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I will protect you (Corpse Party Yoshiki X Ayumi)


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I will protect you (Corpse Party Ayumi X Yoshiki)


Hey! (Hate to start on a cliché, but this is my first post)

Corpse Party (If you are not aware) is a horror video game/anime, if you haven’t seen it, played or read it then it may be a bit hard to catch on, but it’s a very good series.

WARNING: This fan fiction is appropriate BUT the series itself I do not recommend for some people.

Yoshiki carried Ayumi out from the dirty, frigid water. He breathed heavily, trying to regain strength. He wasn’t at all a great swimmer. How’d she even get in the pool to being with? That didn’t matter. He carried her in, and set her on the ground, “Ayumi? Ayumi?!” He pressed his hand against hers, “She still has a pulse, good.” He muttered to himself. The bleach haired boy shook her body, she finally awoke. Ayumi looked up at him, “Yoshiki?”

He sighed in relief, “Ayumi!” His cleared his throat, which seemed a bit dry, “What happened?”

“I could hear them,” the young girl began, “Their cries, and then I dunno’ I just kind of blacked out. Oy! You’re soaking wet.”

The boy rolled his eyes, “So are you, don’t worry about me, just get dried somehow.”

Ayumi glanced at. Yoshiki Out from her bag she pulled a candle and a pack of matches. She lit the old candle and retrieved her items, but not before grabbing an old hair band to pick up her wet hair.

Yoshiki cleared his throat once more before coughing a few times, “I uh, I saw a key out there, next to the pool. I think it leads us to the drain room.”

“You look a bit pale.”

His eyes widened a bit, “What, what are talking about?!” He looked into his friends’ eyes until he realized a light tickle in his nose. He looked away as the feeling slowly intensified, “ Echhieww!!”

His sneeze was light and soft, but noticeable. Like, it wasn’t forceful but you couldn’t miss it.

He sniffled, “What?” He said in a slightly harsh tone. He looked away trying to hide his slight blush.

Ayumi didn’t seem to have been affected at all by the cold water, and she was in there longer than he was, “Are you sure about going out there? The spirits could be in there, and you don’t exactly seem to be in your best shape…”

“What does that mean?” He denied as he rolled his eyes, “I can go.”

He stood up and extended his hand so Ayumi could get up. He opened the steel door and she walked right by. The rain was heavy and Satoshi could feel a slight breeze against his neck. He sniffled a few times, trying to hide the obvious fact that desperately needed to blow his nose. Ayumi didn’t do more than give him a few glances, they weren’t even near the key when the slight tickle from before had returned. He looked up, as to prevent it. It was however, unavoidable. He turned his body before unleashing a fit of sneezes, “ Hechiiew! A- Achchiew! Ha- Ha – Ha chiewew!!!He pressed his nose against his long sleeve and continued walking. Ayumi gave him a worried look, “Tissue?” She asked handing him one. He took them and blew his slightly red nose.


“Hey. I know we shouldn’t get separated any more, but it really looks like you could use a break.” She scorned as she picked up the silver key.

“Ayumi. Please, you don’t need to worry.” He said re assuring her, “Besides it’s you who was close to death.”

“And it will be you if you continue to be such a prideful ass!” She said, slightly angry, “You can’t keep fighting off that cold.”

They walked to towards the drainage room as they spoke and Yoshiki held her wrist, “Please what are you talking about? I don’t have a” He was interrupted, by himself that is, “Hechiew! HACHIIIEWW! HA- HACHIEWW!”

A waterfall of liquid fell from his nose like a waterfall. He tried pulling out a tissue from his pocket but Ayumi held out a white handkerchief. Yoshiki’s eyes widened, “Ayumi. You really don’t have to, that’s your last one and you already used your first on my cut.”

Yoshiki had been attacked earlier by an anonymous man with a hatchet. Yoshiki didn’t quite know how he’d escaped, but he had. And once he finally caught up with Ayumi, his cheek had received a small cut.

The small, brunette girl insisted, ”You need more than I do.”

Yoshiki flustered a bit before gratefully accepting it and blowing his highly irritated nose.

She opened the door and managed to get him to sit down.

How come the water hasn’t affected Ayumi!? Satoshi thought to himself. He was quite prone to becoming ill, you’d think by now he’d accept his burden and admit to being the vulnerable position. But being the person he was, he didn’t. His companion was obviously worried. She sat next to him and glanced at him a few times, “You know you really are pathetic!” She scowled.

He frowned, “Hey! I may not be Satoshi but I’m capable of taking care of myself!”

