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"We're Brothers"(SonicxTails) Request for PryoKitsune


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Hello! *Waves frantically* so as per request from the lovely PyroKitsune, this time we're kickin' it old school with some Sonic the Hedgehog...

Werd....*Does a bad impression of a gangster* :sweatdrop:

Anyway this will be SonicxTails with Sonic sick and Tails being the caregiver in a brotherly fashion. Hope you all enjoy! :D

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"HAHA!! You'll never win Sonic!!! Just give up already! I''ve already captured your foxy friend. So why don't you be a good hedgehog and hand it over!"

You maybe wondering what's going on and the like...and as his constant companion, I'll tell you. My name is Tails, I'm a fox that can fly using my tail and my best friend is Sonic the fastest, bluest, hedgehog ever. Currently, we are in a forest...

In the rain...

Fighting Dr. Robotnik....aka Dr. Eggman as Sonic likes to call him.

Well anyway...the reason we were in this situation was my fault...I was on my way to meet Sonic earlier and while there, I saw Dr. Robotnik and his goons plotting something. I hid behind a nearby tree to hear better. Apparently, the egg-shaped man made a machine that was shaped like an octopus and believed that with more arms he could capture Sonic.

'Oh please like that would ever stop my best friend.' I thought smugly. My best friend was the fastest there ever was. Even still I left to find Sonic to warn him.

If I only stayed five minutes longer...I would have heard the real plan...

Now you know what happened? Good. So of course Sonic and I laugh about the whole thing and I took him to where the bad guys were. We see them and Sonic tells me to stay behind because he can handle the doctor himself. I was a bit put off because I could handle my own too.

"But why? I can help you know?" I say indignantly. Sonic ruffled my hair as he smiled.

"I know you can. But we don't know what this machine of Eggman's can do. He's not stupid Tails. Plus I don't want you in the way."

At that, I was completely floored. In the way!?! How dare he? Just because I'm not as strong or fast as him, doesn't mean I'm not useless.

"Sonic!! When was I ever in your way?! Just because you're fast or whatever doesn't make you better."

Sonic looked at me with a mixture of hurt and anger. Before he could say anything Sonic must have felt something because without warning, he grabbed me and ran. What was going on? For he insults me then drags me with him...and for what to show off his fast he was? While we running, I yelled for Sonic to slow down but he would not listen. After awhile, I pulled away from him falling to the ground. We were still in the forest but there was a clearing where a lake was. I started panting and Sonic rushed back to grab me but I slapped his hand away.

"SO You just insulted me saying I was in your way then you show off your stupid speed. What the hell Sonic?!?"

"Tails!! Just listen to me!! Egg-"

"NO! I will not listen! You know what? I'm done being your sidekick and not your friend. There have been times where you needed me too!! And it was YOU who everyone praised."

I was so mad that I didn't realize the horror on Sonic's face. It was there we both paled a bit as we heard a familiar chuckle and roar of an engine. When Sonic tried to push me out the way, one of the tentacles from the machine hit him and another grabbed me from the air. I struggled to get out of the iron grip but to no avail. I yelled as the tentacle squeezed me to death but lucky Sonic bounced back and was ready to fight. But Eggman seemed confident, as if he won the fight. I watched as Sonic dodged the the attacks with lighting speed. Attacking them as he went trying to free me.

'I guess I was in the way....' I thought bitterly. Suddenly the weather changed and Ur began to pour with rain...Great....

Sonic didnt let the rain stop him from trying to free me. He tried pulling and punching the metal denying and scratching it.

" Tails...imma get you outta here buddy! Eggman was stupid to target you."

"Why...because I'm an weak and easy target...?" I said sadly not looking at Sonic.

"Weak? Bud, yo're not weak...look, I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like that. I just don't want my lil' bro hurt." Sonic spoke in a gentle tone as he continued to try and free me. I was stunned. Little brother? And this whole time, I was being ignorant. I was about to say something when I heard the evil Dr laugh. Behind us was a needle with an icy bluish liquid inside.


