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Away From Home Chills (Legend of Korra, Korrasami, F/F)


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Prompt; (I say prompt, but this was basically just an idea I had) The trip to Sato Mansion is rather chilly, and Korra is unprepared.

(WARNING-I haven't seen the show in a while. Heh, sorry bout that.)

Korra knocked on the inposing marble door, then gave a single sniff before covering her once-brown red nose.

The water bender lowered her hands unsteadily as her face contorted into expressions of pre-sneeze anticipation. Her blue eyes narrowed, battered nostrils flared, and lips quivered, on the brink of a sneeze.

"tCH! iiITCH! IITCHUH! HUTCHHIH!" It finally came, and the dripping and shivering girl pitched forward into her cupped hands. So caught up in spraying her fit of stifled sneezes, Korra didn't even notice the mansion door being flung open and the girl in its doorframe welcoming her.

"Korra! So gla-" Asami's greeting died in her throat as she saw her guest hunched in a cold, wet, quivering mess, making desperate noises that sounded like...sneezes? 'Oh, poor baby.' Asami's instincts chimed in for a second, before the more rational part of her took over and grabbed Korra by the shoulders.

"What were you thi-are you-just...get in here!" Asami insisted frustratedly, jumbling her sentences in her mix of instinctual responses to the vulnerable Avatar in front of her. One part of her wanted to coddle her into oblivion, the other wanted to smack her so hard she'd never pull something like this again. She settled on jerking Korra inside and pushing her towards the nearest couch, upholstery be damned.

So there's part one! Sorry for not putting too many sneezes, probably shoulda given a heads up about that...anyway! I'd love any sort of constructive criticism, I'm still really new at this whole deal. And don't worry, it'll get...better, I guess? It-the story-is going to get sneezer and shippier, that's for sure. Thanks again for checking this out, and please feel free to drop a comment!

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Whoa...never read these two together but i like it. Keep at it!

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I definitely like the idea of this story. I've been watching a lot of Legend of Korra lately (just got season 2 in the mail, and hopefully Nick will put season 3 on their website soon) and I love both Asami AND Korra. Putting them together is... mmmm *drool*.

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Okaaay; here's part two! Hope y'all like it, and make sure to give me some feedback if you do! Or don't. Contstructive criticism is always nice.


In a last ditch attempt to salvage her pride, Korra spun around to face the taller girl manhandling her.

"What are you doing? Asabmi, calmb dowd!"

As she watched the other girl's face shift into an expression somewhere between offended and disbelieving, Korra immediately realized she had said the wrong thing.

'Way to go. Being rude to your host. A+ on that friendship you've got going on there Korra.' Her lamenting was cut short when she felt a warm hand clasp her own, and tug her unceremoniously onto a plush couch.

In her bewildered state, it took her a while to realize that Asami had plucked a piece of paper from the ornate bamboo coffee table and was using said paper to furiously scrub the underside of Korra's inflamed and dripping nose.

As if she wasn't already sufficiently overwhelmed, her irritated nostrils responded immediately and aggressively to the friction.


Korra had a millisecond to try and suppress the explosion in any way that she could, but the fraction of a stifing still was not enough to stop her from expelling a mist of spray.

She froze with horror. 'Oh-oh no oh my oh spirits hell shit fuck oh dear world what have I' after that point, her thought process descended into sheer chaos. The time following felt like an eternity until she felt a soft hand gently swipe under her nose, accompanied by an all-too-comforting murmer of "Bless you."

Oh Spirits. Was there-could Asami possibly not hate her? Her voice sounded too loving for that, that was for sure. But no, there was no way she couldn't be furious about that, oh SPIRITS, Korra...the already hunched girl slumped and cringed dejectedly. 'Aw, man-'

Another one of the Avatar's emotional self-deprecations was cut short when she felt something heavy and soft being draped around her shoulders.

It was fairly obvious that the coat was far too large, but it's comforting warmth made it hard for Korra to not sink into it and revel in its reassuring thickness.

When she felt her chin being tilted up ever-so carefully, Korra finally came to the realization that \someone\ had brought her tht fabric spirit-send, and that someone was the flawless Asami Sato. And that said Asami Sato was peering at-no, into her eyes-and was speaking to her. In a voice that the hopelessly romantic part of Korra deemed "loving", the caring hostess said, just above a whisper, "I'm going to be right back, that coat should keep you warm enough for now. Okay, sweetheart?"

Her pale green eyes help Korra captive with their concern and intensity, and she could barely bring herself to stutter an "Uh, y-yeah."

Smiling in a way that the Waterbender couldn't quite peg, her hostess stood up and brushed a lock of damp chocolate hair aside.

As soon as she could no longer hear the noises of Asami's boots on the hardwood floors, Korra curled up in the jacket, clutching it like a safety blanket. Her eyebrows furrowed and she sniffed her yet again bothersome nose, almost as an afterthought.