Satoshi was a friend of Yoshikis’ and it was painfully easy to tell that Ayumi admired him. Satoshi never actually told anyone but he’d always been envious of Satoshi. It was as if everyone was always comparing them two.

Her mouth widened, when she understood Yoshiki’s defense, even if it was childish.

He tried keeping a straight face on, but it wasn’t long until he’d been attacked once again, “Heshieew! HESHIEW! H- HASHIEW! HAISHEW!”

His sneezes seemed to be growing stronger so had his embarrassment.

A small, clear substance appeared under his nose, which blew forcefully. He flustered all the while.

“You know Ayumi?”

“Yeah?” She responded looking up at him.

“I can protect myself, even if you don’t believe it. And even in this position.”

“No.” Ayumi sighed, wrapping her arms around him before looking upwards, “You’re an impulsive, annoying, delinquent, but I will

protect you Yoshiki. You dumbass.”

"HEASHIEW!" He forced.

ANOTHER Authors note

(Wow! Two in one)

Hey! Hope you enjoyed. (:

That ‘I will protect you’ was a little vice versa fan referencing right there. Cuase’ it was like a quote from Yoshiki, but instead Ayumi is using it. Ha. He. HE HE HE EHEH HE. He. Ha. Get it? No? Oh..


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Wow, this is really great! I love the game, I'm kind of a nerd when watching it. Please continue!

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AWWW This was just too cute!!! I literally just got this point in the game, and I wished something like this would happen, but nothing did :/ This is fantastic, and this was my favorite paring! XD You should totally write another Corpse Party fic!

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AWWW This was just too cute!!! I literally just got this point in the game, and I wished something like this would happen, but nothing did :/ This is fantastic, and this was my favorite paring! XD You should totally write another Corpse Party fic!

Uggughguhugh. Same here. ): If I could just see ONE Corspe Party character suffer. -_-

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Authors Note

(Three authors notes in a row people!)

I realized that I have an odd obsession with authors’ notes when it comes to writing fan fiction. :/ HMMM. Anyway, I wasn’t sure if I wanted to make a second part to this, or make a collection of various story’s each focusing on a specific character, in my prior it was Yoshiki, I may continue with Satoshi, Seiko, Naomi, Sakutaro, etc. But, I’ve finally decided, this is my first ‘official’ post, so I should keep it simple. Maybe in the near future I’d do a collection, but not this time. I’ve instead decided to just make this a part story. (Cause’ like, why not? You know?)

Ekay! See you with another note at the end

Having to deliver a bag filled with childrens’ eyes wasn’t a very charming job, and after finding the bag it was decided Ayumi would take lead, since Yoshiki didn’t have any other options, better said he wasn’t offered any other options, so he’d just have to go along with it. Besides after being around her for a good while, Yoshiki learned how stubborn Ayumi could be under this sort of situation, any situation really. He would’ave probably dropped out of school if it weren’t for her, but Ayumi didn’t really seem to notice the kind of impact she had on her friend.

Yoshiki didn’t even ask when they were going, because he fully understood that his companion wouldn’t allow it at that exact moment. However he did think it was stupid having to waste so much time, when time is limited. Usually he would’ave made a snipe, rude comment at this reasoning but he didn’t have the energy for it, or the ‘intimidation’, because at the moment, even Satoshi the cowardly friend of his wouldn’t be slightly pressured by him.

His mind somewhat drifted off as he thought. He gazed upwards but was interrupted Ayumi, “Satoshi?”


“How are you?” She asked him.

“I feel like shit.” He exclaimed.

“Hey, don’t take your immune system out on me!”

Ayumi would’ve probably continued lecturing him, about rights and wrongs, and how he should be more kind natured and less prideful, but his fit threw her right of track.

“Hesshiew! He- Heichiew! HA- HECHIEEW!”

He rubbed his nose on his sleeve and sniffled miserably, “Trust me, ehieew! It hurts me more than it hurts you.”


The Great gamer has RETURENED!!!1!! (That typo with the number ‘1’ was put there on purpose for dramatic effect).

So, yeah I’d say that was a pretty short part, but eh’ I didn’t really feel up to writing this morning. I dunno’, it was originally planned to be one story thing, but I did this to see where it would take me. I like it so far, but I think if I finished the game I’d be able to write this in a smoother form. But, I don’t think that’s too necessary.

With that said, goodbye!

