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You're My Best Friend - House MD (House/Wilson)


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My first stab at fanfiction. /curls up in corner

House because House is the best thing that ever happened to me.

I'm horrible at writing and my grammar is kinda meh, but I love House so.

Title: You’re My Best Friend

Author: Me

Fandom: House

Characters: House, Wilson, and a cameo by the ducklings

Disclaimer: I don't own (Geez I wish, especially WIlson wubsmiley.gif ) or make $ from the characters

Summary: Sick Wilson (there's just never enough) and a devious House

House limped by Wilson’s dark office for a third time. Strange he thought, normally Wilson would be in by now. House could hear him caring from a mile away, but today was different. Not that he cared, really, but he better check in anyways. He strode to Wilson’s door and opened the door with a BANG. The scene he stumbled upon, surprised him; Wilson was sleeping on his couch with the blinds closed and had woken up with a start.

“AHhh!!” Wilson cringed away from the light, shielding his eyes.

“Just here to make sure I didn’t have to give you CPR and I need another refill on the good stuff,” House said offhandedly.

“You could have knocked.” Wilson snapped irritably as he pulled himself up to a sitting position, rubbing the sleep from his eyes, his voice rougher than usual.

“Why were you sleeping here, your bed not comfortable enough?”

“I’m tired, I had a late night.”

“Strippers? Why wasn’t I invited?” House said with a gleam in his eyes.

“Here let me write you up a refill” Wilson deflected walking over to his desk and pulling out his prescription pad.

Hmm…Strange, Wilson giving him drugs without any questions asked, he also deflected House’s questions, meaning Wilson wanted House out of his hair. Taking a closer look, House noticed that Wilson had dark circles under his eyes, an unusually pallor appearance, and seemed to be suffering from a headache because he was squinting as he wrote the prescription.

“Here” Wilson ripped off the paper, holding it out to House without looking at him.

“Now please leave, I have patients to meet with.”

“Jeez Jimmy, if you don’t want me around just say so.” House pouted.

Wilson didn’t say anything more, simply waving House out the door.

After House left, Wilson closed the door and slumped into his chair, groaning. He had woken up that morning feeling as if he had never slept at all with a sore throat, headache, and runny rose. He had taken a nap to try and relieve the exhaustion and pounding headache. At least he didn’t have patients to deal with today, just paperwork and clinic. His thoughts were interrupted with a sudden strong tickling sensation in his nose causing him to burst into a sneezing fit

Haaaa-isssshew!! Hitschoo! HetCHOO Hept’kshoo!” Wilson rubbed his nose furiously in an attempt to ward off any more and when it seemed like his nose had calmed down, he suddenly exploded into a flurry of wet sneezes.

Hept’tshhhh, HEhhrushh, Eitchioo, Hehhetshh, Heehhhtshh!” When the sneezing finally subsided, Wilson grabbed a tissue and began to blow his nose when the balcony door slammed open with a tall figure with a cane standing in the doorway.

“AH-HA! I knew you were hiding something from me! I’m also $20 bucks richer.” House said triumphantly.

Wilson opened his mouth to reply except that he felt a tickle budding up in his nose, “Ihhhhhh-It’s nnnggggg nothi nnnnghhhh.” He denied, quickly grabbing a tissue when he realized he couldn’t fight it any longer. Wilson pitched forward, barely missing the corner of his desk, sneezing harshly into the tissue, “Heiii-‘shoo. Hept’tshhhh. Hm’ngxt’uh. Really nodhings wrong. I’b fide.”

“Bless.” House smirked, “If you were fine, I could actually understand what you are saying.”

Wilson tried to sniffle discreetly but House waved his hand in dismissal, “I don’t care if you blow your nose.”

Wilson grabbed a tissue sheepishly, blowing his nose as quietly as possible.

“You need to go home, you can’t be around infecting your little immuno compromised patients. Let alone me.”

“You always have to make it about you huhhhh,” Wilson’s voice hitching on the last word, his nose twitching madly.

“Bless.” House interjected.

“Hhhhnnngg Hhhhi HEhHHchsh! I dod’t have adny patients today, I odnly have paberwork abd clinic duty.” Wilson sniffled, surprised at the quickly worsening congestion.

“Well, taking you home could get me out of clinic duty, so help me help you. It’s a win-win.”

“NO HOUSE, I’b not going to be a pardt of your plan to get oud of clinic duty! Now ged out of my office so I can findish working.” Wilson responded savagely, pointing to the balcony door.

“Well aren’t you a just ray of sunshine.” House remarked but opening the door to cross the patio back over to his office, giving a slight backwards glance at Wilson before entering diagnostics.

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you know what's great? this fanfic. house is rad. and you wrote this really well like oh my god. i love it the end. and i usually dont read house fanfics but you got them spot on.

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This is really great! I've enjoyed reading House fics!