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Ok, so, heh...looks like that chapter wasn't any sneezier than the first. Sorry about that; but they will be in the future, I promise you!

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It's good anyways! And I wouldn't have thought to ship those two until now, you make it really work well :) this is a really good story

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love how the story is going so far but I am curious of whether or not Korra's bending powers will come into play? (an example would be if she loses control of her water bending or air bending powers when she has a sneezing fit)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Mmkay...let it not be said that I never continue my stories! I truly am sorry for the horrific wait, it truly is a problem I'm working on.

Asami was perched on her maroon couch, waiting for Korra's return. She fiddled with a scroll unconsciously, thinking about her unwell guest. The young Avatar was currently changing into some warm pajamas brought back to her and insisted upon by the secretly-worried Asami Sato.

'Is she ok? What's taking her so long? Am I making her uncomfortable?' The girl's black eyebrows furrowed in near-frantic concentration.

No longer able to quell the chaos that were her innumerable worries-(not worries, and it's not like there are that many, she griped at herself) she made her way down the hallway.

She was about to knock on the bathroom door when she saw another door ajar. Upon further inspection, it was the door leading to Sato Mansion's pool.

Suddenly, Korra was right next to her; purple top unbuttoned over what looked like a swim suit.

"Hey, Asambi-I was thinking, want to get in the hot tub? If you want, I mbean."

Korra suggested; her nonchalant image was somewhat distorted by her scratching the back of her neck.

'Aw, how cute!' And before she knew it, Asami found herself smiling and agreeing. Only when she was making her way back from her own room did she realize her mistake.

'Is this really the best for her? What if she's sick? Seriously sick? Something tells me that healers would disapprove of a sick person in ho-'

Her musings dissolved when she saw Korra in the tub, arms sprawled out behind her casually.

As she approached her, Korra's tilted head jerked itself forwards.


Perhaps it was her imagination, but did Asami was the upheaval of the water somewhat disproportionate to the sneeze? 'I must be over thinking this.' She internally chided.

She slowly but surely slipped into the hot water, sitting within arm's reach of Korra.

The water lapped pleasantly.

The other girl looked at her and smiled lazily.

"This water feels great right now; thanks, Asami."

Asami noted the lack of congestion in her voice. 'That's good. Who knows, maybe she's not act-'

The sound of 'SNNNIIIINNNFFFFF' and the feeling of suction interrupted her thought process-along with disproving it.

For all of the situational awareness and deduction prowess Asami Sato had developed (and prided herself upon) over the years, she recognized no shift in the elements at all--let alone their correlation with the Avatar's illness.

She was entirely preoccupied with Korra herself; 'she's not congested because she's healthy, it's because her nose is runny.' Asami was marginally let-down by her conclusion, but at the same time, somewhat...happy-? 'No! That would be horrible!' She repulsed inside her head.

'She's sick and you shouldn't enjoy it! Stop the introspection and focus on her!'

"How the heck does this work, Asami? Do you hab a hot spring under your house? How does that work?"

Korra's curiosity brought her companion out of her oddly tumultuous reflections. Asami couldn't help but chuckle, at the sincerity in her question.

"-I mean, you'd THINK I'd notice...you know; master of the elements thing? Yeah, we've kinda got a conndection going o-on."

Korra's teasing rant made Asami smile, but the falter at the end did not go unnoticed.

She looked over to see the girl broadly grinning as usual, but her tan eyelids were lowered and flirting over her light blue eyes.


She drwaled, elbowing Asami.

"I aaahh, a-am the aaaah...aa, aaavaa

Korra's smile had changed into her mouth's pre-sneeze expression, but a hint of her tone remained. 'Not that she's kidding anyone Asami reflected during the suspense of Korra's flaring buildup.

Soon, her gasps turned to short heaves. Her face was completely twisted into sneeze-ready form...


To Asami's shock, the water smashed and crashed all around them; Asami herself only received an indirect arm of water flung her way, but Korra was not so fortunate. After all the water settled and her sneezing temporarily ceased, she sat snorting, snuffling, and soaked-it wasn't long before she would be shivering, Asami knew.

As a young girl, Asami had tried-with little success-to train the skill of diving: the biggest challenge she faced was one she never mastered; keeping water from going up one's nose. Asami understood with only sympathy and no disgust when Korra was overtaken by painfully stuffy-the kind of stuffy that /burns/, Asami recalled-sneezes into her desperately cupped hands.


Though a chorus of "Awww"s and similar sympathies chorused through Asami's head, she withheld them. In addition, she schooled her face into a neutral expression, instead of the sympathy and pity that Korra was sure to misinterpret--or at the very least, not appreciate.

At times times such as these, Asami found it better not to bombard Korra with words. Instead, she extended her arm and placed a hand softly on Korra's shoulder. With Asami coaxing hand on her shouulder and a gentle rub, Korra silently sniffled and dejectedly nodded her consent.

Edited by SexyGodlikeHair
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