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You're too stubborn (Harry Styles/One Direction AU)


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PART NINE (Teigan's POV)

Heh...nxxt!” Gemma sneezed, shuffling into the room.

“How’d you even get sick?” Harry mumbled tiredly. “Hehtsch! Hehtsch! Heh...ugh.”

She climbed on the bed, and laid in the middle of Harry and I. “Some loser who was sitting next to me on the plane was si...nxxt...sick. He sneezed on me, and now I’m dying.” She sniffled, coughing slightly. I pulled the blankets up closer to my chin, shivering violently as my teeth chattered.

“You’re n-not.” I mumbled, batting at her. “Now sh-shuddup, I’m t-trying to s-sleep.”

Why on earth was it so cold? It felt like an icebox in here.

“How are you-Hehtsch-cold? It’s sweltering in here.” Harry groaned, sneezing into the blankets.

“H-how a-are y...h-hitsch! n-not freez-zing?”

The door opened, and Anne walked in, holding a tray of three soup bowls. “Hey, guys.” She sighed. “How are you feeling?”

“F-freezing.” I groaned, burying myself deeper in the covers.

She frowned. “Teigs, it’s seventy degrees.”

“A-and i-it’s c-c-cold.” I whined. She walked over to me, and stuck the thermometer under my tongue. I could feel myself choke on a cough, and my eyes watered irritatingly. The thermometer beeped, and she removed it quickly; almost immediately, I went into a coughing fit.

She inhaled sharply. “I’m calling the doctor.”

“How bad’s it?” I choked out between coughs.


I groaned, burying my face in the pillow. “I feel horrible.”

“I thought you were feeling better.” She frowned, shaking her head.

“I wa-hitsch! Hitsch! Hih...hitsch! Was, but now I’m n...hitsch! not.” I sniffled, wiping my nose on a tissue.

“I need to get your fever down and call your mom before I call the doctor.” She said, walking into the bathroom. I rolled on my side, holding in another sneeze.

Gemma and Harry had fallen asleep in identical positions. Both of them were lying on their backs with their right arm draped over their eyes, and their mouths open slightly, emitting soft snores as they slept. It was actually really amusing.

Ann came back with a wet washcloth, placed it on my forehead, and then handed me two ibuprofen.

“I’m going to call your mom, do you want to talk to her when I’m through?”

“Mm-hmm.” I nodded, my voice cracking.

She kissed my cheek, and then walked out of the room. I sighed, my eyes sliding shut as I drifted to sleep.

It felt like I was only asleep for a minute before I was being shaken awake.

“Honey, your mom wants to talk to you.”

I took the phone from her and held it up to my ear.

“Hi.” I croaked, sniffling.

“Hey, baby.” She cooed.

“Mommy.” I whimpered. “I don’t feel well, make it stop.”

“I’m sorry.” She sighed sympathetically. “I’m coming home.”

“What about your job?”

“It’s just a job.” She said softly. “They’re letting me postpone my trip to when you’re healthy again.”

“When will you be here?” I sniffled, scratching my nose.

“The next flight out is tonight at ten. I’ll be home around four or five tomorrow morning. Do you want me to come get you when I get here, or let you sleep and have Ann call me when you wake up?”

“Let her call you.”

“Okay.” She said. “I’m going to let you go, get some sleep.”

“Okay.” I whispered, hissing slightly as the pain in my throat.

“See you later, love you.”

“Love you too.” I sniffled, hanging up the phone.


“Teigs.” Ann said, slapping my cheeks lightly. “Teigs, wake up.”

“Mmmm?” I moaned. I was exhausted. My whole body hurt, and it seemed like a chore just to open my eyes.

“Teigan, we need to take you and Harry to the ER.” She said urgently.

“Why?” I slurred groggily.

“You both have a fever well over 103. Can you stand?”


“I know, honey.” She said, brushing my sweaty bangs off my forehead.

Everything seemed so fuzzy, and my head was swimming.

“Don’wanna.” I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut.

Why did my head hurt so bad?

“You have to.” She said urgently. “Gemma and I managed to get Harry out to the car, it’s your turn.”

I felt like I was floating...but not in a good way.

I was going to float away.

“Ann, make it stop.” I cried, choking on a sob.

“Make what stop?” She asked quietly.

“I’m going to float away, and I can’t move my arms.” I said, sobbing for real this time.

“Honey, we’re going to the ER, it’s going to be okay, but you need to help me a little.”

“Come on, Teigs.” Gemma sniffled, her voice horribly congested.

“No!” I cried. “I’m going to float away!”

“You’re not going to float away.” Ann said softly, and I felt myself being lifted off bed. They set me on my feet, and I staggered to the side. I could feel myself pitching forward.

“This isn’t going to work mom, she’s worse off than Harry.”

“It’ll work, Gem.” Ann sighed. “Wrap an arm around your shoulders and help me carry her.”