Can't wait for more! biggrin.png

Edited by Joal 555
As corrected in post below (which is now deleted)
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Ooh, this is great! Poor Wilson :D And you wrote House and Wilson really well. Is there going to be more?

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Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone. I love torturing wilson oops. RSL knows I love him though

Here's the next part!

Part 2

As House limped back into Diagnostics, Chase, Cameron, and Foreman looked up expectantly at him.

“What are you guys staring at? Don’t you have work to do?”

“We don’t have a case.” Chase raised his eyebrows.

“Well, get me one so you can stop being so useless. Oh and Chase, you owe me $20.” House said as he began to enter his personal office.

“What did you guys bet on this time?” Cameron queried exasperatedly.

“Whether Wilson was raising llamas. Per the usual I was right, he’s starting a llama-breeding center. Now go find us a case, Prescription Passion is going to be on soon, it’s the season finale.”

Foreman rolled his eyes but got up and walked out, Chase following suit. Cameron began to trail after, until House leaned back into the conference room and whispers to get her attention.

“Whff! Psst, psst! Whaa! Phfffft! ” As Cameron entered his office House whispered in a mock-serious tone, “I think Wilson wants alpacas instead.”

“House.” Cameron glared at him. “What?”

“Wilson’s sick.” Cameron’s expression immediately softened. “Ugh your sympathy and caring is already suffocating my office. I already tried to get Wilson to go home, but he won’t listen to me. I thought he might listen to an equally warm and cuddly person, and while you’re at it take him some tea with honey.”

A soft knock on Wilson’s door made Wilson jump suddenly. “Cobe.” He cleared his throat “Come in.”

Cameron opened the door, with a steaming mug in her hand. “I heard you weren’t feeling to hot.” She said placing the mug on his desk. “This will help soothe your throat.”

Wilson gaped at her, shook his head slightly, replacing his surprise with immense gratitude. “Thagks.”

Cameron took note of his serious congestion, glancing at him with concern in her eyes. “You should go home and rest.”

Wilson took a sip of the tea and let out a pleasured sigh as the contents soothed his aching throat.

Taking a slightly larger gulp, he set down the mug, waving his hand dismissively. “It’s not serious, I can hhhaaandle ahhh lihh-hitsch! Hitschk!”Wilson hastily grabbed a tissue, embarrassed by Cameron’s sympathetic stares.

Hetchoo! Hept’tshhhh. Hm’ngxt’uh! Sorry, really I cad hadle id. He tried to blow his nose as softly as possible and took a couple of sips to ease his throat. His mortifying fit left him sweaty and Wilson attempted to wipe the beads of sweat trickling down his forehead when he felt another sneeze coming on. He rubbed the back of his hand against his nose, trying to alleviate the tickle. However, it just made it worse “Heh.. hih..Haaaa-isssshew! Hept’tshhhh, HEhhrushh, Eitchioo, Hehhetshh, Heehhhtshh!”

“Bless you, Dr. Wilson.”

“Thagks, Dr. Cabrin.” Wilson sighed and blew his tender nose for what felt like the 20th time. Taking another sip from the tea, he looked over at Cameron curiously.

“Don’t you have a case?”

“Foreman and Chase are getting one from Cuddy, I just wanted to check on you.”

HEhhrushh! Thanks for your concern, but it’s not really necessary. Hehhetshh! I’m fine.” Cameron unexpectedly reached to Wilson’s forehead, checking his temperature, but jerked back almost instantly.

“Wilson! You’re burning up!”

Suddenly the room started to spin slightly, Wilson’s vision began to blur on the edges. Cameron seemed to notice his glassy, confused look.

“Wilson? Wilson? Are you okay? What’s wrong?” She asked urgently.

“I-I-I-I durrrrnoo M-m-mm not sh-hhhuu-urree,” Wilson’s words slurring together. “I-I-I feeehll fuuu-uuhhnny…” Suddenly Wilson’s head dropped sharply, Cameron reached out and caught his head before it hit his desk.

“Sorry Wilson.” Cameron whispered guiltily.

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heh.gif Oh House, of course logically, drugging your best friend unconscious to get him to go home makes sense. I can't wait for more!
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Bad House! No Vicodin! :D

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House fic!!!!!!! Yay!!!!! Poor Wilson! I love your snarky House. Well done! I'd expect House to drug Wilson, but Cameron? Devious!

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I love it when House drugs Wilson. I love Wilson torture.

I hope someone picked up on the episode references!!

Part 3

HEhhrushh, Hehhetshh, Hept’tshhhh!” Wilson’s tickling nose woke him up and he searched around for a tissue, when he noticed that he was wrapped up in a ton of comforters and blankets in his bed. Last thing he remembered was being in his office…He looked around and spotted House.

House looked up from his magazine.

“Good morning sunshine,” He said cheerily.

Wilson glared at him. “House,” he said warningly.

“You wouldn’t listen to me,” House shrugged “At least it wasn’t amphetamines this time.”

