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Sneeze Fetish Forum

Magnus Bane (mortal instruments, malec)


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Oh wow, I think of the most amazing titles, don't I?

I think this is the first fic I've actually finished XD

Alec sat in the kitchen, lazily flipping through a book of magic and runes. The weather was horrendous, and Magnus had gone out. He hadn't said much, only that he was visiting a late friend's house. This, Alec thought, was unusual, but he didn't think much about it.

Magnus walked quickly away from the home of his late friend, slightly downcast that Michael was gone, after a good many years of friendship. He shook his head sadly, and hurried home, to get out of the rain, and back to his dear love, Alec.

Feeling a chill run through his spine, Alec spun around expectantly. He smiled as he realized it was only Magnus' cat, Chairman Meow, stalking shadows and the occasional mouse. Suddenly, the front door banged open to reveal a soaking wet, shivering, and incredibly sexy looking Magnus Bane.

"Hey there," he said, grinning, and showing off his sharp, white teeth.

"Magnus! You're soaked to the bone! Come here and take your coat off!" Alec began to worry, being wet for so long could take it's toll even on a warlock.

Magnus put his finger up, telling Alec to wait. He bent to the side and sneezed uncovered, sending a few sparks astray.

"Hang...on.. Et'xchiew...heh...." He wiggled his nose cutely, but the sneeze was gone. Alec stared at Magnus in disbelief, a blush rising on his pale cheeks. He could not deny that what just happened was unbelievably hot.

"Are you... Does that... What?!?" Alec stumbled over his words in his embarrassment. Magnus chuckled at Alec's flushed face, and sniffed again.

"I do believe that being in the rain has given me a cold, and yes I able to sneeze." Magnus explained in answer to Alec's jumbled sentence.

"But you... I thought... Why did you sneeze out sparks? Is that normal?" Alec was still unsatisfied

"I guess so, I mean I've always done it, but I'm not exactly 'normal' as you say." Magnus coughed, bringing Alec back to reality.

"Go and take your clothes off, change into something warmer. I'll make some tea."

"Alexander, will you be helping me with that?" He commented, bringing a blush to the young shadow hunter's face. Magnus laughed, Alec's favourite sound, and walked upstairs to change. Alec pulled out a blanket and heated up some tea. As the Alec finished stirred the tea, Magnus walked into the kitchen in a satin robe. He flashed a grin at Alec and strode into the living room. Alec picked up the tea and followed him.

They spent the rest of the evening talking, well, Magnus spent most of his evening sneezing.

"Eh... Het'xchiew! Heh...... Et'chiew! Uh, Alexander, I'mb going to sleep ndow. May you join mbe?" He sneezed loudly, sending a flurry of sparks over Chairman Meow, who hissed and spat at them.

Alec laughed at him as he switched the lamp off.

"Goodnight Alexander." Magnus mumbled.

"Goodnight Magnus." Alec smiled.

From Magnus' side of the bed, a faint 'I love you' could be heard. From Alec's Side of the bed came a loud snore.

I hope you enjoyed it (:

I'm working on a 5sos fic at the moment, anyone like them?

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That was utterly adorable, particularly because they're very cute together. I think you got them just right, too! Thanks for sharing :D

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That was utterly adorable, particularly because they're very cute together. I think you got them just right, too! Thanks for sharing biggrin.png

Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I was really worried I hadn't got them right, but I'm glad you think I have :)

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Yussss bring on the malec!!! I need moreeee... Plz? :)

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