Their voices became muffled, and everything faded as the world went black.



Don't kill me, I hope this was okay haha

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Duuuuuuuuudeeeeee! This was beyond amazing! Please update soon! I'm on the edge of my seat!

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Oh my :) So many comments haha

amazingggggg biggrin.png

I cant wait for more already Y_Y

THANK YOU! :) I appreciate your guys' feedback

Duuuuuuuuudeeeeee! This was beyond amazing! Please update soon! I'm on the edge of my seat!

Long sit XD Sorry for making you guys wait (And then making a really lame joke that's not funny in the slightest

UPDATE pretty please with a cherry on top?


This is so good omg please continue this

Thank you :) I shall, the updates will just be slow because I'm lazy and tend to procrastinate

ooh please update soon! it's been 6 days... I might explode! smile.png

I didn't realize it had been that long! I'm so sorry everyone, I'm a horrible person.

ANYWHO, here's the next part, sorry it's short, I'll try to make the next part longer


“Teigan, baby.” Someone cooed softly, brushing my hair out of my face. “It’s time to wake up now.”

I pried my eyes open to find myself lying in a hospital bed in a hospital room.

What the hell happened?

“Mom?” I croaked, my eyes focusing on the woman in front of me.

She smiled slightly, stroking my cheek. “How are you feeling?”

“Horrible...a bit better than before, though...ugh, what happened?”

“Your fever was nearly 105, and you collapsed.”

I groaned, coughing into my blankets. “That’s embarrassing.”

She laughed. “They hooked you up to an iv, and gave you fluids...you were quite dehydrated.”

“When can I go home?” I sniffled, another cough wracking my body. Good God, why did my chest hurt so badly?

“Not until tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?!” I squeaked, shooting into a sitting position, and coughing again. The doctor walked in the room, and I slumped back in the pillows, wheezing slightly.

“You gave us quite the scare.” The doctor grinned. “How are you feeling?”

“Better...still horrible.”

“We’ve managed to get your fever down to 102.1, which is why you’re feeling better.”

“What’s wrong with me?” I groaned, still coughing.

“You’d caught the flu, but unfortunately, there are risks and complications to the flu. Pneumonia, in your case.”

“How the hell-” I broke off coughing, “-did I catch pneumonia?!”

“Your immune system was compromised because of the flu. Do you get sick often?”

I shook my head. “Hardly ever.”

“That’s why.” He nodded. “We started you on antibiotics. You’re going to start to feel better in a couple of days, but you still need to take the antibiotics so the pneumonia doesn’t come back. Unfortunately, there’s nothing we can do about the flu, if we would have caught it earlier, you could have been started on antivirals. Now, all you can do for that is wait until it’s passed.”

“And how long is that going to be?” I croaked, coughing again.

“Two, three weeks.”

I groaned. “This sucks. Why can’t I go home?”

“Your fever was extremely high, I want to keep you overnight for observation to make sure it doesn’t spike back up. I need to get going, if you need anything, press the call button.” He said. I nodded, and he walked out of the room.

I sighed, coughing again. “How’s Harry?”

“He’s at home.”

“Why does he get to go home, but I’m stuck here?”

“Because he wasn’t hallucinating with a nearly 105 degree fever.” She said, raising an eyebrow. “And he didn’t collapse.”

I sniffled, raising a hand to my aching head. “Mom, I’m fine.”

“Honey, you’re sick and need to get better. Don’t be stubborn, get some sleep and rest up. Are you tired?”

“Exhausted.” I yawned, rubbing my eyes.

She kissed my forehead, and I closed my eyes, falling asleep quickly.


I woke up sometime later, and my mom grinned at me.

“Morning, sleeping beauty. How’re you feeling?”

“Same.” I croaked.

“Your phone is ringing.” She said, handing it to me.

“‘lo?” I croaked, sniffling and rubbing my nose on the back of my hand.

“Hey.” Harry rasped.

“How’re you-” I pulled the phone away from my face as I went into a horribly painful coughing fit. “-feeling?”

“Pretty awful, actually. I should be asking you that. How’s the hospital?”

“Dunno...I’ve been sleeping the whole time.”

Hehtsch! Hehtsch! Ugh. I hate sneezing.” He sniffled, sounding extremely pissed off.

“Better than feeling like your lungs are trying to claw their way out of my chest.” I groaned, coughing again.

“What’d the doctor say was-hehtsch-wrong with you?”

I sniffled. “Pneumonia and the flu. What about you?”

“Just the flu.”

“Fun.” I groaned, scratching my nose, and then coughing.

“I have to heh...hehtsch! Hehtsch! Heh...hehtsch! Hehtsch!” He sneezed. “G-hehtsch! Hehtsch! Hehtsch! Heh...hehtsch! Hehtsch! *snff* Ugh. I hate sneezing, I have tears literally running down my face.” He complained, sounding incredibly congested.

