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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Dug up an old Tomb Raider fic of mine...


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...and by old, I mean maybe a month old. Ah well, time, am I right?? No, probably not.

WARNING-kinda messy. So there's that.

Lara absentmindedly rubbed her wrist under her nose.

'Hm.' She half mused, still primarily occupied with scanning the wall for a particular set of inscriptions. 'I guess my nose has been running for a while. Nothing to worry about.' Lara confirmed to herself. She finally spotted the carvings for which she had been looking-across the cavern, to the entrance to a winding path far above the ground on which she was standing.

She dug her grappling hook out of her backpack, and began scouting where to stand and ascend. She jogged a short distance to a jagged but sizable rock, and sniffed loudly before mounting the stone and grappling to her destination.

It didn't take Lara to copy the carvings into her notebook and make a crude assessment of what it meant-unfortunately, it meant trudging through the dank, dripping tunnel.

Resigning herself with a series of sniffs and a conclusive snort, she sighed and began to carefully way down the path.

'Bugger' she thought, annoyed 'Who knows how long I'll be in here, and there's not going to be anything of use for me to find.' The carvings had hinted at some dragging crusade representing some god's quest for something or another.

It didn't take long for Lara to notice some discomfort in her nose. It was becoming more stuffed by the second, and a dull itch seemed to be growing. With nothing else to occupy her, she snuffled and tried to scrub out the tickle with the palm of her hand. After rubbing her nose up and down violently for a few seconds, the tickle arose in full force.

Lara was shocked by how intense her to sneeze was-so shocked that she was unable to do anymore than let the impending sneeze rock her body.


She sneezed uncovered, her droplets joining the thousands of others on the walls. Her body bent at the waist-her breasts swayed from the force and jiggled from the speed of the sneeze. But her body was not finished, to Lara's exasperation, and she quickly geared up for another.


She sneezed, her body following the same path it had just seconds ago, put this time her eruption was captured in her cupped hands. She straightened and gave an incredibly loud *SNNIIIFFFF*; her face contorted-poor nose pulling almost aggressively with her left nostril and vaguely following in suit with her right, non-dominant nostril.

After using almost her entire face for an epic sniff, Lara looked down into her hands and scoffed. Her palms were almost entirely wet with her snot-she moved them ever so slightly, and was rewarded with an impossible squishing/squelching noise. And yet-she still couldn't breathe through her nose! And now her nose was running, too! If she went longer than 10 seconds without an almighty sniff, it would become unbearable.

Lara, dejected, regarded her situation. 'Ok-my sniffing is incredibly inconspicuous. Good job on that, Lara.' She punctuated her thoughts with a focused glare on her nose-the parts of her nostrils she could see were dark pink and shiny. 'Shiny? Ugh, nevermind.' She grimaced. 'My movement shouldn't be impaired-and I'll have to try and shoot with slimy hands if I need to fight, but I should be fine.'

"Fine", however, only lasted a a snuffly minute or so, before she felt another torturous tickle.

Unsure of the best way to deal with her sneeze, she half-crouched, almost curling into herself to prepare and try to contain her sneeze.

"Ehh..uhh..uh-uh, uhh, UH-UHEEHHHTTCHHIIIUH!"

Her neck spasmed forward forcefully-something for which she had not planned. Her wrists caught about half of her spray and mucous, the rest jerking close enough into her body to wet her breasts.

She wobbled for a second, her upper half pitching forward while bent had almost made her lose her balance. She had almost regained her posture when a sudden harsh sneeze caught her.


Lara had no time to even consider covering this sneeze, and it was her messiest one yet. Her front was assaulted with a wet spray-one so damp, she almost felt like she had lowered herself into the moist stone ground.

It did clear her nose-to an extent. It was filled with a feverish tickle, intense enough to the point that it felt almost solid.

Lara cupped her face, begrudgingly wishing the sneeze to come. 'Come on, damn it! Do I really have to fucking help you?' She thought angrily. It seemed as though she really did need to help it, and a quick arching and wiggling of her battered nostrils was all it took to coax out the explosion.


Lara had but a second to notice that that sneeze had seemed different somehow.


Her mind was hazy for a second, but as soon as she came to she realized two things; 1. Her palms were COATED with thick, glistening snot. 2. Her nose was still blocked-but in a different sort of way.

She arched one experimentally, and sure enough, when she sneezed a little "IIITSCHIIEW!", her nose felt as though something had changed. It was...not as blocked!

Lara lowered herself on to a stone, deep in thought. Faced with the new revelation that their was hope for her sinuses, she now had to find a way to rid her nose in a more efficient manner.

Hell, I don't know if I'm gonna start working in finishing this too soon. But I'd love some feedback, and if anyone would like it, I could work on continuing it sooner than later!

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