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Magical Maladies- Harry Potter (Draco/Hermione) F


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Just a quick one-shot I wrote when I was bored. I'm quite a fan of the Draco and Hermione pairing.

Hermione Granger hurried into the library, eager to grab a good book and curl up by the fire at the very back of the cavernous room. She'd just come in from the cold, snowy grounds after visiting Hagrid and was utterly freezing. 

It had been a long couple of days at the castle- most of the students had gone home for Christmas, including Ron and Harry. Hermione was still hurt over her breakup with Ron, however, and didn't want to be around him for three weeks. 

She welcomed the warmth that greeted her as she pushed open the library doors. Madam Pince, the stern librarian was nowhere in sight, mercifully. Hermione quickly located a book she'd been meaning to read and pulled it off of the shelf, making a beeline for her favorite plush armchair near the lit fireplace. 

She noticed with a grimace that her roommate and Head Boy, Draco Malfoy, was sitting in a chair a short distance away. He did not look up when she sat down, so she shrugged and began to read her book. 

A short time later, her thawing nose began to run and tickle. She pulled out a tissue and wiped at it, but the tickle strengthened and she let out a small sneeze into the tissue. 


"Bless you," a deep voice said absentmindedly. Hermione looked up incredulously. Drake Malfoy hadn't torn his gaze from the book in his lap. 

"What?" she said in surprise, causing him to glance up. His eyebrows rose when he realized who he had been speaking to. 

"Oh, it's you," he muttered before firing up at her. "You know Granger, the polite thing to do would be to say 'thank you,'" he said reproachfully. Hermione's cheeks grew pink, but before she could respond her expression grew vacant and she brought the tissue to her face. 

"Ha-ESCH-ew," she sneezed again, louder and more desperate than the previous one. 

"God bless," Draco said stonily through gritted teeth. She may have been a Muggleborn and he may have despised her, but he was not a mannerless sack of muck and he could clearly see she was miserable. 

"Erm, thanks," she mumbled, face burning scarlet. Malfoy gave a curt nod and returned to his reading, noticing a sniff here and there coming from the brunette sitting across from him. 


"Merlin, Granger, you sure make a ton of racket," Draco grumbled at Hermione from his seat in their shared common room. She had been coughing and sniffling the entire evening, and just pitched forward with two loud sneezes. "Huh-ITCHOO, Heh-ishh!"

 "Bless," he added begrudgingly. 

"Well excuse me for having a cold," Hermione replied reproachfully, choosing to ignore the blessing. "I'd go to the Hospital Wing straightaway if the nurse wasn't on holiday."

Draco sighed and closed the book he had been trying to read. "Well I swear to God, Granger, if you get me sick you'll be in serious trouble."

The Gryffindor girl rolled her eyes and shook her head. She cursed herself for noticing, but the shirt Draco was wearing was awfully snug. She could see his muscles, carved like marble, beneath the thin cotton material. She didn't have to like him, but damn he was attractive.

Another sneeze snuck up on her before she could repress it. "He'nxxt. Damn. And you don't have to keep blessing me," Hermione said to Draco, who had simultaneously muttered 'bless you' for what seemed like the millionth time. "I'm sure I'll be sneezing all evening."

"Whatever," the blonde boy replied, strolling over to the fire that was crackling in the hearth and prodding it with the poker. 

"I never had you pegged for the kind of guy that would say it anyway," Hermione informed him, genuinely surprised. He turned to her and glared at her icily. 

"What, just because I can hardly tolerate you means I'm not allowed to be courteous?" he asked. "I've always said it. It's a habit, and I appreciate it when it's said to me," he stated matter-of-factly.

"Yes, I do as well, it is a nice gesture," Hermione reasoned. "I could never get Ron to say it to me, it's something that always annoyed me about him."

Draco scoffed. "Why am I not surprised? Leave it to Weasley. Well I hope that you don't say it to him when he sneezes, then, the git doesn't deserve it."

Hermione frowned slightly as Malfoy bad-mouthed Ron. 

"It's just a sneeze, though, so I suppose it's nothing to get worked up about," she said. Draco shrugged and picked up his book once more.

"I supp---"


"--bless you Granger."

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I love how Draco keeps blessing Hermione <3 <3 <3 so sweet :hug:

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Mmmm! I approve! There aren't a lot of stories with the brilliant Hermione sneezing. Love this! :)

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I love polite Draco! You wrote this when you were bored? This was so entertaining! Thanks for sharing and please continue it :)

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