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Omg, I write WAY too many author's notes, too! Hahaha yay.gif This was such a cute little chapter! You have really been nailing the character's personalities perfectly and it has just been a really cute story to read so far, and I can't wait to read more! Keep up the great work! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

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OH MY GOD CORPSEPARTY HOLY SHIT I LOVE THAT GAME!! I watched Cry play it which made it fucking hilarious as well as super sad and pretty scary, I wish I could play it myself.

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OH MY GOD CORPSEPARTY HOLY SHIT I LOVE THAT GAME!! I watched Cry play it which made it fucking hilarious as well as super sad and pretty scary, I wish I could play it myself.

Glad to know you like Cry. (: If you want here's some more info on the game its self :http://www.corpsepartypsp.com/cp/

(Great game for play station, I don't recommend it to everyone though! Very gory and adult content)

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Omg, I write WAY too many author's notes, too! Hahaha yay.gif This was such a cute little chapter! You have really been nailing the character's personalities perfectly and it has just been a really cute story to read so far, and I can't wait to read more! Keep up the great work! thumbsupsmileyanim.gif

OH. Danks. blushsmiley.gif

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OH MY GOD CORPSEPARTY HOLY SHIT I LOVE THAT GAME!! I watched Cry play it which made it fucking hilarious as well as super sad and pretty scary, I wish I could play it myself.

Glad to know you like Cry. (: If you want here's some more info on the game its self : http://www.corpsepartypsp.com/cp/

(Great game for play station, I don't recommend it to everyone though! Very gory and adult content)

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Update: Part Three


Having a cold inside of an accursed, elementary filled with vengeful spirits was bad enough. But being able to catch their attention every few minutes was even worse.

“Heeshiew! Ha- Hachiew!! HA- HECHIEW!” He looked around, hoping not to have caught the attention of yet another child.

Ayumi pulled his arm, “Ugh. Keep your voice down!”

He forcefully retrieved himself, “I don’t exactly have many options you know!”

“You’re not stupid; you could’ave found some other way to get me out of there!”

It wasn’t a complement, but it didn’t keep Yoshiki from looking up at her and blushing slightly. His blush didn’t stop his attitude though, “I was in a rush, okay?! Would you have preferred if I hadn’t saved you at all?”

She gasped, “Stop it! Don’t say that kind of stuff!”

He toned it down, “You shouldn’t have to worry like that. You know I wouldn’t leave you. Not in a place like this.”

She blushed, at least twice as much as Yoshiki and looked away. And then she slapped him, “What’s up with you latley?! Has the illness already gone to your head?!”

Just I that instant, inside of the Heavenly Host halls, a young girl with one missing eye walked by them. One could say it was the pin point of all inconvenience, but a small sensation began forming in Yoshikis’ nose.

The girl walked around with little no exact direction. He gulped ad sniffled, “A- Ayumi.”

“What is it?” She whispered.

He gave her the ‘Yoshiki look’ and in that moment she knew what was about to come. The sensation grew stronger and stronger; his urge to fight it back was so painfully obvious that you’d think the dead girl would have noticed by now. The fateful second where she was to leave the door, Yoshiki had been practically ‘possessed’.


The eye less girl turned around, but he could no longer control himself,Hachiew! H- HAHIEW! HACHIEWW! H- Hachieww! Achew!”

The moment you’d think the spirit would attack Ayumi turned her vision and held out the bag, “Here! I have your tongue and eye!”

Almost instantly, the blood covered girl stopped, “Th- Thank you. Three. Three more left till’ you’ll be home.”

Ayumi smiled, she was a bit teary eyed, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry for what happened to you but please! You can’t keep doing this!” Her voice was a bit more serious now, “Stop bringing people to this wretched place!”

“He Chhiew!” Yoshiki walked back a few steps and raised an eyebrow, “Eh- Sorry to interrupt.”

He sniffled and wiped his runny nose on his sleeve, not wanting to draw any attention to himself. This was however a failure, he would’ve listened more closely to the conversation but the constant sniffling distracted not only himself but Ayumi, whom seemed a bit worried for him.

The argument was settled, the tongues of the children would be returned and they’d go back home. Yoshiki didn’t pay much attention to the rest, he did try though.

The argument finished and the girl walked away, seeming almost to disappear.

The blond boy looked at his friend and sniffled for the about hundredth time, “I’m sorry I kept..”

He quit talking, Ayumi pressed the back of her hand against his forehead, “Ah,” She exclaimed, “You have a fever. It’s pretty bad.”