I coughed, squeezing my eyes shut. “Sucks for you. Hey, how’s Gemma?”

“She’s still sick, but it’s just a cold, she doesn’t have a fever or anything, but mom’s keeping us separated so she doesn’t catch this, and I don’t catch anything worse.” He said, his breath hitching at the end. He sneezed a good four or five times before sighing in frustration.

“Oi.” I groaned, rubbing a hand down my face as my vision blurred. “I’m super dizzy...gonna go back to sleep now. Feel better.”

“Yeah, you too.” He sniffled, ending the call.

“Get some rest, honey.” Mom said, a frown on her face.

“I don’t feel well, mommy.” I whimpered, going into another coughing fit.

“I know you don’t, baby...try and sleep, sleep helps.”

I nodded, my eyes sliding shut.”

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Hjkxb7;k@kjf dccjnd fjxsd x n dxb hb dd dehcbss d nsd rj alj! That was beautiful! Sneezy Harry is my favorite Harry!

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Hjkxb7;k@kjf dccjnd fjxsd x n dxb hb dd dehcbss d nsd rj alj! That was beautiful! Sneezy Harry is my favorite Harry!

I see the feels have hit you hard XD It's all good, they hit me hard too. All the time

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aww this is just too precious please continue

Thank you :)

yep yep continue and soon if its possible *O*

And i am in love with the teigs sick parts *O*

I will :)

I decided to make them both suffer, since some people wanted Harry to suffer, and some people wanted Teigan to suffer.

Best of both worlds XD

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I was released the next morning when they were fairly certain that my fever wouldn’t spike back up dangerously high. Although it had been at a steady 101 for the past eighteen hours, we were given strict instructions to come back in immediately if it rose to 103.

Basically, mom had chained me to the couch

“YOU’RE GONNA DIE IF YOU DON’T REST!” she had screeched frantically, waving her arms like a mad woman and bustled around the living room, grabbing me tissues, and water, and tea, and pillows, and blankets (but not too many, or I would apparently die).

“That’s a bit dramatic, don’t you think?” I croaked tiredly, gazing at her through my barely-open eyelids.

“I don’t want you to die.”

“Yeesh...all this talk about death. It’s a bit depressing. S’just pneumonia.”

“And the flu.” She sighed, shaking her head. “Honestly, if I knew it’d turn out this badly, I’d have kept you home the first day you said you weren’t feeling well. This is all my fault, I’m so sorry, honey.”

“S’okay.” I sniffled, rubbing my nose on the blankets.

“How are you feeling?” She asked softly, sitting on the edge of the couch and stroking my hair.

“There are no words to describe how awful I feel.”

The phone rang, and my mom stood up, walking into the kitchen. “Hello?...oh no...I’m so sorry...is he alright? How long is he gonna be in there for?...well, crap. How’s his asthma doing?...I’m really, sorry, Ann.”

I rolled on my side, curling into a ball and pulling the blankets over my nose and mouth. “Heh...hehtsch! Hehtsch! Hhh...hehtsch! Hhhhhihhh....heh...hehtsch!”

Mom walked back over to me, a worried expression on her face.

“What’s wrogg?” I sniffled, blowing my nose.

“Harry caught pneumonia.”

“Shit.” I groaned, going into a coughing fit.

Harry had unfortunately been cursed with horrible allergies, and awful asthma. Luckily, he seemed to have it under control for the most part. You know, until he got sick and wound up with a cough. He’d caught bronchitis a few years back, and had such a bad asthma attack, that he wound up in the hospital for three days.

This was much worse.

“Is he okay?” I croaked through coughs.

“He’s in the hospital. Ann isn’t sure how long he’ll be there for, but they have him on breathing treatments.”

“This is my fault.” I croaked, sneezing again.

“Don’t stress yourself out, hon.” She said, cupping my cheek. “These things happen, get some rest.”

(Harry’s POV)


That was the only word that came close to how horrible I felt. My mom was sitting in a hospital chair next to the bed, flipping through a magazine while I struggled to get some sleep.

Between the rattling in my chest, and the stuffed up...everything, it was not an easy feat. It was a feat that was proving impossible right now.

“Having trouble?” Mom asked, concern lacing her voice.

“I can’t breathe...my nose is all stuffed up, and my ears are clogged, and my chest is tight and hurts.” I groaned, coughing. “I’m never hanging out with Teigan again, this settles it.”

Mom chuckled. “Oh, honey. You know that’s a lie straight from hell.”

I groaned, pressing my face into the pillow, sneezed, and then went into a coughing fit. “Can I just pretend like I’ve disowned and shunned her from my life? Because this is horrible.”

“Ah, but see, that would be hypocritical of you, since you’re the one that got her sick in the first place. Did she disown you? Did she shun you from her life? Nope.”