"SONIC!! GET OUT OF THE WAY!" i screamed as Sonic freed me but it was too late...the needle stuck him in the arm and we began falling. Sonic screamed in pain as I quickly flew us to safety. I looked him over and he began shivering and weakly opened his eyes.

"T...tails....run...." He coughed and shivered as he fainted. I cried as I didn't know what to do. This was the plan all along. Slow down Sonic by capturing me.

'How could I have been so naive!?' I flew Sonic to a nearby tree and watched as he shivered and coughed wryly. Damn it! He's getting sick from whatever that stuff was and the rain. I heard the Dr.approach us and he snickered as he tried to deal his next attack.

"HAHA PATHETIC FOX!!!!! Can't even help your poor friend. I injected him with ice liquid. It causes him to slow down since his circulation has to work twice as fast to keep him warm! Its full proof!!! oh...I WIN!!!!"

The doctor forgot that Sonic had me. I had to think.of something. Looking back at him, Sonic was coughing more and more. I looked back at Dr. Eggman in fury and made my tail go faster so I could fly. The egg shaped man tried to seat me out of the way to get to Sonic. I weaved in and out, up and downand after repeating this, the Dr realized what I did.

"YOU BRAT!!!!!! Untie me!!!!"

"And why would I?"


"Exactly!!!"And with some work I found his eject button and pushed it causing the Dr. to be blown away sky high. His broken down machine remained. I chuckled as he screamed that he would have his revenge....I doubt that. I walked over to Sonic but he looked bad...his blue cheeks were flushed with fever and he was shivering. He opened his eyes slowly and looked over at me. His eyes were glazed over and red rimmed. He looked around and weakly gave me a thumbs up at disposing of Eggman. Then he teared up and his breathing became labored.

"A..a..ah..AH'SHEEEEWWWW....eshewwwww!!! Ugh...i'b sorry Dails." Sonic's voice was hoarse and sounded pained. I shook my head smiling sadly. It wasn't his fault. But mine. I placed my gloved hand on his forehead and gasped at the heat.

"Oh no!! Sonic, you're burning up. Come on buddy, I'll take you home."

"Act...Actually, I'b f...free...esheww..ESHEWWW!!! freezing...sniff."

I saw how cold and miserable he looked. This was my fault and I would help him out. I helped Sonic to his feet and hugged him to my chest not caring about his heat on me and made my tails go faster and I lifted Sonic and I to his home.

----------------- Sonic The hedgehog-------------------

We finally arrived home and as I took another long look at my friend, and he was breathing harshly. 'Oh no...he's worse....so far it's just a cold' i thought sadly as I helped Sonic in his room. I placed his sleeping form on the bed and placed the covers over him. I didn't care that the tears were flowing down my fur. But I couldn't help it...Sonic was like this because I didn't listen...I left as I went to the bathroom to get some medicine, a rag, and a bowl with cool water along with a thermometer. I came back and placed them the bedside table and turned when I heard a cough.

"Sonic?! How...are you feeling?"

"I''ve been'd bedter...hishewww." I winced as Sonic took a some tissues and blew his nose. He coughed harshly and I rubbed his back gently. I placed the thermometer in his mouth and told him to try to starve off his sneezes. Sonic nodded as his nose was running. I gently wiped his nose and back as he tried to hold them off by closing his eyes and clutching the blanket. The instrument beeped and the moment I took it out Sonic went into a harsh sneezy fit...poor guy..

"h..hi..hi'tshuuu...tshuuu....G'NXTSHUU...N'gxxt..hishew.....sniff...I..I...d..dont...feel...ASCHUUUU...i don't...feel good."

I gave the box of soft tissues to sonic as he blew into them with a pained exp<b></b>ression. I looked at the thermometer and sighed.


"Well you definitely have a fever...I'll make you some soup and tea...b..but i need you to r..rest..ok..it's probably the one thing I can do right." I said with tears in my eyes. I looked up and Sonic stared back at me with a pained face.

