"Yes. I guess it was only our bodies adjusting to the cold. But Richie, Joanie, you, and his friends are still sick," Howard said.

"Teenagers nowadays, they always get sick!" Marion said. Fonzie knew that Marion knew that he wasn't a teenager, yet he still was sick. Fonzie knew he would've been better by now if he was sick the day before.

"I guess my immune system is worse than I thought," Fonzie said out loud, trying to convince both of them.

"Don't worry, Arthur. You'll get better soon," Marion soothingly said. Fonzie sneezed again, and sat on the couch. Marion handed him some tissues.

"Mrs. C, where's Richie?" Fonzie asked.

"Oh, he's in bed, dear. Why, would you like to see him?" Marion asked.

"Sure." He walked upstairs.

"Yo Richie!" He shouted at Richie lying in bed. He had a box of tissues and a very red nose.

"Hi Fonzie. Shouldn't you be in bed as-....huh...hatchoo!" Richie sneezed.

"Nah, I slept for 3 hours! Besides, I wanted to see how my buds were doin'."


"Yeah. Your mother told me that Potsie and Ralph were still sick. I assumed you talked to them?" Fonzie said.

"Oh yeah. Potsie couldn't talk for long because his mother wanted him to be sleeping, and Ralph was telling me how bad my mother's medicine tasted, yet it was effective..."

"Hetschoo!" Fonzie sneezed.

"Bless you, Fonzie."

"Thanks Rich. Hey, how's Joanie doin'?"

"She's ok. She's been sleeping for hours though," Richie said.

"By the way, your parents are all betta," Fonzie said.

"Really? In 3 hours?" Richie asked, looking puzzled.

"Yes. They said that it was just their bodies adjusting to this cold," Fonzie said, looking outside at the windy weather.

"That's great for them," Richie said, sneezing afterwards.

"Gesundheit, Cunningham. Am I keepin' you up?"

"Of course not," Richie responded, happy for the company.

"Well, I'll leave ya alone so you can get some sleep," Fonzie said, walking out the door.

"Alright Fonz, see ya around."


The next day, Richie and Joanie felt much better, so Richie went to Arnold's to see how his friends were doing.

"Hey, Rich!" Potsie said, Ralph motioning for him to sit at their table.

"How are you doing?" Potsie asked Richie.

"Much better. And you?" Richie asked.

"Great!" Only Potsie said.

"How about you, Ralph?"

"Oh, I couldn't be more.... Hetchuh!" Ralph tried muffling into his arm.

"Bless you. Are you still sick?" Richie asked. Ralph smiled.

"No, I just sniffed up that pepper to scare ya," Ralph said, pointing to the pepper shaker.

"Haha, you sure had me there," Richie said.

"Have you noticed all the people coming in here?" Ralph asked.

"Yeah, there's a ton more people here!" Richie noticed. Arnold walked around, offering Chicken Wings to everyone, saying how happy he was to feel better.

"Well, I'm so glad everyone's all better," Potsie said, eating a chicken wing.

"Well, Fonzie's still sick at my house," Richie said.

"Really? Let's go visit him!" Ralph said.


"Hatschoo!" Fonzie sneezed as Howard and Marion stood beside him.

"For goodness sake, Fonzie. Please say it and don't spray it!" Howard said as Marion handed him the tissue box. Ralph and Potsie had told a few girls that Fonzie was sick, and they turned out to be the girls that he was supposed to go out with.

"Fonzie, I can't go out with you! I'll get sick again and my parents will kill me!" One of them said when she saw Fonzie. The rest of the girls walked out with her. Oh, why did I ever want to get sick? Fonzie wondered to himself.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Cute! I think I have always had a secret soft spot for Potsie (and a not-as-secret spot for Arthur). This is a great story and thank you for your contribution to the site!

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Cute! I think I have always had a secret soft spot for Potsie (and a not-as-secret spot for Arthur). This is a great story and thank you for your contribution to the site!

Thank you! I had a lot of fun writing it :)

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