Wilson continued to give House a dirty look until his breath began to hitch “Hhheh..hih”

“Bless” House called out.

Hehhetshh! Hept’tshhhh! Heiii-‘shoo. Hept’tshhh! ” Wilson groaned.

House glanced at him. “Your fever was high, we almost checked you in. Luckily I found some ibuprofen and it brought it down a few points. It’s still on the higher side, but manageable.”

As Wilson got up, House asked him “So what do you want to do now? We could watch old movies on the couch or watch old reruns of Friends.”

“House, I jusd wand to be lefd alone righdt now. Don’d you hab work anyways?”

“Nope, Cuddy let me off so I could make sure you could actually rest.” House replied brightly.

Wilson sniffled, pulling a pair of slacks and searching for a tie in the closet.

“That doesn’t look like resting to me.” House noted, eyeing Wilson.

“I’b going to worgk House. I can’d believe you dragged me indo your power play.” Wilson aimed two harsh sneezes into the crook of his arm.

“Bless. You can’t go back into work oh Wonder Boy. You’ll infect the entire hospital; I thought you were the ethical one.”

“I’m leaving.” Wilson snapped brusquely. However, as he began to walk to the door, he was overcome by a bout of coughing and dizziness. House grabbed his arm firmly and steered him to the couch. “Woah there Jimmy, not so fast. You’re not going anywhere. Do you want me to drug you again?”

Wilson turned away from House, “HHHHaaaa-isssshew!! Hitschoo! Hept’tshhhh. Hm’ngxt’uh!”

“Bless. Here.” House handed Wilson a box of tissues and a pleasantly warm mug of tea.

“Thangks, House. Is this pard of your plot to overthrow Cuddy? House being nice? Will I have to deal with the horsemen and the rain of fire and the end of days?” He asked suspiciously.

House snorted. “Don’t be so paranoid. Just appreciate it while it lasts.”

Wilson smiled, sipping his tea and laying comfortably on the couch. House settled into the armchair next to him and flipped the TV on to A Chorus Line.

Wilson eventually began to nod off and began snoring lightly. House turned the TV off and glanced at the peaceful sleeping Wilson.

House murmured, “I’m here because you’re my best friend.”


I'm thinking of writing more Wilson-centric fics so be on the lookout

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I am so in love with this fic, and I definitely hope that you post more fics soon.

(And, I caught at least two references to things that happened in episodes, but it's late here and I'm tired, so there may have been more that I just missed.)

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I could list all the episode references, but no one likes a show-off. ;)

I loved this. :) I hope you write more Wilson centred fics. He's so easy to torture. There used to be a sick-Wilson fanfic fest on LJ and every summer they'd have a "camp" thing where you could torture your Wilson in all different ways. Oh, those were the days. :)

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There used to be a sick-Wilson fanfic fest on LJ and every summer they'd have a "camp" thing where you could torture your Wilson in all different ways. Oh, those were the days. :)

They don't have that anymore? Sad! I missed last summer because I was taking care of my grandma, and this summer I just totally forgot about it, but I was already looking forward to next year's camp! :(

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They don't have that anymore? Sad! I missed last summer because I was taking care of my grandma, and this summer I just totally forgot about it, but I was already looking forward to next year's camp!

I honestly don't know. I haven't logged into my LJ in nearly a year! heh.gif

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I had a dream where there was more today, and I wasn't disappointed heh.gif Can't wait to see more of your fics up; I really liked this one!

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*imaginary "Off Topic" smiley*

Good news: I just checked, and there is a mini (one-week-long) Sick!Wilson camp this year, starting on July 14th. It's being run, as always, on the LJ comm Sick_Wilson.

Now back to your regularly-scheduled sneezefic. :)

Edited by myownprivatesfc
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Good news: I just checked, and there is a mini (one-week-long) Sick!Wilson camp this year, starting on July 14th. It's being run, as always, on the LJ comm Sick_Wilson.


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Go to sick-wilson.livejournal.com. Join the community (you'll need a livejournal account, but they're free, so just make one if you don't have one). There will be posts on the main Sick!Wilson page about this year's camp (which I think they're calling something different, because it's so short). Basically, during camp, there will be prompts/discussions/etc. Join in! Have fun!

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Wilson continued to give House a dirty look until his breath began to hitch “Hhheh..hih”

“Bless” House called out.

Hehhetshh! Hept’tshhhh! Heiii-‘shoo. Hept’tshhh! ” Wilson groaned.



I'm thinking of writing more Wilson-centric fics so be on the lookout

This was AMAZINGGG. I just recently got into House M.D. (season four) and I'm in a fictional relationship with Wilson! :laugh: But seriously, the chemistry between House and Wilson is the reason I'm able to function on Monday mornings! I love it! I'll be on the look out too :) Who knows, maybe I'll try to write one as well!

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  • 10 years later...

Awwww. But House making Cameron drug Wilson? I can so see that. And no more clinic hours for House!

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  • 5 weeks later...

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