"Dails...dou're by best friend, dou're dot in'd the way."

I couldn't take it as I fell to my knees and cried on his bed. I felt Sonic rub my furry hair and I cried harder. He's like a brother I never had and I caused this...damn it!

"Dails...look at me...dothin dou do, will bake be hate dou. Dou're by liddle bro and I lobe dou. So stop blamin'g...he..he'ishuuu....he'ishuuu...dourself...please. If anythin'g I was reckless too."


"But, dothin pal...Dow cobe here."

Sonic held his arms opened and I cried more as I hugged him. I never felt so much love pour from him before. I hugged him back tightly as I smiled. I heard Sonic chuckle but turned away to cough. They sounded wet and chesty.

"That sounded bad Sonic. Why don't you get some sleep. I'll make you some soup and tea then give you some medicine. You can sleep afterwards ok?" i said helping Sonic lie down and pulled the warm blanket towards his chin. I placed the rag into the cool water, rung it out and placed it on Sonic's feverish head. He sighed and moaned as the cool sensation touched him...he was about to speak when his nostrils started flaring and his breathing grew rapid with each second. I knew what to do. I grabbed a wad of tissues and placed them on Sonic's streaming red nose.

"D..do..Dails...hi..hi'ISHUU...ugh.....hi..hi'tshuuu...tshuuu....G'NXTSHUU...N'gxxt..hishew....dank dou."

"Bless you...and no problem."

I smiled as I wiped Sonic's nose as he held the cool cloth on his head. He blew his nose as I threw the tissues away and placed the box on the bed next to him. Sonic closed his eyes and I slowly got off the bed to make some food and tea. Before I left the room I heard Sonic speak in a congested but gentle voice.

"Dank Do Dails....dou're the best liddle bro I could evber ask...for"

"You're the best big brother Sonic...get some sleep ok?"


After that, I chuckled as I heard my big bro snore a bit. I quietly as I could, close the door and made my way to the kitchen with a smile on my face.

We are brothers...brothers argue, they fight, and blame another for stupid crap. But at the of the day, I wouldn't have any other brother like Sonic who knows how to push my buttons but protects me without question. Just like I would for him.

Yay!!!!!! And it only took...FOREVER! to write...XD I hope you liked it PryoKitsune :hug:

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Ty,this couldn't come at a better t. First off,I simply love,love,LOVE it! I could care less about the time it took to make it. I felt guilty poking you since hunting down and reading your previous fics made two months fly by. Also add the fact that my folks have been struggling to work together since one of them up and left the house and this was a treat. It was pretty nostalgic for me. Thanks a bunch for the request!

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Ty,this couldn't come at a better t. First off,I simply love,love,LOVE it! I could care less about the time it took to make it. I felt guilty poking you since hunting down and reading your previous fics made two months fly by. Also add the fact that my folks have been struggling to work together since one of them up and left the house and this was a treat. It was pretty nostalgic for me. Thanks a bunch for the request!

One...do not feel guilt. I need to learn to update faster...

Two. Im so happy u love it. I makes my heart soar with happy feels.

And three....i am so sorry about ur folks. If my art or "writing can help you or anyone aome way..then i can sleep a little happier. And while things arent working out for ur folks, remember u are not to blame. Ok? :hug:

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Naw thanks,I'm patient enough :) Real life writes your story first plot holes and cliffhangers galore. Yeah,anything I could possibly do to aid the problem except living my life would me out of reach for me. Thanks for the kind words though. I'm not really one to catch a sour mood easily anyway and with stories like this being written,I see no reason to. Glad my happiness is your shared happiness too.

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Naw thanks,I'm patient enough :) Real life writes your story first plot holes and cliffhangers galore. Yeah,anything I could possibly do to aid the problem except living my life would me out of reach for me. Thanks for the kind words though. I'm not really one to catch a sour mood easily anyway and with stories like this being written,I see no reason to. Glad my happiness is your shared happiness too.


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