I coughed again. “You have a point. Damn it.”

Mom laughed. “Get some sleep, honey. You definitely need it.”

I sniffled, wiped my nose on a tissue, and then nodded as my eyelids grew heavier and heavier.

Eventually, I was out.


Meh. Boring chapter. Oh well, let me know what you think, and what you'd like to happen next.

SHANSH GUISE twitchsmile.gif

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Soooo, I don't really read Harry Styles/1D fanfiction, but this is amazing! You may or may not have converted me to the 1D fandom if this is what the rest of their sick fics are like :) Great job!

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Soooo, I don't really read Harry Styles/1D fanfiction, but this is amazing! You may or may not have converted me to the 1D fandom if this is what the rest of their sick fics are like smile.png Great job!


Really though, that's quite a compliment :) Thank you!

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Soooo, I don't really read Harry Styles/1D fanfiction, but this is amazing! You may or may not have converted me to the 1D fandom if this is what the rest of their sick fics are like smile.png Great job!


Really though, that's quite a compliment smile.png Thank you!

Same i wasnt a big fan of 1D but this fandom inspired me to read more too xD

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  • 3 weeks later...

After a couple of weeks, Harry and Teigan were back on their feet, and back at school.

“Oh my gosh, that was absolute HELL.” Harry groaned, shaking his head.

“You’re telling me, I thought I was going to die.” Teigan sighed, coughing slightly. “The cough is still here, which sucks.”

“Ugh, same.” Harry sighed, sniffling slightly.

“Still stuffed up?” She frowned.

“It always happens after being sick for so long, freaking stuffy nose that doesn’t go away for a few more weeks. I still can’t really smell anything.”

Teigan shot him a sympathetic look. “So you’re still not feeling well?”

“Eh...I’ve been better, but also worse.”

“I’m surprised your mom let you leave the house without being completely healed.”

Harry laughed, and then sniffled. “Yeah, well, apparently I was driving her bonkers. She practically shoved me out the door this morning, since I didn’t have a fever or anything.”

Teigan giggled, and then groaned. “The amount of makeup work we’re going to have is insane.”

Harry exhaled sharply. “Dammit. Do we have to go, or can we skip school and launch our music careers. I think I’d be great at it.”

“You’ve heard me sing. You’re not bad, but I sound like a flippin’ dying animal.”

Harry snorted. “I don’t think our careers as musicians would pan out.”

“Me neither, but there’s always autotune. But I still stick by my theory that you were in a boyband in another life.”

Harry laughed, and then sniffled harshly. “You know...I think I’m good with never getting sick ever again.”

Teigan grinned. “Me too.”

They reached school a little while later, and Teigan sighed, going into a coughing fit.

“I’m going to go get all my assignments...if I die, you can have my stuff.”

Harry grinned. “I hope you die, you have nice stuff-oooh! Do I get your clothes, too?”

Teigan snickered. “Yeah, you know that really nice teal dress? You could totally rock that.”

“I think so too.” He smirked.

“It’ll really compliment your eyes.”

“Yeah?” He wrinkled his nose, and then buried his face in the crook of his elbow. “Hi’kshiew-kshiew!”

“Bless you.”

He sniffled. “Thanks.”

Teigan nodded. “Mmkay, see you at lunch.”

She took off to her classes, and after countless explanations of why she was out for so long, she had her mountain of schoolwork that was all due by next month.

By lunch time she was exhausted, an irritating side effect of having just barely recovered from pneumonia and the flu.

“Are you completely exhausted, or is it just me?” Harry mumbled, sitting at the table.

“I just want to sleep, I’m so tired.” Teigan groaned, resting her head in her folded arms.

“Wanna skip?” Harry asked, grinning widely at her.

“You serious? I just went to all of my teachers and got my assignments from them. They know I’m here.”

Harry sighed. “Yeah...true...”

Eventually, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch, and Harry and Teigan walked to Spanish class.



Sorry the ending was so bad, and took so long. I literally had no idea how to end it, and I felt their story was finished. Prolonging it would only drag the story on.

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This is the very first fan fiction I've ever read, and had it not been for your fun writing style and good story telling, I might not have :P Even though I don't know anything about One Direction, the characters sounded real enough to where I didn't have to know them prior to reading the story.

I saw a lot of similarities to this story's plot and the Piper x Zander fic I read before, having all my favorite elements of a care-taking scenario with plenty of sneezes and delicious denial! As I have for the two original works I've seen already, I really liked the dialogues and character interactions that made it easier to imagine every situation unfold. You made some excellent work with this one!

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On December 17, 2015 at 5:06 AM, Browniee said:

This is so gooood!! Hey! Are you on wattpad? Are you xLeftyx?

I am! I forgot my password though, and the password for the email I used, so I can't log in on that account anymore haha

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