“Oh, don’t worry!” He responded, trying to seem optimistic. Ayumi needs to calm down a bit. She’s defiantly been pushing herself waay too much. He sniffled deeply and wiped his nose with the handkerchief, “Please I bet it’s not tha- Hechiew! HACHIEWW! Ugh,” He breathed heavily through his mouth, breathing through his nose would just too much, “I bet it’s not that bad.”

The girl got closer to him. She squinted her eyes.

Yoshiki gulped, “Don’t get too close you’ll catch it too!"

“You’re really hot.” She muttered to herself.

He blushed rose red. He fully comprehended what she meant, but still. He cleared his sore throat and backed up a bit, “So!? How about we return those eyes and get out here?”

Ayumi smiled, “Okay!”

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Sneezysniffles, this was my favorite chapter so far! So cute!!! <3 I loved when Yoshiki got all embarrassed!! wubsmiley.gif

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HELLU, Every body. :3 This isn't really an update of mine, I just HAD to share these pictures, though:




( I have way to much time on my hands. -_-)

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AWWWWWW Yoshiki looks so distraught!! It's adorable~ <3 and his sneezes, HOT :D

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HELLU! I’m both sad and excited, but this is the end of this story, I kept it short but to the point. Hopefully you’ll enjoy my writing for I’ve truly enjoyed writing this. (:

Three down, one to go. Yoshiki was still as ill as he was before, but his condition hadn’t worsened, which Ayumi supposed was good. He sniffled throughout most of the journey, and it seemed his fits seemed to be disrupting many if not all spirit encounters. His nose had now become a sore patch of red, and his eyes were watery. He and Ayumi walked, looking for a young boy around the age of five. The final child who’s tongue would be returned. Ayumi and Yoshiki made their way up the stairs when all in sudden Yoshikis’ now contanst suffering returned, HESCHIEWW! HA- HECHIEWW! HECHIEE! HACHIEW! He- Hechieww!

Unlike before, these sneezes were forceful.

His friend raised her eyebrow, “Yoshiki, are you alright?”

He wiped off a small line of liquid which reached the top of his lip with his sleeve and sniffled deeply, “Yeah, I’m, ehem,” He cleared his throat, “I’m fine.” He insisted.

She came closer to him but before she could make him more embarrassed and uncomfortable than he was a small blood stained doll fell from her bag.

“Up.” The doll exclaimed, “You’re closer, up. Up.”

Ayumi gulped, she knew they needed it but she hated that thing.

“She’s going to die there soon. You’ll see her dead. Ha. Ha. HAHA!” It wasn’t long before the doll began laughing maniacally. Ayumi’s eyes filled with tears, she yelled out crying.

Yoshiki looked over at Ayumi and kicked the object far from her reach, “You son of a bitch!” He whispered. Her crying became louder and Yoshiki, blushing all the way walked closer to her. Realizing, that he didn’t know how to take the next step Ayumi pressed her body against his, holding on his shirt.

She wiped off her tears and continued walking.

“Hechiew!” He followed after her. As much as he despised it, he picked up the doll.

They arrived where a small blue spirit sat. Yoshiki got his attention without having to speak, “HESSSHIEW!He forced as the boys’ eyes looked upward, “HESHIEWW! HA- HAASCHIEW! HESHIEWW!”

Ayumi quickly threw the bag at the boy and covered her eyes, but Yoshikis’ fit continued,HESCHIEWW! HA- HACHIEWW! HACHIEWW!

The ground seemed to shake as Yoshiki got back in control.

He was dizzy, his eyes were pained and he stood up. His head ached as he looked around in confusion. Ayumi was behind him. Before either one of them could fully comprehend the situation they looked at each other in grand joy and excitement, “FUCK YEAH!” Yoshiki yelled excitement. Ayumi ran up to him and wrapped her arms around him. He held her as well and for a second they looked into each other’s eyes. Ayumi smiled, “We’re home.”

She put her hand on his forehead, “Well you’re still kinda’ sick, but your fevers’ gone down.

The desks and chairs were parted close to each other, but before they knew it, a young girl appeared.

So it seemed despite they were home, their story was far from over.

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I'm really happy with this story thank you so much!!! I actually stayed up really late last night rewatching Cry play it XD

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Dude like no i just saw pewds play this part....XD these two. ..i pair them more then SatoshixAyumi....Naomi can get satoshi and yoshiki totally deserves Ayumi...their relationship reminds me of Keiko Yukimura and Yusuke Urameshi from Yu Yu Hakusho.

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Thank you so much for writing this story, it was fantastic! I loved how you wrote about this paring, you made them even more adorable than they were in the game.wubsmiley.gif I hope that you'll write another one sometime!! biggrinsmiley.gif

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